Gavrilović, Suzana

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  • Gavrilović, Suzana (9)

Author's Bibliography

Design proposal development for a more liveable open public space

Vukmirović, Milena; Radić, Boris; Gavrilović, Suzana; Jovanović, A.

(Institute of Physics, 2023)

AU  - Vukmirović, Milena
AU  - Radić, Boris
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
AU  - Jovanović, A.
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - As a vital element of successful cities, public spaces play an important role in achieving sustainable development goals. The New urban agenda considers public spaces as a need in sustaining the productivity of cities, eco-social cohesion and inclusion, civic identity, and quality of urban life. This is also in line with the New European Bauhaus, as a part of European Green Deal, need to create beautiful places, practices and experiences that are enriching, sustainable and inclusive. In accordance with that there is undoubted importance of the public spaces, while its quality is generated in the symbiosis of various elements. On the basis of normative theories in urban design, SCORELINE framework for public space quality evaluation was developed and tested at the research group for planning and design in landscape architecture at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry. The framework covers six criteria which illuminate key aspects of public spaces such as safety and security, convenience, legibility, comfort, inspiration and sensitivity and liveability. For the purpose of this research, special attention is given to the criteria of liveability. It will be presented through its quantitative and qualitative indicators and its application in practice that cover the investigation carried out on Cara Urosa Street within the Lower Dorcol quarter in Belgrade, Serbia. The results of this analysis defined the inputs for street renewal design proposal, that was additionally tested using Space Syntax method, precisely Depthmap X simulation software to map potential issues and potentials that will be developed through design in order to achieve the defined goals concerning the liveability of open public space.
PB  - Institute of Physics
C3  - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
T1  - Design proposal development for a more liveable open public space
IS  - 1
VL  - 1196
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/1196/1/012077
UR  - conv_1882
ER  - 
author = "Vukmirović, Milena and Radić, Boris and Gavrilović, Suzana and Jovanović, A.",
year = "2023",
abstract = "As a vital element of successful cities, public spaces play an important role in achieving sustainable development goals. The New urban agenda considers public spaces as a need in sustaining the productivity of cities, eco-social cohesion and inclusion, civic identity, and quality of urban life. This is also in line with the New European Bauhaus, as a part of European Green Deal, need to create beautiful places, practices and experiences that are enriching, sustainable and inclusive. In accordance with that there is undoubted importance of the public spaces, while its quality is generated in the symbiosis of various elements. On the basis of normative theories in urban design, SCORELINE framework for public space quality evaluation was developed and tested at the research group for planning and design in landscape architecture at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry. The framework covers six criteria which illuminate key aspects of public spaces such as safety and security, convenience, legibility, comfort, inspiration and sensitivity and liveability. For the purpose of this research, special attention is given to the criteria of liveability. It will be presented through its quantitative and qualitative indicators and its application in practice that cover the investigation carried out on Cara Urosa Street within the Lower Dorcol quarter in Belgrade, Serbia. The results of this analysis defined the inputs for street renewal design proposal, that was additionally tested using Space Syntax method, precisely Depthmap X simulation software to map potential issues and potentials that will be developed through design in order to achieve the defined goals concerning the liveability of open public space.",
publisher = "Institute of Physics",
journal = "IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science",
title = "Design proposal development for a more liveable open public space",
number = "1",
volume = "1196",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/1196/1/012077",
url = "conv_1882"
Vukmirović, M., Radić, B., Gavrilović, S.,& Jovanović, A.. (2023). Design proposal development for a more liveable open public space. in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Institute of Physics., 1196(1).
Vukmirović M, Radić B, Gavrilović S, Jovanović A. Design proposal development for a more liveable open public space. in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2023;1196(1).
conv_1882 .
Vukmirović, Milena, Radić, Boris, Gavrilović, Suzana, Jovanović, A., "Design proposal development for a more liveable open public space" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1196, no. 1 (2023), .,
conv_1882 .

A Green Infrastructure Planning Approach: Improving Territorial Cohesion through Urban-Rural Landscape in Vojvodina, Serbia

Bajić, Luka; Vasiljević, Nevena; Čavlović, Dragana; Radić, Boris; Gavrilović, Suzana


AU  - Bajić, Luka
AU  - Vasiljević, Nevena
AU  - Čavlović, Dragana
AU  - Radić, Boris
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Spatial and urban planning are directed towards achieving territorial cohesion as one of the sustainable development goals. Considering the hybrid concept of green infrastructure, this paper aims to provide an "ecological model" of achieving territorial cohesion in spatial and urban planning. Based on the connectivity level analysis between green infrastructure elements (green infrastructure hubs, nodes, gateways and dots), application of the GI concept guides the development of spatial planning scenarios. The application of Voronoi diagrams and landscape graph-based principles contribute to defining the shortest distances between green infrastructure elements, which resulted in the definition of the significance of structural and functional arrangement of green infrastructure dots in the matrix of the urban rural continuum in the territory of the urban-rural landscape of three case studies in Vojvodina, Serbia (Novi Sad, Subotica, Zrenjanin). As a result of this study, green infrastructure dots showed a great potential of application at the local level by developing them through landscape design with creative and artistic elements in order to achieve higher level of cohesion through visual attractivity, multifunctionality and recreation. The level of connectivity between elements of green infrastructure should be considered as an indicator of the sustainable spatial development goals achievement, in the field of nature conservation and territorial and social cohesion.
T2  - Land
T1  - A Green Infrastructure Planning Approach: Improving Territorial Cohesion through Urban-Rural Landscape in Vojvodina, Serbia
IS  - 9
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/land11091550
UR  - conv_1658
ER  - 
author = "Bajić, Luka and Vasiljević, Nevena and Čavlović, Dragana and Radić, Boris and Gavrilović, Suzana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Spatial and urban planning are directed towards achieving territorial cohesion as one of the sustainable development goals. Considering the hybrid concept of green infrastructure, this paper aims to provide an "ecological model" of achieving territorial cohesion in spatial and urban planning. Based on the connectivity level analysis between green infrastructure elements (green infrastructure hubs, nodes, gateways and dots), application of the GI concept guides the development of spatial planning scenarios. The application of Voronoi diagrams and landscape graph-based principles contribute to defining the shortest distances between green infrastructure elements, which resulted in the definition of the significance of structural and functional arrangement of green infrastructure dots in the matrix of the urban rural continuum in the territory of the urban-rural landscape of three case studies in Vojvodina, Serbia (Novi Sad, Subotica, Zrenjanin). As a result of this study, green infrastructure dots showed a great potential of application at the local level by developing them through landscape design with creative and artistic elements in order to achieve higher level of cohesion through visual attractivity, multifunctionality and recreation. The level of connectivity between elements of green infrastructure should be considered as an indicator of the sustainable spatial development goals achievement, in the field of nature conservation and territorial and social cohesion.",
journal = "Land",
title = "A Green Infrastructure Planning Approach: Improving Territorial Cohesion through Urban-Rural Landscape in Vojvodina, Serbia",
number = "9",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/land11091550",
url = "conv_1658"
Bajić, L., Vasiljević, N., Čavlović, D., Radić, B.,& Gavrilović, S.. (2022). A Green Infrastructure Planning Approach: Improving Territorial Cohesion through Urban-Rural Landscape in Vojvodina, Serbia. in Land, 11(9).
Bajić L, Vasiljević N, Čavlović D, Radić B, Gavrilović S. A Green Infrastructure Planning Approach: Improving Territorial Cohesion through Urban-Rural Landscape in Vojvodina, Serbia. in Land. 2022;11(9).
conv_1658 .
Bajić, Luka, Vasiljević, Nevena, Čavlović, Dragana, Radić, Boris, Gavrilović, Suzana, "A Green Infrastructure Planning Approach: Improving Territorial Cohesion through Urban-Rural Landscape in Vojvodina, Serbia" in Land, 11, no. 9 (2022), .,
conv_1658 .

