Stevanović, Jovana

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  • Stevanović, Jovana (3)

Author's Bibliography

Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads

Stavretović, Nenad; Stevanović, Jovana

(Academic Journals, 2011)

AU  - Stavretović, Nenad
AU  - Stevanović, Jovana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - In this paper the presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in lawns of roads in Belgrade, the capital city of the Republic of Serbia was analysed. The following lawn categories were selected for the purpose of analysis: the lawns of traffic roundabouts, the lane-dividing lawns, the lawns around roads and lawns around highway. Five-year research was conducted on 32 sites in Belgrade and 183 plant species were recorded. Out of that number, 18 plant species (9.84%) were characterised as invasive and potentially invasive. The presence of considerable number of invasive species within the researched lawn categories, despite the specific ambient condition, made the grassy spaces of the roads the potential centre of wider spread on the surrounding areas. Considering the fact that on the researched surfaces, cultivating and maintaining measures are occasionally applied, the number of invasive species was lower than that in the spaces not been maintained.
PB  - Academic Journals
T2  - African Journal of Biotechnology
T1  - Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads
EP  - 14464
IS  - 65
SP  - 14450
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.5897/ajb10.1800
UR  - conv_2098
ER  - 
author = "Stavretović, Nenad and Stevanović, Jovana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "In this paper the presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in lawns of roads in Belgrade, the capital city of the Republic of Serbia was analysed. The following lawn categories were selected for the purpose of analysis: the lawns of traffic roundabouts, the lane-dividing lawns, the lawns around roads and lawns around highway. Five-year research was conducted on 32 sites in Belgrade and 183 plant species were recorded. Out of that number, 18 plant species (9.84%) were characterised as invasive and potentially invasive. The presence of considerable number of invasive species within the researched lawn categories, despite the specific ambient condition, made the grassy spaces of the roads the potential centre of wider spread on the surrounding areas. Considering the fact that on the researched surfaces, cultivating and maintaining measures are occasionally applied, the number of invasive species was lower than that in the spaces not been maintained.",
publisher = "Academic Journals",
journal = "African Journal of Biotechnology",
title = "Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads",
pages = "14464-14450",
number = "65",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.5897/ajb10.1800",
url = "conv_2098"
Stavretović, N.,& Stevanović, J.. (2011). Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads. in African Journal of Biotechnology
Academic Journals., 10(65), 14450-14464.
Stavretović N, Stevanović J. Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads. in African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011;10(65):14450-14464.
conv_2098 .
Stavretović, Nenad, Stevanović, Jovana, "Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads" in African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, no. 65 (2011):14450-14464, .,
conv_2098 .

Invazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama stambenih naselja Beograda

Stavretović, Nenad; Stevanović, Jovana; Mijović, Aleksandar

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2010)

