Gagić, Renata

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  • Gagić, Renata (3)
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Zdravstveno stanje drvoreda platana u Beogradu

Marković, Čedomir; Karadžić, Dragan; Gagić, Renata

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad, 2008)

AU  - Marković, Čedomir
AU  - Karadžić, Dragan
AU  - Gagić, Renata
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Zdravstveno stanje stabala u drvoredu platana (Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.) u Beogradu (uža lokacija: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra), jako je loše. Na stablima je masovno prisutna trulež, nekroza kore je česta, a lišće je jako napadnuto američkom mrežastom stenicom Corythucha ciliata Say i gljivom Apiognomonia errabunda (Rob. in Desm.) v. Höhnel. Da bi se ovako loše stanje u drvoredu popravilo, neophodno je hitno obaviti sanaciju. Njome bi jedan broj stabala iz drvoreda bio uklonjen, a na preostalim bi se sanirala trulež i izvršilo suzbijanje američke mrežaste stenice i gljive A. errabunda. Preduzimanjem navedenih mera, životni vek stabala bi se produžio za narednih 10 do 15 godina, a za to vreme postojeći drvored treba postupno zameniti novim.
AB  - The health condition of the plane tree (Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.) row in King Alexander's Boulevard in Belgrade is very poor. Wood decay is massively present on trees, bark necrosis is frequent, and the leaves are severely infested by Corythucha ciliata Say and the fungus Apiognomonia errabunda (Rob. in Desm.) v. Höhnel. To improve such a poor state of the tree row, it is necessary to carry out an urgent rehabilitation. A number of trees in the tree row should be removed, and on the remaining trees the decay should be remedied, C. ciliata should be suppressed as well as the fungus A. errabunda. By undertaking the above remedial measures, the life span of the trees would be prolonged for another 10 to 15 years, and during that time the existing tree row should gradually be replaced by the new one.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
T2  - Biljni lekar
T1  - Zdravstveno stanje drvoreda platana u Beogradu
T1  - Sanitary condition of plane tree rows in Belgrade
EP  - 56
IS  - 1
SP  - 51
VL  - 36
UR  - conv_604
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Čedomir and Karadžić, Dragan and Gagić, Renata",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Zdravstveno stanje stabala u drvoredu platana (Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.) u Beogradu (uža lokacija: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra), jako je loše. Na stablima je masovno prisutna trulež, nekroza kore je česta, a lišće je jako napadnuto američkom mrežastom stenicom Corythucha ciliata Say i gljivom Apiognomonia errabunda (Rob. in Desm.) v. Höhnel. Da bi se ovako loše stanje u drvoredu popravilo, neophodno je hitno obaviti sanaciju. Njome bi jedan broj stabala iz drvoreda bio uklonjen, a na preostalim bi se sanirala trulež i izvršilo suzbijanje američke mrežaste stenice i gljive A. errabunda. Preduzimanjem navedenih mera, životni vek stabala bi se produžio za narednih 10 do 15 godina, a za to vreme postojeći drvored treba postupno zameniti novim., The health condition of the plane tree (Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.) row in King Alexander's Boulevard in Belgrade is very poor. Wood decay is massively present on trees, bark necrosis is frequent, and the leaves are severely infested by Corythucha ciliata Say and the fungus Apiognomonia errabunda (Rob. in Desm.) v. Höhnel. To improve such a poor state of the tree row, it is necessary to carry out an urgent rehabilitation. A number of trees in the tree row should be removed, and on the remaining trees the decay should be remedied, C. ciliata should be suppressed as well as the fungus A. errabunda. By undertaking the above remedial measures, the life span of the trees would be prolonged for another 10 to 15 years, and during that time the existing tree row should gradually be replaced by the new one.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad",
journal = "Biljni lekar",
title = "Zdravstveno stanje drvoreda platana u Beogradu, Sanitary condition of plane tree rows in Belgrade",
pages = "56-51",
number = "1",
volume = "36",
url = "conv_604"
Marković, Č., Karadžić, D.,& Gagić, R.. (2008). Zdravstveno stanje drvoreda platana u Beogradu. in Biljni lekar
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad., 36(1), 51-56.
Marković Č, Karadžić D, Gagić R. Zdravstveno stanje drvoreda platana u Beogradu. in Biljni lekar. 2008;36(1):51-56.
conv_604 .
Marković, Čedomir, Karadžić, Dragan, Gagić, Renata, "Zdravstveno stanje drvoreda platana u Beogradu" in Biljni lekar, 36, no. 1 (2008):51-56,
conv_604 .

Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), spermatofaga bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i njeni prirodni neprijatelji u Srbiji

Gagić, Renata; Mihajlović, Ljubodrag; Glavendekić, Milka

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2008)

AU  - Gagić, Renata
AU  - Mihajlović, Ljubodrag
AU  - Glavendekić, Milka
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Bagremac (Amorpha fruticosa) L. (Fabaceae: Astragaleae) je invazivna biljka koja kolonizuje brojna šumska staništa u Srbiji. Na poplavnim šumskim staništima ovaj žbun je opasan šumski korov zbog izuzetno izražene sub-spontane reprodukcije. U cilju pronalaženja kandidata za biološku borbu, od 2006. godine početa su istraživanja entomofaune bagremca u Srbiji. Istraživanja su obavljena u Vojvodini i po obodu panonskog basena (Mačva, Beograd i dr.). Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima najznačajnija spermatofaga bagremca je bruhida, Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), poreklom iz Severne Amerike (Teksas). Morfološke karakteristike populacije u Srbiji slične su populacijama u Mađarskoj, Japanu i Teksasu. Procenat parazitiranog semena na istraživanim lokalitetima je 32,4%. Prezimljava u stadijumu larve u semenu i prva imaga su zabeležena krajem marta. Parazitoidi Eupelmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) i Oedaule sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) su prvi put zabeleženi u novembru 2007. i to pojedinačno, a masovno su izleteli u periodu april-maj 2008. godine. Javljaju se u izuzetno malom procentu u infestiranom semenu i prezimljuju kao ektoparazitoidi larvi A. pallidipennis. Rodovi Eupelmus i Oedaule su autohtoni na području Balkana i prilagodili su se novom domaćinu. Pošto je A. pallidipennis konstatovana kao značajan redukcioni faktor generativnog razmnožavanja, u cilju uspešnijeg suzbijanja bagremca na naseljenim staništima, potrebno je nastaviti istraživanja bruhide i njenih parazitoida, kao i entomofaune ovog korova uopšte.
AB  - Indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa) L. (Fabaceae: Astragaleae) is an invasive plant colonzing various forest habitats in Serbia In flooded forest habitats, this bush is a dangerous forest weed due to its high sub-spontaneous reproduction. In order to identify a candidate for biological control, a research of indigo bush entomofauna was initiated in Serbia in 2006. Investigations were carried out on the fringes of the Panonian basin (Mačva, Belgrade, etc.). in Vojvodina. The most important spermatophagous species of indigo bush, according to present knowledge, is the bruchid bettle Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), originating from North America (Texas). Morphological characteristics of its populations in Serbia are similar to those in Hungary, Japan and Texas. The percentage of parasitized seeds on the investigated localities was 32.4%. The beetle overwinters as larva in the seed and first imagoes fly out in late March. Parasitoids Eupelmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) and Oedaule sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) were first observed in November 2007 sporadically, but they flew out massively in April-May of 2008. They appear in very small percentages of infested seeds and overwinter as ectoparasitoids of A. pallidipennis larvae. The genera Eupelmus and Oedaule are autochthonous in the Balkans and have adjusted to their new host. As A. pallidipennis has been identified as an important reducing factor of generative reproduction, research of the bruchid beetle and its parasitoids, as well as of entomofauna of this weed species in general, should continue with the idea of making advance in indigo bush control.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), spermatofaga bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i njeni prirodni neprijatelji u Srbiji
T1  - Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a spermatophagous insect of indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) and its natural enemies in Serbia
EP  - 201
IS  - 2
SP  - 195
VL  - 17
UR  - conv_563
ER  - 
