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The impact of weather conditions on the occurrence of forest fire in`Stara Planina` Nature Park in July 2007

dc.creatorŽivanović, Stanimir
dc.creatorVukin, Marina
dc.creatorKanjevac, Branko
dc.description.abstractZaštićena prirodna područja u našoj zemlji, većinom, kao glavnu vegetacijsku karakteristiku imaju znatne površine pod šumskim kompleksima. Ovo su šume izuzete iz redovnog sistema gazdovanja šumama i kategorišu se kao šume posebne namene, čije su prioritetne funkcije zaštitno-regulatornog i socijalnog karaktera. U skladu sa zakonski određenom kategorizacijom i stepenima režima zaštite pojedinih zaštićenih dobara, u ovim šumskim kompleksima vrše se specifične mere gajenja, nege i zaštite šuma. U sklopu navedenog, šumski požari, kao prirodne ili antropogeno izazvane pojave u šumskim masivima, predstavljaju vrlo aktuelnu temu u sklopu savremenih multidisciplinarnih naučnih istraživanja, u svrhu pravilnog predviđanja njihove pojave, procene mogućih šteta i izbora odgovarajućih mera gajenja i zaštite šuma. Nastanak velikih šumskih požara dešava se u toku sušnog perioda sa visokim temperaturama vazduha i smanjenom relativnom vlažnošću vazduha. Brzo širenje požara uslovljeno je uticajem vetrova (umereni do jaki). Neblagovremeno otkrivanje i početak gašenja požara utiču na nekontrolisano širenje požara i zahvatanje velikih površina. Učestalost velikih šumskih požara na području Parka prirode "Stara planina", tokom jula 2007. godine, povod je za istraživanje uslova koji su prethodili pojavi šumskih požara. Posebno visoka učestalost pojava šumskih požara bila je u periodu od 19. do 29. jula 2007. godine, kada je požarom zahvaćeno oko 3000 ha otvorenog prostora. U radu su, na osnovu klimatskih uslova, utvrđeni uslovi za pojavu velikih šumskih požara na području Parka prirode "Stara planina". Dobijeni rezultati rada mogu se koristiti za procenu ekstremnih uslova opasnosti od požara sa definisanjem pragova rizika koji mogu biti relevantni za nadležne službe.SR
dc.description.abstractProtected natural areas in our country are mostly characterized by significant areas under forest complexes. These forests are not part of the regular forest management system. They are categorized as special purpose forests whose priority functions are of protective--regulatory and social character. In accordance with the legally-defined categorization and degree of protection regime of certain protected goods, specific measures of cultivation, care and protection of forests are carried out in these forest complexes. In this sense, forest fires, caused by natural or human agents, represent a topic of growing concern within modern multidisciplinary scientific research aimed at predicting their occurrence, assessing possible damage and selecting appropriate measures of forest cultivation and protection. Large forest fires occur during dry seasons with high air temperatures and reduced relative humidity. The rate of fire spread is determined by wind (moderate to strong). The untimely fire detection and extinguishing contribute to the uncontrolled spread of fire over large areas. The high frequency of large forest fires in the area of`Staraof`StaraPlaninà Nature Park in July 2007 initiated the research into the conditions that preceded these forest fires. There was a particularly high incidence of forest fires in the period from 19 to 29 July 2007, when about 3000 ha of open space was affected by fires. The study determined the conditions suitable for the occurrence of large forest fires in the area of`Staraof`StaraPlaninà Nature Park on the basis of weather conditions. The obtained study results can be used to estimate extreme fire hazard conditions by defining the risk thresholds that may be relevant to the competent services.EN
dc.publisherUdruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.subjecttemperatura vazduhaSR
dc.subjectšumski požarSR
dc.subjectšume posebne nameneSR
dc.subjectPark prirode "Stara planina"SR
dc.subjectkoličina padavinaSR
dc.subject'Stara Planina' Nature ParkEN
dc.subjectspecial purpose forestsEN
dc.subjectforest fireEN
dc.subjectair temperatureEN
dc.titleUticaj vremenskih prilika na pojavu šumskih požara na području Parka prirode "Stara planina" tokom jula 2007. godineSR
dc.titleThe impact of weather conditions on the occurrence of forest fire in`Stara Planina` Nature Park in July 2007EN
dc.citation.other71(1-2): 195-206



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