Ranković, Nenad

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  • Ranković, Nenad (33)

Author's Bibliography

Iznalaženje koeficijenata za korekciju potencijalne vrednosti drvnih sortimenata u stvarnu na primeru bukve iz prorednih seča u Srbiji

Ranković, Nenad; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1273
AB  - Obračun vrednosti drveta u šumama je oduvek bio posao pun izazova za procenitelja, posebno ako je uslov da tom prilikom ne dođe do seče stabala. Kao jedna od mogućnosti, može se koristiti metoda "modelnog" krojenja, koja praktično jedina omogućava procenu vrednosti bez seče stabala. Sastoji se u tome da se samo na bazi dimenzija stabla (d i h) i važećih standarda za proizvode eksploatacije šuma izvrši procena zapremina sortimentnih klasa, a kasnije, množenjem sa cenama, dobije tražena vrednost. Kako se u tom postupku ne uvažavaju druge karakteristike stabla (greške drveta), očito se radi o idealnoj (maksimalnoj) vrednosti. Da bi se ona usaglasila sa stvarnom vrednošću, koja je uvek niža od "modelne", nameće se zahtev za korekcijom "modelne" vrednosti odgovarajućim koeficijentima. U ovom istraživanju učinjen je pokušaj da se dođe do takvih koeficijenata za materijal iz prorednih seča u bukovim visokim (5.973 stabla) i izdanačkim (1.842 stabla) šumama i proveri stepen tačnosti prilikom njihove primene.
AB  - Calculating the value of wood in forests has always been a job full of challenges for the appraiser, especially if in that case the condition is not to cut down trees. As one of the possibilities, the method of "model" cutting can be used, which is practically the only one that allows assessment value without cutting trees. It consists in estimating the volumes of assortment classes only on the basis of tree dimensions (d and h) and valid standards for forest exploitation products, and later, by multiplication with prices, the required value is obtained. As other characteristics of the tree (wood defects) are not taken into account in this procedure, it is obviously an ideal (maximum) value. In order to harmonize it with the real value, which is always lower than the "model" value, a request is imposed for the correction of the "model" value with appropriate coefficients. In this research, an attempt was made to obtain such coefficients for material from thinning in beech high (5,973 trees) and coppice (1,842 trees) forests and to check the degree of accuracy during their application.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Iznalaženje koeficijenata za korekciju potencijalne vrednosti drvnih sortimenata u stvarnu na primeru bukve iz prorednih seča u Srbiji
T1  - Finding coefficients for correction of potential value of wood assortments in real on the example of beech from thinning cuts in Serbia
EP  - 114
IS  - 124
SP  - 87
DO  - 10.2298/GSF2124087R
UR  - conv_522
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Obračun vrednosti drveta u šumama je oduvek bio posao pun izazova za procenitelja, posebno ako je uslov da tom prilikom ne dođe do seče stabala. Kao jedna od mogućnosti, može se koristiti metoda "modelnog" krojenja, koja praktično jedina omogućava procenu vrednosti bez seče stabala. Sastoji se u tome da se samo na bazi dimenzija stabla (d i h) i važećih standarda za proizvode eksploatacije šuma izvrši procena zapremina sortimentnih klasa, a kasnije, množenjem sa cenama, dobije tražena vrednost. Kako se u tom postupku ne uvažavaju druge karakteristike stabla (greške drveta), očito se radi o idealnoj (maksimalnoj) vrednosti. Da bi se ona usaglasila sa stvarnom vrednošću, koja je uvek niža od "modelne", nameće se zahtev za korekcijom "modelne" vrednosti odgovarajućim koeficijentima. U ovom istraživanju učinjen je pokušaj da se dođe do takvih koeficijenata za materijal iz prorednih seča u bukovim visokim (5.973 stabla) i izdanačkim (1.842 stabla) šumama i proveri stepen tačnosti prilikom njihove primene., Calculating the value of wood in forests has always been a job full of challenges for the appraiser, especially if in that case the condition is not to cut down trees. As one of the possibilities, the method of "model" cutting can be used, which is practically the only one that allows assessment value without cutting trees. It consists in estimating the volumes of assortment classes only on the basis of tree dimensions (d and h) and valid standards for forest exploitation products, and later, by multiplication with prices, the required value is obtained. As other characteristics of the tree (wood defects) are not taken into account in this procedure, it is obviously an ideal (maximum) value. In order to harmonize it with the real value, which is always lower than the "model" value, a request is imposed for the correction of the "model" value with appropriate coefficients. In this research, an attempt was made to obtain such coefficients for material from thinning in beech high (5,973 trees) and coppice (1,842 trees) forests and to check the degree of accuracy during their application.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Iznalaženje koeficijenata za korekciju potencijalne vrednosti drvnih sortimenata u stvarnu na primeru bukve iz prorednih seča u Srbiji, Finding coefficients for correction of potential value of wood assortments in real on the example of beech from thinning cuts in Serbia",
pages = "114-87",
number = "124",
doi = "10.2298/GSF2124087R",
url = "conv_522"
Ranković, N.,& Pantić, D.. (2021). Iznalaženje koeficijenata za korekciju potencijalne vrednosti drvnih sortimenata u stvarnu na primeru bukve iz prorednih seča u Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(124), 87-114.
Ranković N, Pantić D. Iznalaženje koeficijenata za korekciju potencijalne vrednosti drvnih sortimenata u stvarnu na primeru bukve iz prorednih seča u Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2021;(124):87-114.
conv_522 .
Ranković, Nenad, Pantić, Damjan, "Iznalaženje koeficijenata za korekciju potencijalne vrednosti drvnih sortimenata u stvarnu na primeru bukve iz prorednih seča u Srbiji" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 124 (2021):87-114,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF2124087R .,
conv_522 .

Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope

Vasić, Ivana; Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Vasić, Ivana
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1250
AB  - U radu je izvršena analiza regulatornih okvira (strategija i zakona) u oblasti zaštite prirode i šumarstva u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope, odnosno mera i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje prisutnosti različitih mera i aktivnosti u strategijama i zakonima o zaštiti prirode i zakona o šumama, kao i njihovo sistematizovanje i poređenje. Analiza je izvršena za 5 država: Nemačka (savezna pokrajina Baden-Virtemberg), Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina (Republika Srpska). Može se zaključiti da postoji različit stepen zastupljenosti posmatranih mera i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u regulatornim okvirima odabranih država. U strategijama i zakonima iz oblasti zaštite prirode, prepoznaje se veći broj mera i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u odnosu na sektor šumarstva. Takođe, postoji i jasna razlika između država koje su članice Evropske unije i onih koje to nisu, a i između samih država članica. Prepoznate su i aktivnosti koje su nedovoljno ili slabo zastupljene, kako u zaštiti prirode, tako i u šumarstvu.
AB  - The paper analyses regulatory frameworks (strategies and laws) in the field of nature conservation and forestry, i.e. measures and activities for managing protected areas under climate changes in selected countries of central and Southeast Europe. This research aims to identify the presence of different measures and activities in strategies and laws on nature conservation and forestry, as well as their systematization and comparison. The analysis has been conducted for 5 countries: Germany (the federal state of Baden-Württemberg), Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Republic of Srpska). It can be concluded that the level of representation of observed measures and activities for managing protected areas differs within the regulatory frameworks of the selected counties. Within the strategies and laws on nature conservation, it can be noticed that they comprise a larger number of measures and activities for managing protected areas than in the field of forestry. Additionally, there is a clear distinction between the European Union member states and those who are not members. Some activities are insufficiently or barely implemented in both nature conservation and forestry.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope
T1  - Measures and activities for managing protected areas under climate changes: The analysis of regulatory frameworks in selected countries of central and Southeast Europe
EP  - 218
IS  - 123
SP  - 187
DO  - 10.2298/GSF2123187V
UR  - conv_516
ER  - 
author = "Vasić, Ivana and Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U radu je izvršena analiza regulatornih okvira (strategija i zakona) u oblasti zaštite prirode i šumarstva u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope, odnosno mera i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje prisutnosti različitih mera i aktivnosti u strategijama i zakonima o zaštiti prirode i zakona o šumama, kao i njihovo sistematizovanje i poređenje. Analiza je izvršena za 5 država: Nemačka (savezna pokrajina Baden-Virtemberg), Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina (Republika Srpska). Može se zaključiti da postoji različit stepen zastupljenosti posmatranih mera i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u regulatornim okvirima odabranih država. U strategijama i zakonima iz oblasti zaštite prirode, prepoznaje se veći broj mera i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u odnosu na sektor šumarstva. Takođe, postoji i jasna razlika između država koje su članice Evropske unije i onih koje to nisu, a i između samih država članica. Prepoznate su i aktivnosti koje su nedovoljno ili slabo zastupljene, kako u zaštiti prirode, tako i u šumarstvu., The paper analyses regulatory frameworks (strategies and laws) in the field of nature conservation and forestry, i.e. measures and activities for managing protected areas under climate changes in selected countries of central and Southeast Europe. This research aims to identify the presence of different measures and activities in strategies and laws on nature conservation and forestry, as well as their systematization and comparison. The analysis has been conducted for 5 countries: Germany (the federal state of Baden-Württemberg), Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Republic of Srpska). It can be concluded that the level of representation of observed measures and activities for managing protected areas differs within the regulatory frameworks of the selected counties. Within the strategies and laws on nature conservation, it can be noticed that they comprise a larger number of measures and activities for managing protected areas than in the field of forestry. Additionally, there is a clear distinction between the European Union member states and those who are not members. Some activities are insufficiently or barely implemented in both nature conservation and forestry.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope, Measures and activities for managing protected areas under climate changes: The analysis of regulatory frameworks in selected countries of central and Southeast Europe",
pages = "218-187",
number = "123",
doi = "10.2298/GSF2123187V",
url = "conv_516"
Vasić, I., Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J.,& Nonić, D.. (2021). Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(123), 187-218.
Vasić I, Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Nonić D. Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2021;(123):187-218.
conv_516 .
Vasić, Ivana, Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, "Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 123 (2021):187-218,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF2123187V .,
conv_516 .

Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u Javnom preduzeću "Vojvodinašume" - izvori i oblasti korišćenja subvencija

Vasić, Ivana; Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Vasić, Ivana
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1115
AB  - U upravljanju zaštićenim područjima (ZP), jedno od najkompleksnijih pitanja je obezbeđenje adekvatnih finansijskih sredstava. Upravljači ZP u Srbiji mogu obezbediti njihovo finansiranje iz više različitih izvora: budžeta kroz dodeljivanje subvencija, naknada za korišćenje ZP, prihoda ostvarenih u obavljanju delatnosti i upravljanju, sredstava obezbeđenih za realizaciju projekata, donacija, poklona, pomoći i dr. Javno preduzeće (JP) "Vojvodinašume" je upravljač 16 i korisnik 19 ZP na teritoriji Vojvodine. U okviru ovog rada definisana su dva cilja istraživanja. Prvi cilj se odnosi na utvrđivanje statistički značajne razlike u izvorima subvencija prema odabranim ZP, a to su specijalni rezervati prirode: "Obedska bara", "Koviljsko-petrovaradinski rit", "Bagremara", "Gornje Podunavlje" i "Deliblatska peščara". Drugi cilj se odnosi na utvrđivanje postojanja statistički značajne razlike u oblastima subvencionisanja, u odnosu na odabrana ZP. U radu su korišćeni interni podaci JP "Vojvodinašume", za period 2009-2019. godine. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su najvažniji izvori subvencija za posmatrana ZP sredstva iz republičkog i pokrajinskog budžeta. U odnosu na oblasti subvencionisanja, najviše sredstava je izdvojeno za praćenje i unapređenje stanja ZP, čime se JP "Vojvodinašume" opredelilo za aktivni pristup zaštiti prirode.
AB  - One of the most complex issues in a protected area (PA) management is the provision of adequate financial resources. Managers of PAs in Serbia are financed from several different sources: budget through the allocation of subsidies, fees for the PAs use, revenues generated through the business operating and management, funds provided for project implementation, donations, gifts, AIDS, etc. Public enterprise (PE) "Vojvodinašume" is the manager of 16 and the user of 19 PAs in the territory of Vojvodina. In this paper, two research goals are defined. The first goal refers to the determination of a statistically significant difference in the sources of subsidies according to the selected PAs, and those are special nature reserves: "Obedska bara", "Koviljsko-petrovaradinski rit", "Bagremara", "Gornje Podunavlje" and "Deliblatska peščara". The second goal is the determination of a statistically significant difference in the areas of subsidising, related to the selected PAs. In this paper, PE "Vojvodinašume" internal data for the period 2009-2019 were used. The research has determined funds provided by the national and provincial budgets as the most important sources of subsidies for the observed PAs. Concerning the areas of subsidising, most of the funds were allocated for the monitoring and improvement of the PAs conditions, which determined PE "Vojvodinašume" for taking an active approach to nature conservation.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u Javnom preduzeću "Vojvodinašume" - izvori i oblasti korišćenja subvencija
T1  - Protected areas management in Public Enterprise "Vojvodinašume": Sources and areas of subsidies use
EP  - 155
IS  - 122
SP  - 125
DO  - 10.2298/GSF2022125V
UR  - conv_506
ER  - 
author = "Vasić, Ivana and Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U upravljanju zaštićenim područjima (ZP), jedno od najkompleksnijih pitanja je obezbeđenje adekvatnih finansijskih sredstava. Upravljači ZP u Srbiji mogu obezbediti njihovo finansiranje iz više različitih izvora: budžeta kroz dodeljivanje subvencija, naknada za korišćenje ZP, prihoda ostvarenih u obavljanju delatnosti i upravljanju, sredstava obezbeđenih za realizaciju projekata, donacija, poklona, pomoći i dr. Javno preduzeće (JP) "Vojvodinašume" je upravljač 16 i korisnik 19 ZP na teritoriji Vojvodine. U okviru ovog rada definisana su dva cilja istraživanja. Prvi cilj se odnosi na utvrđivanje statistički značajne razlike u izvorima subvencija prema odabranim ZP, a to su specijalni rezervati prirode: "Obedska bara", "Koviljsko-petrovaradinski rit", "Bagremara", "Gornje Podunavlje" i "Deliblatska peščara". Drugi cilj se odnosi na utvrđivanje postojanja statistički značajne razlike u oblastima subvencionisanja, u odnosu na odabrana ZP. U radu su korišćeni interni podaci JP "Vojvodinašume", za period 2009-2019. godine. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su najvažniji izvori subvencija za posmatrana ZP sredstva iz republičkog i pokrajinskog budžeta. U odnosu na oblasti subvencionisanja, najviše sredstava je izdvojeno za praćenje i unapređenje stanja ZP, čime se JP "Vojvodinašume" opredelilo za aktivni pristup zaštiti prirode., One of the most complex issues in a protected area (PA) management is the provision of adequate financial resources. Managers of PAs in Serbia are financed from several different sources: budget through the allocation of subsidies, fees for the PAs use, revenues generated through the business operating and management, funds provided for project implementation, donations, gifts, AIDS, etc. Public enterprise (PE) "Vojvodinašume" is the manager of 16 and the user of 19 PAs in the territory of Vojvodina. In this paper, two research goals are defined. The first goal refers to the determination of a statistically significant difference in the sources of subsidies according to the selected PAs, and those are special nature reserves: "Obedska bara", "Koviljsko-petrovaradinski rit", "Bagremara", "Gornje Podunavlje" and "Deliblatska peščara". The second goal is the determination of a statistically significant difference in the areas of subsidising, related to the selected PAs. In this paper, PE "Vojvodinašume" internal data for the period 2009-2019 were used. The research has determined funds provided by the national and provincial budgets as the most important sources of subsidies for the observed PAs. Concerning the areas of subsidising, most of the funds were allocated for the monitoring and improvement of the PAs conditions, which determined PE "Vojvodinašume" for taking an active approach to nature conservation.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u Javnom preduzeću "Vojvodinašume" - izvori i oblasti korišćenja subvencija, Protected areas management in Public Enterprise "Vojvodinašume": Sources and areas of subsidies use",
pages = "155-125",
number = "122",
doi = "10.2298/GSF2022125V",
url = "conv_506"
Vasić, I., Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J.,& Nonić, D.. (2020). Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u Javnom preduzeću "Vojvodinašume" - izvori i oblasti korišćenja subvencija. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(122), 125-155.
Vasić I, Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Nonić D. Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u Javnom preduzeću "Vojvodinašume" - izvori i oblasti korišćenja subvencija. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2020;(122):125-155.
conv_506 .
Vasić, Ivana, Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, "Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u Javnom preduzeću "Vojvodinašume" - izvori i oblasti korišćenja subvencija" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 122 (2020):125-155,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF2022125V .,
conv_506 .

Mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje upravljača i zainteresovanih strana na području nacionalnih parkova Đerdap i Kopaonik

Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan; Prvulović, Mladen; Ranković, Nenad

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Prvulović, Mladen
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1021
AB  - U skladu sa Zakonom o nacionalnim parkovima (NP) iz 2015. God., upravljač ima obavezu da sarađuje sa zainteresovanim stranama (ZS) na području NP. Cilj rada je dolazak do saznanja o stavovima predstavnika Javnog preduzeća "NP Đerdap" i Javnog preduzeća "NP Kopaonik" i ZS na području ova dva NP, u vezi sa postojećom saradnjom, kao i mogućnostima za njeno unapređenje. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni u dve faze. U prvoj fazi, sprovedene su ankete sa 52 predstavnika ZS iz javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektora sa područja oba NP i intervjui sa 9 predstavnika upravljača NP. U drugoj fazi, sprovedeni su intervjui sa 16 predstavnika ZS, 2 predstavnika upravljača NP i 2 eksperta (predstavnici institucija i organizacija, čije su poslovne aktivnosti, direktno ili indirektno, povezane sa problematikom upravljanja zaštićenim područjima). Predstavnici upravljača NP ističu da imaju saradnju sa ZS iz javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektora i naglašavaju da su zadovoljni tom saradnjom, ali i da postoji zainteresovanost da se ona unapredi. Većina predstavnika ZS sa područja NP Đerdap (92,6%) i NP Kopaonik (76,0%) je istaklo da su zadovoljni radom upravljača. Pored toga, imaju i saradnju sa ostalim ZS na području NP, ali su zainteresovani za njeno unapređenje. Predlozi se odnose na veće informisanje i edukaciju ZS, njihovo udruživanje i zajednički rad na projektima.
AB  - In accordance with the Law on National Parks (NP) from 2015, the manager is obliged to cooperate with the stakeholders in the area of NP. The aim of the paper is to determine the attitudes of the representatives of the Public Enterprise "NP Đerdap" and Public Enterprise "NP Kopaonik" and stakeholders in the area of these two NPs, towards the existing cooperation, as well as the possibilities for its improvement. Primary data were collected in two phases. In the first phase, 52 stakeholders' representatives from the public, private and civil sectors from the areas of both NPs were surveyed and 9 representatives of the NP managers were interviewed. In the second phase, interviews were conducted with 16 stakeholders' representatives, 2 representatives of NP managers and 2 experts (representatives of institutions and organizations, whose business activities are directly or indirectly related to the management of protected areas). Representatives of NP managers emphasize that they have cooperation with stakeholders from the public, private and civil sectors. They are satisfied with this cooperation, but also have the interest to improve it. Most stakeholders' representatives from the area of NP Đerdap (92.6%) and NP Kopaonik (76.0%) noted that they are satisfied with the managers' work. They also have cooperation with other stakeholders in the NP area, but they are interested in improvement. Proposals refer to sharing more information and education of stakeholders, establishing of their association and joint work on projects.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje upravljača i zainteresovanih strana na području nacionalnih parkova Đerdap i Kopaonik
T1  - Possibilities of improving cooperation of managers and stakeholders in the National Parks Đerdap and Kopaonik
EP  - 144
IS  - 119
SP  - 105
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1919105N
UR  - conv_481
ER  - 
author = "Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan and Prvulović, Mladen and Ranković, Nenad",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U skladu sa Zakonom o nacionalnim parkovima (NP) iz 2015. God., upravljač ima obavezu da sarađuje sa zainteresovanim stranama (ZS) na području NP. Cilj rada je dolazak do saznanja o stavovima predstavnika Javnog preduzeća "NP Đerdap" i Javnog preduzeća "NP Kopaonik" i ZS na području ova dva NP, u vezi sa postojećom saradnjom, kao i mogućnostima za njeno unapređenje. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni u dve faze. U prvoj fazi, sprovedene su ankete sa 52 predstavnika ZS iz javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektora sa područja oba NP i intervjui sa 9 predstavnika upravljača NP. U drugoj fazi, sprovedeni su intervjui sa 16 predstavnika ZS, 2 predstavnika upravljača NP i 2 eksperta (predstavnici institucija i organizacija, čije su poslovne aktivnosti, direktno ili indirektno, povezane sa problematikom upravljanja zaštićenim područjima). Predstavnici upravljača NP ističu da imaju saradnju sa ZS iz javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektora i naglašavaju da su zadovoljni tom saradnjom, ali i da postoji zainteresovanost da se ona unapredi. Većina predstavnika ZS sa područja NP Đerdap (92,6%) i NP Kopaonik (76,0%) je istaklo da su zadovoljni radom upravljača. Pored toga, imaju i saradnju sa ostalim ZS na području NP, ali su zainteresovani za njeno unapređenje. Predlozi se odnose na veće informisanje i edukaciju ZS, njihovo udruživanje i zajednički rad na projektima., In accordance with the Law on National Parks (NP) from 2015, the manager is obliged to cooperate with the stakeholders in the area of NP. The aim of the paper is to determine the attitudes of the representatives of the Public Enterprise "NP Đerdap" and Public Enterprise "NP Kopaonik" and stakeholders in the area of these two NPs, towards the existing cooperation, as well as the possibilities for its improvement. Primary data were collected in two phases. In the first phase, 52 stakeholders' representatives from the public, private and civil sectors from the areas of both NPs were surveyed and 9 representatives of the NP managers were interviewed. In the second phase, interviews were conducted with 16 stakeholders' representatives, 2 representatives of NP managers and 2 experts (representatives of institutions and organizations, whose business activities are directly or indirectly related to the management of protected areas). Representatives of NP managers emphasize that they have cooperation with stakeholders from the public, private and civil sectors. They are satisfied with this cooperation, but also have the interest to improve it. Most stakeholders' representatives from the area of NP Đerdap (92.6%) and NP Kopaonik (76.0%) noted that they are satisfied with the managers' work. They also have cooperation with other stakeholders in the NP area, but they are interested in improvement. Proposals refer to sharing more information and education of stakeholders, establishing of their association and joint work on projects.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje upravljača i zainteresovanih strana na području nacionalnih parkova Đerdap i Kopaonik, Possibilities of improving cooperation of managers and stakeholders in the National Parks Đerdap and Kopaonik",
pages = "144-105",
number = "119",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1919105N",
url = "conv_481"
Nedeljković, J., Nonić, D., Prvulović, M.,& Ranković, N.. (2019). Mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje upravljača i zainteresovanih strana na području nacionalnih parkova Đerdap i Kopaonik. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(119), 105-144.
Nedeljković J, Nonić D, Prvulović M, Ranković N. Mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje upravljača i zainteresovanih strana na području nacionalnih parkova Đerdap i Kopaonik. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2019;(119):105-144.
conv_481 .
Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, Prvulović, Mladen, Ranković, Nenad, "Mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje upravljača i zainteresovanih strana na području nacionalnih parkova Đerdap i Kopaonik" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 119 (2019):105-144,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1919105N .,
conv_481 .

Trend šteta u odabranim šumskim područjima i prognoza za naredni period

Ranković, Nenad; Stanišić, Mirjana; Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Stanišić, Mirjana
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/989
AB  - Do sada sprovedenim istraživanjima u Srbiji je utvrđeno uvećanje šteta u šumama od prirodnih nepogoda, kao i uvećanje učešća u ukupnim šumskim štetama uz njihovu teritorijalnu neujednačenost. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje trenda kretanja broja i površine šteta, površine šteta po jednom štetnom događaju, kao i prognoze kretanja šteta nastalih usled štetnog dejstva vode, vetra i požara u odabranim šumskim područjima u Srbiji. U istraživanju je korišćena metoda modelovanja, a primenjene su i metoda analize trenda, regresiona i korelaciona analiza, kao i posebne metode. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da postoje razlike u trendovima kretanja šteta pojedinačnih štetnih faktora, uz uglavnom rastući trend kretanja šteta nastalih usled dejstva vode i vetra opadajući trend kretanja šteta nastalih usled dejstva požara, ali i porast obima šteta nastalih usled dejstva sva tri štetna faktora.
AB  - The research carried out in Serbia so far revealed an increase in forest damages from natural hazards, as well as increased share in total forest damages with their territorial inequality. This research aims to determine the trend in the number and area of damages, the area of damages per one harmful event, and the prognosis of damages caused by the harmful effects of water, wind and fire in selected forest regions of Serbia. A modelling method was used as a basic scientific method, with an application of trend regression and correlation analysis and other specific methods.The results of the research indicate that there are differences in the trends per harmful factor. An increasing trend is visible with the damages caused by the effects of water and wind but also in the extent of damages caused by all three detrimental factors. A decreasing trend is noticeable only for the damages caused by fire.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Trend šteta u odabranim šumskim područjima i prognoza za naredni period
T1  - Damage trends in selected forest regions and a future period forecast
EP  - 212
IS  - 119
SP  - 189
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1919189R
UR  - conv_483
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Stanišić, Mirjana and Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Do sada sprovedenim istraživanjima u Srbiji je utvrđeno uvećanje šteta u šumama od prirodnih nepogoda, kao i uvećanje učešća u ukupnim šumskim štetama uz njihovu teritorijalnu neujednačenost. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje trenda kretanja broja i površine šteta, površine šteta po jednom štetnom događaju, kao i prognoze kretanja šteta nastalih usled štetnog dejstva vode, vetra i požara u odabranim šumskim područjima u Srbiji. U istraživanju je korišćena metoda modelovanja, a primenjene su i metoda analize trenda, regresiona i korelaciona analiza, kao i posebne metode. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da postoje razlike u trendovima kretanja šteta pojedinačnih štetnih faktora, uz uglavnom rastući trend kretanja šteta nastalih usled dejstva vode i vetra opadajući trend kretanja šteta nastalih usled dejstva požara, ali i porast obima šteta nastalih usled dejstva sva tri štetna faktora., The research carried out in Serbia so far revealed an increase in forest damages from natural hazards, as well as increased share in total forest damages with their territorial inequality. This research aims to determine the trend in the number and area of damages, the area of damages per one harmful event, and the prognosis of damages caused by the harmful effects of water, wind and fire in selected forest regions of Serbia. A modelling method was used as a basic scientific method, with an application of trend regression and correlation analysis and other specific methods.The results of the research indicate that there are differences in the trends per harmful factor. An increasing trend is visible with the damages caused by the effects of water and wind but also in the extent of damages caused by all three detrimental factors. A decreasing trend is noticeable only for the damages caused by fire.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Trend šteta u odabranim šumskim područjima i prognoza za naredni period, Damage trends in selected forest regions and a future period forecast",
pages = "212-189",
number = "119",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1919189R",
url = "conv_483"
Ranković, N., Stanišić, M., Nedeljković, J.,& Nonić, D.. (2019). Trend šteta u odabranim šumskim područjima i prognoza za naredni period. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(119), 189-212.
Ranković N, Stanišić M, Nedeljković J, Nonić D. Trend šteta u odabranim šumskim područjima i prognoza za naredni period. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2019;(119):189-212.
conv_483 .
Ranković, Nenad, Stanišić, Mirjana, Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, "Trend šteta u odabranim šumskim područjima i prognoza za naredni period" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 119 (2019):189-212,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1919189R .,
conv_483 .

