Višekriterijumska analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika određenih šumskih područja u Srbiji
Multicriteria analysis of comparative climate characteristics of some forest areas in Serbia
U radu je prikazana analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika četiri šumska područja (ŠP) centralne Srbije: područje istočne Srbije, gde se nalazi Timočko ŠP; jugoistočne Srbije-Jablaničko ŠP; centralnog dela Srbije-Donjeibarsko ŠP i zapadne Srbije-Tarsko-zlatiborsko ŠP, primenom višekriterijumske analize. Korišćeni su podaci sa osam klimatoloških stanica, koje se nalaze u okviru navedenih ŠP: četiri nizijske-Negotin (42 m n.v.), Leskovac (230 m n.v.), Kraljevo (215 m n.v.) i Požega (310 m n.v) i četiri visinske-Crni vrh (1027m n.v.), Kukavica (1438 m n.v.), Kopaonik (1710 m n.v.) i Zlatibor (1028 m n.v.), za referentni period 1981-2010. godina. Primenom metoda linearnih visinskih gradijenata dobijene su vrednosti klimatskih elemenata za nadmorske visine od 100 do 1500 m. Prikazane su godišnje i vrednosti za vegetacioni period najvažnijih klimatskih elemenata: temperature vazduha i padavina. Klimatske karakteristike analiziranih područja određene su primenom klimatskih indeksa po Ker...neru, Seljaninovu, Furnijeu, De Martonu, UNEP-u i Fireru, dok je klasifikacija klime određena po Torntvajtu, Langu i Elenbergu.
The paper presents a multi-criteria analysis of comparative climate characteristics of four forest areas (FA) of Central Serbia: the area of Eastern Serbia, where the Timok FA is located; the area of southeastern Serbia with the Jablanica FA; the central part of Serbia with the Donji Ibar FA and the area of western Serbia with the Tara-Zlatibor FA. The analysis is based on data obtained from eight weather stations. The stations are located within the mentioned FA: four lowland stations -Negotin (42 m above sea level), Leskovac (230 m above sea level), Kraljevo (215 m above sea level) and Požega (310 m above sea level) and four high-altitude weather stations -Crni Vrh (1027 m above sea level), Kukavica (1438 m above sea level), Kopaonik (1710 m above sea level) and Zlatibor (1028 m above sea level), for the 1981-2010 reference period. The values of climate elements for altitudes from 100 to 1500 m were obtained by applying the method of linear elevational gradients. The annual values fo...r the growing season of the most important climate elements (air temperature and precipitation) are presented. The climate characteristics of the study areas were determined by applying climate indices according to Kerner, Selyaninov, Fournier, De Martonne, UNEP, and Führer, and the climate was classified according to Thornthwaite, Lang, and Ellenberg
višekriterijumska analiza / šumska područja / klimatski tip / klimatske karakteristike / centralna Srbija / multicriteria analysis / forest areas / climate type / climate characteristics / central SerbiaSource:
Šumarstvo, 2021, 73, 1-2, 7-23Publisher:
- Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
Šumarski fakultetTY - JOUR AU - Babić, Violeta AU - Krstić, Milun PY - 2021 UR - AB - U radu je prikazana analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika četiri šumska područja (ŠP) centralne Srbije: područje istočne Srbije, gde se nalazi Timočko ŠP; jugoistočne Srbije-Jablaničko ŠP; centralnog dela Srbije-Donjeibarsko ŠP i zapadne Srbije-Tarsko-zlatiborsko ŠP, primenom višekriterijumske analize. Korišćeni su podaci sa osam klimatoloških stanica, koje se nalaze u okviru navedenih ŠP: četiri nizijske-Negotin (42 m n.v.), Leskovac (230 m n.v.), Kraljevo (215 m n.v.) i Požega (310 m n.v) i četiri visinske-Crni vrh (1027m n.v.), Kukavica (1438 m n.v.), Kopaonik (1710 m n.v.) i Zlatibor (1028 m n.v.), za referentni period 1981-2010. godina. Primenom metoda linearnih visinskih gradijenata dobijene su vrednosti klimatskih elemenata za nadmorske visine od 100 do 1500 m. Prikazane su godišnje i vrednosti za vegetacioni period najvažnijih klimatskih elemenata: temperature vazduha i padavina. Klimatske karakteristike analiziranih područja određene su primenom klimatskih indeksa po Kerneru, Seljaninovu, Furnijeu, De Martonu, UNEP-u i Fireru, dok je klasifikacija klime određena po Torntvajtu, Langu i Elenbergu. AB - The paper presents a multi-criteria analysis of comparative climate characteristics of four forest areas (FA) of Central Serbia: the area of Eastern Serbia, where the Timok FA is located; the area of southeastern Serbia with the Jablanica FA; the central part of Serbia with the Donji Ibar FA and the area of western Serbia with the Tara-Zlatibor FA. The analysis is based on data obtained from eight weather stations. The stations are located within the mentioned FA: four lowland stations -Negotin (42 m above sea level), Leskovac (230 m above sea level), Kraljevo (215 m above sea level) and Požega (310 m above sea level) and four high-altitude weather stations -Crni Vrh (1027 m above sea level), Kukavica (1438 m above sea level), Kopaonik (1710 m above sea level) and Zlatibor (1028 m above sea level), for the 1981-2010 reference period. The values of climate elements for altitudes from 100 to 1500 m were obtained by applying the method of linear elevational gradients. The annual values for the growing season of the most important climate elements (air temperature and precipitation) are presented. The climate characteristics of the study areas were determined by applying climate indices according to Kerner, Selyaninov, Fournier, De Martonne, UNEP, and Führer, and the climate was classified according to Thornthwaite, Lang, and Ellenberg PB - Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd T2 - Šumarstvo T1 - Višekriterijumska analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika određenih šumskih područja u Srbiji T1 - Multicriteria analysis of comparative climate characteristics of some forest areas in Serbia EP - 23 IS - 1-2 SP - 7 VL - 73 UR - conv_40 ER -
@article{ author = "Babić, Violeta and Krstić, Milun", year = "2021", abstract = "U radu je prikazana analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika četiri šumska područja (ŠP) centralne Srbije: područje istočne Srbije, gde se nalazi Timočko ŠP; jugoistočne Srbije-Jablaničko ŠP; centralnog dela Srbije-Donjeibarsko ŠP i zapadne Srbije-Tarsko-zlatiborsko ŠP, primenom višekriterijumske analize. Korišćeni su podaci sa osam klimatoloških stanica, koje se nalaze u okviru navedenih ŠP: četiri nizijske-Negotin (42 m n.v.), Leskovac (230 m n.v.), Kraljevo (215 m n.v.) i Požega (310 m n.v) i četiri visinske-Crni vrh (1027m n.v.), Kukavica (1438 m n.v.), Kopaonik (1710 m n.v.) i Zlatibor (1028 m n.v.), za referentni period 1981-2010. godina. Primenom metoda linearnih visinskih gradijenata dobijene su vrednosti klimatskih elemenata za nadmorske visine od 100 do 1500 m. Prikazane su godišnje i vrednosti za vegetacioni period najvažnijih klimatskih elemenata: temperature vazduha i padavina. Klimatske karakteristike analiziranih područja određene su primenom klimatskih indeksa po Kerneru, Seljaninovu, Furnijeu, De Martonu, UNEP-u i Fireru, dok je klasifikacija klime određena po Torntvajtu, Langu i Elenbergu., The paper presents a multi-criteria analysis of comparative climate characteristics of four forest areas (FA) of Central Serbia: the area of Eastern Serbia, where the Timok FA is located; the area of southeastern Serbia with the Jablanica FA; the central part of Serbia with the Donji Ibar FA and the area of western Serbia with the Tara-Zlatibor FA. The analysis is based on data obtained from eight weather stations. The stations are located within the mentioned FA: four lowland stations -Negotin (42 m above sea level), Leskovac (230 m above sea level), Kraljevo (215 m above sea level) and Požega (310 m above sea level) and four high-altitude weather stations -Crni Vrh (1027 m above sea level), Kukavica (1438 m above sea level), Kopaonik (1710 m above sea level) and Zlatibor (1028 m above sea level), for the 1981-2010 reference period. The values of climate elements for altitudes from 100 to 1500 m were obtained by applying the method of linear elevational gradients. The annual values for the growing season of the most important climate elements (air temperature and precipitation) are presented. The climate characteristics of the study areas were determined by applying climate indices according to Kerner, Selyaninov, Fournier, De Martonne, UNEP, and Führer, and the climate was classified according to Thornthwaite, Lang, and Ellenberg", publisher = "Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd", journal = "Šumarstvo", title = "Višekriterijumska analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika određenih šumskih područja u Srbiji, Multicriteria analysis of comparative climate characteristics of some forest areas in Serbia", pages = "23-7", number = "1-2", volume = "73", url = "conv_40" }
Babić, V.,& Krstić, M.. (2021). Višekriterijumska analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika određenih šumskih područja u Srbiji. in Šumarstvo Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 73(1-2), 7-23. conv_40
Babić V, Krstić M. Višekriterijumska analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika određenih šumskih područja u Srbiji. in Šumarstvo. 2021;73(1-2):7-23. conv_40 .
Babić, Violeta, Krstić, Milun, "Višekriterijumska analiza uporednih klimatskih karakteristika određenih šumskih područja u Srbiji" in Šumarstvo, 73, no. 1-2 (2021):7-23, conv_40 .