author = "Stajić, Branko and Vukić, Ksenija and Janjatović, Živan and Kazimirović, Marko",
year = "2017",
abstract = "U radu se analiziraju razvijenost i izgrađenost krošnji stabala i njihova efikasnost za proizvodnju zapremine krupnog drveta na primeru jedne čiste sastojine belog jasena, starosti 35 godina. Polazeći od interakcije između elemenata strukture krošnji i elemenata rasta stabala i sastojina sagledana je ekonomičnost korišćenja prostora za rast i definisana optimalna sastojinska izgrađenost, što je bio osnovni cilj ovog rada. Stabla sa vitkijim krošnjama, uprkos boljem odnosu površine omotača i zapremine krošnje, proizvode manju zapreminu drveta (nedovoljno razvijene). Sa druge strane, kada se proizvedena zapremina stabala posmatra po jedinici prostora za rast uočeno je da što je manje prostora za rast to ga stablo efikasnije koristi za produkciju drveta. To ukazuje na postojanje određenog optimuma između izgrađenosti krošnji i proizvedene zapremine sastojine. Optimalno sastojinsko stanje sa aspekta izgrađenosti krošnji, željenog broja stabala i zapremine sastojine utvrđeno je na bazi odnosa između koeficijenta ekonomičnosti korišćenja prostora za rast i zapremine stabala od zastrte površine., This paper reports on the size and completeness of tree crowns and their effectiveness for the production of wood volumes in the case of a pure 35-years European ash stand. Starting from the interaction between the elements of the crowns structure and elements of the tree and stand growth the economical use of growing space was perceived and the optimal stand state was also defined, what were the main objectives of this paper. The trees with slender crowns, despite their better ratio of the surface area/volume of the crown, produced lower wood volume (undeveloped crowns). On the other hand, when the produced stem volume was analyzed per unit growing space it was observed that the less space for tree growth the more effectively it was used for the production of wood volume. This indicated the existence of a certain optimum between the crowns and produced volume stands. The optimal stand state in terms of crown structure, the desired number of trees and stand volume was determined based on the relationship between the coefficient of the economy of growing space utilization and volume of trees and crown projection area.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Efikasnost korišćenja prostora za rast belog jasena (Fraxinus excelsior L.) sa područja Majdanpečke domene, Growing space efficiency of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in the region of Majdanpečka domena",
pages = "126-99",
number = "115",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1715099S",
url = "conv_456"