Mechanisms of financing the protected area management system in Serbia

Đorđević, Ilija; Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan; Posavec, Stjepan; Cesljar, Goran


AU  - Đorđević, Ilija
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Posavec, Stjepan
AU  - Cesljar, Goran
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/997
AB  - The financing of protected area (PA) management includes the interaction of different actors that are involved in the process of management and financing, i.e., from the management framework to the mechanisms of financing. The management framework sets the basic preconditions for PA management, while the mechanisms of financing represent the ways of financing PAs based on the long-term and sustainable conditions. The management of PAs in Serbia has mostly been done by public enterprises (PE). It was given to non-governmental organizations (NGO) for the first time in the late 1990s. Today, the management is carried out by different managers from the public sector (PS) to the private sector (PrS). This research deals with different financing mechanisms present in PAs in Serbia. Additionally, it deals with the differences in the financing between different management actors (MA) in order to establish the best financing practices in the PA management system in Serbia. The results indicate that public enterprise "Srbijasume" (PES) has the lowest average number of financial sources, unlike public enterprise "Vojvodinasume" (PEV). Regarding the average amount of financing, other managers from the public sector (OPS) have the largest amount of financing, while other public enterprises (OPE) record the smallest amount of their own financing. In order to improve the use of mechanisms for the PA management system financing, additional training for the use of funds is proposed at national and international level, as well as external, i.e., additional engagement of agencies that would prepare projects at international level. It is also proposed to establish a specific mechanism - a fund intended for nature protection.
T2  - Šumarski list
T1  - Mechanisms of financing the protected area management system in Serbia
EP  - 560
IS  - 11-12
SP  - 549
VL  - 143
DO  - 10.31298/sl.143.11-12.5
UR  - conv_1468
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Ilija and Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan and Posavec, Stjepan and Cesljar, Goran",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The financing of protected area (PA) management includes the interaction of different actors that are involved in the process of management and financing, i.e., from the management framework to the mechanisms of financing. The management framework sets the basic preconditions for PA management, while the mechanisms of financing represent the ways of financing PAs based on the long-term and sustainable conditions. The management of PAs in Serbia has mostly been done by public enterprises (PE). It was given to non-governmental organizations (NGO) for the first time in the late 1990s. Today, the management is carried out by different managers from the public sector (PS) to the private sector (PrS). This research deals with different financing mechanisms present in PAs in Serbia. Additionally, it deals with the differences in the financing between different management actors (MA) in order to establish the best financing practices in the PA management system in Serbia. The results indicate that public enterprise "Srbijasume" (PES) has the lowest average number of financial sources, unlike public enterprise "Vojvodinasume" (PEV). Regarding the average amount of financing, other managers from the public sector (OPS) have the largest amount of financing, while other public enterprises (OPE) record the smallest amount of their own financing. In order to improve the use of mechanisms for the PA management system financing, additional training for the use of funds is proposed at national and international level, as well as external, i.e., additional engagement of agencies that would prepare projects at international level. It is also proposed to establish a specific mechanism - a fund intended for nature protection.",
journal = "Šumarski list",
title = "Mechanisms of financing the protected area management system in Serbia",
pages = "560-549",
number = "11-12",
volume = "143",
doi = "10.31298/sl.143.11-12.5",
url = "conv_1468"
Đorđević, I., Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J., Tomićević-Dubljević, J., Nonić, D., Posavec, S.,& Cesljar, G.. (2019). Mechanisms of financing the protected area management system in Serbia. in Šumarski list, 143(11-12), 549-560.
Đorđević I, Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Tomićević-Dubljević J, Nonić D, Posavec S, Cesljar G. Mechanisms of financing the protected area management system in Serbia. in Šumarski list. 2019;143(11-12):549-560.
conv_1468 .
Đorđević, Ilija, Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, Posavec, Stjepan, Cesljar, Goran, "Mechanisms of financing the protected area management system in Serbia" in Šumarski list, 143, no. 11-12 (2019):549-560,
https://doi.org/10.31298/sl.143.11-12.5 .,
conv_1468 .

Rangiranje i mapiranje šumskih područja u Srbiji prema stepenu ugroženosti od šumskih šteta

Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan; Stanišić, Mirjana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Stanišić, Mirjana
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/982
AB  - Šumski ekosistemi u Srbiji trpe svake godine velike štete, usled negativnog uticaja vode, vetra i požara, čiji su uzrok klimatske promene. U tom smislu, cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje stepena ugroženosti pojedinih šumskih područja od navedenih uticaja, kao i formiranje rangova i grupa šumskih područja, i indeksa njihove ugroženosti. U skladu sa tim, metodom klaster analize izvršeno je grupisanje šumskih područja u odnosu na dva kriterijuma (broj šteta i oštećena površina), što je poslužilo da se izračuna i indeks njihove ugroženosti po oba kriterijuma. Na taj način, izdvojene su tri grupe šumskih područja: jako, srednje i slabo ugrožena. Najveći indeks ugroženosti u odnosu na zahvaćenu površinu imaju Rasinsko i Tarsko šumsko područje (I UPP=6), dok u grupu slabo ugroženih spadaju Šumadijsko, Južnokučajsko, Gornjeibarsko, Timočko, Topličko i Niško, sa I UP=3. Rezultati ovih istraživanja, mogu se koristiti za kvalitetniji monitoring (praćenje i kontrola), njihovu prevenciju i reagovanje, ukoliko dođe do pojave štetnih događaja.
AB  - Forest ecosystems in Serbia suffer great damages each year due to the negative effects of water, wind and fires, which are caused by climate change. In this sense, the aim of the research is to determine the degree of threat from the effects of water, wind and fires for selected forest regions, as well as to form ranks and groups of forest regions, and their threat indexes. Through cluster analysis method, forest regions are grouped based on two criteria (number of damage and damaged area), in order to calculate their threat index. In this way, three groups of forest regions were identified: considerably, moderately, and slightly threatened. Rasinsko and Tarsko forest region (I UP=6) have the highest threat index in relation to the affected area. Šumadijsko, Južnokučajsko, Gornjeibarsko, Timočko, Topličko and Niško, with I UP=3 belong to the group of slightly threatened areas. The results of these studies can be used for achieving better quality of monitoring and control), prevention and response, should any harmful event occur.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Rangiranje i mapiranje šumskih područja u Srbiji prema stepenu ugroženosti od šumskih šteta
T1  - Ranking and mapping of forest regions in Serbia based on the forest damage threat degree
EP  - 178
IS  - 120
SP  - 151
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1920151R
UR  - conv_493
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan and Stanišić, Mirjana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Šumski ekosistemi u Srbiji trpe svake godine velike štete, usled negativnog uticaja vode, vetra i požara, čiji su uzrok klimatske promene. U tom smislu, cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje stepena ugroženosti pojedinih šumskih područja od navedenih uticaja, kao i formiranje rangova i grupa šumskih područja, i indeksa njihove ugroženosti. U skladu sa tim, metodom klaster analize izvršeno je grupisanje šumskih područja u odnosu na dva kriterijuma (broj šteta i oštećena površina), što je poslužilo da se izračuna i indeks njihove ugroženosti po oba kriterijuma. Na taj način, izdvojene su tri grupe šumskih područja: jako, srednje i slabo ugrožena. Najveći indeks ugroženosti u odnosu na zahvaćenu površinu imaju Rasinsko i Tarsko šumsko područje (I UPP=6), dok u grupu slabo ugroženih spadaju Šumadijsko, Južnokučajsko, Gornjeibarsko, Timočko, Topličko i Niško, sa I UP=3. Rezultati ovih istraživanja, mogu se koristiti za kvalitetniji monitoring (praćenje i kontrola), njihovu prevenciju i reagovanje, ukoliko dođe do pojave štetnih događaja., Forest ecosystems in Serbia suffer great damages each year due to the negative effects of water, wind and fires, which are caused by climate change. In this sense, the aim of the research is to determine the degree of threat from the effects of water, wind and fires for selected forest regions, as well as to form ranks and groups of forest regions, and their threat indexes. Through cluster analysis method, forest regions are grouped based on two criteria (number of damage and damaged area), in order to calculate their threat index. In this way, three groups of forest regions were identified: considerably, moderately, and slightly threatened. Rasinsko and Tarsko forest region (I UP=6) have the highest threat index in relation to the affected area. Šumadijsko, Južnokučajsko, Gornjeibarsko, Timočko, Topličko and Niško, with I UP=3 belong to the group of slightly threatened areas. The results of these studies can be used for achieving better quality of monitoring and control), prevention and response, should any harmful event occur.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Rangiranje i mapiranje šumskih područja u Srbiji prema stepenu ugroženosti od šumskih šteta, Ranking and mapping of forest regions in Serbia based on the forest damage threat degree",
pages = "178-151",
number = "120",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1920151R",
url = "conv_493"
Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J., Nonić, D.,& Stanišić, M.. (2019). Rangiranje i mapiranje šumskih područja u Srbiji prema stepenu ugroženosti od šumskih šteta. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(120), 151-178.
Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Nonić D, Stanišić M. Rangiranje i mapiranje šumskih područja u Srbiji prema stepenu ugroženosti od šumskih šteta. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2019;(120):151-178.
conv_493 .
Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, Stanišić, Mirjana, "Rangiranje i mapiranje šumskih područja u Srbiji prema stepenu ugroženosti od šumskih šteta" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 120 (2019):151-178,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1920151R .,
conv_493 .

Organization of the protected area management in Serbia: a comparative analysis of defined groups of managers

Đorđević, Ilija; Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena; Ranković, Nenad; Brašanac-Bosanac, Ljiljana


AU  - Đorđević, Ilija
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Brašanac-Bosanac, Ljiljana
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1059
AB  - Protected area (PA) is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective means to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. Organization of protected areas management represents a complex system of different actors that work with each other and different structures and procedures. Therefore, the organization of protected areas management is viewed from a systematic perspective that involves external and internal environments which need to be considered in the process of decision-making. The long-term sustainable management of PAs is defined through three objectives that include conservation, education and recreation, and strengthening of local communities. The organization of National park (NP) and Nature Park (NrP) management includes several functions from the executive management of PAs, through evaluation, protection and conservation of PAs, to technical maintenance of PAs. The main research objective was to study and define the organization of PA management within the defined groups of PA managers in Serbia and examine differences in the PA management in Serbia. The specific research questions to be answered were: (i) how PA management is organized in the field, (ii) what are the differences in the implementation of management documents and (iii) what are the differences in the cooperation with different stakeholders.
T2  - Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
T1  - Organization of the protected area management in Serbia: a comparative analysis of defined groups of managers
EP  - 5082
IS  - 7
SP  - 5075
VL  - 28
UR  - conv_1443
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Ilija and Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena and Ranković, Nenad and Brašanac-Bosanac, Ljiljana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Protected area (PA) is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective means to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. Organization of protected areas management represents a complex system of different actors that work with each other and different structures and procedures. Therefore, the organization of protected areas management is viewed from a systematic perspective that involves external and internal environments which need to be considered in the process of decision-making. The long-term sustainable management of PAs is defined through three objectives that include conservation, education and recreation, and strengthening of local communities. The organization of National park (NP) and Nature Park (NrP) management includes several functions from the executive management of PAs, through evaluation, protection and conservation of PAs, to technical maintenance of PAs. The main research objective was to study and define the organization of PA management within the defined groups of PA managers in Serbia and examine differences in the PA management in Serbia. The specific research questions to be answered were: (i) how PA management is organized in the field, (ii) what are the differences in the implementation of management documents and (iii) what are the differences in the cooperation with different stakeholders.",
journal = "Fresenius Environmental Bulletin",
title = "Organization of the protected area management in Serbia: a comparative analysis of defined groups of managers",
pages = "5082-5075",
number = "7",
volume = "28",
url = "conv_1443"
Đorđević, I., Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J., Tomićević-Dubljević, J., Ranković, N.,& Brašanac-Bosanac, L.. (2019). Organization of the protected area management in Serbia: a comparative analysis of defined groups of managers. in Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(7), 5075-5082.
Đorđević I, Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Tomićević-Dubljević J, Ranković N, Brašanac-Bosanac L. Organization of the protected area management in Serbia: a comparative analysis of defined groups of managers. in Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2019;28(7):5075-5082.
conv_1443 .
Đorđević, Ilija, Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena, Ranković, Nenad, Brašanac-Bosanac, Ljiljana, "Organization of the protected area management in Serbia: a comparative analysis of defined groups of managers" in Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28, no. 7 (2019):5075-5082,
conv_1443 .

Zakonodavni okviri upravljanja zaštićenim područjima u srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj

Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Prvulović, Mladen

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Prvulović, Mladen
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/947
AB  - U radu je izvršena analiza zakona koji su povezani sa upravljanjem zaštićenim područjima, odnosno utvrđivanje značenja sadržaja i osobina tekstova zakona po pitanju upravljanja, radi uočavanja mogućih identičnosti, izostanka ili suprotnosti u značenju. Cilj istraživanja je da se, na bazi osnovnih karakteristika iskaza u posmatranim zakonima odabranih zemalja, dođe do saznanja o karakteru zakonskih rešenja u vezi sa načinom upravljanja zaštićenim područjima. Analiza je izvršena za tri države: Srbija, Crna Gora i Hrvatska. Imajući u vidu da se ova materija sadržajno nalazi u više različitih zakona, u obzir su uzeti sledeći: Zakon o šumama, Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine, Zakon o zaštiti prirode i Zakon o nacionalnim parkovima. Kod svih posmatranih zemalja preovlađuju odrednice opšteg karaktera sa 63,9%, dok su odrednice organizacionog (24,9%) i ekonomskog (11,2%) karaktera znatno manje zastupljene. Kad su u pitanju pojedinačne odrednice, jasno se zapaža da je odrednica "Zaštita" najzastupljenija, a slede je "Ekologija" i "Status/funkcija", pri čemu sve tri pripadaju grupi opštih odrednica. U grupi odrednica koje imaju organizacione karakteristike dominira odrednica "Korisnici", a u grupi odrednica ekonomskog karaktera najzastupljenija je "Šumarstvo". Imajući navedeno u vidu, kod uređivanja pitanja upravljanja zaštićenim područjima, sastavljači zakona trebali bi više da se usmere u pravcu definisanja konkretnih rešenja, koja će unaprediti rad u praksi, a time zadovoljiti i osnovni smisao njihovog donošenja (zaštita odabranih područja od društvenog značaja).
AB  - The paper analyzes the laws related to the management of protected areas, i.e., determining the meaning of the content and characteristics of the texts of the laws regarding management, in order to identify possible identities, absences or contradictions in meaning. The aim of this research is to find out the nature of the legislation related to the management of protected areas, on the basis of the characteristics of the paragraphs in the observed laws of the selected countries. The analysis was carried out for three countries: Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. Bearing in mind that these issues are subject of several different laws, the following acts were taken into account: the Law on Forests, the Law on Environmental Protection, the Law on Nature Conservation and the Law on National Parks. In all the observed countries, general entries are predominated (63.9%), while the entries with organizational (24.9%) and economic (11.2%) characters are much less common. When it comes to individual entries, "Protection" is the most frequent, followed by "Ecology" and "Status / Function", all of which belong to the group of general entries. In the group of entries with organizational character, "Users" is dominant, and in the group of entries with economic character, the most important is "Forestry". When regulating protected area management issues, law drafters should be more focused on defining concrete solutions, which will improve work in practice, and thus satisfy the basic purpose of their adoption (protection of selected areas of social significance).
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Zakonodavni okviri upravljanja zaštićenim područjima u srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj
T1  - The legal framework for protected areas management in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia
EP  - 142
IS  - 118
SP  - 113
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1818113R
UR  - conv_475
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Prvulović, Mladen",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U radu je izvršena analiza zakona koji su povezani sa upravljanjem zaštićenim područjima, odnosno utvrđivanje značenja sadržaja i osobina tekstova zakona po pitanju upravljanja, radi uočavanja mogućih identičnosti, izostanka ili suprotnosti u značenju. Cilj istraživanja je da se, na bazi osnovnih karakteristika iskaza u posmatranim zakonima odabranih zemalja, dođe do saznanja o karakteru zakonskih rešenja u vezi sa načinom upravljanja zaštićenim područjima. Analiza je izvršena za tri države: Srbija, Crna Gora i Hrvatska. Imajući u vidu da se ova materija sadržajno nalazi u više različitih zakona, u obzir su uzeti sledeći: Zakon o šumama, Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine, Zakon o zaštiti prirode i Zakon o nacionalnim parkovima. Kod svih posmatranih zemalja preovlađuju odrednice opšteg karaktera sa 63,9%, dok su odrednice organizacionog (24,9%) i ekonomskog (11,2%) karaktera znatno manje zastupljene. Kad su u pitanju pojedinačne odrednice, jasno se zapaža da je odrednica "Zaštita" najzastupljenija, a slede je "Ekologija" i "Status/funkcija", pri čemu sve tri pripadaju grupi opštih odrednica. U grupi odrednica koje imaju organizacione karakteristike dominira odrednica "Korisnici", a u grupi odrednica ekonomskog karaktera najzastupljenija je "Šumarstvo". Imajući navedeno u vidu, kod uređivanja pitanja upravljanja zaštićenim područjima, sastavljači zakona trebali bi više da se usmere u pravcu definisanja konkretnih rešenja, koja će unaprediti rad u praksi, a time zadovoljiti i osnovni smisao njihovog donošenja (zaštita odabranih područja od društvenog značaja)., The paper analyzes the laws related to the management of protected areas, i.e., determining the meaning of the content and characteristics of the texts of the laws regarding management, in order to identify possible identities, absences or contradictions in meaning. The aim of this research is to find out the nature of the legislation related to the management of protected areas, on the basis of the characteristics of the paragraphs in the observed laws of the selected countries. The analysis was carried out for three countries: Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. Bearing in mind that these issues are subject of several different laws, the following acts were taken into account: the Law on Forests, the Law on Environmental Protection, the Law on Nature Conservation and the Law on National Parks. In all the observed countries, general entries are predominated (63.9%), while the entries with organizational (24.9%) and economic (11.2%) characters are much less common. When it comes to individual entries, "Protection" is the most frequent, followed by "Ecology" and "Status / Function", all of which belong to the group of general entries. In the group of entries with organizational character, "Users" is dominant, and in the group of entries with economic character, the most important is "Forestry". When regulating protected area management issues, law drafters should be more focused on defining concrete solutions, which will improve work in practice, and thus satisfy the basic purpose of their adoption (protection of selected areas of social significance).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Zakonodavni okviri upravljanja zaštićenim područjima u srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj, The legal framework for protected areas management in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia",
pages = "142-113",
number = "118",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1818113R",
url = "conv_475"
Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J.,& Prvulović, M.. (2018). Zakonodavni okviri upravljanja zaštićenim područjima u srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(118), 113-142.
Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Prvulović M. Zakonodavni okviri upravljanja zaštićenim područjima u srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2018;(118):113-142.
conv_475 .
Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Prvulović, Mladen, "Zakonodavni okviri upravljanja zaštićenim područjima u srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 118 (2018):113-142,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1818113R .,
conv_475 .

