Marčeta, Milica

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  • Marčeta, Milica (19)

Author's Bibliography

The market of wood forest products in Serbia and analysis of its dynamic elements

Marčeta, Milica; Keča, Ljiljana


AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The most important product with a commodity character on the forest products market is wood, but also various wood assortments, which are the basic raw material in the wood industry. This paper analyzes the trends related to cutting, processing and sale of wood assortments (logs for cutting and logs for veneer peeling) from state forests in Serbia. In addition, these trends are analyzed separately for the commercially important species beech, oak and poplar. The methods used in the analysis are the Mann-Kendall trend test and the modified Mann-Kendall test with Hamed-Rao variance correction when the assumption of data independence is not met. The data were collected by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia for the territory of Serbia (excluding AP Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) and cover the periods 2002-2017 and 2003- -2017. The research aims to determine the trends in the market of wood products (assortments) related to production (cutting), processing, as an intermediate phase, and sale of wood assortments as the final phase. The purpose of this research is to identify the trends in the mentioned cate- gories, which provides a good basis for their prediction in the future. The subject of research is the volume of cutting, processing, and sales of wood assortments from state forests in Serbia. According to the results, a statistically significant growth trend in total cutting, processing and sales of wood assortments in the period 2002-2017 can be confirmed. The volume of processed wood assort- ments largely coincides with the realized volumes, which indicates that they were sold in the same year. A statistically significant trend was also observed in the production and sale of sawn timber (for beech, oak and poplar combined). The average annual growth rate for cutting was 2.5%, for processing 2.7% and for the sale of wood assortments 2.9%. As beech is the most widely represented wood species, the changes in supply and demand for this type of wood are mainly determined by the general market trends on the Serbian timber market. Production in forestry differs significantly from conventional production, so that the production possibilities in forestry are limited by the capacity of the forests and their resources. The timber market is therefore influenced and driven by this fact.
T2  - Sylwan
T1  - The market of wood forest products in Serbia and analysis of its dynamic elements
EP  - 368
IS  - 5
SP  - 359
VL  - 168
DO  - 10.26202/sylwan.2024008
UR  - conv_1800
ER  - 
author = "Marčeta, Milica and Keča, Ljiljana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The most important product with a commodity character on the forest products market is wood, but also various wood assortments, which are the basic raw material in the wood industry. This paper analyzes the trends related to cutting, processing and sale of wood assortments (logs for cutting and logs for veneer peeling) from state forests in Serbia. In addition, these trends are analyzed separately for the commercially important species beech, oak and poplar. The methods used in the analysis are the Mann-Kendall trend test and the modified Mann-Kendall test with Hamed-Rao variance correction when the assumption of data independence is not met. The data were collected by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia for the territory of Serbia (excluding AP Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) and cover the periods 2002-2017 and 2003- -2017. The research aims to determine the trends in the market of wood products (assortments) related to production (cutting), processing, as an intermediate phase, and sale of wood assortments as the final phase. The purpose of this research is to identify the trends in the mentioned cate- gories, which provides a good basis for their prediction in the future. The subject of research is the volume of cutting, processing, and sales of wood assortments from state forests in Serbia. According to the results, a statistically significant growth trend in total cutting, processing and sales of wood assortments in the period 2002-2017 can be confirmed. The volume of processed wood assort- ments largely coincides with the realized volumes, which indicates that they were sold in the same year. A statistically significant trend was also observed in the production and sale of sawn timber (for beech, oak and poplar combined). The average annual growth rate for cutting was 2.5%, for processing 2.7% and for the sale of wood assortments 2.9%. As beech is the most widely represented wood species, the changes in supply and demand for this type of wood are mainly determined by the general market trends on the Serbian timber market. Production in forestry differs significantly from conventional production, so that the production possibilities in forestry are limited by the capacity of the forests and their resources. The timber market is therefore influenced and driven by this fact.",
journal = "Sylwan",
title = "The market of wood forest products in Serbia and analysis of its dynamic elements",
pages = "368-359",
number = "5",
volume = "168",
doi = "10.26202/sylwan.2024008",
url = "conv_1800"
Marčeta, M.,& Keča, L.. (2024). The market of wood forest products in Serbia and analysis of its dynamic elements. in Sylwan, 168(5), 359-368.
Marčeta M, Keča L. The market of wood forest products in Serbia and analysis of its dynamic elements. in Sylwan. 2024;168(5):359-368.
conv_1800 .
Marčeta, Milica, Keča, Ljiljana, "The market of wood forest products in Serbia and analysis of its dynamic elements" in Sylwan, 168, no. 5 (2024):359-368, .,
conv_1800 .

Economic aspects of the use of forestry products for commercial purposes

Marčeta, Milica; Keča, Ljiljana; Jelić, Sreten

(Naučno društvo agrarnih ekonomista Balkana, Beograd, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd i Akademija ekonomskih nauka, Bukurešt, 2024)

AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Jelić, Sreten
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Forestry together with the industry based on wood and non -wood forest products (NWFPs) represents an important activity and branch of the national economy. In accordance with that, the work is divided into two chapters, one of which analyzes wood, and the other of NWFPs. Therefore, the aim of the research is to examine the market trends and potential of forestry in the part of central Serbia (Central forest area). The purpose of the research is to identify trends in the categories of felling, production and sale of wood assortments of beech, oak and poplar and to analyses the commercial aspect and the way of organizing the marketing mix in companies that deal with the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs. The Mann -Kendall test was used for the analysis of trends in wood products, while a survey was created for the analysis of companies in the field of NWFPs, which included 29 open and closed questions, with conceptual units related to the marketing mix. For the purposes of the research, primary and secondary data were used and the time period 2008-2017 was covered.
PB  - Naučno društvo agrarnih ekonomista Balkana, Beograd, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd i Akademija ekonomskih nauka, Bukurešt
T2  - Ekonomika poljoprivrede
T1  - Economic aspects of the use of forestry products for commercial purposes
EP  - 587
IS  - 2
SP  - 569
VL  - 71
DO  - 10.59267/ekoPolj2402569M
UR  - conv_1801
ER  - 
author = "Marčeta, Milica and Keča, Ljiljana and Jelić, Sreten",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Forestry together with the industry based on wood and non -wood forest products (NWFPs) represents an important activity and branch of the national economy. In accordance with that, the work is divided into two chapters, one of which analyzes wood, and the other of NWFPs. Therefore, the aim of the research is to examine the market trends and potential of forestry in the part of central Serbia (Central forest area). The purpose of the research is to identify trends in the categories of felling, production and sale of wood assortments of beech, oak and poplar and to analyses the commercial aspect and the way of organizing the marketing mix in companies that deal with the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs. The Mann -Kendall test was used for the analysis of trends in wood products, while a survey was created for the analysis of companies in the field of NWFPs, which included 29 open and closed questions, with conceptual units related to the marketing mix. For the purposes of the research, primary and secondary data were used and the time period 2008-2017 was covered.",
publisher = "Naučno društvo agrarnih ekonomista Balkana, Beograd, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd i Akademija ekonomskih nauka, Bukurešt",
journal = "Ekonomika poljoprivrede",
title = "Economic aspects of the use of forestry products for commercial purposes",
pages = "587-569",
number = "2",
volume = "71",
doi = "10.59267/ekoPolj2402569M",
url = "conv_1801"
Marčeta, M., Keča, L.,& Jelić, S.. (2024). Economic aspects of the use of forestry products for commercial purposes. in Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Naučno društvo agrarnih ekonomista Balkana, Beograd, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd i Akademija ekonomskih nauka, Bukurešt., 71(2), 569-587.
Marčeta M, Keča L, Jelić S. Economic aspects of the use of forestry products for commercial purposes. in Ekonomika poljoprivrede. 2024;71(2):569-587.
conv_1801 .
Marčeta, Milica, Keča, Ljiljana, Jelić, Sreten, "Economic aspects of the use of forestry products for commercial purposes" in Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 71, no. 2 (2024):569-587, .,
conv_1801 .

Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata

Marčeta, Milica

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Tržište šumskih proizvoda odlikuje dinamička komponenta, koja usmerava odnose i tokove u ovoj sferi, pod uticajem velikog broja faktora, poput klimatskih, demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i brojnih drugih. Dinamički karakter tržišta otvara različite pristupe u sagledavanju i izučavanju njegovih determinanti, pre svega ponude i tražnje, kao i faktora koji se na direktan ili indirektan način dovode u vezu sa funkcionisanjem tržišnog mehanizma. Specifičnosti tržišta drvnih proizvoda, za razliku od ostalih konvencionalnih, ogleda se u sporom reagovanju i prilagođavanju promenama. U tom smislu, istraživanje ima višedimenzionalni karakter, u prvom redu jer se bavi tržištem drvnih proizvoda, dok u drugom redu analizira oblast nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Ovakvim pristupom, nastojao se pružiti širi kontekst u analizi tržišnih kretanja, posebno u oblasti komercijalno značajnih kategorija šumskih proizvoda (drvnih i nedrvnih). Sa druge strane, istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri nivoa, i to makro, mezo i mikro. Naime, na ukupnom (makro) nivou u razmatranje je uzeto područje Centralne Srbije (bez pokrajina Vojvodine i Kosova i Metohije). U okviru ovog, prvog, dela istraživanja, analizirana su ukupna tržišna kretanja u šumarstvu, kroz trendove seče, izrade i prodaje drvnih sortimenata u državnoj svojini. U drugom delu (mezo nivo) analizirano je područje poslovanja JP „Srbijašume“, i 17 gazdinstava, koja čine delove preduzeća.Treći deo istraživanja (mikro nivo) obuhvatio je preduzeća za primarnu preradu drveta, kao i preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćeni su primarni i sekundarni podaci, a za treći deo istraživanja, kreiran je poseban upitnik namenjen preduzećima iz domena primarne prerade drveta i drugi upitnik namenjen preduzećima, koja se bave NDŠP. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren na višestepenu analizu tržišta šumskih proizvoda, kod drvnih na makro, mezo i mikro nivou, dok je kod NDŠP obuhvaćen mikro nivo. Svrha istraživanja, u prvom i drugom delu, odnosila se na identifikovanje generalnih kretanja na tržištu drvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i NDŠP u Centralnoj Srbiji, odnosno u okviru šumskih gazdinstava JP „Srbijašume“. To je vršeno, pored analize opštih trendova, i kroz ispitivanje zavisnosti između obima prodaje i cene drveta, broja stanovnika sa područja opština u kojima se nalaze analizirana gazdinstva, kao i njihovih prosečnih neto zarada. U trećem delu, istraživanje je imalo za svrhu da ukaže na način i oblike organizovanja marketing miksa (proizvod, cena, promocija i distribucija) u preduzećima koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja, pored tržišta šumskih proizvoda u Srbiji, su i varijable socio-ekonomskog karaktera, koje na direktan ili indirektan način učestvuju u kreiranju tržišnih prilika u sektoru šumarstva.U radu su primenjene opšte i posebne naučne metode, kao i klasične metode zaključivanja. Kroz rezultate istraživanja data je sveobuhvatna slika tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih determinanti u kontekstu dinamičkih promena, koje se dešavaju u uslovima delovanja različitih socio–ekonomskih faktora. Na osnovu sagledavanja tržišta drvnih proizvoda, kroz ovo istraživanje, može se istaći da je bazična determinanta, koja opredeljuje dinamiku tržišnih kretanja, proizvodni potencijal šuma, odnosno mogućnosti koje šuma, kao sirovinski resurs, u datom momentu može da pruži, što ga u velikoj meri razlikuje od klasičnih oblika proizvodnje. Imajući u vidu rezultate istraživanja, treba ukazati na komplementarnost u odnosima prihoda, prodaje i prinosa, zbog čega se može reći da su oni dobra platforma za objektivnu projekciju i prognozu daljeg poslovanja i poslovne politike JP „Srbijašume“ i šumarstva uopšte. U oblasti NDŠP, prepoznata su mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) kao nosilac razvoja ovog sektora, posebno u kontekstu razvoja ruralnog preduzetništva. Ono što čini ograničavajući faktor je nedovoljno znanje i informisanost stanovništva o komercijalnom značaju NDŠP, načinima njihovog sakupljanja i plasmana. Sa druge strane, uočen je nedostatak preradnih kapaciteta, koji će odgovoriti narastajućim zahtevima tržišta za proizvodima prirodnog porekla. Takođe, formiranje različitih oblika udruživanja između proizvođača, ali i bolja povezanost između sakupljača i prerađivača, omogućila bi kreiranje efikasnijeg i efektivnijeg lanca stvaranja vrednosti. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju da su kretanja na tržištu šumskih proizvoda u velikoj meri pod uticajem globalnih kretanja u okvirima ekonomskog, društvenog i tehnološkog okruženja. Šumarstvo, kao specifična privredna oblast predstavlja izazov u istraživačkom smislu, posebno što u velikoj meri odstupa od klasičnih ekonomskih zakona i principa, zbog čega su neophodni različiti pristupi, kako bi se što bolje razumela i analizirala problematika u oblasti šumarstva, kao i tržišta šumskih proizvoda.
AB  - The forest products market is characterized by a dynamic component, which directs relations and flows in this sphere, under the influence of a large number of factors, such as climate, demographic, socio-economic factors and many others. The dynamic character of the market opens up different approaches in considering and studying its determinants, primarily supply and demand, as well as factors that are directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the market mechanism. The specifics of the wood products market, unlike in the case of other conventional ones, are reflected in a slow response and adaptation to changes. Therefore, this research has a multidimensional character, primarily because it deals with the market of wood products, while it also analyzes the field of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). This approach sought to provide a broader context in the analysis of market trends, especially in the field of commercially significant categories of (wood and non-wood) forest products. On the other hand, the research covered three levels, namely the macro, meso and micro levels. More precisely, the area of Central Serbia (excluding the provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) was taken into consideration at the overall (macro) level. Within this, first part of the research, the overall market trends in forestry were analyzed, through trends in logging, production and sales of state-owned wood assortments. The second part (meso level) analyzed the business area of PE "Srbijašume", and 17 forest holdings, which constitute parts of that company. The third part of the research (micro level) included primary wood processing companies, as well as companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. For the purposes of this research, primary and secondary data were used, and for the third part of the research, a special questionnaire was created for companies in the field of primary wood processing and another one for companies dealing with NWFPs. The aim of this research is focused on a multi-stage analysis of the forest products market, at the macro, meso and micro levels for wood products, and at the micro level in the case of NWFPs. The purpose of this research, in the first and second parts, is related to the identification of general trends in the wood forest products market, as well as NWFPs in Central Serbia, i.e. within forest holdings of PE "Srbijašume". This was done, in addition to the analysis of general trends, and through the examination of the dependence between the volume of sales and the price of wood, the population in the area of municipalities in which the analyzed holdings are located, as well as their average net salaries. In the third part, the research was aimed at indicating the manner and forms of organizing the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution) in companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. The subject of this research, in addition to the forest products market in Serbia, are also variables of socio-economic character, which participate in creating market opportunities in the forestry sector in a direct or indirect way. In this paper, general and special scientific methods were applied, as well as classical methods of deduction. The results of this research provide a comprehensive picture of the market of forest products and its determinants in the context of dynamic changes, which occur under the conditions of action of various socio-economic factors. Based on the analysis of the wood products market, through this research, it can be pointed out that the basic determinant, which defines the dynamics of market trends, is the production potential of forests, i.e. the opportunities that forests, as a raw material resource, can provide at a given moment, which greatly distinguishes it from classical forms of production. Bearing in mind the results of this research, complementarity should be pointed out in the relationships between revenues, sales and yields, which is why it can be said that they are a good platform for objective projection and forecast of further business practice and policy of PE "Srbijašume" and forestry in general. In the field of NWFPs, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized as the bearer of development of this sector, especially in the context of rural entrepreneurship development. The limiting factor is insufficient knowledge and information of the population about the commercial significance of NWFPs, the ways of their collection and placement. On the other hand, a lack of processing capacities was observed, which will respond to the growing market demands for products of natural origin. In addition, the formation of different forms of association between producers, as well as a better connection between collectors and processors, would allow for the creation of a more efficient and effective value creation chain. The findings of this research suggest that developments in the forest products market are largely influenced by global developments within the economic, social and technological environments. Forestry, as a specific economic area, represents a challenge in terms of research, especially as it deviates greatly from the classical economic laws and principles, which is why different approaches are necessary, in order to better understand and analyze the issues in the field of forestry, as well as the markets of forest products.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet
T1  - Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata
T1  - Socio-economic trends in the Serbian forestry sector: analysis of the market of forest products and its dynamic elements
UR  -
UR  - t-15148
ER  - 
author = "Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Tržište šumskih proizvoda odlikuje dinamička komponenta, koja usmerava odnose i tokove u ovoj sferi, pod uticajem velikog broja faktora, poput klimatskih, demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i brojnih drugih. Dinamički karakter tržišta otvara različite pristupe u sagledavanju i izučavanju njegovih determinanti, pre svega ponude i tražnje, kao i faktora koji se na direktan ili indirektan način dovode u vezu sa funkcionisanjem tržišnog mehanizma. Specifičnosti tržišta drvnih proizvoda, za razliku od ostalih konvencionalnih, ogleda se u sporom reagovanju i prilagođavanju promenama. U tom smislu, istraživanje ima višedimenzionalni karakter, u prvom redu jer se bavi tržištem drvnih proizvoda, dok u drugom redu analizira oblast nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Ovakvim pristupom, nastojao se pružiti širi kontekst u analizi tržišnih kretanja, posebno u oblasti komercijalno značajnih kategorija šumskih proizvoda (drvnih i nedrvnih). Sa druge strane, istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri nivoa, i to makro, mezo i mikro. Naime, na ukupnom (makro) nivou u razmatranje je uzeto područje Centralne Srbije (bez pokrajina Vojvodine i Kosova i Metohije). U okviru ovog, prvog, dela istraživanja, analizirana su ukupna tržišna kretanja u šumarstvu, kroz trendove seče, izrade i prodaje drvnih sortimenata u državnoj svojini. U drugom delu (mezo nivo) analizirano je područje poslovanja JP „Srbijašume“, i 17 gazdinstava, koja čine delove preduzeća.Treći deo istraživanja (mikro nivo) obuhvatio je preduzeća za primarnu preradu drveta, kao i preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćeni su primarni i sekundarni podaci, a za treći deo istraživanja, kreiran je poseban upitnik namenjen preduzećima iz domena primarne prerade drveta i drugi upitnik namenjen preduzećima, koja se bave NDŠP. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren na višestepenu analizu tržišta šumskih proizvoda, kod drvnih na makro, mezo i mikro nivou, dok je kod NDŠP obuhvaćen mikro nivo. Svrha istraživanja, u prvom i drugom delu, odnosila se na identifikovanje generalnih kretanja na tržištu drvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i NDŠP u Centralnoj Srbiji, odnosno u okviru šumskih gazdinstava JP „Srbijašume“. To je vršeno, pored analize opštih trendova, i kroz ispitivanje zavisnosti između obima prodaje i cene drveta, broja stanovnika sa područja opština u kojima se nalaze analizirana gazdinstva, kao i njihovih prosečnih neto zarada. U trećem delu, istraživanje je imalo za svrhu da ukaže na način i oblike organizovanja marketing miksa (proizvod, cena, promocija i distribucija) u preduzećima koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja, pored tržišta šumskih proizvoda u Srbiji, su i varijable socio-ekonomskog karaktera, koje na direktan ili indirektan način učestvuju u kreiranju tržišnih prilika u sektoru šumarstva.U radu su primenjene opšte i posebne naučne metode, kao i klasične metode zaključivanja. Kroz rezultate istraživanja data je sveobuhvatna slika tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih determinanti u kontekstu dinamičkih promena, koje se dešavaju u uslovima delovanja različitih socio–ekonomskih faktora. Na osnovu sagledavanja tržišta drvnih proizvoda, kroz ovo istraživanje, može se istaći da je bazična determinanta, koja opredeljuje dinamiku tržišnih kretanja, proizvodni potencijal šuma, odnosno mogućnosti koje šuma, kao sirovinski resurs, u datom momentu može da pruži, što ga u velikoj meri razlikuje od klasičnih oblika proizvodnje. Imajući u vidu rezultate istraživanja, treba ukazati na komplementarnost u odnosima prihoda, prodaje i prinosa, zbog čega se može reći da su oni dobra platforma za objektivnu projekciju i prognozu daljeg poslovanja i poslovne politike JP „Srbijašume“ i šumarstva uopšte. U oblasti NDŠP, prepoznata su mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) kao nosilac razvoja ovog sektora, posebno u kontekstu razvoja ruralnog preduzetništva. Ono što čini ograničavajući faktor je nedovoljno znanje i informisanost stanovništva o komercijalnom značaju NDŠP, načinima njihovog sakupljanja i plasmana. Sa druge strane, uočen je nedostatak preradnih kapaciteta, koji će odgovoriti narastajućim zahtevima tržišta za proizvodima prirodnog porekla. Takođe, formiranje različitih oblika udruživanja između proizvođača, ali i bolja povezanost između sakupljača i prerađivača, omogućila bi kreiranje efikasnijeg i efektivnijeg lanca stvaranja vrednosti. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju da su kretanja na tržištu šumskih proizvoda u velikoj meri pod uticajem globalnih kretanja u okvirima ekonomskog, društvenog i tehnološkog okruženja. Šumarstvo, kao specifična privredna oblast predstavlja izazov u istraživačkom smislu, posebno što u velikoj meri odstupa od klasičnih ekonomskih zakona i principa, zbog čega su neophodni različiti pristupi, kako bi se što bolje razumela i analizirala problematika u oblasti šumarstva, kao i tržišta šumskih proizvoda., The forest products market is characterized by a dynamic component, which directs relations and flows in this sphere, under the influence of a large number of factors, such as climate, demographic, socio-economic factors and many others. The dynamic character of the market opens up different approaches in considering and studying its determinants, primarily supply and demand, as well as factors that are directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the market mechanism. The specifics of the wood products market, unlike in the case of other conventional ones, are reflected in a slow response and adaptation to changes. Therefore, this research has a multidimensional character, primarily because it deals with the market of wood products, while it also analyzes the field of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). This approach sought to provide a broader context in the analysis of market trends, especially in the field of commercially significant categories of (wood and non-wood) forest products. On the other hand, the research covered three levels, namely the macro, meso and micro levels. More precisely, the area of Central Serbia (excluding the provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) was taken into consideration at the overall (macro) level. Within this, first part of the research, the overall market trends in forestry were analyzed, through trends in logging, production and sales of state-owned wood assortments. The second part (meso level) analyzed the business area of PE "Srbijašume", and 17 forest holdings, which constitute parts of that company. The third part of the research (micro level) included primary wood processing companies, as well as companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. For the purposes of this research, primary and secondary data were used, and for the third part of the research, a special questionnaire was created for companies in the field of primary wood processing and another one for companies dealing with NWFPs. The aim of this research is focused on a multi-stage analysis of the forest products market, at the macro, meso and micro levels for wood products, and at the micro level in the case of NWFPs. The purpose of this research, in the first and second parts, is related to the identification of general trends in the wood forest products market, as well as NWFPs in Central Serbia, i.e. within forest holdings of PE "Srbijašume". This was done, in addition to the analysis of general trends, and through the examination of the dependence between the volume of sales and the price of wood, the population in the area of municipalities in which the analyzed holdings are located, as well as their average net salaries. In the third part, the research was aimed at indicating the manner and forms of organizing the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution) in companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. The subject of this research, in addition to the forest products market in Serbia, are also variables of socio-economic character, which participate in creating market opportunities in the forestry sector in a direct or indirect way. In this paper, general and special scientific methods were applied, as well as classical methods of deduction. The results of this research provide a comprehensive picture of the market of forest products and its determinants in the context of dynamic changes, which occur under the conditions of action of various socio-economic factors. Based on the analysis of the wood products market, through this research, it can be pointed out that the basic determinant, which defines the dynamics of market trends, is the production potential of forests, i.e. the opportunities that forests, as a raw material resource, can provide at a given moment, which greatly distinguishes it from classical forms of production. Bearing in mind the results of this research, complementarity should be pointed out in the relationships between revenues, sales and yields, which is why it can be said that they are a good platform for objective projection and forecast of further business practice and policy of PE "Srbijašume" and forestry in general. In the field of NWFPs, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized as the bearer of development of this sector, especially in the context of rural entrepreneurship development. The limiting factor is insufficient knowledge and information of the population about the commercial significance of NWFPs, the ways of their collection and placement. On the other hand, a lack of processing capacities was observed, which will respond to the growing market demands for products of natural origin. In addition, the formation of different forms of association between producers, as well as a better connection between collectors and processors, would allow for the creation of a more efficient and effective value creation chain. The findings of this research suggest that developments in the forest products market are largely influenced by global developments within the economic, social and technological environments. Forestry, as a specific economic area, represents a challenge in terms of research, especially as it deviates greatly from the classical economic laws and principles, which is why different approaches are necessary, in order to better understand and analyze the issues in the field of forestry, as well as the markets of forest products.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet",
title = "Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata, Socio-economic trends in the Serbian forestry sector: analysis of the market of forest products and its dynamic elements",
url = ", t-15148"
Marčeta, M.. (2023). Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet..
Marčeta M. Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata. 2023;. .
Marčeta, Milica, "Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata" (2023), .

