author = "Morkovina, S. S. and Keča, Ljiljana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The article presents the economic aspects of growing poplar on plantations in Russia and Serbia. For Russia, the cultivation of poplar on forest plantations with a short turnaround is a promising activity which enables to get NPV 7 202 (sic)/ha, taking into account the risks of forest plantations. In the creation of plantation crops the fundamental role is played by their density. To get timber the density of plantation should be from 3.0 to 5.0 thousand plants per 1 ha. Plantations with a 20-year rotation and planting density of 3.0 thousand plants per 1 ha are the most profitable and less risky ones. Similar results have been obtained on poplar plantations in Serbia. NPV revenues are in a range 11 088 to 13 676 (sic)/ha when growing poplar plantations in Serbia. It is advisable to get not only industrial wood chips, but also wood assortment during the cultivation of poplar plantations with 20-year rotation in the conditions of Serbia. Positive financial effect can be reached in future by lowering the costs of poplar plantations establishing. Costs can be also reduced by finding out the solution in the field of soil preparation for afforestation, working operations which will show the higher level of economic efficient.",
journal = "International Jubilee Scientific and Practical Conference Innovative Directions of Development of the Forestry Complex",
title = "Economic assessment of forest plantations with short rotation: Russia and Serbia experience",
volume = "226",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/226/1/012072",
url = "conv_1451"