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The curing behavior of urea-formaldehyde adhesive in the presence of chemically treated narrow-leaved ash

dc.creatorPopović, Mlađan
dc.creatorPopović, Jasmina
dc.creatorĐiporović-Momčilović, Milanka
dc.creatorVukić, Nevena
dc.creatorBudinski-Simendić, Jaroslava
dc.creatorGavrilović-Grmuša, Ivana
dc.creatorHamid, Fadhil
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu istraživan je uticaj pred-tretmana poljskog jasena (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. ssp. Pannonica Soo & Simon) na tok očvršćavanja urea-formaldehidnog (UF) adheziva. Metoda diferecijalne skenirajuće kalorimetrije (DSC) korišćena je za praćenje reakcije očvršćavanja UF adheziva u smeši sa netretiranim drvnim brašnom (kontrolna serija) i drvnim brašnom dobijenim od različito tretiranog iverja poljskog jasena. Primenjena su tri različita pred-tretmana: tretman rastvorom natrijum karbonata (0,03 g/g apsolutno suvog drveta), tretman rastvorom sirćetne kiseline (0,06 g/g apsolutno suvog drveta) i tretman destilovanom vodom. Rezultati praćenja očvršćavanja različitih adhezivnih sistema nisu ukazali na značajne razlike u temperaturama maksimuma reakcije, kao niti u vrednostima entalpije reakcije. Međutim, relativno niže vrednosti energije aktivacije uočene su kod UF adhezivnih sistema sa drvnim brašnom dobijenim nakon alkalnog i kiselog tretmana (76,64 and 76,92 kJ/mol) u odnosu na UF adhezive sa kontrolnim (netretiranim) drvnim brašnom i drvnim brašnom tretiranim vodom (79,28 and 79,14 kJ/mol). Pored toga, primenjene izo-konverzione metode pokazale su različito ponašanje ispitivanih UF adhezivnih sistema tokom očvršćavanja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe influence of Narrow Leaved Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. ssp. Pannonica Soo & Simon) pre-treatments on the curing behavior of urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesive was studied. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to monitor the curing reaction of UF adhesive mixed with non-treated wood flour (control series) and wood flour of Narrow leaved Ash obtained after different pre-treatments of wood particles. Three different pre-treatments were applied, one with sodium carbonate solution (0.03 g/g of dry wood), one with acetic acid solution (0.06 g/g of dry wood) and one with distilled water. The curing reaction of different adhesive systems showed no apparent differences in peak temperature values, and there were no significant differences in the enthalpy of the reaction. However, it was assessed that the activation energy has lower values for the UF systems with alkaline and acid treated wood flour (76.64 and 76.92 kJ/mol) in regard to the UF systems with control (untreated) wood flour and water treated wood flour (79.28 and 79.14 kJ/mol). In addition, the application of iso-conversional models have shown different curing behavior of UF adhesive systems.en
dc.publisherInženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31041/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/45022/RS//
dc.sourceMaterials Protection
dc.subjectUF adhezivsr
dc.subjectpoljski jasensr
dc.subjectkinetika očvršćavanjasr
dc.subjecthemijski tretmansr
dc.subjectUF adhesiveen
dc.subjectnarrow-leaved ashen
dc.subjectcuring kineticsen
dc.subjectchemical treatmenten
dc.titleOčvršćavanje urea-formaldehidnog adheziva u prisustvu hemijski tretiranog drveta poljskog jasenasr
dc.titleThe curing behavior of urea-formaldehyde adhesive in the presence of chemically treated narrow-leaved ashen
dc.citation.other60(1): 64-69



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