Organisation of procurement in wood supply chain: Improvement of possibilities in the South Morava Forest Area

Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Mihajlović, Dragan; Ranković, Nenad; Glavonjić, Branko

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Mihajlović, Dragan
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Glavonjić, Branko
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/951
AB  - The procurement process is of great importance for the business success of
   the company. The effectiveness of a business depends to a great extent on
   the ability to use the environment in the procurement of resources necessary
   for functioning. The aim of the research is to identify the main problems in
   forest management in the South Morava Forest Area (SMFA), in the production
   and sales of beech roundwood, as well as to determinate the characteristics
   of the companies and the organization of the raw materials procurement
   process. The data were collected in the period 2014- 2017, by surveying 13
   representatives of small and medium enterprises and 1 large company and
   interviewing 5 employees of Forest Estate “Vranje” (Public enterprise
   „Srbijašume“). The current situation in the SMFA is characterized by an
   unfavourable structure of beech coppice forests, inadequate forest openness
   and low wood mobilization from private forests. Analyzed companies are,
   mostly, micro and small (79.0%), founded (64.3%) less than 10 years ago, and
   50% of them are engaged in sawmill and wood processing. All companies
   purchase and use beech technical roundwood. Wood raw material is purchased
   from the public and private sectors. Transport of raw materials is carried
   out through intermediaries (92.9%) and on “bad” and “very bad” (71.0%)
   infrastructure. However, the majority (92.9%) of them are “partially
   satisfied” and “satisfied” with the quantity and quality of delivered raw
   materials. There is a significant presence (86.0%) of enterprises, which, in
   addition to technical roundwood, procure and use other wood products
   (fibreboards and other reproduction materials) from suppliers from other
   regions. Based on the analysis of all collected data, places for improvement
   of wood raw materials procurement and the weaknesses of existing supply
   chains have been defined, as well as the proposals for improving the
   organization of the procurement of wood raw materials at SMFA. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 37008-TD:
   Sustainable management of the total forest potential in the Republic of
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
T1  - Organisation of procurement in wood supply chain: Improvement of possibilities in the South Morava Forest Area
EP  - 118
IS  - 117
SP  - 97
VL  - 2018
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1817097N
UR  - conv_2335
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Mihajlović, Dragan and Ranković, Nenad and Glavonjić, Branko",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The procurement process is of great importance for the business success of
   the company. The effectiveness of a business depends to a great extent on
   the ability to use the environment in the procurement of resources necessary
   for functioning. The aim of the research is to identify the main problems in
   forest management in the South Morava Forest Area (SMFA), in the production
   and sales of beech roundwood, as well as to determinate the characteristics
   of the companies and the organization of the raw materials procurement
   process. The data were collected in the period 2014- 2017, by surveying 13
   representatives of small and medium enterprises and 1 large company and
   interviewing 5 employees of Forest Estate “Vranje” (Public enterprise
   „Srbijašume“). The current situation in the SMFA is characterized by an
   unfavourable structure of beech coppice forests, inadequate forest openness
   and low wood mobilization from private forests. Analyzed companies are,
   mostly, micro and small (79.0%), founded (64.3%) less than 10 years ago, and
   50% of them are engaged in sawmill and wood processing. All companies
   purchase and use beech technical roundwood. Wood raw material is purchased
   from the public and private sectors. Transport of raw materials is carried
   out through intermediaries (92.9%) and on “bad” and “very bad” (71.0%)
   infrastructure. However, the majority (92.9%) of them are “partially
   satisfied” and “satisfied” with the quantity and quality of delivered raw
   materials. There is a significant presence (86.0%) of enterprises, which, in
   addition to technical roundwood, procure and use other wood products
   (fibreboards and other reproduction materials) from suppliers from other
   regions. Based on the analysis of all collected data, places for improvement
   of wood raw materials procurement and the weaknesses of existing supply
   chains have been defined, as well as the proposals for improving the
   organization of the procurement of wood raw materials at SMFA. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 37008-TD:
   Sustainable management of the total forest potential in the Republic of
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu",
title = "Organisation of procurement in wood supply chain: Improvement of possibilities in the South Morava Forest Area",
pages = "118-97",
number = "117",
volume = "2018",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1817097N",
url = "conv_2335"
Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J., Mihajlović, D., Ranković, N.,& Glavonjić, B.. (2018). Organisation of procurement in wood supply chain: Improvement of possibilities in the South Morava Forest Area. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 2018(117), 97-118.
Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Mihajlović D, Ranković N, Glavonjić B. Organisation of procurement in wood supply chain: Improvement of possibilities in the South Morava Forest Area. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu. 2018;2018(117):97-118.
conv_2335 .
Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Mihajlović, Dragan, Ranković, Nenad, Glavonjić, Branko, "Organisation of procurement in wood supply chain: Improvement of possibilities in the South Morava Forest Area" in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2018, no. 117 (2018):97-118,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1817097N .,
conv_2335 .

Analiza kretanja veličine površine zaštićenih područja u Srbiji u periodu od 1948. do 2016. godine

Đorđević, Ilija; Ranković, Nenad; Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Zlatić, Miodrag; Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Đorđević, Ilija
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Zlatić, Miodrag
AU  - Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/855
AB  - Na proces uspostavljanja zaštićenih područja u Srbiji uticale su određene društveno-ekonomske promene u periodu posle II svetskog rata, koje su rezultirale konstantnim uvećanjem površine zaštićenih područja i promeni tipa upravljača. Zbog toga, ovo istraživanje se bavi analizom kretanja veličine uspostavljenih zaštićenih područja, preko prosečnih godišnjih apsolutnih promena i prosečnih godišnjih eksponencijalnih stopa rasta. Ovi elementi su značajni zbog procene budućeg rasta zaštićenih područja u javnom i privatnom sektoru, kao i za definisanje potrebnih mera za sprovođenje zadatih ciljeva.
AB  - The process of establishing protected areas in Serbia has been influenced by specific social-economic changes in period after World War II, which have resulted in constant growth of protected area surface and changes in protected area type of manager. Because of that, this research analysis changes in the area of established protected area, through average annual absolute change and average annual exponential growth rate. These elements are important because of estimation of the future growth of protected areas in public and private sectors, as well as for defining the necessary measures for the implementation of defined goals.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Analiza kretanja veličine površine zaštićenih područja u Srbiji u periodu od 1948. do 2016. godine
T1  - An analysis of the trend of protected area size in Serbia in the period from 1948 to 2016
EP  - 88
IS  - 115
SP  - 65
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1715065D
UR  - conv_455
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Ilija and Ranković, Nenad and Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Zlatić, Miodrag and Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Na proces uspostavljanja zaštićenih područja u Srbiji uticale su određene društveno-ekonomske promene u periodu posle II svetskog rata, koje su rezultirale konstantnim uvećanjem površine zaštićenih područja i promeni tipa upravljača. Zbog toga, ovo istraživanje se bavi analizom kretanja veličine uspostavljenih zaštićenih područja, preko prosečnih godišnjih apsolutnih promena i prosečnih godišnjih eksponencijalnih stopa rasta. Ovi elementi su značajni zbog procene budućeg rasta zaštićenih područja u javnom i privatnom sektoru, kao i za definisanje potrebnih mera za sprovođenje zadatih ciljeva., The process of establishing protected areas in Serbia has been influenced by specific social-economic changes in period after World War II, which have resulted in constant growth of protected area surface and changes in protected area type of manager. Because of that, this research analysis changes in the area of established protected area, through average annual absolute change and average annual exponential growth rate. These elements are important because of estimation of the future growth of protected areas in public and private sectors, as well as for defining the necessary measures for the implementation of defined goals.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Analiza kretanja veličine površine zaštićenih područja u Srbiji u periodu od 1948. do 2016. godine, An analysis of the trend of protected area size in Serbia in the period from 1948 to 2016",
pages = "88-65",
number = "115",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1715065D",
url = "conv_455"
Đorđević, I., Ranković, N., Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J., Zlatić, M.,& Tomićević-Dubljević, J.. (2017). Analiza kretanja veličine površine zaštićenih područja u Srbiji u periodu od 1948. do 2016. godine. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(115), 65-88.
Đorđević I, Ranković N, Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Zlatić M, Tomićević-Dubljević J. Analiza kretanja veličine površine zaštićenih područja u Srbiji u periodu od 1948. do 2016. godine. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2017;(115):65-88.
conv_455 .
Đorđević, Ilija, Ranković, Nenad, Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Zlatić, Miodrag, Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena, "Analiza kretanja veličine površine zaštićenih područja u Srbiji u periodu od 1948. do 2016. godine" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 115 (2017):65-88,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1715065D .,
conv_455 .

Saradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanja

Nonić, Dragan; Stanišić, Mirjana; Nedeljković, Jelena; Ranković, Nenad

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Stanišić, Mirjana
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/849
AB  - Ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena predstavlja odgovornost brojnih institucija i organizacija u Srbiji, na različitim nivoima upravljanja, pa je, samim tim, neophodno da one između sebe i sa drugim zainteresovanim stranama, sarađuju. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje postojanja saradnje u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode, na različitim nivoima upravljanja u Srbiji. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni u periodu novembar 2016. - mart 2017. god., sprovođenjem 34 intervjua, sa predstavnicima institucija i organizacija u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na nacionalnom, regionalnom i lokalnom nivou upravljanja, koje se bave pitanjima u vezi sa ublažavanjem negativnih efekata klimatskih promena. Korišćena su tri upitnika (za svaki nivo posebno), sastavljena od pet grupa pitanja. Ustanovljeni su različitih oblici saradnje na različitim nivoima upravljanja, kroz razmenu informacija i edukaciju, razmenu mašina i opreme, finansijsku saradnju i dr. Međutim, na nacionalnom nivou, ne postoji sistemski organizovan proces izveštavanja između institucija u vezi sa pitanjem klimatskih promena, kao ni na regionalnom nivou. Na lokalnom nivou, postoji delimično uspostavljen sistem saradnje između nacionalnog nivoa i lokalne samouprave, ali ona nije isključivo vezana za pitanje ublažavanja negativnih efekata klimatskih promena.
AB  - Climate change mitigation is the responsibility of many institutions and organizations in Serbia at different levels of governance, and therefore, it is necessary for them to cooperate with each other and with other stakeholders. The aim of the paper is to determine the existence of cooperation in climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governance in Serbia. Primary data were collected in the period November 2016 - March 2017. Thirty-four interviews were conducted with representatives of institutions and organizations in forestry and nature protection at the national, regional and local level of governance, dealing with issues related to climate change mitigation. Three questionnaires were used (for each level separately), composed of five question groups. Various forms of cooperation have been established at different levels of governance, through exchange of information and education, machinery and equipment exchange, financial cooperation, etc. However, there is no systemically organized reporting process between institutions on climate change issues at the national level, nor at the regional level. At the local level, there is a partially established system of cooperation between the national level and local self-government, but it is not exclusively related to the issue of climate change mitigation.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Saradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanja
T1  - Cooperation in the climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governance
EP  - 140
IS  - 116
SP  - 99
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1716099N
UR  - conv_464
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Stanišić, Mirjana and Nedeljković, Jelena and Ranković, Nenad",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena predstavlja odgovornost brojnih institucija i organizacija u Srbiji, na različitim nivoima upravljanja, pa je, samim tim, neophodno da one između sebe i sa drugim zainteresovanim stranama, sarađuju. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje postojanja saradnje u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode, na različitim nivoima upravljanja u Srbiji. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni u periodu novembar 2016. - mart 2017. god., sprovođenjem 34 intervjua, sa predstavnicima institucija i organizacija u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na nacionalnom, regionalnom i lokalnom nivou upravljanja, koje se bave pitanjima u vezi sa ublažavanjem negativnih efekata klimatskih promena. Korišćena su tri upitnika (za svaki nivo posebno), sastavljena od pet grupa pitanja. Ustanovljeni su različitih oblici saradnje na različitim nivoima upravljanja, kroz razmenu informacija i edukaciju, razmenu mašina i opreme, finansijsku saradnju i dr. Međutim, na nacionalnom nivou, ne postoji sistemski organizovan proces izveštavanja između institucija u vezi sa pitanjem klimatskih promena, kao ni na regionalnom nivou. Na lokalnom nivou, postoji delimično uspostavljen sistem saradnje između nacionalnog nivoa i lokalne samouprave, ali ona nije isključivo vezana za pitanje ublažavanja negativnih efekata klimatskih promena., Climate change mitigation is the responsibility of many institutions and organizations in Serbia at different levels of governance, and therefore, it is necessary for them to cooperate with each other and with other stakeholders. The aim of the paper is to determine the existence of cooperation in climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governance in Serbia. Primary data were collected in the period November 2016 - March 2017. Thirty-four interviews were conducted with representatives of institutions and organizations in forestry and nature protection at the national, regional and local level of governance, dealing with issues related to climate change mitigation. Three questionnaires were used (for each level separately), composed of five question groups. Various forms of cooperation have been established at different levels of governance, through exchange of information and education, machinery and equipment exchange, financial cooperation, etc. However, there is no systemically organized reporting process between institutions on climate change issues at the national level, nor at the regional level. At the local level, there is a partially established system of cooperation between the national level and local self-government, but it is not exclusively related to the issue of climate change mitigation.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Saradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanja, Cooperation in the climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governance",
pages = "140-99",
number = "116",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1716099N",
url = "conv_464"
Nonić, D., Stanišić, M., Nedeljković, J.,& Ranković, N.. (2017). Saradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanja. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(116), 99-140.
Nonić D, Stanišić M, Nedeljković J, Ranković N. Saradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanja. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2017;(116):99-140.
conv_464 .
Nonić, Dragan, Stanišić, Mirjana, Nedeljković, Jelena, Ranković, Nenad, "Saradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanja" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 116 (2017):99-140,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1716099N .,
conv_464 .

Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja šumske jagode, borovnice i kleke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena

Ranković, Nenad; Poduška, Zoran; Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Stanišić, Mirjana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Poduška, Zoran
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Stanišić, Mirjana
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/846
AB  - U radu je ispitivan uticaj klimatskih elemenata na obim sakupljenih količina borovnice, šumske jagode i kleke u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se predvide količine odabranih šumskih plodova u zavisnosti od različitih scenarija klimatskih promena (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min i A2max). U istraživanju su korišćene opšte (metoda modelovanja), osnovne (dijalektička) i posebne (indukcija i dedukcija, analiza i sinteza, apstrakcija i konkretizacija) naučne metode. Prilikom obrade podataka korišćeni su regresioni modeli, gde je težište dato na statističkoj značajnosti koeficijenta korelacije u odnosu na statističku značajnost parametara. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se u narednom periodu, sa porastom temperature i padavina, može očekivati porast sakupljenih količina šumskih jagoda i borovnica, a opadanje kleke. Dugoročnije prognoze ukazuju da se kod šumskih jagoda i borovnica može očekivati rast, sa tendencijom usporenja posle 2040. godine, dok se kod kleke može očekivati opadanje, takođe sa tendencijom usporenja posle 2040. godine.
AB  - This study examines the influence of some climate elements on the collected quantities of blueberry, wild strawberry and juniper in Serbia. The main objective of the research is to predict the quantity of selected forest fruits depending on the different climate change scenarios (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min and A2max). The general (modeling method), basic (dialectical) and specific scientific methods (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization) were used. Regression models were used in data processing, where the focus was on the statistical significance of the correlation coefficient in relation to the statistical significance of the parameters. The research found that, in the coming period, with the increase in temperature and precipitation, an increase in the collected amount of wild strawberries and blueberries could be expected, and the decline of juniper. Longer-term forecasts indicate expected growth with wild strawberries and blueberries with a tendency to slow down after 2040, and expected decline with juniper, with the same slow down tendency after 2040.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja šumske jagode, borovnice i kleke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena
T1  - Determination of collected quantities of wild strawberry, blueberry and juniper in Serbia in relation to different scenarios of climate change
EP  - 214
IS  - 116
SP  - 189
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1716189R
UR  - conv_467
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Poduška, Zoran and Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Stanišić, Mirjana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "U radu je ispitivan uticaj klimatskih elemenata na obim sakupljenih količina borovnice, šumske jagode i kleke u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se predvide količine odabranih šumskih plodova u zavisnosti od različitih scenarija klimatskih promena (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min i A2max). U istraživanju su korišćene opšte (metoda modelovanja), osnovne (dijalektička) i posebne (indukcija i dedukcija, analiza i sinteza, apstrakcija i konkretizacija) naučne metode. Prilikom obrade podataka korišćeni su regresioni modeli, gde je težište dato na statističkoj značajnosti koeficijenta korelacije u odnosu na statističku značajnost parametara. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se u narednom periodu, sa porastom temperature i padavina, može očekivati porast sakupljenih količina šumskih jagoda i borovnica, a opadanje kleke. Dugoročnije prognoze ukazuju da se kod šumskih jagoda i borovnica može očekivati rast, sa tendencijom usporenja posle 2040. godine, dok se kod kleke može očekivati opadanje, takođe sa tendencijom usporenja posle 2040. godine., This study examines the influence of some climate elements on the collected quantities of blueberry, wild strawberry and juniper in Serbia. The main objective of the research is to predict the quantity of selected forest fruits depending on the different climate change scenarios (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min and A2max). The general (modeling method), basic (dialectical) and specific scientific methods (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization) were used. Regression models were used in data processing, where the focus was on the statistical significance of the correlation coefficient in relation to the statistical significance of the parameters. The research found that, in the coming period, with the increase in temperature and precipitation, an increase in the collected amount of wild strawberries and blueberries could be expected, and the decline of juniper. Longer-term forecasts indicate expected growth with wild strawberries and blueberries with a tendency to slow down after 2040, and expected decline with juniper, with the same slow down tendency after 2040.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja šumske jagode, borovnice i kleke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena, Determination of collected quantities of wild strawberry, blueberry and juniper in Serbia in relation to different scenarios of climate change",
pages = "214-189",
number = "116",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1716189R",
url = "conv_467"
Ranković, N., Poduška, Z., Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J.,& Stanišić, M.. (2017). Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja šumske jagode, borovnice i kleke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(116), 189-214.
Ranković N, Poduška Z, Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Stanišić M. Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja šumske jagode, borovnice i kleke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2017;(116):189-214.
conv_467 .
Ranković, Nenad, Poduška, Zoran, Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Stanišić, Mirjana, "Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja šumske jagode, borovnice i kleke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 116 (2017):189-214,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1716189R .,
conv_467 .

Kretanje obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije i uticaj temperature i padavina

Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Zlatić, Miodrag; Stanišić, Mirjana; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Zlatić, Miodrag
AU  - Stanišić, Mirjana
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/754
AB  - U pogledu vidljivih posledica klimatskih promena, u Srbiji je, kao i u drugim državama, prisutno povećanje srednje godišnje temperature, smanjenje količine padavina, pojava poplava, suša, šumskih požara i ledoloma. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje zakonitosti u kretanju obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije, zatim učešća u ukupnim šumskim štetama i uticaja temperature i padavina na obim šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama u posmatranom periodu. Kao osnovna naučna metoda, korišćena je metoda modelovanja, a primenjene su i metoda analize trenda, regresiona i korelaciona analiza, klasične metode zaključivanja (apstrakcija i konkretizacija, analiza i sinteza, indukcija i dedukcija, itd.), kao i druge metode i tehnike neophodne za dobijanje svih neophodnih elemenata za zaključivanje (proseci, apsolutni rast, stope rasta, itd.). Rezultati istraživanja, bez obzira na izostanak signifikantnosti kod svih modela, ukazuju da su štete od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije u porastu, da se uvećava njihovo učešće u ukupnim šumskim štetama i da se ono može vezati za niže temperature i veću količinu padavina (snegolomi, snegoizvale, ledolomi, ledoizvale, poplave, itd.).
AB  - In terms of the visible effects of climate change, in Serbia as well as in other countries is present an increase of average annual temperature, reduced amount of precipitation, the occurrence of floods, droughts, forest fires and ice breakage. The aim of the research is to determine the pattern of the trends in the extent of damages from natural hazards in the forests in Serbia, their share in the total forest damage and the impact of temperature and precipitation on the extent of damage from natural hazards in the forests during the researched period. A modelling method was used as a basic scientific method, with an application of trend, regression and correlation analysis, methods of reasoning (abstraction and concretization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc.), along with other methods and techniques necessary for obtaining all needed elements (processes, absolute growth, growth rate, etc.). Regardless of the lack of significance in all models, the research results indicate that the damages from natural hazards in the forests in Serbia are expanding, with increased share in total forest damages, which might be related to significantly lower temperatures and higher rainfall (snow-breaks, snow uprooting, ice-breaks, ice uprooting, floods, etc.).
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Kretanje obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije i uticaj temperature i padavina
T1  - Trends in the extent of damages from natural hazards in forests in Serbia and the influence of temperature and precipitation
EP  - 218
IS  - 114
SP  - 201
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1614201R
UR  - conv_449
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Zlatić, Miodrag and Stanišić, Mirjana and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "U pogledu vidljivih posledica klimatskih promena, u Srbiji je, kao i u drugim državama, prisutno povećanje srednje godišnje temperature, smanjenje količine padavina, pojava poplava, suša, šumskih požara i ledoloma. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje zakonitosti u kretanju obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije, zatim učešća u ukupnim šumskim štetama i uticaja temperature i padavina na obim šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama u posmatranom periodu. Kao osnovna naučna metoda, korišćena je metoda modelovanja, a primenjene su i metoda analize trenda, regresiona i korelaciona analiza, klasične metode zaključivanja (apstrakcija i konkretizacija, analiza i sinteza, indukcija i dedukcija, itd.), kao i druge metode i tehnike neophodne za dobijanje svih neophodnih elemenata za zaključivanje (proseci, apsolutni rast, stope rasta, itd.). Rezultati istraživanja, bez obzira na izostanak signifikantnosti kod svih modela, ukazuju da su štete od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije u porastu, da se uvećava njihovo učešće u ukupnim šumskim štetama i da se ono može vezati za niže temperature i veću količinu padavina (snegolomi, snegoizvale, ledolomi, ledoizvale, poplave, itd.)., In terms of the visible effects of climate change, in Serbia as well as in other countries is present an increase of average annual temperature, reduced amount of precipitation, the occurrence of floods, droughts, forest fires and ice breakage. The aim of the research is to determine the pattern of the trends in the extent of damages from natural hazards in the forests in Serbia, their share in the total forest damage and the impact of temperature and precipitation on the extent of damage from natural hazards in the forests during the researched period. A modelling method was used as a basic scientific method, with an application of trend, regression and correlation analysis, methods of reasoning (abstraction and concretization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc.), along with other methods and techniques necessary for obtaining all needed elements (processes, absolute growth, growth rate, etc.). Regardless of the lack of significance in all models, the research results indicate that the damages from natural hazards in the forests in Serbia are expanding, with increased share in total forest damages, which might be related to significantly lower temperatures and higher rainfall (snow-breaks, snow uprooting, ice-breaks, ice uprooting, floods, etc.).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Kretanje obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije i uticaj temperature i padavina, Trends in the extent of damages from natural hazards in forests in Serbia and the influence of temperature and precipitation",
pages = "218-201",
number = "114",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1614201R",
url = "conv_449"
Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J., Zlatić, M., Stanišić, M.,& Nonić, D.. (2016). Kretanje obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije i uticaj temperature i padavina. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(114), 201-218.
Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Zlatić M, Stanišić M, Nonić D. Kretanje obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije i uticaj temperature i padavina. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2016;(114):201-218.
conv_449 .
Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Zlatić, Miodrag, Stanišić, Mirjana, Nonić, Dragan, "Kretanje obima šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u šumama Srbije i uticaj temperature i padavina" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 114 (2016):201-218,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1614201R .,
conv_449 .

Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja vrganja i lisičarke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena

Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena; Poduška, Zoran; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Poduška, Zoran
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/734
AB  - U radu je ispitivan uticaj pojedinih klimatskih elemenata na obim sakupljenih količina dve komercijalno najznačajnije vrste gljiva u Srbiji (vrganj i lisičarka). Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi obim sakupljenih količina vrganja i lisičarki, koje se mogu očekivati u različitim scenarijima klimatskih promena (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min i A2max), zasnovanih na prognozama promena temperature i padavina. U istraživanju su korišćene opšte (dijalektička) i posebne (metoda modelovanja), kao i klasične naučne metode zaključivanja. Obračun prosečne godišnje eksponencijalne stope rasta (IS) vršen je formiranjem eksponencijalnih regresionih modela trenda obima sakupljenih količina vrganja i lisičarke. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se, prema podacima vezanim za periode do 2014. godine, i kod vrganja i kod lisičarke, može očekivati pad u kretanju IS, a time i obim sakupljanja. Sa druge strane, prema podacima vezanim za periode do 2040. godine, u oba slučaja se može očekivati izvesna kolebljivost (padovi i skokovi) u kretanju IS. Prema podacima vezanim za periode posle 2041. god. (posebno za period do 2100. god.), u oba slučaja, mogu se očekivati padovi u obimu sakupljanja kao posledica promena T i P, izazvanih pretpostavljenim klimatskim promenama.
AB  - This study examines the influence of some climate elements on the collected quantities of two commercially most significant types of mushrooms in Serbia (porcini and chanterelle). The main objective of the research is to determine the extent of the collected quantity of porcini and chanterelle, which can be expected in different scenarios of climate change (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min i A2max), based on forecasts of temperature and rainfall changes. The general (dialectical) and specific (modelling methods) are used in the research, as well as the classical scientific methods of reasoning. The calculation of the average annual exponential growth rate (IS) was carried out by forming exponential regression models of the trend of porcini and chanterelle collected quantities. In the research it was found that, according to the data related to the period up to 2014, one can expect a decrease in the movement of both porcini and chanterelle IS, and thus a decrease in the collected quantities. On the other hand, according to the data related to the period up to 2040, in both cases one can expect some fluctuation (increase and decrease) in the movement of IS. According to the data related to periods after 2041 (especially for the period until 2100), in both cases, one can expect a decrease in the collected quantities, as a result of changes in T and P, caused by the assumed climate change.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja vrganja i lisičarke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena
T1  - Determination of collected porcini and chanterelle quantities depending on different climate change scenarios
EP  - 98
IS  - 113
SP  - 77
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1613077R
UR  - conv_438
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena and Poduška, Zoran and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "U radu je ispitivan uticaj pojedinih klimatskih elemenata na obim sakupljenih količina dve komercijalno najznačajnije vrste gljiva u Srbiji (vrganj i lisičarka). Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi obim sakupljenih količina vrganja i lisičarki, koje se mogu očekivati u različitim scenarijima klimatskih promena (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min i A2max), zasnovanih na prognozama promena temperature i padavina. U istraživanju su korišćene opšte (dijalektička) i posebne (metoda modelovanja), kao i klasične naučne metode zaključivanja. Obračun prosečne godišnje eksponencijalne stope rasta (IS) vršen je formiranjem eksponencijalnih regresionih modela trenda obima sakupljenih količina vrganja i lisičarke. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se, prema podacima vezanim za periode do 2014. godine, i kod vrganja i kod lisičarke, može očekivati pad u kretanju IS, a time i obim sakupljanja. Sa druge strane, prema podacima vezanim za periode do 2040. godine, u oba slučaja se može očekivati izvesna kolebljivost (padovi i skokovi) u kretanju IS. Prema podacima vezanim za periode posle 2041. god. (posebno za period do 2100. god.), u oba slučaja, mogu se očekivati padovi u obimu sakupljanja kao posledica promena T i P, izazvanih pretpostavljenim klimatskim promenama., This study examines the influence of some climate elements on the collected quantities of two commercially most significant types of mushrooms in Serbia (porcini and chanterelle). The main objective of the research is to determine the extent of the collected quantity of porcini and chanterelle, which can be expected in different scenarios of climate change (A1Bmin, A1Bmax, A2min i A2max), based on forecasts of temperature and rainfall changes. The general (dialectical) and specific (modelling methods) are used in the research, as well as the classical scientific methods of reasoning. The calculation of the average annual exponential growth rate (IS) was carried out by forming exponential regression models of the trend of porcini and chanterelle collected quantities. In the research it was found that, according to the data related to the period up to 2014, one can expect a decrease in the movement of both porcini and chanterelle IS, and thus a decrease in the collected quantities. On the other hand, according to the data related to the period up to 2040, in both cases one can expect some fluctuation (increase and decrease) in the movement of IS. According to the data related to periods after 2041 (especially for the period until 2100), in both cases, one can expect a decrease in the collected quantities, as a result of changes in T and P, caused by the assumed climate change.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja vrganja i lisičarke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena, Determination of collected porcini and chanterelle quantities depending on different climate change scenarios",
pages = "98-77",
number = "113",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1613077R",
url = "conv_438"
Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J., Poduška, Z.,& Nonić, D.. (2016). Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja vrganja i lisičarke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(113), 77-98.
Ranković N, Nedeljković J, Poduška Z, Nonić D. Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja vrganja i lisičarke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2016;(113):77-98.
conv_438 .
Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, Poduška, Zoran, Nonić, Dragan, "Utvrđivanje obima sakupljanja vrganja i lisičarke u Srbiji u odnosu na različite scenarije klimatskih promena" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 113 (2016):77-98,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1613077R .,
conv_438 .