Integracija ekološke i vizuelne procene predela za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije

Gavrilović, Suzana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Predmet rada je specifično istraživanje načina povezivanja ekološke i vizuelne procene predela u cilju razvoja optimalne, kvantitativne metode integrisane procene karaktera predela. Proučavanje integrativnog pristupa u proceni predela i njegove primene u sistemu planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije bilo je inicirano potrebama savremenog planiranja predela. Istraživanja ukazuju da su prevaziđene postojeće metode procene predela, a da su savremenom planiranju predela neophodne nove metode koje integrišu principe predeone ekologije i vizuelne estetike predela kao celine u proceni vrednosti (kvaliteta) predela, osnovna je teza koja je pokrenula ovo istraživanje. Savremeno koncipiran predeo se sagledava kao holistički, dinamičan i perceptibilan prostorni entitet prirodnih i kulturnih vrednosti koji se interpretira u formi jedinstvenog karaktera predela. Karakter predela kao rezultat holističke interpretacije vrednosti predela postaje prostorni i istraživački okviru u odnosu na koji se planira njegov razvoj i zaštita. Savremen koncept predela dobio je legitimitet u Evropskoj konvenciji o predelu koju je Republika Srbija ratifikovala 2011. godine i obavezala se da integriše predeo u politike prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja. U radu su ponuđeni elementi za razvoj integrativnog pristupa u planiranju predela. Razvijen je metodski postupak kao deo ishoda savremenog prostornog koncepta i planerskih principa. Metodski postupak je zasnovan na identifikovanim indikatorima: koherentnosti, kompleksnosti, prirodnosti i otvorenosti kojima se povezuju i kombinuju predeonoekološki i vizuelni principi i simultano procenjuje stanje karaktera predela. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja ekološke i vizuelne procene predela izdvojio se pristup koji težište integracije zasniva na strukturnim aspektima predela, kompoziciji i konfiguraciji, koji se kvantitativno iskazuju i analiziraju primenom metrike predela. Metrika predela predstavlja vrlo aktivno istraživačko polje koje je rezultovalo velikim brojem parametara i složenih indeksa koji se primenjuju u proceni ekoloških funkcija i procesa, kao i vizuelno-perceptivnih i estetskih karakteristika predela. Na bazi uspostavljenih kauzalnih veza definisan je metodološki okvir za kvantifikaciju i operacionalizaciju integrisanih indikatora. Predložen metodski postupak za procenu indikatora: koherentnosti, kompleksnosti, prirodnosti i otvorenosti predela, koncipiran je u vidu trostepene hijerarhijske strukture. Proceduralno, metoda je formulisana u vidu algoritma gde ulazne podatke iii predstavljaju rezultati kvantifikacije signifikantnih parametara metrike predela i ostalih parametara integrisane procene predela kojima se interpretiraju kriterijumi za procenu indikatora. Inicijalna provera metodskog postupka izvršena je na području istraživanja - opštini Mladenovac, odnosno na nivou razrade planova jedinica lokalne samouprave. Prvi preduslov za procenu integrisanih indikatora podrazumevao je identifikaciju tipova karaktera predela Mladenovca. Tipovi karaktera predela su izdvojeni primenom metode karakterizacije predela koja objedinjuje holistički i parametarski pristup. Na nivou izdvojenih tipova karaktera predela izvršena je provera aplikativnosti predložene metode. Rezultati su ukazali na visok nivo integrativnosti predeono(ekoloških) i vizuelno(estetskih) principa koji može da opravda upotrebu indikatora kao dijagnostičkih varijabli u integrisanoj, ekološkoj i vizuelnoj analizi i proceni stanja karaktera predela. Rezultati anketnog istraživanja vizuelne percepcije predela Mladenovca potvrdili su da se izdvojenim indikatorima iskazuju vrednosti jedinstvenog karaktera predela koje utiču na vizuelne preference lokalno stanovništvo i šire javnosti, odnosno da vizuelna percepcija kvaliteta predela zavisi od stepena predeone koherentnosti, kompleksnosti, prirodnosti i otvorenosti. Modaliteti primene metodskog postupka integrisane procene na nacionalnom i regionalnom nivou su ilustrovani na primeru izrade Prostornog plana Republike Srbije 2021-2035 i u okviru Studije Tipologije predela za potrebe obrživog razvoja grada Beograda u skladu sa principima Evropske konvencije o predelu. Poređenjem dobijenih rezultata primene metodskog postupka na različitim prostornim nivoima potvrđen je visok stepen podudarnosti, na osnovu čega se može zaključiti da se integrisani indikatori mogu adekvatno i pouzdano primenjivati u postupku izrade prostorno-planskih dokumenata Srbije.
AB  - The subject of this paper is a specific research of the way of connecting ecological and visual landscape assessment in order to develop an optimal, quantitative method of integrated assessment of landscape character. Studying of an integrative approach in landscape assessment and its application in the spatial development planning system of Serbia was initiated by the needs of modern landscape planning. Research indicates that the existing methods of landscape assessment have become outdated, and the fact that modern landscape planning requires new methods that integrate the principles of landscape ecology and visual aesthetics of landscape as a whole in assessment of landscape value (quality), is the basic thesis that initiated this research. The contemporary landscape concept is perceived as a holistic, dynamic and perceptible spatial entity of natural and cultural values that is interpreted in the form of a unique landscape character. The landscape character as a result of the holistic interpretation of landscape value becomes a spatial and research framework in relation to which its development and protection are planned. The contemporary landscape concept of has gained legitimacy in the European Landscape Convention, which the Republic of Serbia ratified in 2011 and committed itself to integrating landscaping into spatial and urban planning policies. This paper offers elements for development of an integrative approach in landscape planning. A methodological procedure has been developed as part of the outcome of the modern spatial concept and planning principles. The methodological procedure is based on the identified indicators: coherence, complexity, naturalness and openness, which connect and combine landscape-ecological and visual principles, and simultaneously assess the state of landscape character. Based on results of the research of ecological and visual landscape assessment, an approach has been singled out that bases the focus of integration on structural aspects of landscape, composition and configuration, which are quantitatively expressed and analyzed by using landscape metrics. Landscape metrics is a very active research field that has resulted in a large number of parameters and complex indices that are applied in the assessment of ecological functions and processes, as well as visual-perceptual and aesthetic landscape characteristics. The methodological framework for quantification and operationalization of integrated indicators is defined on the basis of established causal links. The proposed methodological procedure for assessment of indicators: coherence, complexity, naturalness and openness of landscape, is conceived in the form of a three - level hierarchical structure. Procedurally, the method is formulated in the form of an algorithm where the input data are the results of quantification of significant parameters of landscape metrics and other vi parameters of integrated landscape assessment which interpret the criteria for assessment of indicators. The initial check of the methodological procedure was performed in the research area - the municipality of Mladenovac, i.e. at the level of elaboration of plans of local self-government units. The first precondition for the assessment of integrated indicators was the identification of landscape character types in the Mladenovac area. Landscape character types have been singled out by applying a landscape characterization method that combines a holistic and parametric approach. Verification of the applicability of the proposed method was performed at the level of selected landscape character types. The results indicated a high level of integrative landscape (ecological) and visual (aesthetic) principles that can justify the use of indicators as diagnostic variables in integrated, ecological and visual analysis and assessment of landscape character status. The results of the survey research on visual perception of the Mladenovac landscape confirmed that the selected indicators show the values of a unique landscape character, that affect visual preferences of the local population and general public, namely, that visual perception of landscape quality depends on the degree of landscape coherence, complexity, naturalness and openness. Modalities of application of the methodological procedure of integrated assessment at the national and regional level are illustrated on the example of development of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035 and within the Study of Landscape Typology for Sustainable Development of the City of Belgrade in accordance with the principles of the European Landscape Convention. By comparing the obtained results of application of the methodological procedure at different spatial levels, a high degree of concordance was confirmed, based on which it can be concluded that integrated indicators can be adequately and reliably applied in the process of drafting spatial planning documents of Serbia.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet
T1  - Integracija ekološke i vizuelne procene predela za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije
T1  - Integration of ecological and visual landscape assessment for the purposes of spatial development planning of Serbia
: doctoral dissertation
UR  -
UR  - t-13652
ER  - 
