author = "Gačić, Dragan and Danilović, Milorad and Gacić, Jasmina and Stojnić, Dušan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The effects of roads and railways on major species of large game (roe deer and wild boar) have been studied in eight hunting grounds in the Belgrade area (nine municipalities), as well as the consequences of chemical accidents in transport of hazardous materials. Road accidents involving birds, game and other animals (WVC - wildlife vehicle collisions) during 2009-2013 in the Belgrade area result in 10 cases (4.8%) in injuries for drivers and passengers. In total, 267 roe deer and 8 wild boar were killed in traffic by cars and trains. Traffic accidents with roe deer have their maximum in April-May and then in December. The adult sex ratio in roe deer killed in traffic by cars and trains was 2.1 (173 female and 80 male), indicating that females were more vulnerable than males. The yearly traffic kill of roe deer represented between 0.8% and 1.1% of the spring population size. In the Belgrade area, the mobile eco-toxicological laboratory of the City Institute of Public Health Belgrade during 2004-2012 registered 177 chemical accidents (mean = 19.7, range = 13 to 26). The chemical accidents in transport of hazardous materials were sporadic and their consequences were small-scale contamination of the environment and economic losses. At the main transport routes of hazardous materials passing through hunting grounds in the Belgrade area occurred 26 chemical accidents, out of which 11 on the railways and 9 on the roads, and the remainder in air and river transportation (4 and 2, respectively).",
publisher = "Parlar Scientific Publications",
journal = "Fresenius Environmental Bulletin",
title = "Effects of roads and railways on large game in the Belgrade area: a case-study of nine municipalities",
pages = "1317-1310",
number = "4",
volume = "24",
url = "conv_2157"