author = "Gagić, Renata and Mihajlović, Ljubodrag and Glavendekić, Milka",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Bagremac (Amorpha fruticosa) L. (Fabaceae: Astragaleae) je invazivna biljka koja kolonizuje brojna šumska staništa u Srbiji. Na poplavnim šumskim staništima ovaj žbun je opasan šumski korov zbog izuzetno izražene sub-spontane reprodukcije. U cilju pronalaženja kandidata za biološku borbu, od 2006. godine početa su istraživanja entomofaune bagremca u Srbiji. Istraživanja su obavljena u Vojvodini i po obodu panonskog basena (Mačva, Beograd i dr.). Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima najznačajnija spermatofaga bagremca je bruhida, Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), poreklom iz Severne Amerike (Teksas). Morfološke karakteristike populacije u Srbiji slične su populacijama u Mađarskoj, Japanu i Teksasu. Procenat parazitiranog semena na istraživanim lokalitetima je 32,4%. Prezimljava u stadijumu larve u semenu i prva imaga su zabeležena krajem marta. Parazitoidi Eupelmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) i Oedaule sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) su prvi put zabeleženi u novembru 2007. i to pojedinačno, a masovno su izleteli u periodu april-maj 2008. godine. Javljaju se u izuzetno malom procentu u infestiranom semenu i prezimljuju kao ektoparazitoidi larvi A. pallidipennis. Rodovi Eupelmus i Oedaule su autohtoni na području Balkana i prilagodili su se novom domaćinu. Pošto je A. pallidipennis konstatovana kao značajan redukcioni faktor generativnog razmnožavanja, u cilju uspešnijeg suzbijanja bagremca na naseljenim staništima, potrebno je nastaviti istraživanja bruhide i njenih parazitoida, kao i entomofaune ovog korova uopšte., Indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa) L. (Fabaceae: Astragaleae) is an invasive plant colonzing various forest habitats in Serbia In flooded forest habitats, this bush is a dangerous forest weed due to its high sub-spontaneous reproduction. In order to identify a candidate for biological control, a research of indigo bush entomofauna was initiated in Serbia in 2006. Investigations were carried out on the fringes of the Panonian basin (Mačva, Belgrade, etc.). in Vojvodina. The most important spermatophagous species of indigo bush, according to present knowledge, is the bruchid bettle Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), originating from North America (Texas). Morphological characteristics of its populations in Serbia are similar to those in Hungary, Japan and Texas. The percentage of parasitized seeds on the investigated localities was 32.4%. The beetle overwinters as larva in the seed and first imagoes fly out in late March. Parasitoids Eupelmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) and Oedaule sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) were first observed in November 2007 sporadically, but they flew out massively in April-May of 2008. They appear in very small percentages of infested seeds and overwinter as ectoparasitoids of A. pallidipennis larvae. The genera Eupelmus and Oedaule are autochthonous in the Balkans and have adjusted to their new host. As A. pallidipennis has been identified as an important reducing factor of generative reproduction, research of the bruchid beetle and its parasitoids, as well as of entomofauna of this weed species in general, should continue with the idea of making advance in indigo bush control.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), spermatofaga bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i njeni prirodni neprijatelji u Srbiji, Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a spermatophagous insect of indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) and its natural enemies in Serbia",
pages = "201-195",
number = "2",
volume = "17",
url = "conv_563"
Gagić, R., Mihajlović, L.,& Glavendekić, M.. (2008). Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), spermatofaga bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i njeni prirodni neprijatelji u Srbiji. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 17(2), 195-201.
Gagić R, Mihajlović L, Glavendekić M. Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), spermatofaga bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i njeni prirodni neprijatelji u Srbiji. in Acta herbologica. 2008;17(2):195-201.
conv_563 .
Gagić, Renata, Mihajlović, Ljubodrag, Glavendekić, Milka, "Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), spermatofaga bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i njeni prirodni neprijatelji u Srbiji" in Acta herbologica, 17, no. 2 (2008):195-201,
conv_563 .