author = "Gavrilović, Suzana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Predmet rada je specifično istraživanje načina povezivanja ekološke i vizuelne procene predela u cilju razvoja optimalne, kvantitativne metode integrisane procene karaktera predela. Proučavanje integrativnog pristupa u proceni predela i njegove primene u sistemu planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije bilo je inicirano potrebama savremenog planiranja predela. Istraživanja ukazuju da su prevaziđene postojeće metode procene predela, a da su savremenom planiranju predela neophodne nove metode koje integrišu principe predeone ekologije i vizuelne estetike predela kao celine u proceni vrednosti (kvaliteta) predela, osnovna je teza koja je pokrenula ovo istraživanje. Savremeno koncipiran predeo se sagledava kao holistički, dinamičan i perceptibilan prostorni entitet prirodnih i kulturnih vrednosti koji se interpretira u formi jedinstvenog karaktera predela. Karakter predela kao rezultat holističke interpretacije vrednosti predela postaje prostorni i istraživački okviru u odnosu na koji se planira njegov razvoj i zaštita. Savremen koncept predela dobio je legitimitet u Evropskoj konvenciji o predelu koju je Republika Srbija ratifikovala 2011. godine i obavezala se da integriše predeo u politike prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja. U radu su ponuđeni elementi za razvoj integrativnog pristupa u planiranju predela. Razvijen je metodski postupak kao deo ishoda savremenog prostornog koncepta i planerskih principa. Metodski postupak je zasnovan na identifikovanim indikatorima: koherentnosti, kompleksnosti, prirodnosti i otvorenosti kojima se povezuju i kombinuju predeonoekološki i vizuelni principi i simultano procenjuje stanje karaktera predela. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja ekološke i vizuelne procene predela izdvojio se pristup koji težište integracije zasniva na strukturnim aspektima predela, kompoziciji i konfiguraciji, koji se kvantitativno iskazuju i analiziraju primenom metrike predela. Metrika predela predstavlja vrlo aktivno istraživačko polje koje je rezultovalo velikim brojem parametara i složenih indeksa koji se primenjuju u proceni ekoloških funkcija i procesa, kao i vizuelno-perceptivnih i estetskih karakteristika predela. Na bazi uspostavljenih kauzalnih veza definisan je metodološki okvir za kvantifikaciju i operacionalizaciju integrisanih indikatora. Predložen metodski postupak za procenu indikatora: koherentnosti, kompleksnosti, prirodnosti i otvorenosti predela, koncipiran je u vidu trostepene hijerarhijske strukture. Proceduralno, metoda je formulisana u vidu algoritma gde ulazne podatke iii predstavljaju rezultati kvantifikacije signifikantnih parametara metrike predela i ostalih parametara integrisane procene predela kojima se interpretiraju kriterijumi za procenu indikatora. Inicijalna provera metodskog postupka izvršena je na području istraživanja - opštini Mladenovac, odnosno na nivou razrade planova jedinica lokalne samouprave. Prvi preduslov za procenu integrisanih indikatora podrazumevao je identifikaciju tipova karaktera predela Mladenovca. Tipovi karaktera predela su izdvojeni primenom metode karakterizacije predela koja objedinjuje holistički i parametarski pristup. Na nivou izdvojenih tipova karaktera predela izvršena je provera aplikativnosti predložene metode. Rezultati su ukazali na visok nivo integrativnosti predeono(ekoloških) i vizuelno(estetskih) principa koji može da opravda upotrebu indikatora kao dijagnostičkih varijabli u integrisanoj, ekološkoj i vizuelnoj analizi i proceni stanja karaktera predela. Rezultati anketnog istraživanja vizuelne percepcije predela Mladenovca potvrdili su da se izdvojenim indikatorima iskazuju vrednosti jedinstvenog karaktera predela koje utiču na vizuelne preference lokalno stanovništvo i šire javnosti, odnosno da vizuelna percepcija kvaliteta predela zavisi od stepena predeone koherentnosti, kompleksnosti, prirodnosti i otvorenosti. Modaliteti primene metodskog postupka integrisane procene na nacionalnom i regionalnom nivou su ilustrovani na primeru izrade Prostornog plana Republike Srbije 2021-2035 i u okviru Studije Tipologije predela za potrebe obrživog razvoja grada Beograda u skladu sa principima Evropske konvencije o predelu. Poređenjem dobijenih rezultata primene metodskog postupka na različitim prostornim nivoima potvrđen je visok stepen podudarnosti, na osnovu čega se može zaključiti da se integrisani indikatori mogu adekvatno i pouzdano primenjivati u postupku izrade prostorno-planskih dokumenata Srbije., The subject of this paper is a specific research of the way of connecting ecological and visual landscape assessment in order to develop an optimal, quantitative method of integrated assessment of landscape character. Studying of an integrative approach in landscape assessment and its application in the spatial development planning system of Serbia was initiated by the needs of modern landscape planning. Research indicates that the existing methods of landscape assessment have become outdated, and the fact that modern landscape planning requires new methods that integrate the principles of landscape ecology and visual aesthetics of landscape as a whole in assessment of landscape value (quality), is the basic thesis that initiated this research. The contemporary landscape concept is perceived as a holistic, dynamic and perceptible spatial entity of natural and cultural values that is interpreted in the form of a unique landscape character. The landscape character as a result of the holistic interpretation of landscape value becomes a spatial and research framework in relation to which its development and protection are planned. The contemporary landscape concept of has gained legitimacy in the European Landscape Convention, which the Republic of Serbia ratified in 2011 and committed itself to integrating landscaping into spatial and urban planning policies. This paper offers elements for development of an integrative approach in landscape planning. A methodological procedure has been developed as part of the outcome of the modern spatial concept and planning principles. The methodological procedure is based on the identified indicators: coherence, complexity, naturalness and openness, which connect and combine landscape-ecological and visual principles, and simultaneously assess the state of landscape character. Based on results of the research of ecological and visual landscape assessment, an approach has been singled out that bases the focus of integration on structural aspects of landscape, composition and configuration, which are quantitatively expressed and analyzed by using landscape metrics. Landscape metrics is a very active research field that has resulted in a large number of parameters and complex indices that are applied in the assessment of ecological functions and processes, as well as visual-perceptual and aesthetic landscape characteristics. The methodological framework for quantification and operationalization of integrated indicators is defined on the basis of established causal links. The proposed methodological procedure for assessment of indicators: coherence, complexity, naturalness and openness of landscape, is conceived in the form of a three - level hierarchical structure. Procedurally, the method is formulated in the form of an algorithm where the input data are the results of quantification of significant parameters of landscape metrics and other vi parameters of integrated landscape assessment which interpret the criteria for assessment of indicators. The initial check of the methodological procedure was performed in the research area - the municipality of Mladenovac, i.e. at the level of elaboration of plans of local self-government units. The first precondition for the assessment of integrated indicators was the identification of landscape character types in the Mladenovac area. Landscape character types have been singled out by applying a landscape characterization method that combines a holistic and parametric approach. Verification of the applicability of the proposed method was performed at the level of selected landscape character types. The results indicated a high level of integrative landscape (ecological) and visual (aesthetic) principles that can justify the use of indicators as diagnostic variables in integrated, ecological and visual analysis and assessment of landscape character status. The results of the survey research on visual perception of the Mladenovac landscape confirmed that the selected indicators show the values of a unique landscape character, that affect visual preferences of the local population and general public, namely, that visual perception of landscape quality depends on the degree of landscape coherence, complexity, naturalness and openness. Modalities of application of the methodological procedure of integrated assessment at the national and regional level are illustrated on the example of development of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035 and within the Study of Landscape Typology for Sustainable Development of the City of Belgrade in accordance with the principles of the European Landscape Convention. By comparing the obtained results of application of the methodological procedure at different spatial levels, a high degree of concordance was confirmed, based on which it can be concluded that integrated indicators can be adequately and reliably applied in the process of drafting spatial planning documents of Serbia.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet",
title = "Integracija ekološke i vizuelne procene predela za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije, Integration of ecological and visual landscape assessment for the purposes of spatial development planning of Serbia
: doctoral dissertation",
url = ", t-13652"
Gavrilović, S.. (2021). Integracija ekološke i vizuelne procene predela za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet..
Gavrilović S. Integracija ekološke i vizuelne procene predela za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije. 2021;. .
Gavrilović, Suzana, "Integracija ekološke i vizuelne procene predela za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja Srbije" (2021), .