Analiza strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima - ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji i Srbiji

Ranković, Nenad; Stanišić, Mirjana; Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Stanišić, Mirjana
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/733
AB  - Značajna uloga šuma u ublažavanju i prilagođavanju na negativne efekte klimatskih promena je prepoznata i široko prihvaćena, pa je, samim tim, postala i predmet sveopšteg interesovanja i podrške. Ipak, u nacionalnim strategijama koje se tiču klimatskih promena, vrlo često, nije detaljno razmotren značaj sektora šumarstva u ublažavanju negativnih efekata ovih promena, kao što i problematika klimatskih promena nije potpuno zastupljena i obuhvaćena u nacionalnim šumarskim politikama. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje saglasnosti i razlika strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima, koji se odnose na ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji (EU) i Srbiji. Utvrđeno je da na nivou EU postoje dve strategije i jedna okvirna politika, a u Srbiji, osam sektorskih strategija, koje se bave problematikom ublažavanja negativnih efekata klimatskih promena, kroz šumarstvo. Pri tom su ova pitanja primarni cilj samo u Klimatsko-energetskom paketu EU i Strategiji razvoja šumarstva u Srbiji. U pogledu zakonodavnih okvira, u Srbiji dva zakona kao primarni cilj imaju ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena kroz šumarstvo, dok je u nadležnoj zakonodavnoj regulativi u EU to sekundarni cilj. U Srbiji, samo Zakon o šumama ima direktan uticaj na ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena kroz šumarstvo, dok na nivou EU nijedna uredba, komunikacija ili direktiva nemaju takav uticaj.
AB  - The important role of forests in mitigating and adapting to climate changes is recognized and widely accepted. Therefore, it becomes a subject of universal interest and support. However, in the national strategies relating to climate change, the importance of the forestry sector in mitigating these changes is quite often not discussed in detail. In addition, the problem of climate change is not fully represented and included in national forestry policies. The aim of this research was to determine the compliance and differences of strategic and legislative frameworks in forestry and related sectors, relating to climate change mitigation in the EU and Serbia. At the EU level, there are two strategies and a policy framework, and in Serbia, eight sectoral strategies, referring and discussing the climate change mitigation through forestry. At the same time, these issues are highlighted as the primary objective, only in the Climate and Energy Package of the EU and the Forestry Development Strategy in Serbia. In terms of legislative framework in Serbia, two laws have climate change mitigation through forestry as the primary objective, while for the analyzed relevant EU legislation, this is a secondary objective. In Serbia, only the Forest law has a direct impact on climate change mitigation through forestry, while at EU level, there is no regulation, directive or communication, with the same direct influence.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Analiza strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima - ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji i Srbiji
T1  - Strategic and legal framework in forestry and related sectors: Climate change mitigation in European Union and Serbia
EP  - 132
IS  - 113
SP  - 99
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1613099R
UR  - conv_439
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Stanišić, Mirjana and Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Značajna uloga šuma u ublažavanju i prilagođavanju na negativne efekte klimatskih promena je prepoznata i široko prihvaćena, pa je, samim tim, postala i predmet sveopšteg interesovanja i podrške. Ipak, u nacionalnim strategijama koje se tiču klimatskih promena, vrlo često, nije detaljno razmotren značaj sektora šumarstva u ublažavanju negativnih efekata ovih promena, kao što i problematika klimatskih promena nije potpuno zastupljena i obuhvaćena u nacionalnim šumarskim politikama. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje saglasnosti i razlika strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima, koji se odnose na ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji (EU) i Srbiji. Utvrđeno je da na nivou EU postoje dve strategije i jedna okvirna politika, a u Srbiji, osam sektorskih strategija, koje se bave problematikom ublažavanja negativnih efekata klimatskih promena, kroz šumarstvo. Pri tom su ova pitanja primarni cilj samo u Klimatsko-energetskom paketu EU i Strategiji razvoja šumarstva u Srbiji. U pogledu zakonodavnih okvira, u Srbiji dva zakona kao primarni cilj imaju ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena kroz šumarstvo, dok je u nadležnoj zakonodavnoj regulativi u EU to sekundarni cilj. U Srbiji, samo Zakon o šumama ima direktan uticaj na ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena kroz šumarstvo, dok na nivou EU nijedna uredba, komunikacija ili direktiva nemaju takav uticaj., The important role of forests in mitigating and adapting to climate changes is recognized and widely accepted. Therefore, it becomes a subject of universal interest and support. However, in the national strategies relating to climate change, the importance of the forestry sector in mitigating these changes is quite often not discussed in detail. In addition, the problem of climate change is not fully represented and included in national forestry policies. The aim of this research was to determine the compliance and differences of strategic and legislative frameworks in forestry and related sectors, relating to climate change mitigation in the EU and Serbia. At the EU level, there are two strategies and a policy framework, and in Serbia, eight sectoral strategies, referring and discussing the climate change mitigation through forestry. At the same time, these issues are highlighted as the primary objective, only in the Climate and Energy Package of the EU and the Forestry Development Strategy in Serbia. In terms of legislative framework in Serbia, two laws have climate change mitigation through forestry as the primary objective, while for the analyzed relevant EU legislation, this is a secondary objective. In Serbia, only the Forest law has a direct impact on climate change mitigation through forestry, while at EU level, there is no regulation, directive or communication, with the same direct influence.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Analiza strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima - ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji i Srbiji, Strategic and legal framework in forestry and related sectors: Climate change mitigation in European Union and Serbia",
pages = "132-99",
number = "113",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1613099R",
url = "conv_439"
Ranković, N., Stanišić, M., Nedeljković, J.,& Nonić, D.. (2016). Analiza strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima - ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji i Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(113), 99-132.
Ranković N, Stanišić M, Nedeljković J, Nonić D. Analiza strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima - ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji i Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2016;(113):99-132.
conv_439 .
Ranković, Nenad, Stanišić, Mirjana, Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, "Analiza strateških i zakonodavnih okvira u šumarstvu i povezanim sektorima - ublažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u Evropskoj uniji i Srbiji" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 113 (2016):99-132,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1613099R .,
conv_439 .

An analysis of briquette value chain at the Limsko forest area

Ranković, Nenad; Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Musić, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Musić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/717
AB  - Value creation represents an increase in the value of assets in the
   manufacturing process. Business processes that lead to value creation can be
   presented as a value chain. For wood products, total value creation takes
   place in the complex processes of production and exchange between forestry
   and timber industry. The research on the use of biomass for energy purposes
   is increasing in recent decades. Within the research on value chain, in our
   country were, to less extent were represented those related to woody biomass
   products. In this sense, the aim of the research is to determine the
   organization of woody biomass products (briquettes) value chain and its
   analysis in the Limsko forest area. A “door-to-door” survey was used as a
   research technique. Data collection was conducted in the period from April to
   May of 2013. In total, 19 representatives of enterprises, which are
   participants in the woody biomass products value chain in the Limsko forest
   area were surveyed. Manufacturing enterprise, located in Nova Varoš, was
   analysed as the main participant in this chain. In addition, its suppliers
   (15), wholesaler (1), retailer (1), and consumer (1) were analysed. The
   manufacturing enterprise exclusively used raw material produced in sawmills.
   The results indicate that an increase in value occurs, primarily, during the
   transportation of raw materials from sawmill to the manufacturing enterprise.
   The next increase in value occurs during the storage of raw materials within
   the manufacturing enterprise and with the emergence of new stages in the
   production process, as well as during the transportation of products to the
   wholesaler, retailer and consumer.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
T1  - An analysis of briquette value chain at the Limsko forest area
EP  - 120
IS  - suppl.
SP  - 111
VL  - 2015
DO  - 10.2298/GSF15S1111R
UR  - conv_2339
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Musić, Aleksandar",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Value creation represents an increase in the value of assets in the
   manufacturing process. Business processes that lead to value creation can be
   presented as a value chain. For wood products, total value creation takes
   place in the complex processes of production and exchange between forestry
   and timber industry. The research on the use of biomass for energy purposes
   is increasing in recent decades. Within the research on value chain, in our
   country were, to less extent were represented those related to woody biomass
   products. In this sense, the aim of the research is to determine the
   organization of woody biomass products (briquettes) value chain and its
   analysis in the Limsko forest area. A “door-to-door” survey was used as a
   research technique. Data collection was conducted in the period from April to
   May of 2013. In total, 19 representatives of enterprises, which are
   participants in the woody biomass products value chain in the Limsko forest
   area were surveyed. Manufacturing enterprise, located in Nova Varoš, was
   analysed as the main participant in this chain. In addition, its suppliers
   (15), wholesaler (1), retailer (1), and consumer (1) were analysed. The
   manufacturing enterprise exclusively used raw material produced in sawmills.
   The results indicate that an increase in value occurs, primarily, during the
   transportation of raw materials from sawmill to the manufacturing enterprise.
   The next increase in value occurs during the storage of raw materials within
   the manufacturing enterprise and with the emergence of new stages in the
   production process, as well as during the transportation of products to the
   wholesaler, retailer and consumer.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu",
title = "An analysis of briquette value chain at the Limsko forest area",
pages = "120-111",
number = "suppl.",
volume = "2015",
doi = "10.2298/GSF15S1111R",
url = "conv_2339"
Ranković, N., Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J.,& Musić, A.. (2015). An analysis of briquette value chain at the Limsko forest area. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 2015(suppl.), 111-120.
Ranković N, Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Musić A. An analysis of briquette value chain at the Limsko forest area. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu. 2015;2015(suppl.):111-120.
conv_2339 .
Ranković, Nenad, Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Musić, Aleksandar, "An analysis of briquette value chain at the Limsko forest area" in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2015, no. suppl. (2015):111-120,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF15S1111R .,
conv_2339 .

Uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara'

Ranković, Nenad; Poduška, Zoran; Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Poduška, Zoran
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/672
AB  - U radu se pošlo od pretpostavke da klimatske promene, pored toga što negativno utiču na šumske ekosisteme, mogu da utiču i na posećenost lokacija u nacionalnim parkovima koji su namenjeni za turizam i rekreaciju. U cilju testiranja ovakve pretpostavke prikupljeni su podaci o broju i učestalosti poseta u nacionalnom parku (NP) 'Tara'. Utvrđena je srednja dnevna temperatura i ukupna količina padavina u danima kada su zabeležene posete. Ovi podaci analizirani su eksponencijalnim regresionim modelima. Utvrđen je pozitivan i statistički značajan uticaj temperature na broj poseta u NP 'Tara', u određenim kategorijama. Padavine negativno utiču na posećenost NP. Ove analize još su upoređene sa scenarijima klimatskih promena u Srbiji (A1B i A2) i, na osnovu toga, izvedeni su zaključci. Zaključeno je da postoji uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca NP 'Tara', a da se mogu očekivati promene u posetama usled uticaja klimatskih promena na temperaturu, padavine i šumske ekosisteme.
AB  - The paper is based on the assumption that climate changes, in addition to negatively affecting forest ecosystems, can have an impact on visiting sites in national parks intended for tourism and recreation. In order to test this assumption, data on the number and frequency of visits to the National Park 'Tara' were collected. In the research was determined a mean daily temperature and total amount of rainfalls in the days when the visit was recorded. These data were analyzed using exponential regression models. There is a positive and statistically significant influence of temperature on the number of visits to the National Park 'Tara' in certain categories. On the other hand, rainfalls have a negative influence on visits to the National Park 'Tara'. These analyses are compared with scenarios of climate changes in Serbia (A1B and A2). It was concluded that there is the influence of temperature and precipitation on the number of visitors to the National Park 'Tara', and that one can expect changes in visits due to the impact of climate changes on temperature, rainfalls and forest ecosystems.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara'
T1  - Influence of temperature and rainfalls on the number of visitors in the National Park 'Tara'
EP  - 120
IS  - 112
SP  - 97
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1512097R
UR  - conv_432
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Poduška, Zoran and Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "U radu se pošlo od pretpostavke da klimatske promene, pored toga što negativno utiču na šumske ekosisteme, mogu da utiču i na posećenost lokacija u nacionalnim parkovima koji su namenjeni za turizam i rekreaciju. U cilju testiranja ovakve pretpostavke prikupljeni su podaci o broju i učestalosti poseta u nacionalnom parku (NP) 'Tara'. Utvrđena je srednja dnevna temperatura i ukupna količina padavina u danima kada su zabeležene posete. Ovi podaci analizirani su eksponencijalnim regresionim modelima. Utvrđen je pozitivan i statistički značajan uticaj temperature na broj poseta u NP 'Tara', u određenim kategorijama. Padavine negativno utiču na posećenost NP. Ove analize još su upoređene sa scenarijima klimatskih promena u Srbiji (A1B i A2) i, na osnovu toga, izvedeni su zaključci. Zaključeno je da postoji uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca NP 'Tara', a da se mogu očekivati promene u posetama usled uticaja klimatskih promena na temperaturu, padavine i šumske ekosisteme., The paper is based on the assumption that climate changes, in addition to negatively affecting forest ecosystems, can have an impact on visiting sites in national parks intended for tourism and recreation. In order to test this assumption, data on the number and frequency of visits to the National Park 'Tara' were collected. In the research was determined a mean daily temperature and total amount of rainfalls in the days when the visit was recorded. These data were analyzed using exponential regression models. There is a positive and statistically significant influence of temperature on the number of visits to the National Park 'Tara' in certain categories. On the other hand, rainfalls have a negative influence on visits to the National Park 'Tara'. These analyses are compared with scenarios of climate changes in Serbia (A1B and A2). It was concluded that there is the influence of temperature and precipitation on the number of visitors to the National Park 'Tara', and that one can expect changes in visits due to the impact of climate changes on temperature, rainfalls and forest ecosystems.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara', Influence of temperature and rainfalls on the number of visitors in the National Park 'Tara'",
pages = "120-97",
number = "112",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1512097R",
url = "conv_432"
Ranković, N., Poduška, Z., Nedeljković, J.,& Nonić, D.. (2015). Uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara'. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(112), 97-120.
Ranković N, Poduška Z, Nedeljković J, Nonić D. Uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara'. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2015;(112):97-120.
conv_432 .
Ranković, Nenad, Poduška, Zoran, Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, "Uticaj temperature i padavina na broj posetilaca u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara'" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 112 (2015):97-120,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1512097R .,
conv_432 .