Socio-economic characteristics of forestry companies in the republic of Serbia

Marčeta, Milica; Keča, Ljiljana; Posavec, Stjepan; Jelić, Sreten


AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Posavec, Stjepan
AU  - Jelić, Sreten
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Considering that companies in the sector of forestry and the related sector of wood processing exist in a dynamic and changing economic environment, the ability of fast adaptability to the emerging changes is a prerequisite for efficient and effective business. In that sense, a wholesome review of internal factors, as well as the external ones, is important for creating business strategies and achieving a better market and competitive positioning. In order to provide insight into the socio-economic characteristics and the market environment in which they operate, 32 companies from the field of forestry and wood processing in the central Serbia have been analysed. The goal of this research was to gain insight into the opinions and attitudes of the respondents from companies towards particular aspects of the market. The purpose of this research was to acknowledge and understand the market environment in which the analysed companies operate, and to define the recommendations for future management. The object of this research were companies in the field of forestry and wood processing, the opinions and reviews on raw material purchase, product placement, attitudes towards purchase procedures and so on.
T2  - Šumarski list
T1  - Socio-economic characteristics of forestry companies in the republic of Serbia
EP  - 51
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 39
VL  - 147
DO  - 10.31298/sl.147.1-2.3
UR  - conv_1725
ER  - 
author = "Marčeta, Milica and Keča, Ljiljana and Posavec, Stjepan and Jelić, Sreten",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Considering that companies in the sector of forestry and the related sector of wood processing exist in a dynamic and changing economic environment, the ability of fast adaptability to the emerging changes is a prerequisite for efficient and effective business. In that sense, a wholesome review of internal factors, as well as the external ones, is important for creating business strategies and achieving a better market and competitive positioning. In order to provide insight into the socio-economic characteristics and the market environment in which they operate, 32 companies from the field of forestry and wood processing in the central Serbia have been analysed. The goal of this research was to gain insight into the opinions and attitudes of the respondents from companies towards particular aspects of the market. The purpose of this research was to acknowledge and understand the market environment in which the analysed companies operate, and to define the recommendations for future management. The object of this research were companies in the field of forestry and wood processing, the opinions and reviews on raw material purchase, product placement, attitudes towards purchase procedures and so on.",
journal = "Šumarski list",
title = "Socio-economic characteristics of forestry companies in the republic of Serbia",
pages = "51-39",
number = "1-2",
volume = "147",
doi = "10.31298/sl.147.1-2.3",
url = "conv_1725"
Marčeta, M., Keča, L., Posavec, S.,& Jelić, S.. (2023). Socio-economic characteristics of forestry companies in the republic of Serbia. in Šumarski list, 147(1-2), 39-51.
Marčeta M, Keča L, Posavec S, Jelić S. Socio-economic characteristics of forestry companies in the republic of Serbia. in Šumarski list. 2023;147(1-2):39-51.
conv_1725 .
Marčeta, Milica, Keča, Ljiljana, Posavec, Stjepan, Jelić, Sreten, "Socio-economic characteristics of forestry companies in the republic of Serbia" in Šumarski list, 147, no. 1-2 (2023):39-51, .,
conv_1725 .

Analysis of financial reports of pe "NP Fuška Gora"

Keča, Ljiljana; Lačnjevac, B.; Marčeta, Milica

(University of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Lačnjevac, B.
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Financial reports are a value presentation of the impact of those changes on the financial structure, business success and changes in cash flows of a company. The aim of the research is the financial analysis of the operations of the public enterprise (PE) "NP Fruška Gora". The purpose of the research is to identify problems in business and indicate opportunities for improving the economic efficiency of the business of PE "NP Fruška Gora". The subject of research is balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of company. In the conducted research, the elements of business indicators and business efficiency essential for the analysis of financial indicators of the PE "NP Fruška Gora" were analyzed. Data from the company's balance sheet and income statement were used as material. The following methods were used in the work: a. Financial indicators: liquidity, solvency, indebtedness and b. Performance indicators: productivity, efficiency, profitability. Based on the data from the balance sheet, we can see that the company used funds from credits or loans. By increasing the value of real estate, plant and equipment, and by reducing long-term receivables, the fixed assets of the company also increased, which as of 2018 increasing. The company operated with a business profit for 4 years in a row. In 2014, 2015, 2019, 2021, the company suffered a loss from financing. At no time was the company liquid due to high liabilities. In the period 2014-2021, the company was always solvent. The company needs to improve the labour productivity parameter, which is constantly decreasing. The company generally operates efficient from the point of view of indicators of overall and regular operations, and by observing the indicators of the economy of financing. If all obligations were to be reduced, the indebtedness factor would also be reduced.
PB  - University of Montenegro
T2  - Agriculture and Forestry
T1  - Analysis of financial reports of pe "NP Fuška Gora"
EP  - 138
IS  - 2
SP  - 131
VL  - 69
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.69.2.10
UR  - conv_1902
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Lačnjevac, B. and Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Financial reports are a value presentation of the impact of those changes on the financial structure, business success and changes in cash flows of a company. The aim of the research is the financial analysis of the operations of the public enterprise (PE) "NP Fruška Gora". The purpose of the research is to identify problems in business and indicate opportunities for improving the economic efficiency of the business of PE "NP Fruška Gora". The subject of research is balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of company. In the conducted research, the elements of business indicators and business efficiency essential for the analysis of financial indicators of the PE "NP Fruška Gora" were analyzed. Data from the company's balance sheet and income statement were used as material. The following methods were used in the work: a. Financial indicators: liquidity, solvency, indebtedness and b. Performance indicators: productivity, efficiency, profitability. Based on the data from the balance sheet, we can see that the company used funds from credits or loans. By increasing the value of real estate, plant and equipment, and by reducing long-term receivables, the fixed assets of the company also increased, which as of 2018 increasing. The company operated with a business profit for 4 years in a row. In 2014, 2015, 2019, 2021, the company suffered a loss from financing. At no time was the company liquid due to high liabilities. In the period 2014-2021, the company was always solvent. The company needs to improve the labour productivity parameter, which is constantly decreasing. The company generally operates efficient from the point of view of indicators of overall and regular operations, and by observing the indicators of the economy of financing. If all obligations were to be reduced, the indebtedness factor would also be reduced.",
publisher = "University of Montenegro",
journal = "Agriculture and Forestry",
title = "Analysis of financial reports of pe "NP Fuška Gora"",
pages = "138-131",
number = "2",
volume = "69",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.69.2.10",
url = "conv_1902"
Keča, L., Lačnjevac, B.,& Marčeta, M.. (2023). Analysis of financial reports of pe "NP Fuška Gora". in Agriculture and Forestry
University of Montenegro., 69(2), 131-138.
Keča L, Lačnjevac B, Marčeta M. Analysis of financial reports of pe "NP Fuška Gora". in Agriculture and Forestry. 2023;69(2):131-138.
conv_1902 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Lačnjevac, B., Marčeta, Milica, "Analysis of financial reports of pe "NP Fuška Gora"" in Agriculture and Forestry, 69, no. 2 (2023):131-138, .,
conv_1902 .

Modalities and procedures of the sales of wood assortments on the example of forest estate “južni kučaj” Despotovac

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents the movement of sales of commercially important beech
   assort­ments in the forest estate (FE) “Južni Kučaj” Despotovac.This
   includes forms of sales through contracts made with buyers on an annual
   basis, as well as through auctions conducted in this FE.On the other hand,
   the processes and procedures that formally follow the sales of wood
   assortments were analyzed.The data were collected through a questionnaire
   sent to FE.The period considered was 2002 - 2016 for the sales of veneer and
   peeling logs, as well as firewood.Selling by auction relates to 2016.In this
   paper, the comparative method, method of analysis and synthesis and
   description method were used in combination with other methods.Analysis of
   the time series, through the analysis of the trend, was applied for the
   movement of three types of timber assortments of beech: logs for veneer and
   peeling, sawlogs and firewood.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
T1  - Modalities and procedures of the sales of wood assortments on the example of forest estate “južni kučaj” Despotovac
EP  - 82
IS  - 125
SP  - 57
VL  - 2022
DO  - 10.2298/GSF2225057K
UR  - conv_2324
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The paper presents the movement of sales of commercially important beech
   assort­ments in the forest estate (FE) “Južni Kučaj” Despotovac.This
   includes forms of sales through contracts made with buyers on an annual
   basis, as well as through auctions conducted in this FE.On the other hand,
   the processes and procedures that formally follow the sales of wood
   assortments were analyzed.The data were collected through a questionnaire
   sent to FE.The period considered was 2002 - 2016 for the sales of veneer and
   peeling logs, as well as firewood.Selling by auction relates to 2016.In this
   paper, the comparative method, method of analysis and synthesis and
   description method were used in combination with other methods.Analysis of
   the time series, through the analysis of the trend, was applied for the
   movement of three types of timber assortments of beech: logs for veneer and
   peeling, sawlogs and firewood.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu",
title = "Modalities and procedures of the sales of wood assortments on the example of forest estate “južni kučaj” Despotovac",
pages = "82-57",
number = "125",
volume = "2022",
doi = "10.2298/GSF2225057K",
url = "conv_2324"
Keča, L.,& Marčeta, M.. (2022). Modalities and procedures of the sales of wood assortments on the example of forest estate “južni kučaj” Despotovac. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 2022(125), 57-82.
Keča L, Marčeta M. Modalities and procedures of the sales of wood assortments on the example of forest estate “južni kučaj” Despotovac. in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu. 2022;2022(125):57-82.
conv_2324 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, "Modalities and procedures of the sales of wood assortments on the example of forest estate “južni kučaj” Despotovac" in Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2022, no. 125 (2022):57-82, .,
conv_2324 .

Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga

Keča, Ljiljana; Blanuša, Ilijana; Marčeta, Milica

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Blanuša, Ilijana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U radu je izvršena procena efikasnosti poslovanja preduzeća šumarstva, koje posluje na teritoriji Južnobačkog okruga. U tu svrhu sprovedena je analiza finansijskih pokazatelja poslovanja, odnosno likvidnosti, zaduženosti i solventnosti. Nakon toga, prikazano je kretanje osnovnih pokazatelja efikasnosti poslovanja: produktivnosti, ekonomičnosti i rentabilnosti. Cilj istraživanja je da se sprovede finansijska analiza poslovanja odabranog preduzeća. Svrha istraživanja je identifikacija problemskih oblasti u poslovanju preduzeća, kao i eliminisanje istih. Predmet istraživanja su: bilans stanja i uspeha odabranog preduzeća. Period koji je uzet u razmatranje je 2016, 2017 i 2018. godina.
AB  - The paper evaluates the efficiency of a forestry company, which operates in the territory of South Bačka District. For this purpose, an analysis of financial indicators of operations, i.e., liquidity, indebtedness and solvency was performed. After that, the movement of basic indicators of business efficiency is shown: productivity, cost-effectiveness, and profitability. The aim of the research is to conduct a financial analysis of the business of the analyzed company. The purpose of the research is to identify problem areas in the business operations of the company within the South Bačka District, as well as to eliminate them. The subject of the research are: balance sheet and income statement of the selected company. The period taken into consideration is 2016, 2017 and 2018.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga
T1  - Evaluation of business efficiency of a selected forestry company from the South Bačka district area
EP  - 44
IS  - 124
SP  - 25
DO  - 10.2298/GSF2124025K
UR  - conv_519
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Blanuša, Ilijana and Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U radu je izvršena procena efikasnosti poslovanja preduzeća šumarstva, koje posluje na teritoriji Južnobačkog okruga. U tu svrhu sprovedena je analiza finansijskih pokazatelja poslovanja, odnosno likvidnosti, zaduženosti i solventnosti. Nakon toga, prikazano je kretanje osnovnih pokazatelja efikasnosti poslovanja: produktivnosti, ekonomičnosti i rentabilnosti. Cilj istraživanja je da se sprovede finansijska analiza poslovanja odabranog preduzeća. Svrha istraživanja je identifikacija problemskih oblasti u poslovanju preduzeća, kao i eliminisanje istih. Predmet istraživanja su: bilans stanja i uspeha odabranog preduzeća. Period koji je uzet u razmatranje je 2016, 2017 i 2018. godina., The paper evaluates the efficiency of a forestry company, which operates in the territory of South Bačka District. For this purpose, an analysis of financial indicators of operations, i.e., liquidity, indebtedness and solvency was performed. After that, the movement of basic indicators of business efficiency is shown: productivity, cost-effectiveness, and profitability. The aim of the research is to conduct a financial analysis of the business of the analyzed company. The purpose of the research is to identify problem areas in the business operations of the company within the South Bačka District, as well as to eliminate them. The subject of the research are: balance sheet and income statement of the selected company. The period taken into consideration is 2016, 2017 and 2018.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga, Evaluation of business efficiency of a selected forestry company from the South Bačka district area",
pages = "44-25",
number = "124",
doi = "10.2298/GSF2124025K",
url = "conv_519"
Keča, L., Blanuša, I.,& Marčeta, M.. (2021). Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(124), 25-44.
Keča L, Blanuša I, Marčeta M. Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2021;(124):25-44.
conv_519 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Blanuša, Ilijana, Marčeta, Milica, "Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 124 (2021):25-44, .,
conv_519 .