Placemaking as an approach of sustainable urban facilities management

Vukmirović, Milena; Gavrilović, Suzana


AU  - Vukmirović, Milena
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Purpose This paper aims to present the potential ofplacemakingas an approach of sustainable urban facilities management and its impacts on the improvement of the planning procedures which was aimed at involving citizens in the process itself. The study is based on the general concept ofplacemakingrepresented as an "overarching idea and a hands-on approach for improving a neighbourhood, city or region", that serves as a process that "inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community" (PPS, 2007). Design/methodology/approach The study used placemaking (onsite analysis, stakeholder identification, citizen survey and emotional mapping) and public participation geographic information systems (The Kernel Density tool in ArcGIS and hot spot analysis) methodologies to map problems and preferences identified by stakeholders related to particular spaces within the move formed by Marsala Birjuzova and Sremska streets in Belgrade. The research covered two-day stakeholders' workshops including four groups of users participated in the workshop - pupils of local private high school, street residents, students of the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Architecture and owners of local shops and businesses. Findings Research has shown that different stakeholders can offer very rational observations on the quality of a particular space and provide clear suggestions on its improvement and transformation. These proposals can be organised in the form of visions of the future appearance and functioning of the space, thus recognising the potential in the function of a sustainable urban facilities management tool in the form of creating a common idea, which will result in the creation of a common space. Research limitations/implications The research covered only part of the process that resulted in the creation of an idea of future public space transformation. Continued research should be conducted after the intervention, which would give a more comprehensive picture of the effects of the approach. Practical implications Practical implications include the presentation of the ways different groups of users perceive the actual and future transformation of the street to make this place more user-friendly and sustainable, i.e. practical example of the co-design process. Originality/value This paper provide an overview of the possibilities ofplacemakingapproach seen from the perspective of sustainable urban facilities management.
T2  - Facilities
T1  - Placemaking as an approach of sustainable urban facilities management
EP  - 818
IS  - 11-12
SP  - 801
VL  - 38
DO  - 10.1108/F-04-2020-0055
UR  - conv_1498
ER  - 
author = "Vukmirović, Milena and Gavrilović, Suzana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Purpose This paper aims to present the potential ofplacemakingas an approach of sustainable urban facilities management and its impacts on the improvement of the planning procedures which was aimed at involving citizens in the process itself. The study is based on the general concept ofplacemakingrepresented as an "overarching idea and a hands-on approach for improving a neighbourhood, city or region", that serves as a process that "inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community" (PPS, 2007). Design/methodology/approach The study used placemaking (onsite analysis, stakeholder identification, citizen survey and emotional mapping) and public participation geographic information systems (The Kernel Density tool in ArcGIS and hot spot analysis) methodologies to map problems and preferences identified by stakeholders related to particular spaces within the move formed by Marsala Birjuzova and Sremska streets in Belgrade. The research covered two-day stakeholders' workshops including four groups of users participated in the workshop - pupils of local private high school, street residents, students of the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Architecture and owners of local shops and businesses. Findings Research has shown that different stakeholders can offer very rational observations on the quality of a particular space and provide clear suggestions on its improvement and transformation. These proposals can be organised in the form of visions of the future appearance and functioning of the space, thus recognising the potential in the function of a sustainable urban facilities management tool in the form of creating a common idea, which will result in the creation of a common space. Research limitations/implications The research covered only part of the process that resulted in the creation of an idea of future public space transformation. Continued research should be conducted after the intervention, which would give a more comprehensive picture of the effects of the approach. Practical implications Practical implications include the presentation of the ways different groups of users perceive the actual and future transformation of the street to make this place more user-friendly and sustainable, i.e. practical example of the co-design process. Originality/value This paper provide an overview of the possibilities ofplacemakingapproach seen from the perspective of sustainable urban facilities management.",
journal = "Facilities",
title = "Placemaking as an approach of sustainable urban facilities management",
pages = "818-801",
number = "11-12",
volume = "38",
doi = "10.1108/F-04-2020-0055",
url = "conv_1498"
Vukmirović, M.,& Gavrilović, S.. (2020). Placemaking as an approach of sustainable urban facilities management. in Facilities, 38(11-12), 801-818.
Vukmirović M, Gavrilović S. Placemaking as an approach of sustainable urban facilities management. in Facilities. 2020;38(11-12):801-818.
conv_1498 .
Vukmirović, Milena, Gavrilović, Suzana, "Placemaking as an approach of sustainable urban facilities management" in Facilities, 38, no. 11-12 (2020):801-818, .,
conv_1498 .

