author = "Kostić, Igor and Petrović, Olivera and Milanović, Slobodan and Popović, Zorica and Stanković, Slađan and Todorović, Goran and Kostić, Miroslav",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Ethanol solutions of essential oils obtained from Athmanta haynaldii and Myristica fragrans were tested for their toxicity and antifeedant activity against the second instar gypsy moth larvae in the laboratory bioassay. Both isolated oils were subjected to gas chromatography analysis in order to determine their chemical constitutions. Tested oils showed low to moderate larvicidal effect in both residual toxicity test and in chronic larval mortality bioassay. However, antifeedant index achieved by application of tested solutions in feeding choice assay was significantly higher in comparison to control, and almost same as one provided with botanical standard. Low toxic and high antifeedant properties (AF index 85-90%) make these essential oils suitable for integrated pest management programs. Special attention should be paid to further investigation of endemic and rare A. haynalidii in the terms its cultivation and usage of its unique set of biologically active compounds.",
journal = "Industrial Crops and Products",
title = "Biological activity of essential oils of Athamanta haynaldii and Myristica fragrans to gypsy moth larvae",
pages = "20-17",
volume = "41",
doi = "10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.03.039",
url = "conv_1037"