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Effects of orographic factors on the distribution of forest vegetation on Mt. Kosmaj

dc.creatorStajić, Snežana
dc.creatorKrstić, Milun
dc.creatorČokeša, Vlado
dc.creatorBabić, Violeta
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja uticaja orografskih faktora (nadmorske visine, ekspozicije i nagiba terena) na pojavu i rasprostranjenje šumske vegetacije na području predela izuzetnih odlika "Kosmaj". Istraživane sastojine hrastova i bukve klasifikovane su prema njihovoj fitocenološkoj pripadnosti. Ukupno je analizirano 76 sastojina. Primenjen je modifikovani metod Lujića (1960) određivanja potencijala lokalne toplote i lokalni toplotni faktor, koji predstavljaju potencijalnu mogućnost zagrevanja zemljišta bez vegetacije. Analizom je utvrđeno da sastojine sladuna i cera na istraživanom području imaju najširu ekološku amplitudu i javljaju se na staništima sa kombinacijom toplotnih koordinata E.V od 5.15 do 8.15, što znači da najveću rasprostranjenost imaju u visinskom pojasu 401-500 m (53,5 %) i sa toplotnom koordinatom E = 8 (57,1%). Sastojine cera su podjednako zastupljene na terenima sa nadmorskom visinom 401-500 m i 501-600 m (50 %), a najviše ih je na staništima sa toplotnom koordinatom E = 8 (50 %). Sastojine kitnjaka i cera prisutne su na staništima sa sedam kombinacija toplotnih koordinata E.V, ali su najzastupljenije na terenima sa nadmorskom visinom 401-500 m (44,4%) i toplotnom koordinatom E = 6 (50,0 %). Čiste sastojine bukve najviše su rasprostranjene na staništima sa kombinacijama toplotnih koordinata E.V 5.14 i 5.13 sa po 25 %, a mešovite sa hrastom kitnjakom sa po 30%.SR
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the results of the study of effects of orographic factors (altitude, exposure and slope of the terrain) on the occurrence and distribution of forest vegetation in the area of the landscape of outstanding qualities`Kosmaj`. Phytosociological classification of the investigated stands of oak and beech was conducted. A total of 76 stands were analyzed. The modified Lujić method (1960) was used to determine the local heat potential and the local heat factor, which represent the potential possibility of heating the soil without vegetation. The study showed that the stands of Hungarian oak and Turkey oak in the investigated area have the widest ecological amplitude and occur on the sites with a combination of thermal coordinates E.V from 5.15 to 8.15, which means that they have the greatest range of distribution on the sites within the altitude zone of 401-500 m (53.5 %) and with the thermal coordinate E = 8 (57.1%). The stands of Turkey oak are equally distributed on the terrains with an altitude of 401-500 m and 501-600 m (50 %), and most of them are found on the sites with the thermal coordinate E=8 (50%). The stands of sessile oak and Turkey oak are present on the sites with seven combinations of thermal coordinates E.V, but they are most common on the terrains with an altitude of 401-500 m (44.4%) and the thermal coordinate E = 6 (50.0 %). Pure beech stands are most commonly present on the sites with the combinations of thermal coordinates E.V 5.14 and 5.13 where they participate with 25 %, while mixed with sessile oak participate with 30 %.EN
dc.publisherUdruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31070/RS//
dc.subjectšumska vegetacijaSR
dc.subjectpotencijal lokalne toploteSR
dc.subjectorografski faktoriSR
dc.subjectorographic factorsEN
dc.subjectlocal heat potentialEN
dc.subjectforest vegetationEN
dc.titleUticaj orografskih faktora na rasprostranjenje šumske vegetacije na KosmajuSR
dc.titleEffects of orographic factors on the distribution of forest vegetation on Mt. KosmajEN
dc.citation.other71(1-2): 69-86

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