The Improvement of the Comfort of Public Spaces as a Local Initiative in Coping with Climate Change

Vukmirović, Milena; Gavrilović, Suzana; Stojanović, Dalibor


AU  - Vukmirović, Milena
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
AU  - Stojanović, Dalibor
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Being the vital element of successful cities, public spaces play an important role in achieving sustainable development goals and in coping with climate change. The new urban agenda considers public spaces indispensable for sustaining the productivity of cities, social cohesion and inclusion, civic identity, and quality of life. Accordingly, there is no doubt about the importance of public spaces, while their quality is generated through the symbiosis of various elements. On the basis of normative theories of urban design, several public space design frameworks have been established in order to define what makes a good public place. Such a framework for public space quality evaluation is developed and tested at the Chair for Planning and Design in Landscape Architecture at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry. The framework covers six criteria which illuminate key aspects of public spaces: safety and security, accessibility, legibility, comfort, inspiration and sensitivity and liveability. In this research, special attention is paid to the criteria of comfort analysed on two scale levels in Belgrade, Serbia. In the past, Belgrade was affected by extreme weather events that caused serious and sometimes disastrous consequences. The most pronounced challenges among them are heat waves in summer that, due to the shortage of vegetation combined with the proliferation of tarmac and concrete surfaces and reduced air ventilation, particularly threaten the densely populated central municipalities of Stari Grad, Sayski Venac and Vracar. The first scale level covers the analysis of the public space network and the degree of establishment of green infrastructure in Lower Dorcol quartier, which is located in the Municipality of Stari Grad, using quantitative and qualitative indicators and GIS (Geographic Information System) digital tools. The aim of this study is to observe the actual state of the public space network and to define a future scenario of its development in line with climate change challenges. Jevrejska Street, as an element of the above-mentioned public space network, is the subject of the next phase of the research. The study on this scale level will cover qualitative and quantitative analysis of public space elements such as paving, urban equipment, greenery, lighting, water facilities, etc. Next to that, by using the ENVI Met platform, the actual and proposed improvement of the street will be explored. The final part of this research will include a discussion about the research methodology used in order to improve the public space design process and to point out the need for the careful consideration of comfort as an important aspect of good public space.
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - The Improvement of the Comfort of Public Spaces as a Local Initiative in Coping with Climate Change
IS  - 23
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/su11236546
UR  - conv_1474
ER  - 
author = "Vukmirović, Milena and Gavrilović, Suzana and Stojanović, Dalibor",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Being the vital element of successful cities, public spaces play an important role in achieving sustainable development goals and in coping with climate change. The new urban agenda considers public spaces indispensable for sustaining the productivity of cities, social cohesion and inclusion, civic identity, and quality of life. Accordingly, there is no doubt about the importance of public spaces, while their quality is generated through the symbiosis of various elements. On the basis of normative theories of urban design, several public space design frameworks have been established in order to define what makes a good public place. Such a framework for public space quality evaluation is developed and tested at the Chair for Planning and Design in Landscape Architecture at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry. The framework covers six criteria which illuminate key aspects of public spaces: safety and security, accessibility, legibility, comfort, inspiration and sensitivity and liveability. In this research, special attention is paid to the criteria of comfort analysed on two scale levels in Belgrade, Serbia. In the past, Belgrade was affected by extreme weather events that caused serious and sometimes disastrous consequences. The most pronounced challenges among them are heat waves in summer that, due to the shortage of vegetation combined with the proliferation of tarmac and concrete surfaces and reduced air ventilation, particularly threaten the densely populated central municipalities of Stari Grad, Sayski Venac and Vracar. The first scale level covers the analysis of the public space network and the degree of establishment of green infrastructure in Lower Dorcol quartier, which is located in the Municipality of Stari Grad, using quantitative and qualitative indicators and GIS (Geographic Information System) digital tools. The aim of this study is to observe the actual state of the public space network and to define a future scenario of its development in line with climate change challenges. Jevrejska Street, as an element of the above-mentioned public space network, is the subject of the next phase of the research. The study on this scale level will cover qualitative and quantitative analysis of public space elements such as paving, urban equipment, greenery, lighting, water facilities, etc. Next to that, by using the ENVI Met platform, the actual and proposed improvement of the street will be explored. The final part of this research will include a discussion about the research methodology used in order to improve the public space design process and to point out the need for the careful consideration of comfort as an important aspect of good public space.",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "The Improvement of the Comfort of Public Spaces as a Local Initiative in Coping with Climate Change",
number = "23",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/su11236546",
url = "conv_1474"
Vukmirović, M., Gavrilović, S.,& Stojanović, D.. (2019). The Improvement of the Comfort of Public Spaces as a Local Initiative in Coping with Climate Change. in Sustainability, 11(23).
Vukmirović M, Gavrilović S, Stojanović D. The Improvement of the Comfort of Public Spaces as a Local Initiative in Coping with Climate Change. in Sustainability. 2019;11(23).
conv_1474 .
Vukmirović, Milena, Gavrilović, Suzana, Stojanović, Dalibor, "The Improvement of the Comfort of Public Spaces as a Local Initiative in Coping with Climate Change" in Sustainability, 11, no. 23 (2019), .,
conv_1474 .

The concept of green infrastructure and urban landscape planning: a challenge for urban forestry planning in Belgrade, Serbia

Vasiljević, Nevena; Radić, Boris; Gavrilović, Suzana; Šljukić, Biljana; Medarević, Milan; Ristić, Ratko