Sustainable governance in forestry and nature protection

Nonić, Dragan; Avdibegović, Mersudin; Nedeljković, Jelena; Radosavljević, Aleksandar; Ranković, Nenad

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Avdibegović, Mersudin
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Radosavljević, Aleksandar
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/610
AB  - At the global level, due to the negative effects of over-exploitation of
   natural resources, numerous processes and initiatives for their conservation
   and sustainable governance have started. The beginning of the transition
   process, as well as political and economic changes that followed in the
   countries in transition, were in line with the new orientation of the
   international forest and nature protection policy. The transition process
   has caused, among other things, a redefinition of the role of government in
   managing natural resources. This meant a shift from “government” to
   “governance” concept. This concept refers to the change from the classical
   approach of “command and control” to active participation of all involved
   parties and establishing rules for the division of responsibilities and
   benefits. The aim of the paper is to identify, analyze and systematise the
   current concepts of sustainable governance in forestry and nature
   protection, their characteristics and the principles on which they are
   based, with a main purpose of preparation of a research platform for more
   detailed research in this area. The paper gives recommendations for the
   application of the principles of governance in forestry and nature
   protection, as well as recommendations for future research in this area.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
T1  - Sustainable governance in forestry and nature protection
EP  - 140
IS  - suppl.
SP  - 113
VL  - 2014
DO  - 10.2298/GSF14S1113N
UR  - conv_2362
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Avdibegović, Mersudin and Nedeljković, Jelena and Radosavljević, Aleksandar and Ranković, Nenad",
year = "2014",
abstract = "At the global level, due to the negative effects of over-exploitation of
   natural resources, numerous processes and initiatives for their conservation
   and sustainable governance have started. The beginning of the transition
   process, as well as political and economic changes that followed in the
   countries in transition, were in line with the new orientation of the
   international forest and nature protection policy. The transition process
   has caused, among other things, a redefinition of the role of government in
   managing natural resources. This meant a shift from “government” to
   “governance” concept. This concept refers to the change from the classical
   approach of “command and control” to active participation of all involved
   parties and establishing rules for the division of responsibilities and
   benefits. The aim of the paper is to identify, analyze and systematise the
   current concepts of sustainable governance in forestry and nature
   protection, their characteristics and the principles on which they are
   based, with a main purpose of preparation of a research platform for more
   detailed research in this area. The paper gives recommendations for the
   application of the principles of governance in forestry and nature
   protection, as well as recommendations for future research in this area.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu",
title = "Sustainable governance in forestry and nature protection",
pages = "140-113",
number = "suppl.",
volume = "2014",
doi = "10.2298/GSF14S1113N",
url = "conv_2362"
Nonić, D., Avdibegović, M., Nedeljković, J., Radosavljević, A.,& Ranković, N.. (2014). Sustainable governance in forestry and nature protection. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 2014(suppl.), 113-140.
Nonić D, Avdibegović M, Nedeljković J, Radosavljević A, Ranković N. Sustainable governance in forestry and nature protection. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu. 2014;2014(suppl.):113-140.
conv_2362 .
Nonić, Dragan, Avdibegović, Mersudin, Nedeljković, Jelena, Radosavljević, Aleksandar, Ranković, Nenad, "Sustainable governance in forestry and nature protection" in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2014, no. suppl. (2014):113-140,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF14S1113N .,
conv_2362 .

Oblici saradnje i povezivanja preduzeća koja posluju sa nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji

Nedeljković, Jelena; Nonić, Dragan; Ranković, Nenad; Dragović, Nada

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Dragović, Nada
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/634
AB  - Saradnja između preduzeća obuhvata sve aktivnosti, koje se preduzimaju radi ostvarenja zajedničkih ciljeva i interesa, dok poslovno povezivanje podrazumeva osnivanje različitih formi udruženja i poslovnih zajednica, sa ili bez stvaranja novih privrednih subjekata. Cilj ovog rada je istraživanje oblika saradnje malih i srednjih preduzeća za nabavku, preradu i plasman nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i utvrđivanje stavova njihovih predstavnika o saradnji i poslovnom povezivanju sa drugim preduzećima na području centralne Srbije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo predstavnike 91 malog i srednjeg preduzeća za nabavku, preradu i plasman nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda i 19 predstavnika liderskih preduzeća, koja su izdvojena na osnovu prethodno definisanih kriterijuma. U radu su primenjene metode analize i sinteze, komparativna i statistička metoda. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da skoro sva analizirana preduzeća ostvaruju saradnju sa drugim preduzećima. Najčešće prisutan oblik saradnje je 'prilikom plasmana proizvoda' i 'prilikom otkupa sirovina'. Većina predstavnika liderskih preduzeća su članovi u nekom od postojećih udruženja preduzetni- ka. Na osnovu analize rezultata, utvrđeno je da postoji potreba za razvojem saradnje, kako bi se unapredila konkurentnost istraživanih preduzeća, pa su, u skladu sa tim, dati i predlozi za unapređenje njihovog poslovnog povezivanja.
AB  - Collaboration between enterprises includes all activities, which are undertaken in order to achieve common goals and interests. Business networking involves the establishment of various forms of associations and business communities, with or without the creation of new economic entities. The aim of the paper was to study the forms of cooperation between non-wood forest products based small and medium enterprises, as well as to determine the attitudes of their representatives towards cooperation and business networking with other enterprises in Central Serbia. Research included 91 non-wood forest product based small and medium enterprises and 19 representatives of leading enterprises, which were selected based on specifically defined criteria. Both the methods of analysis and synthesis and comparative and statistical methods were applied in the paper. The results indicate that almost all analyzed enterprises cooperate with other enterprises. The most common form of cooperation is present 'during selling' and 'during purchase'. The majority of leading enterprises' representatives are members of some of the existing associations of entrepreneurs. Based on the analysis, it was found that there is a need for development of cooperation between the analyzed enterprises. In accordance with that, proposals for the improvement of business networking were given.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Oblici saradnje i povezivanja preduzeća koja posluju sa nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji
T1  - Non-wood forest products based enterprises' cooperation and business networking forms in Central Serbia
EP  - 144
IS  - 110
SP  - 121
DO  - 10.2298/gsf1410121n
UR  - conv_418
ER  - 
author = "Nedeljković, Jelena and Nonić, Dragan and Ranković, Nenad and Dragović, Nada",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Saradnja između preduzeća obuhvata sve aktivnosti, koje se preduzimaju radi ostvarenja zajedničkih ciljeva i interesa, dok poslovno povezivanje podrazumeva osnivanje različitih formi udruženja i poslovnih zajednica, sa ili bez stvaranja novih privrednih subjekata. Cilj ovog rada je istraživanje oblika saradnje malih i srednjih preduzeća za nabavku, preradu i plasman nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i utvrđivanje stavova njihovih predstavnika o saradnji i poslovnom povezivanju sa drugim preduzećima na području centralne Srbije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo predstavnike 91 malog i srednjeg preduzeća za nabavku, preradu i plasman nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda i 19 predstavnika liderskih preduzeća, koja su izdvojena na osnovu prethodno definisanih kriterijuma. U radu su primenjene metode analize i sinteze, komparativna i statistička metoda. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da skoro sva analizirana preduzeća ostvaruju saradnju sa drugim preduzećima. Najčešće prisutan oblik saradnje je 'prilikom plasmana proizvoda' i 'prilikom otkupa sirovina'. Većina predstavnika liderskih preduzeća su članovi u nekom od postojećih udruženja preduzetni- ka. Na osnovu analize rezultata, utvrđeno je da postoji potreba za razvojem saradnje, kako bi se unapredila konkurentnost istraživanih preduzeća, pa su, u skladu sa tim, dati i predlozi za unapređenje njihovog poslovnog povezivanja., Collaboration between enterprises includes all activities, which are undertaken in order to achieve common goals and interests. Business networking involves the establishment of various forms of associations and business communities, with or without the creation of new economic entities. The aim of the paper was to study the forms of cooperation between non-wood forest products based small and medium enterprises, as well as to determine the attitudes of their representatives towards cooperation and business networking with other enterprises in Central Serbia. Research included 91 non-wood forest product based small and medium enterprises and 19 representatives of leading enterprises, which were selected based on specifically defined criteria. Both the methods of analysis and synthesis and comparative and statistical methods were applied in the paper. The results indicate that almost all analyzed enterprises cooperate with other enterprises. The most common form of cooperation is present 'during selling' and 'during purchase'. The majority of leading enterprises' representatives are members of some of the existing associations of entrepreneurs. Based on the analysis, it was found that there is a need for development of cooperation between the analyzed enterprises. In accordance with that, proposals for the improvement of business networking were given.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Oblici saradnje i povezivanja preduzeća koja posluju sa nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji, Non-wood forest products based enterprises' cooperation and business networking forms in Central Serbia",
pages = "144-121",
number = "110",
doi = "10.2298/gsf1410121n",
url = "conv_418"
Nedeljković, J., Nonić, D., Ranković, N.,& Dragović, N.. (2014). Oblici saradnje i povezivanja preduzeća koja posluju sa nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(110), 121-144.
Nedeljković J, Nonić D, Ranković N, Dragović N. Oblici saradnje i povezivanja preduzeća koja posluju sa nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2014;(110):121-144.
conv_418 .
Nedeljković, Jelena, Nonić, Dragan, Ranković, Nenad, Dragović, Nada, "Oblici saradnje i povezivanja preduzeća koja posluju sa nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 110 (2014):121-144,
https://doi.org/10.2298/gsf1410121n .,
conv_418 .

Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products: Characteristics and types in Serbia

Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Ranković, Nenad

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/631
AB  - In order to increase the contribution of the forestry sector to economic and social development, it is necessary to support the establishment and development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose business is based on wood and non-wood forest products (NWFPs). To properly plan the development of the private forestry sector, it is also necessary to establish the basic structure and forms of SMEs for procurement, processing and sale of NWFPs (NWFP-SMEs) as well as their business. In this context, the aim of the research was to determine the characteristics and types of NWFP-SMEs. The study included 91 representatives of NWFP-SMEs in Central Serbia. The analysis of the results showed that, based on the characteristics and activities they perform, there are three types of NWFP-SMEs. Based on the characteristics and attitudes towards additional training, four types of NWFP-SMEs representatives can be distinguished. The results can serve as a basis for further study on types of SMEs and improving the entrepreneurship in NWFP sector.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd
T2  - Management - časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta
T1  - Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products: Characteristics and types in Serbia
EP  - 82
IS  - 72
SP  - 71
VL  - 19
DO  - 10.7595/management.fon.2014.0024
UR  - conv_617
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Ranković, Nenad",
year = "2014",
abstract = "In order to increase the contribution of the forestry sector to economic and social development, it is necessary to support the establishment and development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose business is based on wood and non-wood forest products (NWFPs). To properly plan the development of the private forestry sector, it is also necessary to establish the basic structure and forms of SMEs for procurement, processing and sale of NWFPs (NWFP-SMEs) as well as their business. In this context, the aim of the research was to determine the characteristics and types of NWFP-SMEs. The study included 91 representatives of NWFP-SMEs in Central Serbia. The analysis of the results showed that, based on the characteristics and activities they perform, there are three types of NWFP-SMEs. Based on the characteristics and attitudes towards additional training, four types of NWFP-SMEs representatives can be distinguished. The results can serve as a basis for further study on types of SMEs and improving the entrepreneurship in NWFP sector.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd",
journal = "Management - časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta",
title = "Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products: Characteristics and types in Serbia",
pages = "82-71",
number = "72",
volume = "19",
doi = "10.7595/management.fon.2014.0024",
url = "conv_617"
Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J.,& Ranković, N.. (2014). Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products: Characteristics and types in Serbia. in Management - časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd., 19(72), 71-82.
Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Ranković N. Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products: Characteristics and types in Serbia. in Management - časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta. 2014;19(72):71-82.
conv_617 .
Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Ranković, Nenad, "Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products: Characteristics and types in Serbia" in Management - časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta, 19, no. 72 (2014):71-82,
https://doi.org/10.7595/management.fon.2014.0024 .,
conv_617 .

