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Potentials of the assessment of the wood quality in standing trees by applying acoustic methods

dc.creatorŽivanović, Ivana
dc.creatorTodorović, Nebojša
dc.creatorRakonjac, Ljubinko
dc.creatorJovanović, Filip
dc.description.abstractNa osnovu literaturnih izvora, u radu su razmatrane akustična tomografija i ultrazvučna metoda, kao i sprave koje su namenjene ispitivanju efekata koje trulež ima na svojstva drveta. Kako bi se načinio pregled rezultata dobijenih u brojnim istraživanjima, primenjen je analitičko-sintetički metod sa procenom podataka. Rezultati pokazuju dobru korelisanost između analiziranih svojstava drveta i njegovog kvaliteta. Tako, mnoga istraživanja pokazuju dobru korelisanost između brzine zvučnih talasa i gustine drveta, kao i ostalih njegovih svojstava. Promene u brzini zvučnih talasa i varijacije u gustini drveta koje su izazvane truležima su isto tako uspešno detektovane primenom ultrazvučnih instrumenata. Ovo znači da se kvalitet drveta može proceniti in situ i da opisane metode i sprave mogu doprineti boljem odlučivanju u praksi. Ipak, neophodno je istaći da sve metode i sprave predstavljaju samo pomagala za merenje i ispitivanje svojstava drveta i da se praktično iskustvo stručnjaka ne može nadomestiti nikakvim mernim
dc.description.abstractBased on literature sources, the stress wave and ultrasound methods and tools designed for the evaluation of the effects of decay on wood are discussed in this paper. To make a review of the results obtained in numerous studies, the analytic-synthetic method was used and the evaluation of data was conducted. The results revealed high correlations between the measured properties and the actual wood quality. A number of studies show that the acoustic wave velocities correlate well to wood density and other wood properties. Changes in the acoustic velocity and wood density variations caused by decay have also been detected successfully using the ultrasonic tools. This means that wood quality can be assessed in situ and that the methods and devices in question can help us make the right decisions. Still, it must be pointed out that all the methods and devices used are only measuring and quantifying tools, and practical human experience cannot be replaced by any measuring tools.en
dc.publisherInstitut za šumarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSustainable Forestry: Collection
dc.subjectsvojstva drvetasr
dc.subjectprerada drvetasr
dc.subjectnedestruktivno ispitivanje drvetasr
dc.subjectkvalitet drvetasr
dc.subjectakustične metodesr
dc.subjectwood qualityen
dc.subjectwood propertiesen
dc.subjectwood productionen
dc.subjectnon-destructive wood investigationen
dc.subjectacoustic methodsen
dc.titleMogućnosti procene kvaliteta drveta dubećih stabala primenom akustičnih metodasr
dc.titlePotentials of the assessment of the wood quality in standing trees by applying acoustic methodsen
dc.citation.other(81-82): 121-132

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