author = "Marković, Čedomir and Stojanović, Aleksandar",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Holandska bolest bresta, koju prouzrokuje gljiva Ophiostoma ulmi, izazivala je masovno sušenje bresta u Srbiji. Njeni vektori su potkornjaci Scolytus ensifer, S. kirschii, S. laevis, S. multistriatus, S. pygmaeus i S. scolytus. Imaga ovih potkornjaka, koja su se razvila pod korom zaraženih stabala, na sebi nose spore gljive O. ulmi. Njih, prilikom dopunske ishrane, prenose u krune zdravih stabala, gde one klijaju i ostvaruju infekciju. Kako od brojnosti imaga navedenih potkornjaka, pored ostalog, zavisi intenzitet širenja gljive O. ulmi u šumama gde se sušenje bresta javlja, njihovom suzbijanju potrebno je pokloniti veliku pažnju. Nažalost, u šumarstvu Srbije suzbijanje ovih potkornjaka se još uvek nedovoljno sprovodi. Kako bi se stanje u tom smislu popravilo, u ovom radu su predstavljeni najvažniji podaci o značaju, rasprostranjenju, biologiji, parazitoidima i načinima suzbijanja navedenih vrsta potkornjaka. ., Dutch elm disease, caused by vascular fungus Ophiostoma ulmi, led to mass killing of elm (Ulmus spp.) species in Serbia. This disease is vectored by bark beetles Scolytus ensifer, S. kirschii, S. laevis, S. multistriatus, S. pygmaeus and S. scolytus. Their adults, developed under bark of the infested trees, carry with them on their body surfaces the spores of the fungus O. ulmi. During the maturation feeding, the spores are carried to the crowns of healthy trees where they germinate and inoculate the hosts. As the density of adults of the above bark beetles, inter alia, determines the intensity of spore dispersal in the elm declining forests, the suppression of elm bark beetles should be paid great attention to. Bark beetles Scolytus ensifer, S. kirschii, S. laevis, S. multistriatus, S. pygmaeus and S. scolytus hibernate in the larval stage. In Serbia, they usually develop two overlapping generations per year. Thanks to generation overlapping, their adults can be found from late April and early May to the end of September or the beginning of October. As typically secondary species, they develop on physiologically weakened and freshly cut trees. The adults bore a hole and emerge to the surface of the trees or branches in which they developed. At that moment, they are not physiologically mature, so they require maturation feeding. For this reason, they fly to the crowns of healthy trees for maturation feeding, and they bore into the forks of young shoots and branches, axils of buds and leaf petioles, branch scars, places of healed wounds, or they excavate shallowly the bark of young shoots and twigs. Following the maturation feeding, females find the material suitable for mating, they bore and enter under bark, between the bast and sapwood, where they begin construction of egg galeries. Along the gallery, they excavate egg niches in which eggs are deposited singly. The eggs hatch and the first instar larvae mine their special larval galleries. Following the development, at the end of larval galleries, they mine pupal chambers in which they pupate. Directly above the pupal cells, the pupae transform into adults which bore holes through the outer bark and migrate to the surface. In Serbia, elm bark beetles are the hosts of a great number of parasitoids (S. ensifer 11, S. kirschi 10, S. multistriatus 13, S. pygmaeus 12). Among them, the species Ecphylus silesiacus, Dendrosoter protuberans (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), Cheiropachus quadrum and Rhaphitelus maculatus (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) are of the highest significance. .",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad",
journal = "Biljni lekar",
title = "Potkornjaci (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) - vektori holandske bolesti bresta, Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): Vectors of Dutch elm disease",
pages = "608-602",
number = "6",
volume = "39",
url = "conv_608"