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Contribution to the knowledge of top dying of Norway spruce in the forests of Serbia and Montenegro

dc.creatorVemić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMilenković, Ivan
dc.description.abstractPojava odumiranja vrhova stabala smrče složen je poremećaj koji još uvek nije u potpunosti objašnjen. Kao osnovni uzročnik smatra se kompleksan fiziološki poremećaj stabala, izazvan neadekvatnim vremenskim uslovima u zimskom periodu godine, kao i sušni i toplotni stres. Prilikom monitoringa zdravstvenog stanja stabala smrče, prisustvo pojave sušenja vrhova stabala utvrđeno je u različitim šumama Srbije i Crne Gore. U radu su prikazani simptomi sušenja vrhova i najčešći abiotički i biotički uzročnici. Takođe, prikazana je povezanost između abiotičkih uzročnika sušenja vrhova stabala smrče i pojave određenih vrsta parazitskih gljiva na ovim stablima. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da na procese sušenja vrhova stabala smrče u istraživanim šumskim kompleksima gotovo uvek istovremeno utiče više faktora, bez obzira na to koji od njih je dominantan.SR
dc.description.abstractThe occurrence of top dying of Norway spruce trees is a serious disturbance not fully explained yet. A complex physiological disorder of trees caused by inadequate winter weather conditions is considered the principal cause, besides the drought and heat stress. Monitoring of the health condition of spruce trees confirmed the occurrence of tree top dying in different forests of Serbia and Montenegro. This paper presents the symptoms of top dying and the most common abiotic and biotic agents. Furthermore, we explained the link between abiotic agents and the occurrence of parasitic fungi on these trees. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the process of spruce top dying in domestic forests is nearly always influenced by several factors, regardless of the fact which factor is the principal one.EN
dc.publisherUdruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.subjectsušenje vrhova smrčeSR
dc.subjectsimptomi sušenjaSR
dc.subjectPicea abiesSR
dc.subjectpatogene gljiveSR
dc.subjecttop dying of Norway spruceEN
dc.subjectPicea abiesEN
dc.subjectpathogenic fungiEN
dc.subjectdying symptomsEN
dc.titlePrilog poznavanju odumiranja vrhova smrče ("top dying") u šumama Srbije i Crne GoreSR
dc.titleContribution to the knowledge of top dying of Norway spruce in the forests of Serbia and MontenegroEN
dc.citation.other73(1-2): 189-199



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