Omorika - Repository of the Faculty of Forestry is a digital repository of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry.

The aim of the repository is to provide open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the Faculty of Forestry and its departments

The repository uses a DSpace-based software platform developed and maintained by the Belgrade University Computer Centre (RCUB). The software platform is compliant with the OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories v3.

The repository is supplied with the external application Authors, Projects, Publications (APP), developed by the RCUB. In APP, authors and funding information are presented as normalized entities. APP also enables metadata export and displays Altmetric scores.


Submission policy

Who can deposit?

In order to deposit content in the repository, you must be affiliated with the Faculty of Forestry and have valid credentials. The credentials will be assigned by the repository manager upon registration.

Please follow the submission guidelines.

All submissions must be approved by a repository manager.


Registration is done by completing the registration form (please use an institutional email). Upon registration, the repository manager will assign the credentials, enabling you to deposit your work and access content that is not publicly available.

Content Policy

Supported Content Types

The following content types will be accepted:

This is not an exhaustive list. Contact us if you have any questions about materials.

Supported File Formats

The development team will seek to support as many file formats as possible. Although all formats can be deposited, it is recommended to use formats that are open and sustainable. The following formats are preferred for preservation reasons:


Each repository entry consists of a deposited document and the metadata describing it. Different access and reuse policies apply to metadata and deposited documents.

Metadata policy

The metadata are freely accessible to all, and freely reusable by all, under the terms of the CC0 license.

Access to Deposited Content

The deposited content (documents) will be made available to the public, except when forbidden by contracts, rights, or when embargoed for a limited time.

Each deposited item (document) is individually tagged with appropriate license.


Preservation policy

Metadata and files deposited in the repository are stored permanently. Content may be removed only in exceptional circumstances.

Records may be withdrawn from the repository in case of:

Withdrawn items are not deleted per se, but are removed from public view. The metadata of withdrawn items will not be searchable. Withdrawn items' identifiers/URLs are retained indefinitely.

Version control

Changes to deposited items are not permitted. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited and the earlier version may be withdrawn from public view. If multiple versions of the same content are available in the repository, there will be links between earlier and later versions and the most recent version will be clearly identified.

Legal framework

By depositing their work, the contributors agree to give to the Faculty of Forestry only the non-exclusive right to disseminate and preserve the content.

If the deposited content has already been published, copyright terms and other legal restrictions, such as publishers’ embargo periods, must be respected. Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors/contributors. To check publishers’ self-archiving policies you may use SHERPA/ROMEO.

If the deposited content is unpublished, the author maintains copyright. The Faculty of Forestry does not preclude publishing the documents in journals, monographs, or in other repositories. If you intend to publish the content, please check the publisher’s policy on prior or parallel publication. To do this, you may use SHERPA/ROMEO.

Harvesting Policy

Metadata are made available to harvesters and aggregators under the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication license. Data can be harvested by robots and aggregators for full-text indexing or analysis in line with the assigned license.


Privacy Policy

Whenever a user visits the repository, certain information is gathered and stored automatically. This information does not generally identify the user personally. Information that is automatically collected and stored when visiting the repository site includes:

This automatically collected information is only used internally for technical troubleshooting, to improve the usability of the repository, and to record aggregate statistics.

Google Analytics and Google Search Console are used to analyze the use of this repository. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about the repository use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers. The information generated relating to the repository is used to create reports about its use. Google will store and use this information. Google's privacy policy is available at:

Personal information submitted by users

The system collects personal information submitted during the deposit process. Submitted information will be used only for the purpose for which you submitted it, and will not be shared with third parties or used for commercial purposes.


Terms of Service

The access to and use of Repository resources are governed by the terms and conditions defined in these Terms of Service. By using the Repository, the User accepts the Terms of Service.


The following terms shall have the following meaning:


Access to the Repository and its content is not subject to any fees or charges. Public content is available to anyone free of charge, without restriction. Access to restricted content is not associated with fees or charges but rather with the institutional affiliation. Access is not subject to quotas and limitations.

The Institutions grant the Internal User an unlimited non-exclusive non-transferable licence to access and use both Public and Restricted Content.

The Internal User understands and acknowledges that the granted credentials are for personal use only and that the User is prohibited from permitting any third party from accessing the Repository using their credentials.

Participating Institutions reserve the right to cancel without notice the account to any User whose affiliation with the Institution has ceased.

The Institution grants the External User an unlimited non-exclusive licence to access and use Public Content. Individual requests for access to Restricted Content are not subject to these Terms of Service and will be resolved separately at the discretion of content owners.
Access to certain features and content may be restricted to all users.


The Internal user must have the necessary rights to submit content to the Repository and must ensure that copyright, privacy, data protection and other issues are cleared with their institutions, collaborators, funders and all relevant stakeholders. The submitted content must fit into the scope of the Content policy.

The Institution reserves the right to remove content in case of:

Each item is tagged with an appropriate licence. The User agrees to follow license requirements by accessing or using content.

When using content from the Repository in publications, the User must follow licence requirements regarding citation and the acknowledgement of sources. Users must acknowledge the deposited content using its persistent identifier, its original author(s)/creator(s), and the publisher, where applicable.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For technical issues, contact Helpdesk