AU  - Stavretović, Nenad
AU  - Stevanović, Jovana
AU  - Mijović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - U radu je analizirano prisustvo invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih biljnih vrsta u travnjacima stambenih naselja Beograda. Šestogodišnja istraživanja sprovedena su u okviru 10 naselja i evidentirano je ukupno 196 vrsta biljaka. Od ukupnog broja, 21 vrsta (10,7%) se karakteriše kao invazivna i potencijano invazivna. Procentualna zastupljenost invazivnih vrsta po naseljima kreće se u graničnim vrednostima 11,5-14,3%. Najveća zastupljenost invazivnih vrsta u odnosu na ukupan broj vrsta evidentirana je unutar travnjaka stambenih naselja Karaburma, Mirijevo i Železnik (14,28%) dok se travne površine naselja Banjica i Medaković III karakterišu najmanjim prisustvom invazivnih vrsta (11,54%). Izvršena istraživanja su pokazala da travnjaci stambenih naselja predstavljaju značajne koridore za potencijalno širenje prisutnih invazivnih vrsta, na osnovu čega se može izvesti zaključak da su mere nege i održavanja travnjaka u stambenim naseljima na nižem nivou od potrebnog.
AB  - In this paper the presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in lawns of residential areas in Belgrade has been analyzed. Five-year research was conducted in 10 residental areas in Belgrade and 196 plant species recorded. Out of that number, 21 plant species (10.71%) were characterised as invasive and potentially invasive. Percentage of invasive species distribution in residential areas ranged within limit values of 11.5-14.3%. The highest distribution of invasive species, compared to total number of species, was recorded in lawns of residential areas Karaburma, Mirijevo and Železnik (14.28%), whereas grass spaces of residential areas Banjica and Medaković III were characterized by lowest presence of invasive species (11.54%). Conducted research has shown that lawns of residential areas are important corridors of potential spread of present invasive plant species, according to which a conclusion could be made that care and maintenance measure applied in lawns in residential areas is at a lower level than required.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - Invazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama stambenih naselja Beograda
T1  - Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade residential areas
EP  - 47
IS  - 1
SP  - 39
VL  - 19
UR  - conv_567
ER  - 
author = "Stavretović, Nenad and Stevanović, Jovana and Mijović, Aleksandar",
year = "2010",
abstract = "U radu je analizirano prisustvo invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih biljnih vrsta u travnjacima stambenih naselja Beograda. Šestogodišnja istraživanja sprovedena su u okviru 10 naselja i evidentirano je ukupno 196 vrsta biljaka. Od ukupnog broja, 21 vrsta (10,7%) se karakteriše kao invazivna i potencijano invazivna. Procentualna zastupljenost invazivnih vrsta po naseljima kreće se u graničnim vrednostima 11,5-14,3%. Najveća zastupljenost invazivnih vrsta u odnosu na ukupan broj vrsta evidentirana je unutar travnjaka stambenih naselja Karaburma, Mirijevo i Železnik (14,28%) dok se travne površine naselja Banjica i Medaković III karakterišu najmanjim prisustvom invazivnih vrsta (11,54%). Izvršena istraživanja su pokazala da travnjaci stambenih naselja predstavljaju značajne koridore za potencijalno širenje prisutnih invazivnih vrsta, na osnovu čega se može izvesti zaključak da su mere nege i održavanja travnjaka u stambenim naseljima na nižem nivou od potrebnog., In this paper the presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in lawns of residential areas in Belgrade has been analyzed. Five-year research was conducted in 10 residental areas in Belgrade and 196 plant species recorded. Out of that number, 21 plant species (10.71%) were characterised as invasive and potentially invasive. Percentage of invasive species distribution in residential areas ranged within limit values of 11.5-14.3%. The highest distribution of invasive species, compared to total number of species, was recorded in lawns of residential areas Karaburma, Mirijevo and Železnik (14.28%), whereas grass spaces of residential areas Banjica and Medaković III were characterized by lowest presence of invasive species (11.54%). Conducted research has shown that lawns of residential areas are important corridors of potential spread of present invasive plant species, according to which a conclusion could be made that care and maintenance measure applied in lawns in residential areas is at a lower level than required.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "Invazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama stambenih naselja Beograda, Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade residential areas",
pages = "47-39",
number = "1",
volume = "19",
url = "conv_567"
Stavretović, N., Stevanović, J.,& Mijović, A.. (2010). Invazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama stambenih naselja Beograda. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 19(1), 39-47.
Stavretović N, Stevanović J, Mijović A. Invazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama stambenih naselja Beograda. in Acta herbologica. 2010;19(1):39-47.
conv_567 .
Stavretović, Nenad, Stevanović, Jovana, Mijović, Aleksandar, "Invazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama stambenih naselja Beograda" in Acta herbologica, 19, no. 1 (2010):39-47,
conv_567 .

Ivazivne biljne vrste na nekim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama Beograda

Stevanović, Jovana; Stavretović, Nenad; Obratov-Petković, Dragica; Mijović, Aleksandar

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2009)

