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Selection of a strategy for the implementation of floating islands in practice

dc.creatorČule, Nevena
dc.creatorVujanov, Tanja
dc.creatorSredojević, Zorica
dc.creatorBojović, Mirjana
dc.creatorNešić, Marija
dc.creatorMitrović, Suzana
dc.creatorBrašanac-Bosanac, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractPlutajuća ostrva su tehnologija za prečišćavanje voda koja ima ekološki, ekonomski i društveni značaj. U ovom radu su primenom SWOT analize određeni raspoloživi resursi i mogućnosti plutajućih ostrva prema pretnjama i šansama za uvođenje u standardnu infrastrukturu za tretman zagađenih voda. Zaključeno je da je plutajuća ostrva imaju multifunkcionalan značaj u predelu u kome se nalaze. Pored revitalizacije vodenih površina, ona dovode i do povećanja estetske vrednosti okoline, što može uticati na povećanje vrednosti nekretnina u blizini, privlačenje investitora, razvoj turizma, stvaranje prostora za rekreaciju i odmor stanovništva i finansiranje narednih ekoloških projekata. Najveća prepreka za implementaciju plutajućih ostrva je to što oni nisu prepoznati u zakonima i propisima Republike Srbije. Međutim, primenom odabrane optimalne strategije, koja se fokusira na interne snage biološkog sistema da bi što bolje iskoristila eksterne šanse za konstrukciju, postavljanje, primenu, monitoring i održavanje plutajućih ostrva omogućilo bi se brže prihvatanje ove tehnologije i njena primena u praksi.SR
dc.description.abstractFloating islands are water treatment technology that has ecological, economic, and social significance. This study determines the available resources and possibilities of the floating islands according to the threats and chances for their introduction into the standard infrastructure for the treatment of polluted waters by applying the SWOT analysis. It was concluded that the floating islands have a multifunctional significance in the located landscape. In addition to the water revitalization, these biological systems increase the aesthetic value of the environment, and value of the nearby real estate, attract investors, improve tourism development, create space for recreation and leisure, and opportunities for financing future environmental projects. The biggest obstacle to the implementation of floating islands is that they are not recognized in the laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia. However, the application of the selected optimal strategy, which focuses on the internal strengths of the biological system to make the best use of external opportunities for construction, installation, application, monitoring and maintenance of floating islands, can enable faster acceptance of this technology and its application in practice.EN
dc.publisherNaučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd
dc.subjectzagađenje vodeSR
dc.subjectSWOT analizaSR
dc.subjectplutajuća ostrvaSR
dc.subjectekološki sistemSR
dc.subjectwater pollutionEN
dc.subjectSWOT analysisEN
dc.subjectfloating islandsEN
dc.subjectecological systemEN
dc.titleIzbor strategije za implementaciju plutajućih ostrva u praksiSR
dc.titleSelection of a strategy for the implementation of floating islands in practiceEN
dc.citation.other28(104): 634-642

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