Izvoz u kontekstu slobode kretanja roba na tržište Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na nedrvne šumske proizvode

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica; Marković, Aleksandar

(Београд : Универзитет, Шумарски факултет, 2019)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Marković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Težnja ka osvajanju inostranih tržišta nameće se kao jedna od polaznih ideja prilikom osnivanja svakog preduzeća. Sa aspekta domaćih preduzeća ciljna tržišta su ona koja se nalaze u okviru Evropske unije (EU), koje postoji i funkcioniše po sistemu "Jedinstvenog tržišta". Ako se posmatra deo koji se odnosi na tržište nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP), može se istaći da tek u poslednjem periodu ono poprima šire razmere i sve više prevazilazli lokalne okvire. U kontekstu globalne orijentacije ka organskim proizvodima, opravdana je težnja domaćih preduzeća u pokušaju da svoje proizvode plasiraju na inostrano, prevashodno evropsko tržište. Predmet rada su: ugovori o osnivanju, konvencije između država članica i sporazumi Unije sa trećim državama i međunarodnim organizacijama, koji imaju jaču pravnu snagu u odnosu na ostale (sekundarne) izvore, kao što su: uredbe, direktive i odluke, kao obavezujući akti, kao i preporuke i mišljenja, kao neobavezujući akti. Cilj rada je da se prikažu i analiziraju funkcije nadležnih institucija i procedure koje prate izvoz proizvoda i dokumentacija neophodna za sprovođenje izvoznog postupka, sa posebnim osvrtom na NDŠP.
AB  - The tendency to conquer foreign markets emerges as one of the starting ideas when setting up each company. From the point of view of domestic companies, the target markets are those located within the European Union (EU), which exists and operates under the Single Market system. If you look at the part related to non-timber forest products (NTFP), it can be pointed out that in the last period it has become wider and has increasingly gone beyond local limits. In the context of the global orientation towards organic products, the aspiration of domestic companies in trying to place their products to a foreign, primarily European market is justified. The subjects of work are: treaties of establishment, conventions between Member States and Union agreements with third countries and international organizations, which have stronger legal force than other (secondary) sources, such as: regulations, directives and resolutions, as binding acts, as well as recommendations and opinions, as non-binding acts. The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the functions of the competent institutions and procedures that follow the export of products and documentation necessary for the implementation of the export procedure, with special reference to the NTFP.
PB  - Београд : Универзитет, Шумарски факултет
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Izvoz u kontekstu slobode kretanja roba na tržište Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na nedrvne šumske proizvode
T1  - Export of non-timber forest products in the context of free movement of goods to the European Union market
EP  - 78
IS  - 120
SP  - 57
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1920057K
UR  - conv_488
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica and Marković, Aleksandar",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Težnja ka osvajanju inostranih tržišta nameće se kao jedna od polaznih ideja prilikom osnivanja svakog preduzeća. Sa aspekta domaćih preduzeća ciljna tržišta su ona koja se nalaze u okviru Evropske unije (EU), koje postoji i funkcioniše po sistemu "Jedinstvenog tržišta". Ako se posmatra deo koji se odnosi na tržište nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP), može se istaći da tek u poslednjem periodu ono poprima šire razmere i sve više prevazilazli lokalne okvire. U kontekstu globalne orijentacije ka organskim proizvodima, opravdana je težnja domaćih preduzeća u pokušaju da svoje proizvode plasiraju na inostrano, prevashodno evropsko tržište. Predmet rada su: ugovori o osnivanju, konvencije između država članica i sporazumi Unije sa trećim državama i međunarodnim organizacijama, koji imaju jaču pravnu snagu u odnosu na ostale (sekundarne) izvore, kao što su: uredbe, direktive i odluke, kao obavezujući akti, kao i preporuke i mišljenja, kao neobavezujući akti. Cilj rada je da se prikažu i analiziraju funkcije nadležnih institucija i procedure koje prate izvoz proizvoda i dokumentacija neophodna za sprovođenje izvoznog postupka, sa posebnim osvrtom na NDŠP., The tendency to conquer foreign markets emerges as one of the starting ideas when setting up each company. From the point of view of domestic companies, the target markets are those located within the European Union (EU), which exists and operates under the Single Market system. If you look at the part related to non-timber forest products (NTFP), it can be pointed out that in the last period it has become wider and has increasingly gone beyond local limits. In the context of the global orientation towards organic products, the aspiration of domestic companies in trying to place their products to a foreign, primarily European market is justified. The subjects of work are: treaties of establishment, conventions between Member States and Union agreements with third countries and international organizations, which have stronger legal force than other (secondary) sources, such as: regulations, directives and resolutions, as binding acts, as well as recommendations and opinions, as non-binding acts. The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the functions of the competent institutions and procedures that follow the export of products and documentation necessary for the implementation of the export procedure, with special reference to the NTFP.",
publisher = "Београд : Универзитет, Шумарски факултет",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Izvoz u kontekstu slobode kretanja roba na tržište Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na nedrvne šumske proizvode, Export of non-timber forest products in the context of free movement of goods to the European Union market",
pages = "78-57",
number = "120",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1920057K",
url = "conv_488"
Keča, L., Marčeta, M.,& Marković, A.. (2019). Izvoz u kontekstu slobode kretanja roba na tržište Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na nedrvne šumske proizvode. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Београд : Универзитет, Шумарски факултет.(120), 57-78.
Keča L, Marčeta M, Marković A. Izvoz u kontekstu slobode kretanja roba na tržište Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na nedrvne šumske proizvode. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2019;(120):57-78.
conv_488 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, Marković, Aleksandar, "Izvoz u kontekstu slobode kretanja roba na tržište Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na nedrvne šumske proizvode" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 120 (2019):57-78, .,
conv_488 .

Postupak sertifikovanja i primena sertifikacije u šumarstvu - studija slučaja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac

Keča, Ljiljana; Antonijević, Aleksandar; Marčeta, Milica

(Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Antonijević, Aleksandar
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Sertifikacija šuma se koristi kao jedno od sredstava za postizanje i sprovođenje opštih i posebnih principa održivog gazdovanja. Pod sertifikacijom se podrazumevaju procedure i postupci kojim ovlašćena organizacija daje pisano uveravanje da je proizvod ili usluga nastala u skladu sa propisanim standardima i da potiče iz šuma kojima je gazdovano u skladu sa zahtevima održivog razvoja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se na konkretnom primeru ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, sagledaju postupci i procedure sertifikacije šuma i na taj način stekne uvid u zahteve i standarde koje sertifikacija postavlja. Svrha istraživanja je da se na osnovu saznanja o sertifikaciji utvrde njeni efekti na ostvarenje osnovnih principa trajnosti i održivog razvoja šuma. Predmet istraživanja je sertifikacija šuma za područje kojim gazduje ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, sprovedena u periodu od 2008. godine do danas. Kako bi se došlo do neophodnih podataka, korišćena su dva upitnika u okviru analiziranog šumskog gazdinstva. Prvi upitnik namenjen je predsedniku radne grupe za sertifikaciju šuma šumskog gazdinstva, sa ciljem da se dobiju ključne informacije o sprovedenom postupku sertifikacije. Pitanja u upitniku bila su otvorenog tipa, sa ciljem da se dobiju podaci o površini i vrsti sertifikovanih šuma, ispunjenosti uslova za sertifikaciju, o nedostacima utvrđenim prilikom pretprocene po svakom FSC principu i sl. Drugim upitnikom obuhvaćeni su revirni inženjeri u cilju prikupljanja saznanja o efektima sprovedene sertifikacije šuma. Ispitanici su ocenom od jedan do pet ocenili svih deset FSC principa i njihov doprinos pobo ljšanju rezultata i kvaliteta rada i poslovanja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac. U skladu sa predmetom i ciljem istraživanja primenjeni su: analiza sadržaja, metod analize i sinteze. Rezultati istraživanja sertifikacije šuma pokazuju da su najveći efekti ostvareni u sledećim oblastima: unapređenje zaštite životne sredine i odnosi sa lokalnom zajednicom i prava radnika.
AB  - Forest certification is used as a means of achieving and implementing the general and specific principles of sustainable forest management. It implies the procedures and acts whereby an authorized organization provides written assurance that a product or service has been produced according to prescribed standards and that it originates from forests managed under the requirements of sustainable development. The research aims to look at the acts and procedures of forest certification in the case of FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, and thus gain insight into the requirements and standards set by the certification. The purpose of the research is to determine, based on the knowledge about certification, its effects on the application of the basic principles of sustainability and sustainable development of forests. The subject of the research is the certification of forests for the area managed by FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac conducted from 2008 to the present. In order to obtain the necessary data, two questionnaires were used within the analyzed FE. The first questionnaire was intended for the Chair of the Working Group for the Forest Certification of the Forest Estate. It aimed to provide key information on the certification process implemented. The questions were open-ended to obtain data on the area and type of certified forests, the fulfillment of certification requirements, the deficiencies discovered during the pre-assessment according to each FSC principle, etc. The second questionnaire was designed for the area engineers. This questionnaire was aimed to collect data on the effects of the conducted forest certification. Respondents rated all ten FSC principles and their contribution to improving the results and quality of work and business of FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac with a score of one to five. Following the subject and purpose of the research, we applied: content analysis and the method of analysis and synthesis. The results of the forest certification research show that the greatest effects have been achieved in the areas of environmental protection improvement, relationships with the local community and workers' rights.
PB  - Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Šumarstvo
T1  - Postupak sertifikovanja i primena sertifikacije u šumarstvu - studija slučaja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac
T1  - The certification procedure and application of certification in forestry: FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac case study
EP  - 214
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 197
VL  - 71
UR  - conv_27
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Antonijević, Aleksandar and Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Sertifikacija šuma se koristi kao jedno od sredstava za postizanje i sprovođenje opštih i posebnih principa održivog gazdovanja. Pod sertifikacijom se podrazumevaju procedure i postupci kojim ovlašćena organizacija daje pisano uveravanje da je proizvod ili usluga nastala u skladu sa propisanim standardima i da potiče iz šuma kojima je gazdovano u skladu sa zahtevima održivog razvoja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se na konkretnom primeru ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, sagledaju postupci i procedure sertifikacije šuma i na taj način stekne uvid u zahteve i standarde koje sertifikacija postavlja. Svrha istraživanja je da se na osnovu saznanja o sertifikaciji utvrde njeni efekti na ostvarenje osnovnih principa trajnosti i održivog razvoja šuma. Predmet istraživanja je sertifikacija šuma za područje kojim gazduje ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, sprovedena u periodu od 2008. godine do danas. Kako bi se došlo do neophodnih podataka, korišćena su dva upitnika u okviru analiziranog šumskog gazdinstva. Prvi upitnik namenjen je predsedniku radne grupe za sertifikaciju šuma šumskog gazdinstva, sa ciljem da se dobiju ključne informacije o sprovedenom postupku sertifikacije. Pitanja u upitniku bila su otvorenog tipa, sa ciljem da se dobiju podaci o površini i vrsti sertifikovanih šuma, ispunjenosti uslova za sertifikaciju, o nedostacima utvrđenim prilikom pretprocene po svakom FSC principu i sl. Drugim upitnikom obuhvaćeni su revirni inženjeri u cilju prikupljanja saznanja o efektima sprovedene sertifikacije šuma. Ispitanici su ocenom od jedan do pet ocenili svih deset FSC principa i njihov doprinos pobo ljšanju rezultata i kvaliteta rada i poslovanja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac. U skladu sa predmetom i ciljem istraživanja primenjeni su: analiza sadržaja, metod analize i sinteze. Rezultati istraživanja sertifikacije šuma pokazuju da su najveći efekti ostvareni u sledećim oblastima: unapređenje zaštite životne sredine i odnosi sa lokalnom zajednicom i prava radnika., Forest certification is used as a means of achieving and implementing the general and specific principles of sustainable forest management. It implies the procedures and acts whereby an authorized organization provides written assurance that a product or service has been produced according to prescribed standards and that it originates from forests managed under the requirements of sustainable development. The research aims to look at the acts and procedures of forest certification in the case of FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, and thus gain insight into the requirements and standards set by the certification. The purpose of the research is to determine, based on the knowledge about certification, its effects on the application of the basic principles of sustainability and sustainable development of forests. The subject of the research is the certification of forests for the area managed by FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac conducted from 2008 to the present. In order to obtain the necessary data, two questionnaires were used within the analyzed FE. The first questionnaire was intended for the Chair of the Working Group for the Forest Certification of the Forest Estate. It aimed to provide key information on the certification process implemented. The questions were open-ended to obtain data on the area and type of certified forests, the fulfillment of certification requirements, the deficiencies discovered during the pre-assessment according to each FSC principle, etc. The second questionnaire was designed for the area engineers. This questionnaire was aimed to collect data on the effects of the conducted forest certification. Respondents rated all ten FSC principles and their contribution to improving the results and quality of work and business of FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac with a score of one to five. Following the subject and purpose of the research, we applied: content analysis and the method of analysis and synthesis. The results of the forest certification research show that the greatest effects have been achieved in the areas of environmental protection improvement, relationships with the local community and workers' rights.",
publisher = "Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Šumarstvo",
title = "Postupak sertifikovanja i primena sertifikacije u šumarstvu - studija slučaja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac, The certification procedure and application of certification in forestry: FE "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac case study",
pages = "214-197",
number = "3-4",
volume = "71",
url = "conv_27"
Keča, L., Antonijević, A.,& Marčeta, M.. (2019). Postupak sertifikovanja i primena sertifikacije u šumarstvu - studija slučaja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac. in Šumarstvo
Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 71(3-4), 197-214.
Keča L, Antonijević A, Marčeta M. Postupak sertifikovanja i primena sertifikacije u šumarstvu - studija slučaja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac. in Šumarstvo. 2019;71(3-4):197-214.
conv_27 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Antonijević, Aleksandar, Marčeta, Milica, "Postupak sertifikovanja i primena sertifikacije u šumarstvu - studija slučaja ŠG "Južni Kučaj" Despotovac" in Šumarstvo, 71, no. 3-4 (2019):197-214,
conv_27 .

Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica; Božić, Gregor; Perić, S.; Tsvetkov, Ivaylo; Andreassen, K.; Stijović, A.; Mandzukovski, D.; Zlokapa, Brane; Nicolescu, V. N.


AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Božić, Gregor
AU  - Perić, S.
AU  - Tsvetkov, Ivaylo
AU  - Andreassen, K.
AU  - Stijović, A.
AU  - Mandzukovski, D.
AU  - Zlokapa, Brane
AU  - Nicolescu, V. N.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The prospects and challenges for non-native tree species (NNTS) in Southeast Europe (SEE) were analyzed using a combination of SWOT Analysis and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Preference data from three groups of opinion leaders with extensive knowledge of the silviculture, ecology and impact of climate change on NNTS in SEE (researchers, practitioners and decision-makers) were used. Results revealed that strengths and opportunities for all three analyzed elements outweigh their weaknesses and threats. In the review of silviculture, key strengths and opportunities were identified as high productivity, adaptation to afforestation of degraded lands, gap filling in forest ecosystems after the loss of native tree species, and higher volume growth of NNTS compared to native tree species. Strength-Opportunity (SO) elements related to climate change were found to be adaptive management responsiveness to climate change and increased length of growing period, possibility of better-adapted mixtures with NNTS under climate change, and replacement of tree species that are sensitive to pests and outbreaks resulting from climate change. These results provide important insights into different segments of strategy approach of sustainable management of NNTS in relation to management, silviculture and climate change practices in SEE.
T2  - International Forestry Review
T1  - Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe
EP  - 314
IS  - 3
SP  - 295
VL  - 21
DO  - 10.1505/146554819827293222
UR  - conv_1459
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica and Božić, Gregor and Perić, S. and Tsvetkov, Ivaylo and Andreassen, K. and Stijović, A. and Mandzukovski, D. and Zlokapa, Brane and Nicolescu, V. N.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The prospects and challenges for non-native tree species (NNTS) in Southeast Europe (SEE) were analyzed using a combination of SWOT Analysis and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Preference data from three groups of opinion leaders with extensive knowledge of the silviculture, ecology and impact of climate change on NNTS in SEE (researchers, practitioners and decision-makers) were used. Results revealed that strengths and opportunities for all three analyzed elements outweigh their weaknesses and threats. In the review of silviculture, key strengths and opportunities were identified as high productivity, adaptation to afforestation of degraded lands, gap filling in forest ecosystems after the loss of native tree species, and higher volume growth of NNTS compared to native tree species. Strength-Opportunity (SO) elements related to climate change were found to be adaptive management responsiveness to climate change and increased length of growing period, possibility of better-adapted mixtures with NNTS under climate change, and replacement of tree species that are sensitive to pests and outbreaks resulting from climate change. These results provide important insights into different segments of strategy approach of sustainable management of NNTS in relation to management, silviculture and climate change practices in SEE.",
journal = "International Forestry Review",
title = "Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe",
pages = "314-295",
number = "3",
volume = "21",
doi = "10.1505/146554819827293222",
url = "conv_1459"
Keča, L., Marčeta, M., Božić, G., Perić, S., Tsvetkov, I., Andreassen, K., Stijović, A., Mandzukovski, D., Zlokapa, B.,& Nicolescu, V. N.. (2019). Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe. in International Forestry Review, 21(3), 295-314.
Keča L, Marčeta M, Božić G, Perić S, Tsvetkov I, Andreassen K, Stijović A, Mandzukovski D, Zlokapa B, Nicolescu VN. Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe. in International Forestry Review. 2019;21(3):295-314.
conv_1459 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, Božić, Gregor, Perić, S., Tsvetkov, Ivaylo, Andreassen, K., Stijović, A., Mandzukovski, D., Zlokapa, Brane, Nicolescu, V. N., "Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe" in International Forestry Review, 21, no. 3 (2019):295-314, .,
conv_1459 .

Prospectives of non-native tree species in Serbia

Keča, Ljiljana; Keča, Nenad; Borota, Dragan; Marčeta, Milica


AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Keča, Nenad
AU  - Borota, Dragan
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The majority of non-native forest species, which have been brought to Europe (such as Grand fir, Black locust, Douglas fir, Red oak, Sitka spruce, Red ash, Maple ash) are species with extensive natural distribution ranges. They come from different climatic environments. We analyzed the prospects and challenges for non-native tree species in Serbia according to elements of ecology, silviculture and climate change. We have used the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats approach in combination with analytic hierarchy process. We used preference data from opinion leaders in NNTSs in Serbia who have an intensive knowledge and experience in this area. Results reveal that strengths and treats in all three cases are dominant strategy in NNTSs. The analysis is based on data collected from a survey made throughout Serbia between December 2015 and June 2016. There were 28 respondents dealing with NNTSs in Serbia. Within-group analysis of preferences shows that faster adaptation to changing ecological conditions was the most important strength of NNTSs ecological characteristics with a priority score of 0.075. With a priority score of 0.1 replacements of native species of decreasing health condition was shown to be the major opportunity factor. The most serious weakness, with a factor priority score of 0.05, was invasiveness and possible disappearance of native tree species. The greatest problems of NNTSs in Serbia are: lack of experience in the silviculture of NNTS, non-visibility of the state to NNTSs, and degradation of tree physiological status and susceptibility to pathogens. Strengths are: faster adaptation to changing ecological conditions, good adaptive to local climate and biodiversity richness. In this study, we attempt to assess the effect of ecologic, silviculture and climate changes on NNTSs adoption decisions. We use the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) approach in combination with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to achieve this task.
C3  - Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment
T1  - Prospectives of non-native tree species in Serbia
EP  - 160
SP  - 150
VL  - 45
UR  - conv_1412
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Keča, Nenad and Borota, Dragan and Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The majority of non-native forest species, which have been brought to Europe (such as Grand fir, Black locust, Douglas fir, Red oak, Sitka spruce, Red ash, Maple ash) are species with extensive natural distribution ranges. They come from different climatic environments. We analyzed the prospects and challenges for non-native tree species in Serbia according to elements of ecology, silviculture and climate change. We have used the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats approach in combination with analytic hierarchy process. We used preference data from opinion leaders in NNTSs in Serbia who have an intensive knowledge and experience in this area. Results reveal that strengths and treats in all three cases are dominant strategy in NNTSs. The analysis is based on data collected from a survey made throughout Serbia between December 2015 and June 2016. There were 28 respondents dealing with NNTSs in Serbia. Within-group analysis of preferences shows that faster adaptation to changing ecological conditions was the most important strength of NNTSs ecological characteristics with a priority score of 0.075. With a priority score of 0.1 replacements of native species of decreasing health condition was shown to be the major opportunity factor. The most serious weakness, with a factor priority score of 0.05, was invasiveness and possible disappearance of native tree species. The greatest problems of NNTSs in Serbia are: lack of experience in the silviculture of NNTS, non-visibility of the state to NNTSs, and degradation of tree physiological status and susceptibility to pathogens. Strengths are: faster adaptation to changing ecological conditions, good adaptive to local climate and biodiversity richness. In this study, we attempt to assess the effect of ecologic, silviculture and climate changes on NNTSs adoption decisions. We use the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) approach in combination with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to achieve this task.",
journal = "Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment",
title = "Prospectives of non-native tree species in Serbia",
pages = "160-150",
volume = "45",
url = "conv_1412"
Keča, L., Keča, N., Borota, D.,& Marčeta, M.. (2018). Prospectives of non-native tree species in Serbia. in Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment, 45, 150-160.
Keča L, Keča N, Borota D, Marčeta M. Prospectives of non-native tree species in Serbia. in Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment. 2018;45:150-160.
conv_1412 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Keča, Nenad, Borota, Dragan, Marčeta, Milica, "Prospectives of non-native tree species in Serbia" in Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment, 45 (2018):150-160,
conv_1412 .

Market characteristics and cluster analysis of non-wood forest products

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica; Posavec, Stjepan; Jelić, Sreten; Pezdevsek-Malovrh, Spela


AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Posavec, Stjepan
AU  - Jelić, Sreten
AU  - Pezdevsek-Malovrh, Spela
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is largely present in forestry, especially in the segment related to non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in Europe. They are also a dominant category in entrepreneurship in Serbia. Therefore, the subjects of this research were the companies operating in the sector of NWFPs, within specific statistical regions of Serbia. The database of SMEs was obtained from 119 SMEs and the share of surveyed SMEs was 81.5%. The main research method was two-step cluster analysis. Questionnaire was used for the purpose of the research. The aim of the research was to identify clusters in order to establish similarities within the defined clusters and the differences among them. Spatial distribution of specific categories of NWFPs in nature (mushrooms, medicinal and aromatic plants, honey and wild berries), contributed to the portfolio of the companies. This largely influenced clusters that are created by categories of products that are typical for certain statistical regions in Serbia.
T2  - Šumarski list
T1  - Market characteristics and cluster analysis of non-wood forest products
EP  - 162
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 151
VL  - 141
DO  - 10.31298/sl.141.3-4.5
UR  - conv_1269
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica and Posavec, Stjepan and Jelić, Sreten and Pezdevsek-Malovrh, Spela",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is largely present in forestry, especially in the segment related to non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in Europe. They are also a dominant category in entrepreneurship in Serbia. Therefore, the subjects of this research were the companies operating in the sector of NWFPs, within specific statistical regions of Serbia. The database of SMEs was obtained from 119 SMEs and the share of surveyed SMEs was 81.5%. The main research method was two-step cluster analysis. Questionnaire was used for the purpose of the research. The aim of the research was to identify clusters in order to establish similarities within the defined clusters and the differences among them. Spatial distribution of specific categories of NWFPs in nature (mushrooms, medicinal and aromatic plants, honey and wild berries), contributed to the portfolio of the companies. This largely influenced clusters that are created by categories of products that are typical for certain statistical regions in Serbia.",
journal = "Šumarski list",
title = "Market characteristics and cluster analysis of non-wood forest products",
pages = "162-151",
number = "3-4",
volume = "141",
doi = "10.31298/sl.141.3-4.5",
url = "conv_1269"
Keča, L., Marčeta, M., Posavec, S., Jelić, S.,& Pezdevsek-Malovrh, S.. (2017). Market characteristics and cluster analysis of non-wood forest products. in Šumarski list, 141(3-4), 151-162.
Keča L, Marčeta M, Posavec S, Jelić S, Pezdevsek-Malovrh S. Market characteristics and cluster analysis of non-wood forest products. in Šumarski list. 2017;141(3-4):151-162.
conv_1269 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, Posavec, Stjepan, Jelić, Sreten, Pezdevsek-Malovrh, Spela, "Market characteristics and cluster analysis of non-wood forest products" in Šumarski list, 141, no. 3-4 (2017):151-162, .,
conv_1269 .