AU  - Stevanović, Jovana
AU  - Stavretović, Nenad
AU  - Obratov-Petković, Dragica
AU  - Mijović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Invazivne vrste ugrožavaju opstanak autohtone vegetacije a mogu i ozbiljno da ugrožavaju ljudsko zdravlje pa je njihovo prisustvo na sportsko-rekreativnim površinama koje treba da predstavljaju mesta očuvanog i 'zdravog' predela, dodatno nepoželjno i nedopustivo. U radu je analizirano prisustvo invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih biljnih vrsta na najposećenijim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama u Beogradu: Ada Ciganlija, Bojčinska šuma i izletište 'Zabran'. Na istraživanim površinama konstatovano je prisustvo 19 invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih vrsta. Analiza zastupljenih familija pokazuje prisustvo 11 familija, među kojima je najzastupljenija familija Asteraceae (8 vrsta), dok se na drugom mestu nalazi familija Rosaceae (2 vrste). Na sportsko-rekreativnoj površini Ada Ciganlija konstatovan je ukupan broj vrsta koji iznosi 96, a od tog broja 18 vrsta (17,82%) je invazivan i potencijalno invazivan. Ujedno, na teritorije ove sportsko-rekreativne površine je utvrđen i najveći broj invazivnih vrsta. Svojom zastupljenošću ističu se vrste Aster lanceolatus, Urtica dioica i Stenactis annua, kao i vrsta Erigeron canadensis. Na sportsko-rekreativnoj površini 'Zabran' utvrđen je ukupan broj vrsta i iznosi 53. Od tog broja konstatovano je 10 (18,52%) invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih vrsta. Najvećom pokrovnošću i brojnošću ističu se vrste Urtica dioica i Aster lanceolatus. Na sportsko-rekreativnoj površini Bojčinska šuma ukupan broj evidentiranih vrsta iznosi 63, od koga je konstatovano da su 11 (17,46%) invazivne i potencijalno invazivne vrste. Najvećom brojnošću i pokrovnošću ističe se vrsta Aster lanceolatus, kao i vrsta Stenactis annua, dok se najmanjom brojnošću i pokrovnošću karakteriše vrsta Xanthium strumarium var italicum.
AB  - Invasive species endanger the thriving of autochthonous vegetation and can also pose a serious threat to the health of humans, which makes their presence in sporting and recreational fields, which are supposed to be the parts of conserved and 'healthy' area, even more so unwanted and intolerable. The presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in most frequently visited sporting and recreational fields in Belgrade, such as the area of Ada Ciganlija, Bojčinska šuma and leisure field 'Zabran', has been analyzed in this paper. At the area of research, the presence of 19 invasive and potentially invasive species was stated. The analysis of the represented specie families has shown the presence of 11 families, the most represented of which being the Asteraceae family (8 species), whereas the second most represented was Rosaceae family (2 species). At the sporting and recreational area of Ada Ciganlija, the total number of species stated was 96, out of which 18 species (17,82%) being invasive and potentially invasive. In addition to this, the greatest number of invasive species was determined within this Sporting and recreational area. The species of Aster lanceolatus, Urtica dioica and Stenactis annua, as well as Erigeron canadensis were distinguished by its degree of representation. At the sporting and recreational area of 'Zabran', the total number of species determined was 53, out of which 10 species (18,52%) being stated as invasive and potentially invasive. The species of Urtica dioica and Aster lanceolatus were distinguished by its greatest number and highest level of distribution. At the sporting and recreational area of Bojčinska šuma, the total number of recorded species was 63, out of which 11 species (17,46%) being stated as invasive and potentially invasive. The species of Aster lanceolatus and Stenactis annua were distinguished by its greatest number andhighest level of distribution, whereas the specie of Xanthium strumarium var italicum was distinguished by its lowest number and distribution.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - Ivazivne biljne vrste na nekim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama Beograda
T1  - Invasive plant species in certain sporting and recreational fields in Belgrade
EP  - 125
IS  - 2
SP  - 115
VL  - 18
UR  - conv_565
