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Analysis of morphological quality parameters of oneyear old bare root sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl) seedlings

dc.creatorPopović, Vladan
dc.creatorLučić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorRakonjac, Ljubinko
dc.creatorKerkez-Janković, Ivona
dc.description.abstractU radu su analizirani morfološki parametri kvaliteta jednogodišnjih sadnica hrasta kitnjaka (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl) i njihovi međusobni odnosi. Na osnovu obavljenih analiza utvrđeno je koji od merenih morfoloških parametara, uz minimalno trošenje vremena i sredstava daje najtačniju procenu kvaliteta jednogodišnjih sadnica. Za sprovedena istraživanja sadnice su proizvedene u rasadniku Instituta za šumarstvo u Beogradu, u ujednačenim uslovima sredine od semena sakupljenog u semenskoj sastojini RS-2-2-qpe-22-169. Sadnice su proizvedene u istoj leji, a uzorak za analize je uzet tako što je leja podeljena na četiri dela i iz svakog dela je metodom slučajnog uzorka uzeto po 30 sadnica. Mereni su sledeći morfološki parametri: prečnik u korenovom vratu, visina sadnica, masa nadzemnog i podzemnog dela sadnica u apsolutno suvom stanju i zapremina korena. Na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti izračunati su odnosi visina:prečnik u korenovom vratu, masa nadzemnog:masa podzemnog dela sadnice i indeks kvaliteta. Visina sadnica i prečnik u korenovom vratu su dobri pokazatelji kvaliteta, što je potvrđeno pozitivnim korelativnim vezama sa ostalim merenim morfološkim parametrima. Jača zavisnost je utvrđena kod prečnika u korenovom vratu, naročito sa indeksom kvaliteta, pa se on može preporučiti kao dobar pokazatelj kvaliteta jednogodišnjih sadnica kitnjaka. Indeks kvaliteta se potvrdio kao najobuhvatniji morfološki pokazatelj kvaliteta sadnica.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyzes the morphological quality parameters of one-year-old sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl) seedlings and their interrelations. Based on the performed analyzes, it was determined which of the measured morphological parameters, with minimal time and resources spent, gives the most accurate estimate of the quality of one-year old seedlings. For the conducted research, seedlings were produced in the nursery of the Institute of Forestry in Belgrade, in uniform environmental conditions from seed collected in seed stand RS-2-2-qpe-22-169. The seedlings were produced in the same nursery seedbed, and the sample for analysis was taken by dividing the seedbed into four sections and taking 30 seedlings from each section by random sampling. The following morphological parameters were measured: root collar diameter, height of seedlings, weight of above and underground part of seedling in absolutely dry condition and root volume. Based on the measured values, height ratios were calculated as follows: height:root collar diameter, weight of aboveground part of seedling: weight of underground part of seedling, and quality index. The height of the seedlings and root collar diameter are good indicators of quality, which is confirmed by the positive correlative relationships with other measured morphological parameters. A stronger dependence has been found in the root collar diameter, especially with the quality index, so it can be recommended as a good indicator of the quality of the one-year old sessile oak seedlings. The quality index has been confirmed as the most comprehensive morphological indicator of the seedling quality.en
dc.publisherInstitut za šumarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31070/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31041/RS//
dc.sourceSustainable Forestry: Collection
dc.subjectmorfološki parametrisr
dc.subjectsessile oaken
dc.subjectmorphological parametersen
dc.titleAnaliza morfoloških parametara kvaliteta jednogodišnjih sadnica kitnjaka (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl) sa golim korenomsr
dc.titleAnalysis of morphological quality parameters of oneyear old bare root sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl) seedlingsen
dc.citation.other(79-80): 23-31



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