Janjatović, Gojko

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  • Janjatović, Gojko (3)

Author's Bibliography

Karakteristike prorede u zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) u Donjem Sremu

Andrašev, Siniša; Rončević, Savo; Bobinac, Martin; Stajić, Branko; Janjatović, Gojko

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad, 2011)

AU  - Andrašev, Siniša
AU  - Rončević, Savo
AU  - Bobinac, Martin
AU  - Stajić, Branko
AU  - Janjatović, Gojko
PY  - 2011
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/407
AB  - U zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.), na zemljištu tipu fluvisol, varijetet dvoslojno sa fosilnim zemljištem na lesoaluvijumu reke Save, koji je osnovan pri razmaku sadnje 5×5 m, odnosno 400 stabalaha-1, nakon 8 godina od osnivanja primenjena je proreda selektivnog karaktera. U okviru kvadratnog rasporeda stabala izdvojena su fenotipski bolje formirana stabla u broju koji definiše prosečni razmak stabala od 7×7 m, odnosno 204 stablaha-1, i uklonjeni su im najznačajniji konkurenti. TakoĐe su uklonjena i neperspektivna stabla. Proredom, koja je imala karakter niske prorede, uklonjeno je 169 stabala po hektaru (45,3%), temeljnica je smanjena za 6,56 m2·ha-1 (37,2%), a zapremina za 57,27 m3·ha-1 (36,3%). Značajno razdvajanje kolektiva doznačenih stabala i kolektiva preostalih stabala po elementima rasta stabala i zasada, kao i visinske i debljinske strukture ukazuje da se proreda značajno razlikovala od tipične šematske prorede. Vrednost potencijalne strukture sortimenata prorednog etata od 18,52 m3·ha-1 trupca za rezanje II klase i 26,53 m3ha-1 celuloznog drveta omogućava pozitivan bilans u poreĐenju sa direktnim troškovima seče i privlačenja prorednog etata i većih troškova pošumljavanja pri većoj gustini (5×5 m) u poređenju sa razmakom 7×7 m, što ukazuje na opravdanost prorede sa ekonomskog aspekta.
AB  - A selective thinning was applied eight years after development of a poplar clone B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) stand established on fluvisol, var. double-layer with fossil soil on loess-alluvium of the Sava river, with the planting distance of 5×5 m, i.e. 400 trees·ha-1. Within the square distribution of trees the phenotipically distinct trees were separated into a number defining an average distance between the trees of 7×7 m, i.e. 204 treesha-1, and their most significant competitors were removed. Non-perspective trees were also removed. By application of low thinning technique some 169 trees per hectare were removed (45,3%), basal area was reduced by 6,56 m2ha-1 (37,2%), and the volume by 57,27 m3·ha-1 (36,3%). Significant separation of the group of assigned trees, and the group of the remaining trees according to the elements of tree and stand growth, as well as the height and diameter structures revealed that the thinning significantly differed from the schematic diagram of typical thinning. The value of the potential assortment structure of allowable cut in the thinning of 18,52 m3·ha-1 logs intended for cutting, class II, and 26,53 m3·ha-1 of cellulose wood provided positive balance in comparison to the direct felling costs, and transport of the allowable cut in the thinning, and higher dense (5×5 m) a forestation costs compared to the planting distance of 7×7 m, indicating that the thinning was justified from the economic aspects.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad
T2  - Topola
T1  - Karakteristike prorede u zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) u Donjem Sremu
T1  - Properties of thinning applied to a stand of poplar clone B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) established in Lower Srem
EP  - 121
IS  - 187-188
SP  - 99
UR  - conv_690
ER  - 
author = "Andrašev, Siniša and Rončević, Savo and Bobinac, Martin and Stajić, Branko and Janjatović, Gojko",
year = "2011",