AU  - Vasiljević, Nevena
AU  - Radić, Boris
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
AU  - Šljukić, Biljana
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Ristić, Ratko
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The beginning of the 21st century has witnessed a growth in our understanding of the importance of planning urban landscapes in the context of urban population growth and unpredictable climatic conditions. In the search for responses to the challenges set by the development of contemporary urban landscapes, researchers have offered solutions based on the concept of sustainable and resilient cities, whose spatial development would be based on an interdisciplinary approach to strategy development: biodiversity, urban ecological networks and connectivity, multifunctionality and modularity. Although the concepts of a green infrastructure, in their spatial and functional dimensions, allow the application of such strategies, there are still problems when it comes to implementation and measuring the results achieved. At the same time, there is a growing discussion of the important role played by urban forestry in the context of the collaborative planning of urban landscapes and the application of the ideas of a green infrastructure. The key question is: what are the modalities of application of the concept of green infrastructure in the process of planning the development of the modem city and how can the resulting benefits be evaluated? With the modalities of application of the concept of green infrastructure in mind, we discuss its multi-scale and multifunctional dimensions as applied in the case of Serbia. The realisation of the green infrastructure concept is presented through the example of the Urban Forest Management Plan for the City of Belgrade - Mladenovac Municipality. The results of using the spatial-ecological approach in creating the plan and establishing connectivity as a new aim in forest management planning show that the implementation of the green infrastructure concept, and the achieved multifunctional ecosystem values, can be presented on the basis of the parameters of landscape metrics. In light of the new urban world, future research should focus on the application of the landscape ecological approach of the green infrastructure concept in collaborative planning at the urban landscape scale, which allows the creation of ecosystem services and benefits to human well-being.
T2  - Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry
T1  - The concept of green infrastructure and urban landscape planning: a challenge for urban forestry planning in Belgrade, Serbia
EP  - 498
SP  - 491
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3832/ifor2683-011
UR  - conv_1359
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Nevena and Radić, Boris and Gavrilović, Suzana and Šljukić, Biljana and Medarević, Milan and Ristić, Ratko",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The beginning of the 21st century has witnessed a growth in our understanding of the importance of planning urban landscapes in the context of urban population growth and unpredictable climatic conditions. In the search for responses to the challenges set by the development of contemporary urban landscapes, researchers have offered solutions based on the concept of sustainable and resilient cities, whose spatial development would be based on an interdisciplinary approach to strategy development: biodiversity, urban ecological networks and connectivity, multifunctionality and modularity. Although the concepts of a green infrastructure, in their spatial and functional dimensions, allow the application of such strategies, there are still problems when it comes to implementation and measuring the results achieved. At the same time, there is a growing discussion of the important role played by urban forestry in the context of the collaborative planning of urban landscapes and the application of the ideas of a green infrastructure. The key question is: what are the modalities of application of the concept of green infrastructure in the process of planning the development of the modem city and how can the resulting benefits be evaluated? With the modalities of application of the concept of green infrastructure in mind, we discuss its multi-scale and multifunctional dimensions as applied in the case of Serbia. The realisation of the green infrastructure concept is presented through the example of the Urban Forest Management Plan for the City of Belgrade - Mladenovac Municipality. The results of using the spatial-ecological approach in creating the plan and establishing connectivity as a new aim in forest management planning show that the implementation of the green infrastructure concept, and the achieved multifunctional ecosystem values, can be presented on the basis of the parameters of landscape metrics. In light of the new urban world, future research should focus on the application of the landscape ecological approach of the green infrastructure concept in collaborative planning at the urban landscape scale, which allows the creation of ecosystem services and benefits to human well-being.",
journal = "Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry",
title = "The concept of green infrastructure and urban landscape planning: a challenge for urban forestry planning in Belgrade, Serbia",
pages = "498-491",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3832/ifor2683-011",
url = "conv_1359"
Vasiljević, N., Radić, B., Gavrilović, S., Šljukić, B., Medarević, M.,& Ristić, R.. (2018). The concept of green infrastructure and urban landscape planning: a challenge for urban forestry planning in Belgrade, Serbia. in Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11, 491-498.
Vasiljević N, Radić B, Gavrilović S, Šljukić B, Medarević M, Ristić R. The concept of green infrastructure and urban landscape planning: a challenge for urban forestry planning in Belgrade, Serbia. in Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry. 2018;11:491-498.
conv_1359 .
Vasiljević, Nevena, Radić, Boris, Gavrilović, Suzana, Šljukić, Biljana, Medarević, Milan, Ristić, Ratko, "The concept of green infrastructure and urban landscape planning: a challenge for urban forestry planning in Belgrade, Serbia" in Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11 (2018):491-498, .,
conv_1359 .

