Istraživanja morfoloških, anatomskih i tehničkih svojstava Paulownia spp. u cilju introdukcije i korišćenja

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Istraživanja morfoloških, anatomskih i tehničkih svojstava Paulownia spp. u cilju introdukcije i korišćenja (en)
Истраживања морфолошких, анатомских и техничких својстава Paulownia spp. у циљу интродукције и коришћења (sr)
Istraživanja morfoloških, anatomskih i tehničkih svojstava Paulownia spp. u cilju introdukcije i korišćenja (sr_RS)


Uticaj sistema površinske obrade Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. na mehanička svojstva lakirane površine

Jaić, Milan; Dobić, Jovan; Palija, Tanja

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Jaić, Milan
AU  - Dobić, Jovan
AU  - Palija, Tanja
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj brušenja, operacije bajcovanja i primene poliuretanskog i akrilnog premaza na adheziju, otpornost na grebanje i otpornost na abraziju premaza. Cilj rada je bio određivanje najznačajnijih mehaničkih svojstava lakirane površine, sa stanovišta upotrebe Paulownia elongata i Paulownia fortunei, uz primenu različitih sistema površinske obrade drveta. Za ispitivanje adhezije premaza korišćen je metod rešetke. Obuhvatniji prikaz adhezije premaza dobijen je merenjem otpornosti na grebanje. Otpornost na abraziju je ispitana metodom slobodnog pada abrazivnih čestica. Primenjeni sistem brušenja nije imao uticaja na ispitivana mehanička svojstva. Bajcovani uzorci lakirani PU premazom pokazali su bolju adheziju u odnosu na nebajcovane uzorke. Uticaj bajcovanja na otpornost na grebanje nije utvrđen. Bajcovani uzorci pokazali su veću otpornost na abraziju kod obe drvne vrste. Više vrednosti mehaničkih svojstava pokazali su uzorci lakirani PU premazom u poređenju sa uzorcima lakiranim UV akrilnim premazom. Primena PU premaza za površinsku obradu Paulownia elongata i Paulownia fortunei je adekvatnija od primene UV akrilnog premaza, sa stanovišta otpornosti na grebanje i abraziju.
AB  - This paper presents the research of influence of sanding, staining and the use of polyurethane and acrylic coating on the adhesion, scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of the coating. Objective was to determine the most important mechanical properties of lacquered surfaces, considering the application of Paulownia elongata and Paulownia fortunei, by using different systems of surface finishing. Cross cut method was used for measurement of adhesion. More accurate view of coating adhesion was obtained by measuring the scratch resistance. Abrasion resistance was tested by the method of free falling of abrasive particles. The applied system of sanding had no effect on the examined mechanical properties. Stained samples lacquered with PU coating showed better adhesion to the non-stained samples. Impact of staining on scratch resistance is not established. Stained samples showed greater resistance to abrasion for both wood species. Samples lacquered with PU coating showed the higher values of mechanical properties compared with samples lacquered with UV acrylic coating. Application of PU coating for surface finishing of Paulownia elongata and Paulownia fortunei is more adequate than the application of UV acrylic coatings, from the point of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Uticaj sistema površinske obrade Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. na mehanička svojstva lakirane površine
T1  - The influence of surface finishing of Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. on the mechanical properties of lacquered surface
EP  - 23
IS  - 102
SP  - 7
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1002007J
UR  - conv_323
ER  - 
author = "Jaić, Milan and Dobić, Jovan and Palija, Tanja",
year = "2010",
abstract = "U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj brušenja, operacije bajcovanja i primene poliuretanskog i akrilnog premaza na adheziju, otpornost na grebanje i otpornost na abraziju premaza. Cilj rada je bio određivanje najznačajnijih mehaničkih svojstava lakirane površine, sa stanovišta upotrebe Paulownia elongata i Paulownia fortunei, uz primenu različitih sistema površinske obrade drveta. Za ispitivanje adhezije premaza korišćen je metod rešetke. Obuhvatniji prikaz adhezije premaza dobijen je merenjem otpornosti na grebanje. Otpornost na abraziju je ispitana metodom slobodnog pada abrazivnih čestica. Primenjeni sistem brušenja nije imao uticaja na ispitivana mehanička svojstva. Bajcovani uzorci lakirani PU premazom pokazali su bolju adheziju u odnosu na nebajcovane uzorke. Uticaj bajcovanja na otpornost na grebanje nije utvrđen. Bajcovani uzorci pokazali su veću otpornost na abraziju kod obe drvne vrste. Više vrednosti mehaničkih svojstava pokazali su uzorci lakirani PU premazom u poređenju sa uzorcima lakiranim UV akrilnim premazom. Primena PU premaza za površinsku obradu Paulownia elongata i Paulownia fortunei je adekvatnija od primene UV akrilnog premaza, sa stanovišta otpornosti na grebanje i abraziju., This paper presents the research of influence of sanding, staining and the use of polyurethane and acrylic coating on the adhesion, scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of the coating. Objective was to determine the most important mechanical properties of lacquered surfaces, considering the application of Paulownia elongata and Paulownia fortunei, by using different systems of surface finishing. Cross cut method was used for measurement of adhesion. More accurate view of coating adhesion was obtained by measuring the scratch resistance. Abrasion resistance was tested by the method of free falling of abrasive particles. The applied system of sanding had no effect on the examined mechanical properties. Stained samples lacquered with PU coating showed better adhesion to the non-stained samples. Impact of staining on scratch resistance is not established. Stained samples showed greater resistance to abrasion for both wood species. Samples lacquered with PU coating showed the higher values of mechanical properties compared with samples lacquered with UV acrylic coating. Application of PU coating for surface finishing of Paulownia elongata and Paulownia fortunei is more adequate than the application of UV acrylic coatings, from the point of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Uticaj sistema površinske obrade Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. na mehanička svojstva lakirane površine, The influence of surface finishing of Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. on the mechanical properties of lacquered surface",
pages = "23-7",
number = "102",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1002007J",
url = "conv_323"
Jaić, M., Dobić, J.,& Palija, T.. (2010). Uticaj sistema površinske obrade Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. na mehanička svojstva lakirane površine. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(102), 7-23.
Jaić M, Dobić J, Palija T. Uticaj sistema površinske obrade Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. na mehanička svojstva lakirane površine. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2010;(102):7-23.
conv_323 .
Jaić, Milan, Dobić, Jovan, Palija, Tanja, "Uticaj sistema površinske obrade Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. na mehanička svojstva lakirane površine" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 102 (2010):7-23, .,
conv_323 .