abstract = "U zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.), na zemljištu tipu fluvisol, varijetet dvoslojno sa fosilnim zemljištem na lesoaluvijumu reke Save, koji je osnovan pri razmaku sadnje 5×5 m, odnosno 400 stabalaha-1, nakon 8 godina od osnivanja primenjena je proreda selektivnog karaktera. U okviru kvadratnog rasporeda stabala izdvojena su fenotipski bolje formirana stabla u broju koji definiše prosečni razmak stabala od 7×7 m, odnosno 204 stablaha-1, i uklonjeni su im najznačajniji konkurenti. TakoĐe su uklonjena i neperspektivna stabla. Proredom, koja je imala karakter niske prorede, uklonjeno je 169 stabala po hektaru (45,3%), temeljnica je smanjena za 6,56 m2·ha-1 (37,2%), a zapremina za 57,27 m3·ha-1 (36,3%). Značajno razdvajanje kolektiva doznačenih stabala i kolektiva preostalih stabala po elementima rasta stabala i zasada, kao i visinske i debljinske strukture ukazuje da se proreda značajno razlikovala od tipične šematske prorede. Vrednost potencijalne strukture sortimenata prorednog etata od 18,52 m3·ha-1 trupca za rezanje II klase i 26,53 m3ha-1 celuloznog drveta omogućava pozitivan bilans u poreĐenju sa direktnim troškovima seče i privlačenja prorednog etata i većih troškova pošumljavanja pri većoj gustini (5×5 m) u poređenju sa razmakom 7×7 m, što ukazuje na opravdanost prorede sa ekonomskog aspekta., A selective thinning was applied eight years after development of a poplar clone B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) stand established on fluvisol, var. double-layer with fossil soil on loess-alluvium of the Sava river, with the planting distance of 5×5 m, i.e. 400 trees·ha-1. Within the square distribution of trees the phenotipically distinct trees were separated into a number defining an average distance between the trees of 7×7 m, i.e. 204 treesha-1, and their most significant competitors were removed. Non-perspective trees were also removed. By application of low thinning technique some 169 trees per hectare were removed (45,3%), basal area was reduced by 6,56 m2ha-1 (37,2%), and the volume by 57,27 m3·ha-1 (36,3%). Significant separation of the group of assigned trees, and the group of the remaining trees according to the elements of tree and stand growth, as well as the height and diameter structures revealed that the thinning significantly differed from the schematic diagram of typical thinning. The value of the potential assortment structure of allowable cut in the thinning of 18,52 m3·ha-1 logs intended for cutting, class II, and 26,53 m3·ha-1 of cellulose wood provided positive balance in comparison to the direct felling costs, and transport of the allowable cut in the thinning, and higher dense (5×5 m) a forestation costs compared to the planting distance of 7×7 m, indicating that the thinning was justified from the economic aspects.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad",
journal = "Topola",
title = "Karakteristike prorede u zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) u Donjem Sremu, Properties of thinning applied to a stand of poplar clone B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) established in Lower Srem",
pages = "121-99",
number = "187-188",
url = "conv_690"
Andrašev, S., Rončević, S., Bobinac, M., Stajić, B.,& Janjatović, G.. (2011). Karakteristike prorede u zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) u Donjem Sremu. in Topola
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad.(187-188), 99-121.
Andrašev S, Rončević S, Bobinac M, Stajić B, Janjatović G. Karakteristike prorede u zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) u Donjem Sremu. in Topola. 2011;(187-188):99-121.
conv_690 .
Andrašev, Siniša, Rončević, Savo, Bobinac, Martin, Stajić, Branko, Janjatović, Gojko, "Karakteristike prorede u zasadu topole klona B-229 (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh.) u Donjem Sremu" in Topola, no. 187-188 (2011):99-121,
conv_690 .

Elementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Save

Andrašev, Siniša; Rončević, Savo; Vučković, Milivoj; Bobinac, Martin; Danilović, Milorad; Janjatović, Gojko

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Andrašev, Siniša
AU  - Rončević, Savo
AU  - Vučković, Milivoj
AU  - Bobinac, Martin
AU  - Danilović, Milorad
AU  - Janjatović, Gojko
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/329
AB  - Istraživanja su obavljena u dva ogledna zasada euroameričke topole (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - klon I-214 na aluvijumu reke Save u Sremu. U svakom zasadu starosti 31 godinu izdvojene su po tri ogledne površine. Zasadi su osnovani na zemljištu tipa humofluvisol (aluvijalni semiglej) sa razmakom sadnje 6×6 m. Zasadi su osnovani sa 278 sadnica po hektaru, a broj stabala u 31. godini iznosio je 46,5-60,6% od toga. Konstruisane visinske krive, kao i srednje sastojinske hg i gornje hg20% visine pokazuju da istraživani zasadi pripadaju različitim bonitetima staništa, što se značajno odrazilo na druge elemente rasta zasada i proizvodnost. Međutim, nije utvrđen značajan uticaj boniteta staništa na varijabilitet (sd i cv) i oblik debljinske strukture (α3 i α4). Konstruisani modeli debljinske strukture za svaki bonitet (po funkciji Weibull-a) razlikuju se po parametru položaja (a), dok se ne razlikuju po parametrima raspona (b) i oblika (c). Elementi rasta stabala i zasada pokazali su visok proizvodni potencijal klona I-214 što upućuje da na optimalnim zemljištima uz obezbeđenje svih potrebnih tehnoloških mera u fazi rasadničke proizvodnje i fazi osnivanja zasada, klon I-214 predstavlja i dalje osnov za postizanje visokih proizvodnih efekata.
AB  - Two experimental plantations of Euramerican poplar (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - clone I-214 were researched on the river Sava alluvium in Srem. Three sample plots were established in each of the plantations, aged 31 years. The soil type was humofluvisol (alluvial semigley), planting space 6×6 m. The plantations were established with 278 rooted cuttings per hectare, and the number of trees at the age of 31 accounted for 46.5-60.6%. The constructed height curves, mean stand height (hg) and upper (hg20%) heights show that the study plantations were established on different site classes, which was significantly reflected on other plantation growth elements and productivity. However, there was no significant effect of site class on the variability (sd and cv) and shape of diameter structure (α3 and α4). The constructed models of diameter structure for each site class (by Weibull function) differ by location parameter (a), and do not differ by parameter of scale (b) and shape (c). The tree and plantation growth elements show a high production potential of the clone I-214 which indicates that, on optimal soils and with the provided technological measures in the stage of nursery production and in the stage of plantation establishment, clone I-214 presents the good base for high production effects.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Elementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Save
T1  - Elements of structure and productivity of clone I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) plantations on the river Sava alluvium
EP  - 24
IS  - 101
SP  - 7
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1001007A
UR  - conv_313
ER  - 
author = "Andrašev, Siniša and Rončević, Savo and Vučković, Milivoj and Bobinac, Martin and Danilović, Milorad and Janjatović, Gojko",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Istraživanja su obavljena u dva ogledna zasada euroameričke topole (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - klon I-214 na aluvijumu reke Save u Sremu. U svakom zasadu starosti 31 godinu izdvojene su po tri ogledne površine. Zasadi su osnovani na zemljištu tipa humofluvisol (aluvijalni semiglej) sa razmakom sadnje 6×6 m. Zasadi su osnovani sa 278 sadnica po hektaru, a broj stabala u 31. godini iznosio je 46,5-60,6% od toga. Konstruisane visinske krive, kao i srednje sastojinske hg i gornje hg20% visine pokazuju da istraživani zasadi pripadaju različitim bonitetima staništa, što se značajno odrazilo na druge elemente rasta zasada i proizvodnost. Međutim, nije utvrđen značajan uticaj boniteta staništa na varijabilitet (sd i cv) i oblik debljinske strukture (α3 i α4). Konstruisani modeli debljinske strukture za svaki bonitet (po funkciji Weibull-a) razlikuju se po parametru položaja (a), dok se ne razlikuju po parametrima raspona (b) i oblika (c). Elementi rasta stabala i zasada pokazali su visok proizvodni potencijal klona I-214 što upućuje da na optimalnim zemljištima uz obezbeđenje svih potrebnih tehnoloških mera u fazi rasadničke proizvodnje i fazi osnivanja zasada, klon I-214 predstavlja i dalje osnov za postizanje visokih proizvodnih efekata., Two experimental plantations of Euramerican poplar (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - clone I-214 were researched on the river Sava alluvium in Srem. Three sample plots were established in each of the plantations, aged 31 years. The soil type was humofluvisol (alluvial semigley), planting space 6×6 m. The plantations were established with 278 rooted cuttings per hectare, and the number of trees at the age of 31 accounted for 46.5-60.6%. The constructed height curves, mean stand height (hg) and upper (hg20%) heights show that the study plantations were established on different site classes, which was significantly reflected on other plantation growth elements and productivity. However, there was no significant effect of site class on the variability (sd and cv) and shape of diameter structure (α3 and α4). The constructed models of diameter structure for each site class (by Weibull function) differ by location parameter (a), and do not differ by parameter of scale (b) and shape (c). The tree and plantation growth elements show a high production potential of the clone I-214 which indicates that, on optimal soils and with the provided technological measures in the stage of nursery production and in the stage of plantation establishment, clone I-214 presents the good base for high production effects.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Elementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Save, Elements of structure and productivity of clone I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) plantations on the river Sava alluvium",
pages = "24-7",
number = "101",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1001007A",
url = "conv_313"
Andrašev, S., Rončević, S., Vučković, M., Bobinac, M., Danilović, M.,& Janjatović, G.. (2010). Elementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Save. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(101), 7-24.
Andrašev S, Rončević S, Vučković M, Bobinac M, Danilović M, Janjatović G. Elementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Save. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2010;(101):7-24.
conv_313 .
Andrašev, Siniša, Rončević, Savo, Vučković, Milivoj, Bobinac, Martin, Danilović, Milorad, Janjatović, Gojko, "Elementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Save" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 101 (2010):7-24,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1001007A .,
conv_313 .

Sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvaliteta

Danilović, Milorad; Janjatović, Gojko

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2005)

AU  - Danilović, Milorad
AU  - Janjatović, Gojko
PY  - 2005
UR  - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/174
AB  - U radu je prikazana sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Rorilus x euramericana I-214 dobijena primenom evropskih standarda kvaliteta za oblo drvo. Na bazi podataka teorijskog krojenja ustanovljena je veza između ukupne zapremine izrađenih sortimenata i prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini. Model funkcije koja predstavlja vezu ukupno izrađene zapremine sortimenata superiornig kvaliteta i prečnika stabla je recipročni. Veza između ukupne zapremine sortimenata normalnog kvaliteta može se predstaviti logaritamskim modelom funkcije, a stepeni model najbolje predstavlja vezu ukupne zapremine izrađenih sortimenata koji se ne mogu razvrstati ni u jednu klasu kvaliteta i prečnika stabla. Kvrge do 6 t visine, značajno su uticale na učešća klasa superiornog kvaliteta. Da su donje grane sa dubećeg stabla bile orezane do 6 t visine, učešće ove klase bi se povećalo u proseku za 22,07%. Ovo pokazuje da je orezivanje donjih grana sa dubećeg stabla veoma značajna mera nege zasada i da je treba izvršiti na vreme. Zakrivljenost je takođe, utucala na smanjenje učešća najvrednijih sortimenata, ali ne u meri u kojoj se očekivalo, jer se zasad nalazi uz tok reke Save.
AB  - Assortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramericana I-214 was obtained by European standard for round wood. Based on the data of theoretical cutting, the correlation between total volume of assortments and tree diameter at breast height was established. Model of the function representing the relation between total volume of assortments of superior quality and tree diameter is reciprocal. The relation between total volumes of normal-quality assortments can be represented by a logarithm model of the function, and the relation between total volume of assortments which cannot be classified into any quality class and tree diameter is best represented by a degree model. Knots up to the height of 6 m had a significant effect on the percentage of classes of superior quality. If the lower branches were pruned from standing trees up to the height of 6 m, the percentage of this class would increase averagely by 22.07%. This shows that pruning of lower branches is a very significant plantation tending measure and that it should be performed in time. Sweep also caused the decrease of percentage of superior assortments, but not to the expected degree, because the plantation is situated along the river Sava.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvaliteta
T1  - Assortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramerjcana I-214 based on European standard
EP  - 108
IS  - 91
SP  - 97
DO  - 10.2298/GSF0591097D
UR  - conv_199
ER  - 
author = "Danilović, Milorad and Janjatović, Gojko",
year = "2005",
abstract = "U radu je prikazana sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Rorilus x euramericana I-214 dobijena primenom evropskih standarda kvaliteta za oblo drvo. Na bazi podataka teorijskog krojenja ustanovljena je veza između ukupne zapremine izrađenih sortimenata i prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini. Model funkcije koja predstavlja vezu ukupno izrađene zapremine sortimenata superiornig kvaliteta i prečnika stabla je recipročni. Veza između ukupne zapremine sortimenata normalnog kvaliteta može se predstaviti logaritamskim modelom funkcije, a stepeni model najbolje predstavlja vezu ukupne zapremine izrađenih sortimenata koji se ne mogu razvrstati ni u jednu klasu kvaliteta i prečnika stabla. Kvrge do 6 t visine, značajno su uticale na učešća klasa superiornog kvaliteta. Da su donje grane sa dubećeg stabla bile orezane do 6 t visine, učešće ove klase bi se povećalo u proseku za 22,07%. Ovo pokazuje da je orezivanje donjih grana sa dubećeg stabla veoma značajna mera nege zasada i da je treba izvršiti na vreme. Zakrivljenost je takođe, utucala na smanjenje učešća najvrednijih sortimenata, ali ne u meri u kojoj se očekivalo, jer se zasad nalazi uz tok reke Save., Assortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramericana I-214 was obtained by European standard for round wood. Based on the data of theoretical cutting, the correlation between total volume of assortments and tree diameter at breast height was established. Model of the function representing the relation between total volume of assortments of superior quality and tree diameter is reciprocal. The relation between total volumes of normal-quality assortments can be represented by a logarithm model of the function, and the relation between total volume of assortments which cannot be classified into any quality class and tree diameter is best represented by a degree model. Knots up to the height of 6 m had a significant effect on the percentage of classes of superior quality. If the lower branches were pruned from standing trees up to the height of 6 m, the percentage of this class would increase averagely by 22.07%. This shows that pruning of lower branches is a very significant plantation tending measure and that it should be performed in time. Sweep also caused the decrease of percentage of superior assortments, but not to the expected degree, because the plantation is situated along the river Sava.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvaliteta, Assortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramerjcana I-214 based on European standard",
pages = "108-97",
number = "91",
doi = "10.2298/GSF0591097D",
url = "conv_199"
Danilović, M.,& Janjatović, G.. (2005). Sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvaliteta. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(91), 97-108.
Danilović M, Janjatović G. Sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvaliteta. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2005;(91):97-108.
conv_199 .
Danilović, Milorad, Janjatović, Gojko, "Sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvaliteta" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 91 (2005):97-108,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF0591097D .,
conv_199 .