Stavovi prema regulativi šumarstva i životne sredine - pristup studije slučaja u Srbiji

Nevenić, Radovan; Rakonjac, Ljubinko; Poduška, Zoran; Gagić, Renata; Petrović, Nenad; Čokić, Denis

(Institut za šumarstvo, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Nevenić, Radovan
AU  - Rakonjac, Ljubinko
AU  - Poduška, Zoran
AU  - Gagić, Renata
AU  - Petrović, Nenad
AU  - Čokić, Denis
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Kolizija između šumarskog i zakonodavstva u oblasti životne sredine generalno se predstavlja negativno, dok je povezanost zasnovana na međusektorskoj saradnji. Nije zanemarljiv ni uticaj lokalnog stanovništva kao vlasnika i korisnika šuma i ne vladinih organizacija. Danas se nacionalna zakonodavstva prilagođavaju međunarodnim, a konvencije o zaštiti životne sredine globalno se ratifikuju i usvajaju. Novi učesnici u procesima zaštite životne sredine priključuju se starim, formirajući front, za ponekad i nekritičke stavove prema opštoj potrebi tržišta za proizvodima od šume. Sve brojniji proklamatori žaštite životne sredine mogu stvoriti sliku da je biznis zasnovan na korišćenju prirodnih resursa. S toga, potrebno je uočiti kako ekološki, socijalni, ekonomski i politički problemi utiču na šumu i životnu sredinu. Predmet istraživanja u okviru dela novog projekta FOPER ( Unapređenje kapaciteta šumarske politike i ekonomike u regionu jugoistočne Evrope) pod nazivom: Suprotnosti i veze između legislative šumarstva i zaštite životne sredine 'Collision and Linkages between Forest and Environmental Legislation in Serbia' se baš odnosi na relacije legislative ova dva sektora i njihovu praktičnu implementaciju u Srbiji. Studija koja je u toku izrade i odnosi se na oba pitanja sa različitog stanovišta ali u svakom slučaju ima uticaj na socijalnu dimenziju i koristi koje se odnose na životnu sredinu i šumasrtvo. Studija i istraživanje je usmereno na relacije legislative i pitanja koja se odnose na integraciju zakonodavstva šumarstva i životne sredine u nacionalnom parku Fruška Gora. U radu će biti prikazan početni postupak istraživanja baziran na upitnicima i intervjuima koji su obavljeni u početnoj fazi rada.
AB  - The productive function of the forests often imposes as dominant, often excluding the possibilities that the other aims of it completely serve to the materialisation of the common good. As the renewable resources, the forests should be exploited in such a way and to a such extent to preserve their biological variety, improve their productivity, ability to regeneration, vitality and their potential to perform the ecological, economic and social functions in the present and future. These and similar requirements are the subject of the laws from the domain of forestry and natural environment. The great number of legal and sub-legal acts in these domains unavoidably lead to the inter-connection, but to collision as well. Collision between the forestry and environmental legislation is often presented in a negative way, and the connection is based on the inter-sector cooperation. Today the national legislations are adapting to the international legislation, and the conventions on the environmental protection are globally ratified and adopting. The new participants in the processes of the environmental protection join the old ones, forming the front, for sometimes non-critical views on the general market need for the forest products. The increasing number of the promoters of the environmental protection can give the picture that the business is made on the use of the natural resources. Therefore, it is needed to perceive how ecological, social, economic and political problems influence the forest and environment. The subject of the research within the part of the new project FOPER (Improvement of the capacities of the forestry policy and economics in the region of the Southeastern Europe) called: 'Collision and Linkages between Forest and Environmental Legislation in Serbia' particularly refers to the relations of the legislations of these two sectors and their practical implementation in Serbia. The study which is underway also refers to the both questions from the different point of view, but influences the social dimension and benefits which are connected to the environment and forestry. The study and research are aimed at the relation of the legislative and issues which refer to the integration of the forestry and environmental legislative in the National Park Fruška Gora. The initial investigative method is based on the questionnaires and interviews conducted in the first phase of the work.
PB  - Institut za šumarstvo, Beograd
T2  - Sustainable Forestry: Collection
T1  - Stavovi prema regulativi šumarstva i životne sredine - pristup studije slučaja u Srbiji
T1  - Collision between forestry and environmental legislative research: Case study and statements in Serbia
EP  - 136
IS  - 57-58
SP  - 124
UR  - conv_739
ER  - 
