author = "Hrkić Ilić, Z. and Kapović-Solomun, Marijana B. and Šumatić, N. and Ristić, Ratko and Marjanović-Balaban, Ž.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Development of the human society has a conspicuous negative influence on water resources and causes serious environmental contamination that is nowadays reaching a critical level. The quality of water is one of the vital components of the overall environment. Thus, water pollution can lead to human health issues, poisoned wildlife, and to long-term ecosystem damages. Plants are the first organisms that react to negative environmental changes and they are often used as bioindicators of water and air pollution. In addition, a significant number of plant species have the ability to accumulate harmful pollutants from soils and water. Recently, special attention has been paid to investigating the potential of plants to absorb toxic substances and reduce their negative impact on water resources. Besides, proper management of water resources depends upon understanding how plants regulate the use and retention of water. Environmental pollutants such as heavy metals can cause disturbance in root structure and function, thus having a negative effect on the water uptake. This chapter will review and discuss the role of the plants in water regulation and the control of water pollution in urban and mining areas. Information presented in this chapter will provide better insights into the plant-based technologies aimed at contributing to the purification and remediation of polluted water resources.",
publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH",
journal = "Handbook of Environmental Chemistry",
booktitle = "The Role of Plants in Water Regulation and Pollution Control",
pages = "185-159",
volume = "107",
doi = "10.1007/698_2021_774",
url = "conv_1916"