Licitacije drveta na panju u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'

Keča, Ljiljana; Sinđelić, Marko; Marčeta, Milica; Pajić, Sanja

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Sinđelić, Marko
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Pajić, Sanja
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Šumski sortimenti mogu se prodavati na dva načina: 'na panju' (u dubećem stanju) i u obliku šumskih drvnih sortimenata. U radu su analizirane licitacije drveta na panju, u toku prve polovine 2016. godine realizovane u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'. Istraživanje je bazirano na sekundarnim podacima koji su generisani iz izveštaja JP 'Srbijašume'. Time su obuhvaćeni podaci koji se odnose na: količine drveta, početne licitacione i izlicitirane cene, efekte licitacije, broj učesnika na licitacijama kao i cenovnik za datu godinu. Najviše licitacija imalo je ŠG 'Šumarstvo' iz Raške sa sprovedenih 46 licitacija. Od ukupno 14 šumskih gazdinstava, koja su sprovele licitacije, polovina je imala više od 50% uspešno realizovanih partija, dva gazdinstva imala su tačno 50%, a pet gazdinstava imalo je manje od 50%. ŠG 'Niš' ima daleko najveći prihod od licitacija drveta u dubećem stanju, koji iznosi 26.082.926 dinara. Samo ŠG iz Užica i ŠG iz Prokuplja imali su efekat licitacije preko 10%. Najveći broj licitacija, čak 70, objavljen je u martu mesecu. Najveći broj partija ušao u šestu kategoriju po veličini, odnosno kategoriju gde je drvna zapremina iznosila od 300 do 500 m3. Šumska gazdinstva prilikom licitacione prodaje drveta na panju najčešće su prodavala ogrevno drvo tvrdih lišćara. Na bazi analiziranih podataka utvrđeno je postojanje linearne zavisnosti između početne i izlicitirane cene.
AB  - Forest assortments can be sold in two ways: 'on the stump' (in the standing state) and in the form of forest timber assortments. The paper analyzes auctions of wood 'on the stump', during the first half of 2016, realized within PE 'Srbijašume'. The research is based on secondary data, generated from the PE Srbijašume reports. These includes data relating to: quantities of wood, initial bidding and auctioned prices, bidding effects, number of bidders on bids and a price list for a analzyed year. FE 'Šumarstvo' from Raška had the most auctions with 46 bids held. Of the total of 14 forest estates that conducted auctions, half had more than 50% of successfully implemented parties, two estates had exactly 50%, and five estates had less than 50%. FE 'Niš' has the highest income from auctions of wood in the standing state, which amounts to 26.082.926 dinars. Only FE from Užice and FE from Prokuplje had a bidding effect of over 10%. The highest number of bids, as much as 70, was announced in March. Most of the lots entered the sixth category by size, i.e. the category where the wood volume ranged from 300 to 500 m3. Forest estates during the sale of the tree on the stump were mostly sold by wood of hardwoods. On the basis of the analyzed data, the existence of linear dependence between the initial and the auctioned price was determined.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Licitacije drveta na panju u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'
T1  - Auctions of the wood on the stump in PE 'Srbijašume'
EP  - 68
IS  - 116
SP  - 51
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1716051K
UR  - conv_463
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Sinđelić, Marko and Marčeta, Milica and Pajić, Sanja",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Šumski sortimenti mogu se prodavati na dva načina: 'na panju' (u dubećem stanju) i u obliku šumskih drvnih sortimenata. U radu su analizirane licitacije drveta na panju, u toku prve polovine 2016. godine realizovane u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'. Istraživanje je bazirano na sekundarnim podacima koji su generisani iz izveštaja JP 'Srbijašume'. Time su obuhvaćeni podaci koji se odnose na: količine drveta, početne licitacione i izlicitirane cene, efekte licitacije, broj učesnika na licitacijama kao i cenovnik za datu godinu. Najviše licitacija imalo je ŠG 'Šumarstvo' iz Raške sa sprovedenih 46 licitacija. Od ukupno 14 šumskih gazdinstava, koja su sprovele licitacije, polovina je imala više od 50% uspešno realizovanih partija, dva gazdinstva imala su tačno 50%, a pet gazdinstava imalo je manje od 50%. ŠG 'Niš' ima daleko najveći prihod od licitacija drveta u dubećem stanju, koji iznosi 26.082.926 dinara. Samo ŠG iz Užica i ŠG iz Prokuplja imali su efekat licitacije preko 10%. Najveći broj licitacija, čak 70, objavljen je u martu mesecu. Najveći broj partija ušao u šestu kategoriju po veličini, odnosno kategoriju gde je drvna zapremina iznosila od 300 do 500 m3. Šumska gazdinstva prilikom licitacione prodaje drveta na panju najčešće su prodavala ogrevno drvo tvrdih lišćara. Na bazi analiziranih podataka utvrđeno je postojanje linearne zavisnosti između početne i izlicitirane cene., Forest assortments can be sold in two ways: 'on the stump' (in the standing state) and in the form of forest timber assortments. The paper analyzes auctions of wood 'on the stump', during the first half of 2016, realized within PE 'Srbijašume'. The research is based on secondary data, generated from the PE Srbijašume reports. These includes data relating to: quantities of wood, initial bidding and auctioned prices, bidding effects, number of bidders on bids and a price list for a analzyed year. FE 'Šumarstvo' from Raška had the most auctions with 46 bids held. Of the total of 14 forest estates that conducted auctions, half had more than 50% of successfully implemented parties, two estates had exactly 50%, and five estates had less than 50%. FE 'Niš' has the highest income from auctions of wood in the standing state, which amounts to 26.082.926 dinars. Only FE from Užice and FE from Prokuplje had a bidding effect of over 10%. The highest number of bids, as much as 70, was announced in March. Most of the lots entered the sixth category by size, i.e. the category where the wood volume ranged from 300 to 500 m3. Forest estates during the sale of the tree on the stump were mostly sold by wood of hardwoods. On the basis of the analyzed data, the existence of linear dependence between the initial and the auctioned price was determined.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Licitacije drveta na panju u okviru JP 'Srbijašume', Auctions of the wood on the stump in PE 'Srbijašume'",
pages = "68-51",
number = "116",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1716051K",
url = "conv_463"
Keča, L., Sinđelić, M., Marčeta, M.,& Pajić, S.. (2017). Licitacije drveta na panju u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(116), 51-68.
Keča L, Sinđelić M, Marčeta M, Pajić S. Licitacije drveta na panju u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2017;(116):51-68.
conv_463 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Sinđelić, Marko, Marčeta, Milica, Pajić, Sanja, "Licitacije drveta na panju u okviru JP 'Srbijašume'" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 116 (2017):51-68, .,
conv_463 .

Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica

(Lietuvos Misku Institutas, 2015)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Although non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are traditionally linked to local communities, they are becoming increasingly involved in the international trade. Identifying the multipurpose character of NWFP is contributed to intensifying their commercial exploitation. The increasing of global demand has enabled the enterprises from Serbia, in accordance with its capabilities, more oriented towards exports of final products of organic food. Fragmented non-standard production in the past, Serbia could not have a significant participation in foreign markets, however, the establishment of different forms of association with the implementation of standards, also including appropriate marketing activities, opportunities for the enterprises to expand significantly. In order to gain insight into the developmental tendencies of local enterprises involved in the purchase, processing and marketing of NWFPs, it has been conducted a survey in order to define trends in their placement. The purpose of this research has been to determine trends in the exports of certain types of raw and value added NWFPs, on the basis of the study samples located in Central Serbia. The goal of this article is to study marketing activities of chosen small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in purchasing, processing and marketing of NWFPs, as well as presenting of current marketing activities of surveyed SMEs and providing of some recommendations for more efficient export in the sector. The main subject of the research is amounts of placed NWFPs in the foreign market. The applied methodology is based on the analysis of time series by trend, which defined the movement in amounts, realized on foreign markets and made projections of exports in the future. The primary method of this study was modelling, while the statistical techniques were used as a method of trend analysis, with the use of regression and correlation analyses. By this study it has been shown the role of efficient market activities in the surveyed enterprises, as one of the important instruments for achieving economic goals.
PB  - Lietuvos Misku Institutas
T2  - Baltic Forestry
T1  - Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia
EP  - 325
IS  - 2
SP  - 315
VL  - 21
UR  - conv_2115
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Although non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are traditionally linked to local communities, they are becoming increasingly involved in the international trade. Identifying the multipurpose character of NWFP is contributed to intensifying their commercial exploitation. The increasing of global demand has enabled the enterprises from Serbia, in accordance with its capabilities, more oriented towards exports of final products of organic food. Fragmented non-standard production in the past, Serbia could not have a significant participation in foreign markets, however, the establishment of different forms of association with the implementation of standards, also including appropriate marketing activities, opportunities for the enterprises to expand significantly. In order to gain insight into the developmental tendencies of local enterprises involved in the purchase, processing and marketing of NWFPs, it has been conducted a survey in order to define trends in their placement. The purpose of this research has been to determine trends in the exports of certain types of raw and value added NWFPs, on the basis of the study samples located in Central Serbia. The goal of this article is to study marketing activities of chosen small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in purchasing, processing and marketing of NWFPs, as well as presenting of current marketing activities of surveyed SMEs and providing of some recommendations for more efficient export in the sector. The main subject of the research is amounts of placed NWFPs in the foreign market. The applied methodology is based on the analysis of time series by trend, which defined the movement in amounts, realized on foreign markets and made projections of exports in the future. The primary method of this study was modelling, while the statistical techniques were used as a method of trend analysis, with the use of regression and correlation analyses. By this study it has been shown the role of efficient market activities in the surveyed enterprises, as one of the important instruments for achieving economic goals.",
publisher = "Lietuvos Misku Institutas",
journal = "Baltic Forestry",
title = "Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia",
pages = "325-315",
number = "2",
volume = "21",
url = "conv_2115"
Keča, L.,& Marčeta, M.. (2015). Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia. in Baltic Forestry
Lietuvos Misku Institutas., 21(2), 315-325.
Keča L, Marčeta M. Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia. in Baltic Forestry. 2015;21(2):315-325.
conv_2115 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, "Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia" in Baltic Forestry, 21, no. 2 (2015):315-325,
conv_2115 .

Ocena tržišnog potencijala šumskih proizvoda kao osnova za razvoj sektora šumarstva u Jablaničkom okrugu

Keča, Ljiljana; Mitrović, Marija; Marčeta, Milica; Keča, Nenad; Pupovac, Ljubomir

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Mitrović, Marija
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Keča, Nenad
AU  - Pupovac, Ljubomir
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Jedan od glavnih zadataka istraživanja marketinga jeste ocena tržišnog potencijala. Cilj istraživanja je da se u okviru analiziranih preduzeća unutar Jablaničkog okruga utvrdi dinamika otkupa i plasmana drvnih i nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Svrha istraživanja je da se ispitaju mogućnosti za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) usmerenih ka održivom korišćenju šumskih proizvoda na području Jablaničkog okruga. Predmet istraživanja su: količine koje otkupljuju i plasiraju analizirana preduzeća, kao i cene po kojima se proizvodi realizuju, sa posebnim osvrtom na komercijalno značajne gljive. Istraživanjem sprovedenim na teritoriji Jablaničkog okruga, obuhvaćeno je 5 preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP i ŠG 'Šuma' Leskovac (ŠGŠL). Otkup šumskog voća i lekovitog bilja u sirovom stanju od 2006-2013. godine imao je rastući trend (+17,8%) u analiziranom periodu. Prosečna godišnja stopa rasta prodaje (PGSR) lekovitog bilja iznosila je 3,4%, a gljiva 30,6%. PGSR izvoza NDŠP je +32,6%. Plasman sortimenata bukve K klase beleži PGSR otkupa od oko +12,7%. U 2013. godini utvrđeno je da su NDŠP sa najvećom tržišnom vrednošću: borovnica, suvi vrganj i lisičarka. Njihov ukupan bruto prihod na domaćem tržištu je u 2013. godini 82.350.000 RSD. Ukupan bruto prihod na domaćem tržištu ŠGŠL od analiziranih sortimenata bukve je 86.963.022,49 RSD.
AB  - One of the main tasks of marketing research is the assessment of market potential. The aim of this research was to analyze the dynamics of selling and buying of wood and nonwood forest products (NWFPs) within the analyzed enterprises in the Jablanica District. The purpose of this research was to examine the possibilities for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) directed towards a sustainable use of forest products in the area of the Jablanica District. The subject of this research is: purchased and placed quantities in the analyzed enterprises, as well as the prices that were realized for the products, with special emphasis on commercially important mushrooms. The research was conducted in the territory of Jablanica and it included five enterprises engaged in the purchasing, processing and sale of NWFPs and the Forest Estate (FE) 'Forest' Leskovac. The purchase of raw forest fruits and herbs had a growing trend (+ 17.8%) in the 2006-2013 period. The average annual growth rate (AAGR) of sales was 3.4% for medicinal plants and 30.6% for mushrooms. The AAGR of NWFPs export was + 32.6%. The placement of beech wood assortments (K class) recorded a purchase AAGR of app. + 12.7%. In 2013, it was found that the NWFPs with the highest market value were: blueberry, dried boletus and chanterelle. In 2013, their total gross revenue in the domestic market amounted to 82.3 million RSD, whereas the total gross revenue of the analyzed beech wood assortments was 87 million RSD.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Ocena tržišnog potencijala šumskih proizvoda kao osnova za razvoj sektora šumarstva u Jablaničkom okrugu
T1  - Assessment of forest products market potential as a basis for forest sector development in the Jablanica district
EP  - 62
IS  - 111
SP  - 45
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1511045K
UR  - conv_424
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Mitrović, Marija and Marčeta, Milica and Keča, Nenad and Pupovac, Ljubomir",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Jedan od glavnih zadataka istraživanja marketinga jeste ocena tržišnog potencijala. Cilj istraživanja je da se u okviru analiziranih preduzeća unutar Jablaničkog okruga utvrdi dinamika otkupa i plasmana drvnih i nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Svrha istraživanja je da se ispitaju mogućnosti za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) usmerenih ka održivom korišćenju šumskih proizvoda na području Jablaničkog okruga. Predmet istraživanja su: količine koje otkupljuju i plasiraju analizirana preduzeća, kao i cene po kojima se proizvodi realizuju, sa posebnim osvrtom na komercijalno značajne gljive. Istraživanjem sprovedenim na teritoriji Jablaničkog okruga, obuhvaćeno je 5 preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP i ŠG 'Šuma' Leskovac (ŠGŠL). Otkup šumskog voća i lekovitog bilja u sirovom stanju od 2006-2013. godine imao je rastući trend (+17,8%) u analiziranom periodu. Prosečna godišnja stopa rasta prodaje (PGSR) lekovitog bilja iznosila je 3,4%, a gljiva 30,6%. PGSR izvoza NDŠP je +32,6%. Plasman sortimenata bukve K klase beleži PGSR otkupa od oko +12,7%. U 2013. godini utvrđeno je da su NDŠP sa najvećom tržišnom vrednošću: borovnica, suvi vrganj i lisičarka. Njihov ukupan bruto prihod na domaćem tržištu je u 2013. godini 82.350.000 RSD. Ukupan bruto prihod na domaćem tržištu ŠGŠL od analiziranih sortimenata bukve je 86.963.022,49 RSD., One of the main tasks of marketing research is the assessment of market potential. The aim of this research was to analyze the dynamics of selling and buying of wood and nonwood forest products (NWFPs) within the analyzed enterprises in the Jablanica District. The purpose of this research was to examine the possibilities for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) directed towards a sustainable use of forest products in the area of the Jablanica District. The subject of this research is: purchased and placed quantities in the analyzed enterprises, as well as the prices that were realized for the products, with special emphasis on commercially important mushrooms. The research was conducted in the territory of Jablanica and it included five enterprises engaged in the purchasing, processing and sale of NWFPs and the Forest Estate (FE) 'Forest' Leskovac. The purchase of raw forest fruits and herbs had a growing trend (+ 17.8%) in the 2006-2013 period. The average annual growth rate (AAGR) of sales was 3.4% for medicinal plants and 30.6% for mushrooms. The AAGR of NWFPs export was + 32.6%. The placement of beech wood assortments (K class) recorded a purchase AAGR of app. + 12.7%. In 2013, it was found that the NWFPs with the highest market value were: blueberry, dried boletus and chanterelle. In 2013, their total gross revenue in the domestic market amounted to 82.3 million RSD, whereas the total gross revenue of the analyzed beech wood assortments was 87 million RSD.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Ocena tržišnog potencijala šumskih proizvoda kao osnova za razvoj sektora šumarstva u Jablaničkom okrugu, Assessment of forest products market potential as a basis for forest sector development in the Jablanica district",
pages = "62-45",
number = "111",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1511045K",
url = "conv_424"
Keča, L., Mitrović, M., Marčeta, M., Keča, N.,& Pupovac, L.. (2015). Ocena tržišnog potencijala šumskih proizvoda kao osnova za razvoj sektora šumarstva u Jablaničkom okrugu. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(111), 45-62.
Keča L, Mitrović M, Marčeta M, Keča N, Pupovac L. Ocena tržišnog potencijala šumskih proizvoda kao osnova za razvoj sektora šumarstva u Jablaničkom okrugu. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2015;(111):45-62.
conv_424 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Mitrović, Marija, Marčeta, Milica, Keča, Nenad, Pupovac, Ljubomir, "Ocena tržišnog potencijala šumskih proizvoda kao osnova za razvoj sektora šumarstva u Jablaničkom okrugu" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 111 (2015):45-62, .,
conv_424 .