Primena metrike predela u ekološkoj i vizuelnoj proceni predela

Gavrilović, Suzana; Vasiljević, Nevena; Radić, Boris; Pihler, Vladimir

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
AU  - Vasiljević, Nevena
AU  - Radić, Boris
AU  - Pihler, Vladimir
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Predeono-ekološki istraživački pristup u planiranju prostora pruža egzaktne teorijske i empirijske dokaze za praćenje ekoloških posledica nastalih prirodnim i/ili antropogenim faktorima, odnosno promenama prostornih struktura koje su njima uslovljene. Predeoni obrazac u kome su materijalizovane različite vrednosti predela je nosilac jedinstvenog karaktera predela na različitim prostornim nivoima i predstavlja perceptivni domen njegovih korisnika. Pokazatelji konfiguracije i kompozicije obrasca predela su matematički algoritmi koji kvantifikuju specifične prostorne karakteristike, kojim se interpretiraju predeone funkcije i procesi (fizički i ekološki aspekt), ali i forme (vizuelan aspekt) i značenja (kognitivan aspekt) predela. Metoda metrike predela je našla najveću primenu u analizi ekoloških prostornih procesa i biodiverziteta kao i utvrđivanju nivoa promena strukture, međutim sve veću primenu nalazi i u proceni vizuelnog karaktera predela. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu pregleda relevantne literature prikažu osnovni trendovi primene metrike predela u utvrđivanju ekoloških i vizuelnih procena predela. Metod istraživanja je zasnovan na analizi, sistematizaciji i klasifikaciji publikovanih radova u periodu od 2000. do 2016. godine, u kojima se primenjuje metrika predela u: (1) analizi predeonog obrasca i njegovih promena, (2) analizi biodiverziteta i funkcija staništa i (3) vizuelnoj proceni predela. Izdvajanjem reprezentativnih parametara metrike kompozicije i konfiguracije predela formirana je osnova za dalja istraživanja primene metrike predela u integralnoj analizi i proceni ekoloških i vizuelnih vrednosti predela. Savremenom konceptualizacijom predeo se posmatra holistički, a imperativ budućim istraživanjima treba usmeriti u pravcu razvoja integralne analize, vrednovanja i procene predela kao celine za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja.
AB  - The development of landscape-ecological approach application in spatial planning provides exact theoretical and empirical evidence for monitoring ecological consequences of natural and/or anthropogenic factors, particularly changes in spatial structures caused by them. Landscape pattern which feature diverse landscape values is the holder of the unique landscape character at different spatial levels and represents a perceptual domain for its users. Using the landscape metrics, the parameters of landscape composition and configuration are mathematical algorithms that quantify the specific spatial characteristics used for interpretation of landscape features and processes (physical and ecological aspect), as well as forms (visual aspect) and the meaning (cognitive aspect) of the landscape. Landscape metrics has been applied mostly in the ecological and biodiversity assessments as well as in the determination of the level of structural change of landscape, but more and more applied in the assessment of the visual character of the landscape. Based on a review of relevant literature, the aim of this work is to show the main trends of landscape metrics within the aspect of ecological and visual assessments. The research methodology is based on the analysis, classification and systematization of the research studies published from 2000 to 2016, where the landscape metrics is applied: (1) the analysis of landscape pattern and its changes, (2) the analysis of biodiversity and habitat function and (3) a visual landscape assessment. By selecting representative metric parameters for the landscape composition and configuration, for each category is formed the basis for further landscape metrics research and application for the integrated ecological and visual assessment of the landscape values. Contemporary conceptualization of the landscape is seen holistically, and the future research should be directed towards the development of integrated landscape assessment as a guideline for spatial development planning.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Primena metrike predela u ekološkoj i vizuelnoj proceni predela
T1  - Landscape metrics application in ecological and visual landscape assessment
EP  - 50
IS  - 116
SP  - 29
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1716029G
UR  - conv_462
ER  - 
author = "Gavrilović, Suzana and Vasiljević, Nevena and Radić, Boris and Pihler, Vladimir",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Predeono-ekološki istraživački pristup u planiranju prostora pruža egzaktne teorijske i empirijske dokaze za praćenje ekoloških posledica nastalih prirodnim i/ili antropogenim faktorima, odnosno promenama prostornih struktura koje su njima uslovljene. Predeoni obrazac u kome su materijalizovane različite vrednosti predela je nosilac jedinstvenog karaktera predela na različitim prostornim nivoima i predstavlja perceptivni domen njegovih korisnika. Pokazatelji konfiguracije i kompozicije obrasca predela su matematički algoritmi koji kvantifikuju specifične prostorne karakteristike, kojim se interpretiraju predeone funkcije i procesi (fizički i ekološki aspekt), ali i forme (vizuelan aspekt) i značenja (kognitivan aspekt) predela. Metoda metrike predela je našla najveću primenu u analizi ekoloških prostornih procesa i biodiverziteta kao i utvrđivanju nivoa promena strukture, međutim sve veću primenu nalazi i u proceni vizuelnog karaktera predela. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu pregleda relevantne literature prikažu osnovni trendovi primene metrike predela u utvrđivanju ekoloških i vizuelnih procena predela. Metod istraživanja je zasnovan na analizi, sistematizaciji i klasifikaciji publikovanih radova u periodu od 2000. do 2016. godine, u kojima se primenjuje metrika predela u: (1) analizi predeonog obrasca i njegovih promena, (2) analizi biodiverziteta i funkcija staništa i (3) vizuelnoj proceni predela. Izdvajanjem reprezentativnih parametara metrike kompozicije i konfiguracije predela formirana je osnova za dalja istraživanja primene metrike predela u integralnoj analizi i proceni ekoloških i vizuelnih vrednosti predela. Savremenom konceptualizacijom predeo se posmatra holistički, a imperativ budućim istraživanjima treba usmeriti u pravcu razvoja integralne analize, vrednovanja i procene predela kao celine za potrebe planiranja prostornog razvoja., The development of landscape-ecological approach application in spatial planning provides exact theoretical and empirical evidence for monitoring ecological consequences of natural and/or anthropogenic factors, particularly changes in spatial structures caused by them. Landscape pattern which feature diverse landscape values is the holder of the unique landscape character at different spatial levels and represents a perceptual domain for its users. Using the landscape metrics, the parameters of landscape composition and configuration are mathematical algorithms that quantify the specific spatial characteristics used for interpretation of landscape features and processes (physical and ecological aspect), as well as forms (visual aspect) and the meaning (cognitive aspect) of the landscape. Landscape metrics has been applied mostly in the ecological and biodiversity assessments as well as in the determination of the level of structural change of landscape, but more and more applied in the assessment of the visual character of the landscape. Based on a review of relevant literature, the aim of this work is to show the main trends of landscape metrics within the aspect of ecological and visual assessments. The research methodology is based on the analysis, classification and systematization of the research studies published from 2000 to 2016, where the landscape metrics is applied: (1) the analysis of landscape pattern and its changes, (2) the analysis of biodiversity and habitat function and (3) a visual landscape assessment. By selecting representative metric parameters for the landscape composition and configuration, for each category is formed the basis for further landscape metrics research and application for the integrated ecological and visual assessment of the landscape values. Contemporary conceptualization of the landscape is seen holistically, and the future research should be directed towards the development of integrated landscape assessment as a guideline for spatial development planning.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Primena metrike predela u ekološkoj i vizuelnoj proceni predela, Landscape metrics application in ecological and visual landscape assessment",
pages = "50-29",
number = "116",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1716029G",
url = "conv_462"
Gavrilović, S., Vasiljević, N., Radić, B.,& Pihler, V.. (2017). Primena metrike predela u ekološkoj i vizuelnoj proceni predela. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(116), 29-50.
Gavrilović S, Vasiljević N, Radić B, Pihler V. Primena metrike predela u ekološkoj i vizuelnoj proceni predela. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2017;(116):29-50.
conv_462 .
Gavrilović, Suzana, Vasiljević, Nevena, Radić, Boris, Pihler, Vladimir, "Primena metrike predela u ekološkoj i vizuelnoj proceni predela" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 116 (2017):29-50, .,
conv_462 .