author = "Nevenić, Radovan and Rakonjac, Ljubinko and Poduška, Zoran and Gagić, Renata and Petrović, Nenad and Čokić, Denis",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Kolizija između šumarskog i zakonodavstva u oblasti životne sredine generalno se predstavlja negativno, dok je povezanost zasnovana na međusektorskoj saradnji. Nije zanemarljiv ni uticaj lokalnog stanovništva kao vlasnika i korisnika šuma i ne vladinih organizacija. Danas se nacionalna zakonodavstva prilagođavaju međunarodnim, a konvencije o zaštiti životne sredine globalno se ratifikuju i usvajaju. Novi učesnici u procesima zaštite životne sredine priključuju se starim, formirajući front, za ponekad i nekritičke stavove prema opštoj potrebi tržišta za proizvodima od šume. Sve brojniji proklamatori žaštite životne sredine mogu stvoriti sliku da je biznis zasnovan na korišćenju prirodnih resursa. S toga, potrebno je uočiti kako ekološki, socijalni, ekonomski i politički problemi utiču na šumu i životnu sredinu. Predmet istraživanja u okviru dela novog projekta FOPER ( Unapređenje kapaciteta šumarske politike i ekonomike u regionu jugoistočne Evrope) pod nazivom: Suprotnosti i veze između legislative šumarstva i zaštite životne sredine 'Collision and Linkages between Forest and Environmental Legislation in Serbia' se baš odnosi na relacije legislative ova dva sektora i njihovu praktičnu implementaciju u Srbiji. Studija koja je u toku izrade i odnosi se na oba pitanja sa različitog stanovišta ali u svakom slučaju ima uticaj na socijalnu dimenziju i koristi koje se odnose na životnu sredinu i šumasrtvo. Studija i istraživanje je usmereno na relacije legislative i pitanja koja se odnose na integraciju zakonodavstva šumarstva i životne sredine u nacionalnom parku Fruška Gora. U radu će biti prikazan početni postupak istraživanja baziran na upitnicima i intervjuima koji su obavljeni u početnoj fazi rada., The productive function of the forests often imposes as dominant, often excluding the possibilities that the other aims of it completely serve to the materialisation of the common good. As the renewable resources, the forests should be exploited in such a way and to a such extent to preserve their biological variety, improve their productivity, ability to regeneration, vitality and their potential to perform the ecological, economic and social functions in the present and future. These and similar requirements are the subject of the laws from the domain of forestry and natural environment. The great number of legal and sub-legal acts in these domains unavoidably lead to the inter-connection, but to collision as well. Collision between the forestry and environmental legislation is often presented in a negative way, and the connection is based on the inter-sector cooperation. Today the national legislations are adapting to the international legislation, and the conventions on the environmental protection are globally ratified and adopting. The new participants in the processes of the environmental protection join the old ones, forming the front, for sometimes non-critical views on the general market need for the forest products. The increasing number of the promoters of the environmental protection can give the picture that the business is made on the use of the natural resources. Therefore, it is needed to perceive how ecological, social, economic and political problems influence the forest and environment. The subject of the research within the part of the new project FOPER (Improvement of the capacities of the forestry policy and economics in the region of the Southeastern Europe) called: 'Collision and Linkages between Forest and Environmental Legislation in Serbia' particularly refers to the relations of the legislations of these two sectors and their practical implementation in Serbia. The study which is underway also refers to the both questions from the different point of view, but influences the social dimension and benefits which are connected to the environment and forestry. The study and research are aimed at the relation of the legislative and issues which refer to the integration of the forestry and environmental legislative in the National Park Fruška Gora. The initial investigative method is based on the questionnaires and interviews conducted in the first phase of the work.",
publisher = "Institut za šumarstvo, Beograd",
journal = "Sustainable Forestry: Collection",
title = "Stavovi prema regulativi šumarstva i životne sredine - pristup studije slučaja u Srbiji, Collision between forestry and environmental legislative research: Case study and statements in Serbia",
pages = "136-124",
number = "57-58",
url = "conv_739"
Nevenić, R., Rakonjac, L., Poduška, Z., Gagić, R., Petrović, N.,& Čokić, D.. (2008). Stavovi prema regulativi šumarstva i životne sredine - pristup studije slučaja u Srbiji. in Sustainable Forestry: Collection
Institut za šumarstvo, Beograd.(57-58), 124-136.
Nevenić R, Rakonjac L, Poduška Z, Gagić R, Petrović N, Čokić D. Stavovi prema regulativi šumarstva i životne sredine - pristup studije slučaja u Srbiji. in Sustainable Forestry: Collection. 2008;(57-58):124-136.
conv_739 .
Nevenić, Radovan, Rakonjac, Ljubinko, Poduška, Zoran, Gagić, Renata, Petrović, Nenad, Čokić, Denis, "Stavovi prema regulativi šumarstva i životne sredine - pristup studije slučaja u Srbiji" in Sustainable Forestry: Collection, no. 57-58 (2008):124-136,
conv_739 .