Contents of the heavy metals nickel and lead in leaves of paulownia elongata s. Y. Hu and paulownia fortunei hems. In Serbia

Stanković, Dragica; Igić, Ruzica; Šijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana; Vilotić, Dragica; Pajević, Slobodanka

(Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr., 2009)

AU  - Stanković, Dragica
AU  - Igić, Ruzica
AU  - Šijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
AU  - Vilotić, Dragica
AU  - Pajević, Slobodanka
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - A comparative study was carried out on the capabilities of the two species Paulownia elongata S. Y. Hu and Paulownia fortunei Hems. as biomonitors of atmospheric (and soil) heavy-metal pollution. Research on content of the heavy metals nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) in leaves of the species Paulownia elongata growing under urban and suburban conditions with the comparison to the concentration of these elements in leaves of the species Paulownia elongata and Paulownia fortunei on an experimental plot in Bela Crkva showed average nickel concentrations of 2.7 mu g/g on the experimental plot in Bela Crkva, Serbia, twice as low as the concentrations measured under extreme urban conditions (6.62 mu g/g, or 4.54 mu g/g in the immediate vicinity of suburban traffic lines). Inasmuch as Paulownia elongata endures urban conditions well, it can be recommended for cultivation in parks, tree alleys, and wind-protection zones along urban and regional traffic lines.
PB  - Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.
T2  - Archives of Biological Sciences
T1  - Contents of the heavy metals nickel and lead in leaves of paulownia elongata s. Y. Hu and paulownia fortunei hems. In Serbia
EP  - 834
IS  - 4
SP  - 827
VL  - 61
DO  - 10.2298/ABS0904827S
UR  - conv_897
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Dragica and Igić, Ruzica and Šijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana and Vilotić, Dragica and Pajević, Slobodanka",
year = "2009",
abstract = "A comparative study was carried out on the capabilities of the two species Paulownia elongata S. Y. Hu and Paulownia fortunei Hems. as biomonitors of atmospheric (and soil) heavy-metal pollution. Research on content of the heavy metals nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) in leaves of the species Paulownia elongata growing under urban and suburban conditions with the comparison to the concentration of these elements in leaves of the species Paulownia elongata and Paulownia fortunei on an experimental plot in Bela Crkva showed average nickel concentrations of 2.7 mu g/g on the experimental plot in Bela Crkva, Serbia, twice as low as the concentrations measured under extreme urban conditions (6.62 mu g/g, or 4.54 mu g/g in the immediate vicinity of suburban traffic lines). Inasmuch as Paulownia elongata endures urban conditions well, it can be recommended for cultivation in parks, tree alleys, and wind-protection zones along urban and regional traffic lines.",
publisher = "Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.",
journal = "Archives of Biological Sciences",
title = "Contents of the heavy metals nickel and lead in leaves of paulownia elongata s. Y. Hu and paulownia fortunei hems. In Serbia",
pages = "834-827",
number = "4",
volume = "61",
doi = "10.2298/ABS0904827S",
url = "conv_897"
Stanković, D., Igić, R., Šijačić-Nikolić, M., Vilotić, D.,& Pajević, S.. (2009). Contents of the heavy metals nickel and lead in leaves of paulownia elongata s. Y. Hu and paulownia fortunei hems. In Serbia. in Archives of Biological Sciences
Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.., 61(4), 827-834.
Stanković D, Igić R, Šijačić-Nikolić M, Vilotić D, Pajević S. Contents of the heavy metals nickel and lead in leaves of paulownia elongata s. Y. Hu and paulownia fortunei hems. In Serbia. in Archives of Biological Sciences. 2009;61(4):827-834.
conv_897 .
Stanković, Dragica, Igić, Ruzica, Šijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana, Vilotić, Dragica, Pajević, Slobodanka, "Contents of the heavy metals nickel and lead in leaves of paulownia elongata s. Y. Hu and paulownia fortunei hems. In Serbia" in Archives of Biological Sciences, 61, no. 4 (2009):827-834, .,
conv_897 .