Lanac vrednosti nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda kao komponenta razvoja sektora šumarstva u delu južne Srbije

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica; Mladenović, Danijel; Jelić, Sreten

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Mladenović, Danijel
AU  - Jelić, Sreten
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Lanac vrednosti predstavlja detaljno sagledan proces koji proizvod ili usluga prolaze od sirovine, proizvodnje i distribucije do potrošača. Cilj rada je da se u okviru analiziranih preduzeća u oblasti statističkog regiona južne Srbije utvrdi dinamika otkupa i plasmana nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP), kao i njihova vrednost. Svrha istraživanja je da se ispitaju mogućnosti za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) usmerenih ka održivom korišćenju NDŠP na delu područja južne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja su: količine koje otkupljuju i plasiraju analizirana preduzeća, kao i cene po kojima se proizvodi realizuju na tržištu. Istraživanjem sprovedenim na teritoriji pretežno Pčinjskog okruga, obuhvaćeno je 19 preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP. Otkup šumske maline, divlje jagode i kupine i lekovitog bilja zastupljen je u okviru Pčinjskog okruga. Najviše prosečne godišnje stope rasta zabeležene su pri plasmanu proizvoda sa dodatnom vrednošću od šipuraka i drenjina. Izvozna orijentacija preduzeća iz ove oblasti je na niskom nivou. Ukupan bruto prihod ostvaren plasmanom odabranih finalnih NDŠP na domaće tržište iznosi oko 6.315.710 €.
AB  - The value chain represents a detailed outline of the process that a product or service passes from raw materials, production and distribution to the consumer. The aim of this article is that within the analyzed companies in the area of the statistical region of South Serbia determined the dynamics of purchasing and marketing of non-wood forest products (NWFPs), and their value. The purpose of this research is to examine the possibilities for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) towards sustainable use of NWFPs in a part of the territory of South Serbia. The subjects of the research are: purchased and sold quantities in analyzed companies, as well as the prices of these products in the market. The research was conducted in the territory of the dominant Pcinja, and they included 19 companies engaged in purchasing, processing and sale of NTFPs. The purchase of forest raspberries, wild strawberries and blackberries and herbs is represented within the Pcinja District. The highest average annual growth rates were recorded in the sales of products with added value of dog rose (Rosa canina) and cornelian (Cornus mas). Export oriented enterprises in this area are at a low level. The total gross revenue earned by the placement of the selected final NWFPs in the domestic market was about 6,315,710 €.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Lanac vrednosti nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda kao komponenta razvoja sektora šumarstva u delu južne Srbije
T1  - The value chain of non-wood forest products as a component of development of the forestry sector in a part of South Serbia
EP  - 57
IS  - 112
SP  - 43
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1512043K
UR  - conv_430
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica and Mladenović, Danijel and Jelić, Sreten",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Lanac vrednosti predstavlja detaljno sagledan proces koji proizvod ili usluga prolaze od sirovine, proizvodnje i distribucije do potrošača. Cilj rada je da se u okviru analiziranih preduzeća u oblasti statističkog regiona južne Srbije utvrdi dinamika otkupa i plasmana nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP), kao i njihova vrednost. Svrha istraživanja je da se ispitaju mogućnosti za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) usmerenih ka održivom korišćenju NDŠP na delu područja južne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja su: količine koje otkupljuju i plasiraju analizirana preduzeća, kao i cene po kojima se proizvodi realizuju na tržištu. Istraživanjem sprovedenim na teritoriji pretežno Pčinjskog okruga, obuhvaćeno je 19 preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP. Otkup šumske maline, divlje jagode i kupine i lekovitog bilja zastupljen je u okviru Pčinjskog okruga. Najviše prosečne godišnje stope rasta zabeležene su pri plasmanu proizvoda sa dodatnom vrednošću od šipuraka i drenjina. Izvozna orijentacija preduzeća iz ove oblasti je na niskom nivou. Ukupan bruto prihod ostvaren plasmanom odabranih finalnih NDŠP na domaće tržište iznosi oko 6.315.710 €., The value chain represents a detailed outline of the process that a product or service passes from raw materials, production and distribution to the consumer. The aim of this article is that within the analyzed companies in the area of the statistical region of South Serbia determined the dynamics of purchasing and marketing of non-wood forest products (NWFPs), and their value. The purpose of this research is to examine the possibilities for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) towards sustainable use of NWFPs in a part of the territory of South Serbia. The subjects of the research are: purchased and sold quantities in analyzed companies, as well as the prices of these products in the market. The research was conducted in the territory of the dominant Pcinja, and they included 19 companies engaged in purchasing, processing and sale of NTFPs. The purchase of forest raspberries, wild strawberries and blackberries and herbs is represented within the Pcinja District. The highest average annual growth rates were recorded in the sales of products with added value of dog rose (Rosa canina) and cornelian (Cornus mas). Export oriented enterprises in this area are at a low level. The total gross revenue earned by the placement of the selected final NWFPs in the domestic market was about 6,315,710 €.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Lanac vrednosti nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda kao komponenta razvoja sektora šumarstva u delu južne Srbije, The value chain of non-wood forest products as a component of development of the forestry sector in a part of South Serbia",
pages = "57-43",
number = "112",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1512043K",
url = "conv_430"
Keča, L., Marčeta, M., Mladenović, D.,& Jelić, S.. (2015). Lanac vrednosti nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda kao komponenta razvoja sektora šumarstva u delu južne Srbije. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(112), 43-57.
Keča L, Marčeta M, Mladenović D, Jelić S. Lanac vrednosti nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda kao komponenta razvoja sektora šumarstva u delu južne Srbije. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2015;(112):43-57.
conv_430 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, Mladenović, Danijel, Jelić, Sreten, "Lanac vrednosti nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda kao komponenta razvoja sektora šumarstva u delu južne Srbije" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 112 (2015):43-57, .,
conv_430 .

Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets

Marčeta, Milica; Keča, Ljiljana


AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Although it is widely considered that the consumption of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) is the result of food industry innovations, from the historical aspect, the use of these products is most likely the first use of forest resources by human beings. The interest in NWFPs as alternative products in the forest sector has increased drastically throughout the world over the last decade. However, in many countries, the maximal commercial contribution of NWFPs has not yet been achieved. In addition to series of economic, social and environmental benefits to society, special emphasis was put on NWFP importance to local communities which rely on NWFPs as the only source of subsistence. The territory of the Serbian Northern Province is characterised by an exceptional richness in wild flora and fauna. However, it is questionable whether NWFPs as important resources are utilized adequately and commercially and consistent with the sustainable potentials and principles. The aim of this study was to identify the flows of the purchase of raw NWFPs and the sale of final products on the research area in Vojvodina. A hypothetical starting point was that an increase is present in the domestic sale of NWFPs. The purpose of the study was to assess the compatibility of the local and the global markets, with a drastic increase in the marketability of NWFPs as the derivatives of organic production. The subject of the study were the enterprises dealing with NWFPs purchase, processing and sale, purchased quantities of raw products, and the contingents of final products realised on the domestic and foreign markets. The applied methodology was based on the dynamic analysis and statistical methods by which the variations in purchased and sold quantities in the past period are defined and the future trend projects are devised.
T2  - Baltic Forestry
T1  - Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets
EP  - 130
IS  - 1
SP  - 115
VL  - 20
UR  - conv_1126
ER  - 
author = "Marčeta, Milica and Keča, Ljiljana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Although it is widely considered that the consumption of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) is the result of food industry innovations, from the historical aspect, the use of these products is most likely the first use of forest resources by human beings. The interest in NWFPs as alternative products in the forest sector has increased drastically throughout the world over the last decade. However, in many countries, the maximal commercial contribution of NWFPs has not yet been achieved. In addition to series of economic, social and environmental benefits to society, special emphasis was put on NWFP importance to local communities which rely on NWFPs as the only source of subsistence. The territory of the Serbian Northern Province is characterised by an exceptional richness in wild flora and fauna. However, it is questionable whether NWFPs as important resources are utilized adequately and commercially and consistent with the sustainable potentials and principles. The aim of this study was to identify the flows of the purchase of raw NWFPs and the sale of final products on the research area in Vojvodina. A hypothetical starting point was that an increase is present in the domestic sale of NWFPs. The purpose of the study was to assess the compatibility of the local and the global markets, with a drastic increase in the marketability of NWFPs as the derivatives of organic production. The subject of the study were the enterprises dealing with NWFPs purchase, processing and sale, purchased quantities of raw products, and the contingents of final products realised on the domestic and foreign markets. The applied methodology was based on the dynamic analysis and statistical methods by which the variations in purchased and sold quantities in the past period are defined and the future trend projects are devised.",
journal = "Baltic Forestry",
title = "Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets",
pages = "130-115",
number = "1",
volume = "20",
url = "conv_1126"
Marčeta, M.,& Keča, L.. (2014). Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets. in Baltic Forestry, 20(1), 115-130.
Marčeta M, Keča L. Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets. in Baltic Forestry. 2014;20(1):115-130.
conv_1126 .
Marčeta, Milica, Keča, Ljiljana, "Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets" in Baltic Forestry, 20, no. 1 (2014):115-130,
conv_1126 .

Organization of marketing activities in leader enterprise for purchase, processing and placement of non-wood forest products in Vojvodina

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica; Bogojević, M.I.