Typology of Non-Wood Forest Products Based Enterprises in Serbia

Nonić, Dragan; Avdibegović, Mersudin; Nedeljković, Jelena; Ranković, Nenad; Marinescu, Viorel; Ioras, Florin


AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Avdibegović, Mersudin
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Marinescu, Viorel
AU  - Ioras, Florin
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/574
AB  - In Serbia, as in other European countries, small and medium enterprises are recognized as a pillar of economic development. At the same time, a clear need for support to those enterprises and entrepreneurship, both in urban and rural areas, is emphasized in national strategic documents In forestry, small and medium enterprises are of special importance for sector development. However, in Serbia, there is a lack of knowledge about them, and particularly about small and medium enterprises whose business is based on non-wood forest products. Bearing in mind the importance of these enterprises for development of private forestry sector and rural areas, research aiming to determine their characteristics and types is needed. Door-to-door survey was conducted with 91 representatives of non-wood forest products based small and medium enterprises in Central Serbia. Results of cluster analysis showed there were three types of non-wood forest products based small and medium enterprises, in regard to their characteristics. The same number of types was distinguished, in regard to business activities. Results of this research can be used for further detailed study on types of forest-based small and medium enterprises and as a basis for formulation of support measures and, thus, improvement of the entrepreneurship in non-wood forest products sector in Serbia.
T2  - Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
T1  - Typology of Non-Wood Forest Products Based Enterprises in Serbia
EP  - 587
IS  - 2
SP  - 583
VL  - 42
DO  - 10.15835/nbha4229725
UR  - conv_1137
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Avdibegović, Mersudin and Nedeljković, Jelena and Ranković, Nenad and Marinescu, Viorel and Ioras, Florin",
year = "2014",
abstract = "In Serbia, as in other European countries, small and medium enterprises are recognized as a pillar of economic development. At the same time, a clear need for support to those enterprises and entrepreneurship, both in urban and rural areas, is emphasized in national strategic documents In forestry, small and medium enterprises are of special importance for sector development. However, in Serbia, there is a lack of knowledge about them, and particularly about small and medium enterprises whose business is based on non-wood forest products. Bearing in mind the importance of these enterprises for development of private forestry sector and rural areas, research aiming to determine their characteristics and types is needed. Door-to-door survey was conducted with 91 representatives of non-wood forest products based small and medium enterprises in Central Serbia. Results of cluster analysis showed there were three types of non-wood forest products based small and medium enterprises, in regard to their characteristics. The same number of types was distinguished, in regard to business activities. Results of this research can be used for further detailed study on types of forest-based small and medium enterprises and as a basis for formulation of support measures and, thus, improvement of the entrepreneurship in non-wood forest products sector in Serbia.",
journal = "Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca",
title = "Typology of Non-Wood Forest Products Based Enterprises in Serbia",
pages = "587-583",
number = "2",
volume = "42",
doi = "10.15835/nbha4229725",
url = "conv_1137"
Nonić, D., Avdibegović, M., Nedeljković, J., Ranković, N., Marinescu, V.,& Ioras, F.. (2014). Typology of Non-Wood Forest Products Based Enterprises in Serbia. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(2), 583-587.
Nonić D, Avdibegović M, Nedeljković J, Ranković N, Marinescu V, Ioras F. Typology of Non-Wood Forest Products Based Enterprises in Serbia. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2014;42(2):583-587.
conv_1137 .
Nonić, Dragan, Avdibegović, Mersudin, Nedeljković, Jelena, Ranković, Nenad, Marinescu, Viorel, Ioras, Florin, "Typology of Non-Wood Forest Products Based Enterprises in Serbia" in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42, no. 2 (2014):583-587,
https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha4229725 .,
conv_1137 .

Tipologija lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji

Nonić, Dragan; Ranković, Nenad; Nedeljković, Jelena

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/551
AB  - U savremenim ekonomijama se, sve više, ističe značaj međusobne saradnje, odnosno kreiranja mreža preduzeća, organizacija i institucija, koje čine lanac snabdevanja, da bi se postigla njihova konkurentska prednost na tržištu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje strukture lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u odabranim šumskim područjima centralne Srbije (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko, Rasinsko i Tarsko-zlatiborsko). U radu su primenjene komparativna metoda, metoda specijalizacije (klasifikacija), metoda strukturalne parcijalne analiza (analiza lanca snabdevanja) i statistička metoda (analiza frekvencija i dvostepena klaster analiza). Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2011. godine, a podaci su dobijeni anketiranjem predstavnika malih i srednjih preduzeća za nabavku, preradu i plasman nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda. U rezultatima istraživanja data je analiza osnovnih tipova lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima, koji se javljaju u odabranim šumskim područjima i njihovih osnovnih faza (nabavka, prerada i plasman). Klaster analizom utvrđeno je postojanje šest osnovnih tipova lanaca snabdevanja, a jedan dominira.
AB  - Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of cooperation and the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institutions, which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive advantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in selected forest areas of Central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko, Rasinsko and Tarsko-zlatiborsko FAs). The comparative method was applied in this paper, along with the method of specialization (classification), the method of structural partial analysis (supply chain analysis) and the statistical method (analysis of frequencies and two-step cluster). The data collection was conducted in 2011, by using the technique of door-to-door survey. The analysis of the basic types of the supply chains of non-wood forest products and their main stages (purchasing, processing and placement) was conducted in the selected areas. A cluster analysis showed that there were six basic types of supply chains in the selected forest areas and one dominant type.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Tipologija lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji
T1  - Typology of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in central Serbia
EP  - 168
IS  - 108
SP  - 145
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1308147N
UR  - conv_399
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Ranković, Nenad and Nedeljković, Jelena",
year = "2013",
abstract = "U savremenim ekonomijama se, sve više, ističe značaj međusobne saradnje, odnosno kreiranja mreža preduzeća, organizacija i institucija, koje čine lanac snabdevanja, da bi se postigla njihova konkurentska prednost na tržištu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje strukture lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u odabranim šumskim područjima centralne Srbije (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko, Rasinsko i Tarsko-zlatiborsko). U radu su primenjene komparativna metoda, metoda specijalizacije (klasifikacija), metoda strukturalne parcijalne analiza (analiza lanca snabdevanja) i statistička metoda (analiza frekvencija i dvostepena klaster analiza). Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2011. godine, a podaci su dobijeni anketiranjem predstavnika malih i srednjih preduzeća za nabavku, preradu i plasman nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda. U rezultatima istraživanja data je analiza osnovnih tipova lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima, koji se javljaju u odabranim šumskim područjima i njihovih osnovnih faza (nabavka, prerada i plasman). Klaster analizom utvrđeno je postojanje šest osnovnih tipova lanaca snabdevanja, a jedan dominira., Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of cooperation and the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institutions, which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive advantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in selected forest areas of Central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko, Rasinsko and Tarsko-zlatiborsko FAs). The comparative method was applied in this paper, along with the method of specialization (classification), the method of structural partial analysis (supply chain analysis) and the statistical method (analysis of frequencies and two-step cluster). The data collection was conducted in 2011, by using the technique of door-to-door survey. The analysis of the basic types of the supply chains of non-wood forest products and their main stages (purchasing, processing and placement) was conducted in the selected areas. A cluster analysis showed that there were six basic types of supply chains in the selected forest areas and one dominant type.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Tipologija lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji, Typology of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in central Serbia",
pages = "168-145",
number = "108",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1308147N",
url = "conv_399"
Nonić, D., Ranković, N.,& Nedeljković, J.. (2013). Tipologija lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(108), 145-168.
Nonić D, Ranković N, Nedeljković J. Tipologija lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2013;(108):145-168.
conv_399 .
Nonić, Dragan, Ranković, Nenad, Nedeljković, Jelena, "Tipologija lanaca snabdevanja nedrvnim šumskim proizvodima u centralnoj Srbiji" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 108 (2013):145-168,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1308147N .,
conv_399 .

Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia

Ranković, Nenad; Pantić, Damjan; Keča, Ljiljana

(Lietuvos Misku Institutas, 2013)

AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/526
AB  - The planning and implementation of the majority of professional measures and activities in forest production management requires the knowledge of the basic quantitative elements (tree diameter, height, volume) and value elements (value of wood volume). In that sense, the aim of this research was to define the relationship between the value of timber and tree dimensions in beech forest thinning in Serbia (regression models, average growth rates, etc.). This will make it possible to predict in advance some value parameters, to raise the quality level of thinning operation planning, as well as to achieve better management of financial flows in the forestry sector (e.g. assessment of efficiency and profitability). The sample consisted of 7,815 beech 'trees harvested by thinning (5,973 in high forests and 1,842 in coppice forests), and the measurements included total volume and the volume and value of timber assortments. The main scientific method applied in the study was the modelling method, and the analysis of causality between the study elements was performed using mathematical-statistical methods, such as descriptiVe statistics and regression and correlation analysis. Based on the study results, the conclusions were as follows: (a) there is a high variability in timber value depending on forest origin and assortment category, (b) the effect of the diameter at breast height on timber value is stronger (the coefficient of linear regression R=0.52-0.83) than the effect of height (R=0.47-0.68), (c) the obtained regression models are a very good description of the relation between diameter at breast height and total timber value (R=0.58-0.97 in high forests and R=0.64-0.97 in coppice forests). An especially high quality model is the model which refers to the effect of diameter at breast height on the value per tree (R=0.97 in high forests and coppice forests), (d) all models show unequal distribution of the error along regression line (heteroskedasticity), but as this occurrence is more related to large trees, which are relatively few in thinning operations, this does not affect the accuracy of timber value assessment in thinning operations. The study conclusions point out that the timber value in beech forest thinning can be assessed with relatively high reliability. The obtained models can be used when it is necessary to know the total value of thinned material (aiming at the determination of financial assessment of thinning efficiency), or when it is necessary to create the plans for selling the felled timber (estimation of the potential revenue).
PB  - Lietuvos Misku Institutas
T2  - Baltic Forestry
T1  - Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia
EP  - 160
IS  - 1
SP  - 152
VL  - 19
UR  - conv_2159
ER  - 
author = "Ranković, Nenad and Pantić, Damjan and Keča, Ljiljana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The planning and implementation of the majority of professional measures and activities in forest production management requires the knowledge of the basic quantitative elements (tree diameter, height, volume) and value elements (value of wood volume). In that sense, the aim of this research was to define the relationship between the value of timber and tree dimensions in beech forest thinning in Serbia (regression models, average growth rates, etc.). This will make it possible to predict in advance some value parameters, to raise the quality level of thinning operation planning, as well as to achieve better management of financial flows in the forestry sector (e.g. assessment of efficiency and profitability). The sample consisted of 7,815 beech 'trees harvested by thinning (5,973 in high forests and 1,842 in coppice forests), and the measurements included total volume and the volume and value of timber assortments. The main scientific method applied in the study was the modelling method, and the analysis of causality between the study elements was performed using mathematical-statistical methods, such as descriptiVe statistics and regression and correlation analysis. Based on the study results, the conclusions were as follows: (a) there is a high variability in timber value depending on forest origin and assortment category, (b) the effect of the diameter at breast height on timber value is stronger (the coefficient of linear regression R=0.52-0.83) than the effect of height (R=0.47-0.68), (c) the obtained regression models are a very good description of the relation between diameter at breast height and total timber value (R=0.58-0.97 in high forests and R=0.64-0.97 in coppice forests). An especially high quality model is the model which refers to the effect of diameter at breast height on the value per tree (R=0.97 in high forests and coppice forests), (d) all models show unequal distribution of the error along regression line (heteroskedasticity), but as this occurrence is more related to large trees, which are relatively few in thinning operations, this does not affect the accuracy of timber value assessment in thinning operations. The study conclusions point out that the timber value in beech forest thinning can be assessed with relatively high reliability. The obtained models can be used when it is necessary to know the total value of thinned material (aiming at the determination of financial assessment of thinning efficiency), or when it is necessary to create the plans for selling the felled timber (estimation of the potential revenue).",
publisher = "Lietuvos Misku Institutas",
journal = "Baltic Forestry",
title = "Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia",
pages = "160-152",
number = "1",
volume = "19",
url = "conv_2159"
Ranković, N., Pantić, D.,& Keča, L.. (2013). Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia. in Baltic Forestry
Lietuvos Misku Institutas., 19(1), 152-160.
Ranković N, Pantić D, Keča L. Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia. in Baltic Forestry. 2013;19(1):152-160.
conv_2159 .
Ranković, Nenad, Pantić, Damjan, Keča, Ljiljana, "Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia" in Baltic Forestry, 19, no. 1 (2013):152-160,
conv_2159 .

Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia

Nonić, Dragan; Nedeljković, Jelena; Ranković, Nenad; Marinković, Marko; Glavonjić, Predrag; Weiss, Gerhard


AU  - Nonić, Dragan
AU  - Nedeljković, Jelena
AU  - Ranković, Nenad
AU  - Marinković, Marko
AU  - Glavonjić, Predrag
AU  - Weiss, Gerhard
PY  - 2012
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/467
AB  - In accordance with the political and socio-economic changes in Serbia during the transition period, which started in 2000, the forestry sector was reformed. The privatization of certain activities within forestry resulted in the establishment of a significant number of private forest-based enterprises. Although a large number of SMEs perform their activities in the Timok forest area, still, there is no interest organization of entrepreneurs in forestry in this region. This paper aims to analyze the external and internal factors which have influence on a possible establishment of a cluster organisation in the Timok forest area. The external factors are forest resources in the studied area, policy framework and support measures. The internal factors are the special characteristics of small-scale forest-based enterprises, the entrepreneurs' knowledge about the concept of clusters and the attitudes of entrepreneurs and decision-makers toward the possibility of cluster establishment. The paper uses the results of a research project on the development of small scale forest-based enterprises and cluster establishment in the Timok forest area. The research was conducted in Eastern Serbia in 2009 and 2010, 138 entrepreneurs were surveyed and 23 decision makers were interviewed. The survey shows that the entrepreneurs have little knowledge about that concept but support the idea of clustering. It can be concluded that the most important measure to support a possible cluster would be the provision of information among the entrepreneurs in the region.
T2  - Austrian Journal of Forest Science
T1  - Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia
EP  - 227
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 202
VL  - 129
UR  - conv_2207
ER  - 
author = "Nonić, Dragan and Nedeljković, Jelena and Ranković, Nenad and Marinković, Marko and Glavonjić, Predrag and Weiss, Gerhard",
year = "2012",
abstract = "In accordance with the political and socio-economic changes in Serbia during the transition period, which started in 2000, the forestry sector was reformed. The privatization of certain activities within forestry resulted in the establishment of a significant number of private forest-based enterprises. Although a large number of SMEs perform their activities in the Timok forest area, still, there is no interest organization of entrepreneurs in forestry in this region. This paper aims to analyze the external and internal factors which have influence on a possible establishment of a cluster organisation in the Timok forest area. The external factors are forest resources in the studied area, policy framework and support measures. The internal factors are the special characteristics of small-scale forest-based enterprises, the entrepreneurs' knowledge about the concept of clusters and the attitudes of entrepreneurs and decision-makers toward the possibility of cluster establishment. The paper uses the results of a research project on the development of small scale forest-based enterprises and cluster establishment in the Timok forest area. The research was conducted in Eastern Serbia in 2009 and 2010, 138 entrepreneurs were surveyed and 23 decision makers were interviewed. The survey shows that the entrepreneurs have little knowledge about that concept but support the idea of clustering. It can be concluded that the most important measure to support a possible cluster would be the provision of information among the entrepreneurs in the region.",
journal = "Austrian Journal of Forest Science",
title = "Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia",
pages = "227-202",
number = "3-4",
volume = "129",
url = "conv_2207"
Nonić, D., Nedeljković, J., Ranković, N., Marinković, M., Glavonjić, P.,& Weiss, G.. (2012). Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia. in Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 129(3-4), 202-227.
Nonić D, Nedeljković J, Ranković N, Marinković M, Glavonjić P, Weiss G. Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia. in Austrian Journal of Forest Science. 2012;129(3-4):202-227.
conv_2207 .
Nonić, Dragan, Nedeljković, Jelena, Ranković, Nenad, Marinković, Marko, Glavonjić, Predrag, Weiss, Gerhard, "Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia" in Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 129, no. 3-4 (2012):202-227,
conv_2207 .