author = "Keča, Ljiljana and Marković, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Ideja ovog rada je da se prikaže plasman proizvoda šumarstva na tržištu, ali i buduće mogućnosti za razvoj sektora šumarstva u pogledu robne razmene u okvi-ru ŠG "Rasina" Kruševac koje je deo JP "Srbijašume". Posebno je prikazana i prodaja drveta licitacijama. Cilj istraživanja je da se kroz analizu prikupljenih podataka utvrdi realizacija razmene drvnih sortimenata u okviru ŠG "Rasina" Kruševac. Svr-ha istraživanja je definisanje i utvrđivanje zakonitosti realizacije razmene, kao i objašnjenje posledica ostvarenih razmena i davanje predloga za buduće aktivnosti na tržištu. Predmet istraživanja su: prodate količine drvnih proizvoda u okviru ŠG "Rasina" Kruševac, njihova kupovina od strane drvno-prerađivačkih preduzeća, kao i cene proizvoda. Prodaja sortimenata bukve predstavljena je polinomom drugog stepe-na, prisutna je jaka korelaciona veza (0,850) i korelacioni koeficijent je statistički signifikantan, na šta ukazuje greška od oko 0.1% (Significance F), parametri su signi-fikantni (za nivo greške od α=0,05%), jer odgovarajuća P-value ukazuje na grešku od oko 4%, prosečna eksponencijalna godišnja stopa rasta 3,4%. Ukupan bruto prihod drvnih sortimenata bukve ostvaren u 2017. godini, za ŠG "Rasina" Kruševac na domaćem trži-štu iznosi 436.583.828 RSD. Najznačajniji prihod je ostvaren prodajom ogrevnog drveta sa 210.941.258 RSD, što se u prvom redu pripisuje količini, a ne ceni., The idea of this paper is to show the placement of forestry products on the market, as well as future opportunities for the development of the forestry sector in terms of goods exchange within the FE "Rasina" Kruševac, which is part of PE "Srbijašume". In particular, the sales of wood by auction are also shown. The aim of this research is to determine the realization of the exchange of timber assortments within the FE "Rasina" Kruševac through an analysis of the collected data. The purpose of this research is to define and determine the rules of exchange realization, as well as to give explanations of the consequences of the implemented exchanges and to make proposals for future activities on the market. The subjects of this research are: sold quantities of timber products within FE "Rasina" Kruševac, their purchase by wood processing companies, as well as the price of the product. The sales of beech assortments are represented by a second degree polynomial, a strong correlation bond (0.850) is present and the correlation coefficient is statistically significant, indicating an error of about 0.1% (Significance F), the parameters are significant (for the error level α = 0.05 %), because the corresponding P-value points to an error of about 4%, and an average exponential annual growth rate of 3.4%. The total gross income of timber assortments of beech in 2017, for FE "Rasina" Kruševac on the domestic market amounts to 436,583,828 RSD. The most significant revenue was realized by selling firewood, with an income of 210.941.258 RSD, which is primarily attributed to the quantity, and not to the price.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Tržišni potencijali za razvoj šumarstva u Rasinskom okrugu, Market potentials for forestry sector development in the Rasina district",
pages = "62-47",
number = "118",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1818047K",
url = "conv_471"