(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, 2012)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Bogojević, M.I.
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - In addition to the traditional use and a range of benefits they have for local communities, non-wood forest products (NWFP) occupy a significant place in the market, particularly given the expansion of organic production and consumption. The wealth of natural diversity of Vojvodina creates an exceptional foundation for the development of entrepreneurship based on the purchase, processing and marketing of NWFP. Regardless of company size, adequately organized organizational structure, in relation to market conditions and general environment, makes one of the key determinants of efficient and effective operations. The goal pursued in this paper is to examine and analyze the organizational leadership of an enterprise system for processing and marketing of medicinal plants, primarily from the marketing aspect. Focusing on the leading companies in the industry, in Vojvodina, the research is conducted with the purpose of gaining insight into the functioning of organizational structures and ways of organizing marketing activities in it. The subject of this study was to go from the moment of purchase of raw material base and distribution of finished products. As a research technique, it is used a survey that included questions about how to organize the department in the company, personnel structure and other internal features of the company. On that basis it is formed a SWOT matrix, in which are confronted by the weak and strong companies with external opportunities and threats. The maximum capacity utilization of the developed distribution network and price competitiveness, contribute to the leading position of the surveyed company.
PB  - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology
C3  - CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food
T1  - Organization of marketing activities in leader enterprise for purchase, processing and placement of non-wood forest products in Vojvodina
EP  - 1712
SP  - 1707
UR  - conv_2188
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica and Bogojević, M.I.",
year = "2012",
abstract = "In addition to the traditional use and a range of benefits they have for local communities, non-wood forest products (NWFP) occupy a significant place in the market, particularly given the expansion of organic production and consumption. The wealth of natural diversity of Vojvodina creates an exceptional foundation for the development of entrepreneurship based on the purchase, processing and marketing of NWFP. Regardless of company size, adequately organized organizational structure, in relation to market conditions and general environment, makes one of the key determinants of efficient and effective operations. The goal pursued in this paper is to examine and analyze the organizational leadership of an enterprise system for processing and marketing of medicinal plants, primarily from the marketing aspect. Focusing on the leading companies in the industry, in Vojvodina, the research is conducted with the purpose of gaining insight into the functioning of organizational structures and ways of organizing marketing activities in it. The subject of this study was to go from the moment of purchase of raw material base and distribution of finished products. As a research technique, it is used a survey that included questions about how to organize the department in the company, personnel structure and other internal features of the company. On that basis it is formed a SWOT matrix, in which are confronted by the weak and strong companies with external opportunities and threats. The maximum capacity utilization of the developed distribution network and price competitiveness, contribute to the leading position of the surveyed company.",
publisher = "University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology",
journal = "CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food",
title = "Organization of marketing activities in leader enterprise for purchase, processing and placement of non-wood forest products in Vojvodina",
pages = "1712-1707",
url = "conv_2188"
Keča, L., Marčeta, M.,& Bogojević, M.I.. (2012). Organization of marketing activities in leader enterprise for purchase, processing and placement of non-wood forest products in Vojvodina. in CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology., 1707-1712.
Keča L, Marčeta M, Bogojević M. Organization of marketing activities in leader enterprise for purchase, processing and placement of non-wood forest products in Vojvodina. in CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food. 2012;:1707-1712.
conv_2188 .
Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, Bogojević, M.I., "Organization of marketing activities in leader enterprise for purchase, processing and placement of non-wood forest products in Vojvodina" in CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food (2012):1707-1712,
conv_2188 .

Komercijalizacija nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda na teritoriji AP Vojvodine

Keča, Ljiljana; Marčeta, Milica; Bogojević, Milivoj

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Keča, Ljiljana
AU  - Marčeta, Milica
AU  - Bogojević, Milivoj
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - U dosadašnjem korišćenju prirodnih resursa šumarstva, kao privredne delatnosti, dominantnu ulogu je imala eksploatacija drveta, dok je korišćenje ostalih proizvoda šume delimično zanemareno. Danas, nedrvni šumski proizvodi (NDŠP) zauzimaju sve značajnije mesto u sektoru šumarstva brojnih zemalja, tako da se prihodi od njihovog korišćenja približavaju prihodima ostvarenim klasičnom proizvodnjom drvnih sortimenata. Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Vojvodine, na uzorku od šest preduzeća, koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP imalo je za cilj sagledavanje njihove tržišne angažovanosti i, na osnovu toga, formiranje slike o tržištu ove grupe proizvoda. Dinamičkim statističkim metodama izvršena je analiza prikupljenih podataka, a zatim prikazane promene u aktivnostima otkupa, prodaje na domaćem tržištu i izvozu u intervalu od 2004-2010 godine i izvedene projekcije u budućnosti. U istraživanju, sprovedenom putem intervjua, obuhvaćene su količine otkupljenih sirovina, obim proizvodnje i prodaje, kako na domaćem, tako i na inostranom tržištu, kao i cene finalnih proizvoda. Otkup određenih vrsta lekovitog bilja se vrši na teritorijama Hrvatske i Makedonije, dok je na domaćem tržištu mreža dobavljača izuzetno široka i pretežno obuhvata: Niš, Svrljig, Čoku, Apatin, Pančevo, Rumu, Boljevac, Kanjižu i dr. Najznačajniji rast otkupa ostvaren je kod mešavine lekovitog bilja. Pored toga, značajne su i otkupljene količine mente, koje su se u proseku povećavale za 7,9 t i šipka sa rastom od 5,5 t po godini. U posmatranom periodu značajan rast plasmana na domaćem tržištu beleže sve vrste čajeva i lekovitog bilja, dok se kod začina i meda može uočiti fluktuacija količina plasmana. Prosečno algebarsko odstupanje originalnih vrednost prodaje finalnih NDŠP od aritmetičke sredine iznosi 3,48%. Uz nivo signifikantnosti od 95% procenjeno je da će se prodaja u 2012. godini kretati u intervalu od 3049,19-3343,95 t, uz uslov da se prodaja i dalje ponaša po modelu kvadratnog trenda. Prema kvadratnom trendu, a uz nivo signifikantnosti od 95% može se predvideti da će vrednost izvoza u 2012. godini biti u intervalu od 133,01-250,07 t. Uzimajući u obzir vremenski interval od 2004-2010 godine, prosečan obim izvoza iznosi 260,07 t, čime je obuhvaćeno, prevashodno, lekovito i aromatično bilje, začini i med. U posmatranom periodu izvoz je prosečno opadao za 7,03% (20,75 t godišnje).
AB  - In the previous utilization of natural resources in forestry as an economic activity, timber exploitation was always the dominant part, and the utilization of other forest products was partly neglected. Nowadays, non-wood forest products (NWFPs) occupy an increasingly significant position in the forestry sector in numerous countries, so that the revenue from their utilization approaches the returns realized by the classical production of timber products. The research performed in Vojvodina, on the sample of six enterprises dealing with NWFP purchase, processing and sale was aimed at the analysis of their market activities to create the image of the market of this group of products. After the study data were analyzed by dynamic statistical methods, the changes in the activities on purchase, the domestic sales and export sales between 2004 and 2010 were presented and future projects were visualized. The research in the form of questionnaire included the quantities of purchased raw materials, the scope of production and sales, both in the domestic, and in foreign markets, as well as the prices of final products. Some species of medicinal plants were purchased on the territories of Croatia and Macedonia, and the purchasing network in the domestic market was remarkably wide and it included predominantly: Niš, Svrljig, Čoka, Apatin, Pančevo, Ruma, Boljevac, Kanjiža, etc. The most significant growth was realised in the purchase of a mixture of medicinal plants. Also significant are the purchased quantities of mint, which on average increased by 7.9 t and rose hip by 5.5 t per year. During the study period, the domestic sale of all species of herbal teas and medicinal plants increased significantly, while spices and honey were subject to a fluctuation in sales quantity. Average algebraic deviation of the original final NWFP sale value from the arithmetic mean accounts for 3.48%. With the significance level of 95%, it is estimated that the sale in 2012 will range between 3049.19 and 3343.95 t, under the condition that the sale continues its quadratic trend. Based on the quadratic trend, and with the significance level of 95%, it can be foreseen that the value of export in 2012 will range from 133.01 to 250.07 t. As for the time interval from 2004 to 2010, the average export amounted to 260.07 t, which encompassed primarily medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and honey. During the study period, export decreased on average by 7.03% (20.75 t per year).
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Komercijalizacija nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda na teritoriji AP Vojvodine
T1  - Commercialisation of non-wood forest products on the territory of AP Vojvodina
EP  - 116
IS  - 105
SP  - 99
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1205099K
UR  - conv_360
ER  - 
author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marčeta, Milica and Bogojević, Milivoj",
year = "2012",
abstract = "U dosadašnjem korišćenju prirodnih resursa šumarstva, kao privredne delatnosti, dominantnu ulogu je imala eksploatacija drveta, dok je korišćenje ostalih proizvoda šume delimično zanemareno. Danas, nedrvni šumski proizvodi (NDŠP) zauzimaju sve značajnije mesto u sektoru šumarstva brojnih zemalja, tako da se prihodi od njihovog korišćenja približavaju prihodima ostvarenim klasičnom proizvodnjom drvnih sortimenata. Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Vojvodine, na uzorku od šest preduzeća, koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP imalo je za cilj sagledavanje njihove tržišne angažovanosti i, na osnovu toga, formiranje slike o tržištu ove grupe proizvoda. Dinamičkim statističkim metodama izvršena je analiza prikupljenih podataka, a zatim prikazane promene u aktivnostima otkupa, prodaje na domaćem tržištu i izvozu u intervalu od 2004-2010 godine i izvedene projekcije u budućnosti. U istraživanju, sprovedenom putem intervjua, obuhvaćene su količine otkupljenih sirovina, obim proizvodnje i prodaje, kako na domaćem, tako i na inostranom tržištu, kao i cene finalnih proizvoda. Otkup određenih vrsta lekovitog bilja se vrši na teritorijama Hrvatske i Makedonije, dok je na domaćem tržištu mreža dobavljača izuzetno široka i pretežno obuhvata: Niš, Svrljig, Čoku, Apatin, Pančevo, Rumu, Boljevac, Kanjižu i dr. Najznačajniji rast otkupa ostvaren je kod mešavine lekovitog bilja. Pored toga, značajne su i otkupljene količine mente, koje su se u proseku povećavale za 7,9 t i šipka sa rastom od 5,5 t po godini. U posmatranom periodu značajan rast plasmana na domaćem tržištu beleže sve vrste čajeva i lekovitog bilja, dok se kod začina i meda može uočiti fluktuacija količina plasmana. Prosečno algebarsko odstupanje originalnih vrednost prodaje finalnih NDŠP od aritmetičke sredine iznosi 3,48%. Uz nivo signifikantnosti od 95% procenjeno je da će se prodaja u 2012. godini kretati u intervalu od 3049,19-3343,95 t, uz uslov da se prodaja i dalje ponaša po modelu kvadratnog trenda. Prema kvadratnom trendu, a uz nivo signifikantnosti od 95% može se predvideti da će vrednost izvoza u 2012. godini biti u intervalu od 133,01-250,07 t. Uzimajući u obzir vremenski interval od 2004-2010 godine, prosečan obim izvoza iznosi 260,07 t, čime je obuhvaćeno, prevashodno, lekovito i aromatično bilje, začini i med. U posmatranom periodu izvoz je prosečno opadao za 7,03% (20,75 t godišnje)., In the previous utilization of natural resources in forestry as an economic activity, timber exploitation was always the dominant part, and the utilization of other forest products was partly neglected. Nowadays, non-wood forest products (NWFPs) occupy an increasingly significant position in the forestry sector in numerous countries, so that the revenue from their utilization approaches the returns realized by the classical production of timber products. The research performed in Vojvodina, on the sample of six enterprises dealing with NWFP purchase, processing and sale was aimed at the analysis of their market activities to create the image of the market of this group of products. After the study data were analyzed by dynamic statistical methods, the changes in the activities on purchase, the domestic sales and export sales between 2004 and 2010 were presented and future projects were visualized. The research in the form of questionnaire included the quantities of purchased raw materials, the scope of production and sales, both in the domestic, and in foreign markets, as well as the prices of final products. Some species of medicinal plants were purchased on the territories of Croatia and Macedonia, and the purchasing network in the domestic market was remarkably wide and it included predominantly: Niš, Svrljig, Čoka, Apatin, Pančevo, Ruma, Boljevac, Kanjiža, etc. The most significant growth was realised in the purchase of a mixture of medicinal plants. Also significant are the purchased quantities of mint, which on average increased by 7.9 t and rose hip by 5.5 t per year. During the study period, the domestic sale of all species of herbal teas and medicinal plants increased significantly, while spices and honey were subject to a fluctuation in sales quantity. Average algebraic deviation of the original final NWFP sale value from the arithmetic mean accounts for 3.48%. With the significance level of 95%, it is estimated that the sale in 2012 will range between 3049.19 and 3343.95 t, under the condition that the sale continues its quadratic trend. Based on the quadratic trend, and with the significance level of 95%, it can be foreseen that the value of export in 2012 will range from 133.01 to 250.07 t. As for the time interval from 2004 to 2010, the average export amounted to 260.07 t, which encompassed primarily medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and honey. During the study period, export decreased on average by 7.03% (20.75 t per year).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Komercijalizacija nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda na teritoriji AP Vojvodine, Commercialisation of non-wood forest products on the territory of AP Vojvodina",
pages = "116-99",
number = "105",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1205099K",
url = "conv_360"
Keča, L., Marčeta, M.,& Bogojević, M.. (2012). Komercijalizacija nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda na teritoriji AP Vojvodine. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(105), 99-116.
Keča L, Marčeta M, Bogojević M. Komercijalizacija nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda na teritoriji AP Vojvodine. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2012;(105):99-116.
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Keča, Ljiljana, Marčeta, Milica, Bogojević, Milivoj, "Komercijalizacija nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda na teritoriji AP Vojvodine" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 105 (2012):99-116, .,
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