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Variability of morphometric characteristics of pedunculate oak (Quercus Robur L.) acorn and one-year old seedlings at the level of seed stand RS-2-2-qro-11-828

dc.creatorPopović, Vladan
dc.creatorLučić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorRakonjac, Ljubinko
dc.creatorKerkez-Janković, Ivona
dc.description.abstractU cilju procene genetskog potencijala izvora reproduktivnog materijala sprovedena su istraživanja varijabilnosti 10 grupa semenskih stabala hrasta lužnjaka na nivou morfometrijskih svojstava semena i jednogodišnjih sadnica. Seme je sakupljeno u jesen 2017. godine u semenskoj sastojini RS-2-2-qro-11-828, čija je osnovna namena proizvodnja kvalitetnog semena za potrebe veštačkog obnavljanja šuma. Na čitavoj površini sastojine izdvojeno je deset grupa sa po pet materinskih stabala sa kojih je sakupljeno seme. Na uzorku od 50 žireva po grupi izmereni su dužina, širina i masa žira. Na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti izračunati su indeks oblika (odnos dužine i širine) i zapremina žira (prema formuli za računanje zapremine valjka). U rasadniku Instituta za šumarstvo u proleće 2018. godine osnovan je rasadnički test i u starosti sadnica 1+0 izvršena su merenja prečnika u korenovom vratu i visine sadnica. Prosečne vrednosti za posmatrana svojstva semena i sadnica dobijene u istraživanjima, ukazuju na visoku unutarpopulacionu varijabilnost. Rezultati analizom varijanse pokazuju statistički značajne razlike između uzorkovanih grupa materinskih stabala za sva posmatrana svojstva, osim za dužinu žira. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, istraživana semenska sastojina se može oceniti kao visoko kvalitetna za proizvodnju reproduktivnog materijala. Dobijene rezultate treba prihvatiti kao preliminarne. Oni predstavljaju dobru polaznu osnovu za utvrđivanje genetske raznolikosti, a sve u cilju proizvodnje kvalitetnog repromaterijala hrasta lužnjaka.SR
dc.description.abstractTo assess the genetic potential of the reproductive material source, we studied the variability of 10 pedunculate oak groups at the level of morphometric characteristics of seed and one-year-old seedlings. In autumn 2017, acorns were collected from the seed stand RS-2-2-qro-11-828, whose primary purpose is the production of quality seed for artificial forest regeneration. Over the entire stand area, ten groups of five mother trees were selected for seed collection. A sample of 50 acorns per group was used to measure the length, width, and mass of the acorn. The obtained values were used to calculate the shape index (length to width ratio) and volume (using the formula for the cylinder volume calculation) of the acorn. Nursery testing was initiated in the nursery of the Institute of Forestry in spring 2018 and the height and root collar diameter of 1+0 seedlings were measured. The average values obtained for the observed acorns and seedlings in the study indicated high intra-population variability. The results of the analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences between the sampled mother tree groups for all observed properties except for the acorn length. Based on the obtained results, the study seed stand can be evaluated as a high-quality stand for the production of reproductive material. The obtained results are only preliminary. However, they are a good starting point for the determination of diversity, all with the purpose of producing good quality oak reproductive material.EN
dc.publisherUdruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31070/RS//
dc.subjecthrast lužnjakSR
dc.subjectpedunculate oakEN
dc.titleVarijabilnost morfometrijskih svojstava žira i jednogodišnjih sadnica hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus Robur L.) na nivou semenske sastojine RS-2-2-qro-11-828SR
dc.titleVariability of morphometric characteristics of pedunculate oak (Quercus Robur L.) acorn and one-year old seedlings at the level of seed stand RS-2-2-qro-11-828EN
dc.citation.other72(1-2): 1-11



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