author = "Tešić, Mirjana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Imajući u vidu da su zemljišta u gradovima izložena različitim antropogenim pritiscima i zagađivanju različitim polutantima, istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji su usmerena na proučavanje fizičkih i hemijskih karakteristika zemljišta u Beogradu i određivanje sadržaja teških metala Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr i Ni u slojevima zemljišta 0-10cm i 10-40cm. Za istraživanja su izabrane različite urbane zone (centralna, prigradska, spoljna i rubna) i različiti tip korišćenja zemljišta (parkovi, industrijski kompleksi, saobraćajna čvorišta i urbane šume) u gradu. Istraživanja su pokazala da stepen urbanizacije grada i tip korišćenja zemljišta menjaju mehanički sastav zemljišta i izazivaju promene u pH vrednosti, sadržaju lako pristupačnog oblika P i K i prisustva CaCO3. U odnosu na stepen urbanizacije koncentracije teških metala opadaju po gradijentu od centralne i prigradske zone ka zemljištima u spoljnoj i rubnoj zoni grada. U odnosu na tip korišćenja zemljišta koncentracije ovih elemenata rastu po gradijentu od zemljišta urbanih šuma i parkova ka zemljištima industrijskih kompleksa i saobraćajnih čvorišta. Koncentracije Ni rastu sa dubinom u svim istraženim zemljištima. Koncentracije Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb i Cr opadaju sa dubinom zemljišta, izuzev u zemljištima ruralne zone grada gde koncentracije Cu, Cd i Pb rastu sa dubinom. Utvrđeno je da su Cr i Ni geološkog, a Zn, Cu, Cd i Pb antropogenog porekla. Rezultati ukazuju na važnost uspostavljanja monitoringa koncentracija Zn, Cu i Pb u zemljištima Beograda, zatim Cr i Ni u centralnim i prigradskim zonama, i Cd u zemljištima industrijskih kompleksa i onih uz saobraćajna čvorišta. Takođe, rezultati sugerišu i značaj monitoringa esencijalnih elemenata, ukupnog N (zbog niskog sadržaja) i lako pristupačnih oblika P i K (zbog njihove velike varijabilnosti)., Considering that soils in cities are exposed to different anthropogenic pressures and pollution by different pollutants, research in this doctoral dissertation is focused on studying the physical and chemical characteristics of soils in Belgrade and determining the content of heavy metals Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr and Ni in soil layers 0-10cm and 10-40cm. Different urban zones (central, suburban, external and rural) and different types of soil use (parks, industrial complexes/zones, road interaction and urban forests) in the city were selected for the research. Research has shown that the degree of urbanization of the city and the type of soil use change the mechanical composition of the soil and cause changes in pH, the content of easily accessible forms of P and K and the presence of CaCO3. In relation to the degree of urbanization, the concentrations of heavy metals decrease according to the gradient from the central and suburban zone to the soils in the external to the rural zone of the city. In relation to the type of soil use, the concentrations of these elements increase in a gradient from the soil of urban forests and parks to the soils of industrial complexes/zones and road interactions. Ni concentrations increase with depth in all investigated soils. Concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Cr decrease with soil depth, except in soils of the rural zone of the city where concentrations of Cu, Cd and Pb increase with depth. It was determined that Cr and Ni are of geological origin, and Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb are of anthropogenic origin. The results indicate the importance of establishing monitoring of Zn, Cu and Pb concentrations in the soils of Belgrade, then Cr and Ni in the central and suburban zones, and Cd in the soils of industrial complexes and those along road interactions. Also, the results suggest the importance of monitoring essential elements, total N (due to low content) and easily accessible forms P and K (due to their high variability).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet",
title = "Karakteristike urbanih zemljišta Beograda i njihov značaj za životnu sredinu, The characteristics of urban soils of Belgrade and their significance for the environment",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_18587, t-11722"