Karakter predela Mladenovca - očuvanje vrednosti primenom principa umrežavanja

Vasiljević, Nevena; Gavrilović, Suzana; Šljukić, Biljana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Vasiljević, Nevena
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
AU  - Šljukić, Biljana
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Savremena konceptualizacija predela je nastala kao rezultat drugačijeg sagledavanja prostora: napuštanje redukcionizma i prelaz na holizam. Karakter predela je rezultat holističke interpretacije vrednosti predela u odnosu na koji se planira njegov razvoj i zaštita. Ovaj savremeni istraživački pristup je svoj legitimitet dobio u Evropskoj konvenciji o predelima. U karakteru predela, odnosno njegovom obrascu, integrisani su: prirodni i kulturni elementi, naučno sa praktičnim znanjem i interesima korisnika koji žive i poznaju tradiciju korišćenja i oblikovanja predela. Kako je holistička konceptualizacija predela u planiranju nedovoljno poznata na našim prostorima, u prvom delu rada se prikazuje: karakter predela kao planerska vrednost i mogućnost njegove zaštite i unapređenja primenom principa umrežavanja (uspostavljanje zelene infrastrutkure i kulturnih staza). Iako se u uslovima planiranja prostora u Srbiji ovaj pristup, još uvek, posmatra više teorijski a manje praktično, u Prostornom planu Republike Srbije 2020 karakter predela je dobio svoje mesto: koncepcija prostornog razvoja se zasniva na očuvanju i unapređenju prethodno utvrđenih karaktera predela. U drugom delu rada su prikazani rezultati primene metode karakterizacije predela (utvrđivanje različitih karaktera na osnovu kojih su izdvojeni različiti tipovi predela) na teritoriji Gradske opštine Mladenovac korišćenjem GIS tehnologije. Na kraju je prikazan predlog mera za unapređenje i očuvanje karaktera predela: zelena infrastruktura i kulturna staza 'Putevi despota Stefana Lazarevića'.
AB  - Modern conceptualization of landscape resulted from a different perception of space: abandonment of reductionism and transition to holism. Landscape character is the result of holistic interpretation of landscape value on which its development and protection are planned. This modern research approach gained its legitimacy in the European Landscape Convention. Landscape character, namely its pattern, integrates the following: natural and cultural elements, scientific with practical knowledge and interests of users who live in certain area and know the tradition of using and designing of its landscape. Taking into account that holistic landscape conceptualization in planning is not sufficiently widespread in our region, the first section of the paper presents: landscape character as the planning value and the possibility of its protection and improvement by applying the connectivity principle (establishment of green infrastructure and cultural routes). Although spatial planning in Serbia considers this approach more in theoretical than in practical manner, landscape character got its place in the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2020: the concept of landscape development is based on preservation and improvement of previously determined landscape character. The second section of the paper presents the results of applying the landscape characterization method (identification of different character on the basis of which various landscape types are distinguished) in the Municipality of Mladenovac by using the GIS technology. The final part presented proposed measures for improvement and preservation of landscape character: green infrastructure and cultural route 'Paths of the Despot Stefan Lazarević'.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T1  - Karakter predela Mladenovca - očuvanje vrednosti primenom principa umrežavanja
T1  - Landscape character of Mladenovac: Value preservation by applying connectivity principle
EP  - 120
IS  - 62
SP  - 91
DO  - 10.5937/zrgfub1462091V
UR  - conv_713
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Nevena and Gavrilović, Suzana and Šljukić, Biljana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Savremena konceptualizacija predela je nastala kao rezultat drugačijeg sagledavanja prostora: napuštanje redukcionizma i prelaz na holizam. Karakter predela je rezultat holističke interpretacije vrednosti predela u odnosu na koji se planira njegov razvoj i zaštita. Ovaj savremeni istraživački pristup je svoj legitimitet dobio u Evropskoj konvenciji o predelima. U karakteru predela, odnosno njegovom obrascu, integrisani su: prirodni i kulturni elementi, naučno sa praktičnim znanjem i interesima korisnika koji žive i poznaju tradiciju korišćenja i oblikovanja predela. Kako je holistička konceptualizacija predela u planiranju nedovoljno poznata na našim prostorima, u prvom delu rada se prikazuje: karakter predela kao planerska vrednost i mogućnost njegove zaštite i unapređenja primenom principa umrežavanja (uspostavljanje zelene infrastrutkure i kulturnih staza). Iako se u uslovima planiranja prostora u Srbiji ovaj pristup, još uvek, posmatra više teorijski a manje praktično, u Prostornom planu Republike Srbije 2020 karakter predela je dobio svoje mesto: koncepcija prostornog razvoja se zasniva na očuvanju i unapređenju prethodno utvrđenih karaktera predela. U drugom delu rada su prikazani rezultati primene metode karakterizacije predela (utvrđivanje različitih karaktera na osnovu kojih su izdvojeni različiti tipovi predela) na teritoriji Gradske opštine Mladenovac korišćenjem GIS tehnologije. Na kraju je prikazan predlog mera za unapređenje i očuvanje karaktera predela: zelena infrastruktura i kulturna staza 'Putevi despota Stefana Lazarevića'., Modern conceptualization of landscape resulted from a different perception of space: abandonment of reductionism and transition to holism. Landscape character is the result of holistic interpretation of landscape value on which its development and protection are planned. This modern research approach gained its legitimacy in the European Landscape Convention. Landscape character, namely its pattern, integrates the following: natural and cultural elements, scientific with practical knowledge and interests of users who live in certain area and know the tradition of using and designing of its landscape. Taking into account that holistic landscape conceptualization in planning is not sufficiently widespread in our region, the first section of the paper presents: landscape character as the planning value and the possibility of its protection and improvement by applying the connectivity principle (establishment of green infrastructure and cultural routes). Although spatial planning in Serbia considers this approach more in theoretical than in practical manner, landscape character got its place in the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2020: the concept of landscape development is based on preservation and improvement of previously determined landscape character. The second section of the paper presents the results of applying the landscape characterization method (identification of different character on the basis of which various landscape types are distinguished) in the Municipality of Mladenovac by using the GIS technology. The final part presented proposed measures for improvement and preservation of landscape character: green infrastructure and cultural route 'Paths of the Despot Stefan Lazarević'.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
title = "Karakter predela Mladenovca - očuvanje vrednosti primenom principa umrežavanja, Landscape character of Mladenovac: Value preservation by applying connectivity principle",
pages = "120-91",
number = "62",
doi = "10.5937/zrgfub1462091V",
url = "conv_713"
Vasiljević, N., Gavrilović, S.,& Šljukić, B.. (2014). Karakter predela Mladenovca - očuvanje vrednosti primenom principa umrežavanja. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet, Beograd.(62), 91-120.
Vasiljević N, Gavrilović S, Šljukić B. Karakter predela Mladenovca - očuvanje vrednosti primenom principa umrežavanja. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. 2014;(62):91-120.
conv_713 .
Vasiljević, Nevena, Gavrilović, Suzana, Šljukić, Biljana, "Karakter predela Mladenovca - očuvanje vrednosti primenom principa umrežavanja" in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, no. 62 (2014):91-120, .,
conv_713 .

Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC

Gordić, Milan; Bucevac, Dusan; Ruzić, Jovana; Gavrilović, Suzana; Hercigonja, Radmila; Stanković, Miroslav; Matović, Branko


AU  - Gordić, Milan
AU  - Bucevac, Dusan
AU  - Ruzić, Jovana
AU  - Gavrilović, Suzana
AU  - Hercigonja, Radmila
AU  - Stanković, Miroslav
AU  - Matović, Branko
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Biomorphous beta-SiC ceramics were produced from several species of wood such as ash, wild cherry, black alder, Persian walnut, sessile oak and European hornbeam. The wood was pyrolysed, impregnated with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) sol in repeated cycles and thermally treated at 1800 degrees C in vacuum. Four specimen groups included charcoal and three groups with 1, 3 and 5 cycles of impregnation were analyzed. Flexural and compressional strength of charcoal and woodlike SiC ceramics were measured using three-point and compression testing in different directions. Experimental results showed that mechanical properties of woodceramics were improved by repeating of impregnation cycles. Porosity measurement, dilatometric analysis, XRD and SEM analysis were used to study the macroscopical and microscopical properties of the resulting biomorphic SiC ceramics.
T2  - Ceramics International
T1  - Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC
EP  - 3705
IS  - 2
SP  - 3699
VL  - 40
DO  - 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.09.054
UR  - conv_1101
ER  - 
author = "Gordić, Milan and Bucevac, Dusan and Ruzić, Jovana and Gavrilović, Suzana and Hercigonja, Radmila and Stanković, Miroslav and Matović, Branko",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Biomorphous beta-SiC ceramics were produced from several species of wood such as ash, wild cherry, black alder, Persian walnut, sessile oak and European hornbeam. The wood was pyrolysed, impregnated with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) sol in repeated cycles and thermally treated at 1800 degrees C in vacuum. Four specimen groups included charcoal and three groups with 1, 3 and 5 cycles of impregnation were analyzed. Flexural and compressional strength of charcoal and woodlike SiC ceramics were measured using three-point and compression testing in different directions. Experimental results showed that mechanical properties of woodceramics were improved by repeating of impregnation cycles. Porosity measurement, dilatometric analysis, XRD and SEM analysis were used to study the macroscopical and microscopical properties of the resulting biomorphic SiC ceramics.",
journal = "Ceramics International",
title = "Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC",
pages = "3705-3699",
number = "2",
volume = "40",
doi = "10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.09.054",
url = "conv_1101"
Gordić, M., Bucevac, D., Ruzić, J., Gavrilović, S., Hercigonja, R., Stanković, M.,& Matović, B.. (2014). Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC. in Ceramics International, 40(2), 3699-3705.
Gordić M, Bucevac D, Ruzić J, Gavrilović S, Hercigonja R, Stanković M, Matović B. Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC. in Ceramics International. 2014;40(2):3699-3705.
conv_1101 .
Gordić, Milan, Bucevac, Dusan, Ruzić, Jovana, Gavrilović, Suzana, Hercigonja, Radmila, Stanković, Miroslav, Matović, Branko, "Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC" in Ceramics International, 40, no. 2 (2014):3699-3705, .,
conv_1101 .