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Jovana and Stavretović, Nenad and Obratov-Petković, Dragica and Mijović, Aleksandar",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Invazivne vrste ugrožavaju opstanak autohtone vegetacije a mogu i ozbiljno da ugrožavaju ljudsko zdravlje pa je njihovo prisustvo na sportsko-rekreativnim površinama koje treba da predstavljaju mesta očuvanog i 'zdravog' predela, dodatno nepoželjno i nedopustivo. U radu je analizirano prisustvo invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih biljnih vrsta na najposećenijim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama u Beogradu: Ada Ciganlija, Bojčinska šuma i izletište 'Zabran'. Na istraživanim površinama konstatovano je prisustvo 19 invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih vrsta. Analiza zastupljenih familija pokazuje prisustvo 11 familija, među kojima je najzastupljenija familija Asteraceae (8 vrsta), dok se na drugom mestu nalazi familija Rosaceae (2 vrste). Na sportsko-rekreativnoj površini Ada Ciganlija konstatovan je ukupan broj vrsta koji iznosi 96, a od tog broja 18 vrsta (17,82%) je invazivan i potencijalno invazivan. Ujedno, na teritorije ove sportsko-rekreativne površine je utvrđen i najveći broj invazivnih vrsta. Svojom zastupljenošću ističu se vrste Aster lanceolatus, Urtica dioica i Stenactis annua, kao i vrsta Erigeron canadensis. Na sportsko-rekreativnoj površini 'Zabran' utvrđen je ukupan broj vrsta i iznosi 53. Od tog broja konstatovano je 10 (18,52%) invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih vrsta. Najvećom pokrovnošću i brojnošću ističu se vrste Urtica dioica i Aster lanceolatus. Na sportsko-rekreativnoj površini Bojčinska šuma ukupan broj evidentiranih vrsta iznosi 63, od koga je konstatovano da su 11 (17,46%) invazivne i potencijalno invazivne vrste. Najvećom brojnošću i pokrovnošću ističe se vrsta Aster lanceolatus, kao i vrsta Stenactis annua, dok se najmanjom brojnošću i pokrovnošću karakteriše vrsta Xanthium strumarium var italicum., Invasive species endanger the thriving of autochthonous vegetation and can also pose a serious threat to the health of humans, which makes their presence in sporting and recreational fields, which are supposed to be the parts of conserved and 'healthy' area, even more so unwanted and intolerable. The presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in most frequently visited sporting and recreational fields in Belgrade, such as the area of Ada Ciganlija, Bojčinska šuma and leisure field 'Zabran', has been analyzed in this paper. At the area of research, the presence of 19 invasive and potentially invasive species was stated. The analysis of the represented specie families has shown the presence of 11 families, the most represented of which being the Asteraceae family (8 species), whereas the second most represented was Rosaceae family (2 species). At the sporting and recreational area of Ada Ciganlija, the total number of species stated was 96, out of which 18 species (17,82%) being invasive and potentially invasive. In addition to this, the greatest number of invasive species was determined within this Sporting and recreational area. The species of Aster lanceolatus, Urtica dioica and Stenactis annua, as well as Erigeron canadensis were distinguished by its degree of representation. At the sporting and recreational area of 'Zabran', the total number of species determined was 53, out of which 10 species (18,52%) being stated as invasive and potentially invasive. The species of Urtica dioica and Aster lanceolatus were distinguished by its greatest number and highest level of distribution. At the sporting and recreational area of Bojčinska šuma, the total number of recorded species was 63, out of which 11 species (17,46%) being stated as invasive and potentially invasive. The species of Aster lanceolatus and Stenactis annua were distinguished by its greatest number andhighest level of distribution, whereas the specie of Xanthium strumarium var italicum was distinguished by its lowest number and distribution.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "Ivazivne biljne vrste na nekim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama Beograda, Invasive plant species in certain sporting and recreational fields in Belgrade",
pages = "125-115",
number = "2",
volume = "18",
url = "conv_565"
Stevanović, J., Stavretović, N., Obratov-Petković, D.,& Mijović, A.. (2009). Ivazivne biljne vrste na nekim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama Beograda. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 18(2), 115-125.
Stevanović J, Stavretović N, Obratov-Petković D, Mijović A. Ivazivne biljne vrste na nekim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama Beograda. in Acta herbologica. 2009;18(2):115-125.
conv_565 .
Stevanović, Jovana, Stavretović, Nenad, Obratov-Petković, Dragica, Mijović, Aleksandar, "Ivazivne biljne vrste na nekim sportsko-rekreativnim površinama Beograda" in Acta herbologica, 18, no. 2 (2009):115-125,
conv_565 .