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Design of solar systems for buildings and use of BIM tools: Overview of relevant geometric aspects

dc.creatorDevetaković, Mirjana S.
dc.creatorĐorđević, Đorđe D.
dc.creatorĐukanović, Gordana
dc.creatorKrstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra D.
dc.creatorSudimac, Budimir S.
dc.creatorScognamiglio, Alessandra
dc.description.abstractU radu su sistematizovani najvažniji geometrijski aspekti koji su relevantni za celovito razumevanje projektovanja fotonaponskih sistema. Ova sistematizacija se bazira na pregledu literature namenjene različitim inženjerima, uključujući arhitekte koji su uključeni u multidisciplinarne procese konceptualizacije, projektovanja i realizacije fotonaponskih sistema. Razumevanje prikazanih geometrijskih aspekata, u literaturi objedinjenih pod nazivom solarna geometrija, značajno je ne samo zbog pronalaženja optimalne orijentacije i najefektnijeg nagiba fotonaponskih modula, nego i zbog adekvatnog oblikovanja geometrijski kompleksnih fasadnih elemenata, koji bi trebalo da budu optimalno osunčani tokom cele godine. Nakon detaljnog objašnjenja osnovnih elemenata solarne geometrije korišćenjem sferne trigonometrije, u radu je prodiskutovana integracija prikazanih geometrijskih koncepata u BIM okruženja, ilustrovana primerom modula za analize osunčanja u okviru softvera Revit, firme Autodesk. Analizirana je funkcionalnost svih interaktivnih komponenata 3D prikaza sunčeve putanje. Naglašena je potreba za eksplicitnijim određivanjem upadnog ugla sunčevih zraka na nagnutu površ fotonaponskog modula. U zaključnom delu izdvojeno je ono znanje o solarnoj geometriji koje bi bilo neophodno usvojiti u procesu arhitektonskog obrazovanja, kako bi projektanti koji rade u BIM okruženju bili pripremljeni za efikasnu konceptualizaciju integrisanih fotonaponskih sistema.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper systematizes geometric aspects relevant for understanding design of solar systems. The systematization is based on a review of literature dedicated to various kinds of engineers, including architects, involved in a multidisciplinary process of conceptualizing, designing and realization of PV systems. The understanding of the presented geometric aspects, known as solar geometry, is important not only in terms of finding optimal orientation and most effective tilt of solar modules, but also in terms of adequate geometric modelling of façade elements of a complex shape (as specific photovoltaic modules) in order to be optimally exposed to the sun all over the year. After providing detailed explanations of the main elements of solar geometry using the tools of spherical trigonometry, the paper discusses the integration of the presented geometric concepts in the BIM environments, and refers the example of Autodesk Revit software through its sun study tool. Analysed are functionalities of all interactive components of the 3D solar path representation. A need for more explicit determination of an incidence angle of the sun rays on a tilted surface is stressed. In the conclusion highlighted is the essential knowledge on solar geometry that needs to be acquired during architectural education, so that architects participating in the BIM working environments could be prepared for efficient conceptualization of integrated solar systems.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/37002/RS//
dc.relationThe presented research has been completed within the following research project: COST Action 16235 performance and reliability of photovoltaic systems: Evaluations of large-scale monitoring data, funded by EU
dc.sourceFME Transactions
dc.subjectsun studyen
dc.subjectsolar geometryen
dc.titleProjektovanje solarnih sistema za arhitektonske objekte i BIM alati - pregled relevantnih geometrijskih aspekatasr
dc.titleDesign of solar systems for buildings and use of BIM tools: Overview of relevant geometric aspectsen
dc.citation.other47(2): 387-397



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