Jovičić, Mirjana

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  • Jovičić, Mirjana (3)

Author's Bibliography

The educational approach for introducing contemporary materials science research to high school mathematics

Budinski, Natalija; Jovičić, Mirjana; Vukić, Nevena; Popović, Mlađan


AU  - Budinski, Natalija
AU  - Jovičić, Mirjana
AU  - Vukić, Nevena
AU  - Popović, Mlađan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - We report a new educational approach for teaching students about contemporary Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) research. It describes how MSE can be introduced to high school students as examples for analysis in mathematical classes. We discuss, in this example, how such students are introduced to MSE materials preparation experiments by scientists from the Faculty of Technology at the University of Novi Sad. This kind of educational approach accomplishes at least two important objectives. First, students have an opportunity to learn about connections between Mathematics and MSE. Second, this educational approach raises chances of MSE being a possible choice of future profession for students. This is very important since most high school students are not acquainted with MSE as a profession.
T2  - Journal of Materials Education
T1  - The educational approach for introducing contemporary materials science research to high school mathematics
EP  - 114
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 99
VL  - 39
UR  - conv_1307
ER  - 
author = "Budinski, Natalija and Jovičić, Mirjana and Vukić, Nevena and Popović, Mlađan",
year = "2017",
abstract = "We report a new educational approach for teaching students about contemporary Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) research. It describes how MSE can be introduced to high school students as examples for analysis in mathematical classes. We discuss, in this example, how such students are introduced to MSE materials preparation experiments by scientists from the Faculty of Technology at the University of Novi Sad. This kind of educational approach accomplishes at least two important objectives. First, students have an opportunity to learn about connections between Mathematics and MSE. Second, this educational approach raises chances of MSE being a possible choice of future profession for students. This is very important since most high school students are not acquainted with MSE as a profession.",
journal = "Journal of Materials Education",
title = "The educational approach for introducing contemporary materials science research to high school mathematics",
pages = "114-99",
number = "3-4",
volume = "39",
url = "conv_1307"
Budinski, N., Jovičić, M., Vukić, N.,& Popović, M.. (2017). The educational approach for introducing contemporary materials science research to high school mathematics. in Journal of Materials Education, 39(3-4), 99-114.
Budinski N, Jovičić M, Vukić N, Popović M. The educational approach for introducing contemporary materials science research to high school mathematics. in Journal of Materials Education. 2017;39(3-4):99-114.
conv_1307 .
Budinski, Natalija, Jovičić, Mirjana, Vukić, Nevena, Popović, Mlađan, "The educational approach for introducing contemporary materials science research to high school mathematics" in Journal of Materials Education, 39, no. 3-4 (2017):99-114,
conv_1307 .

Materials science experiments as a tool for learning and applying high school mathematics

Budinski, Natalija; Takaci, Đurđica; Jovičić, Mirjana; Pavličević, Jelena; Ristić, Ivan; Vukić, Nevena; Teofilović, Vesna; Popović, Mlađan


AU  - Budinski, Natalija
AU  - Takaci, Đurđica
AU  - Jovičić, Mirjana
AU  - Pavličević, Jelena
AU  - Ristić, Ivan
AU  - Vukić, Nevena
AU  - Teofilović, Vesna
AU  - Popović, Mlađan
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - We discuss a new educational approach for teaching Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). MSE can be introduced to high school students via classes of Mathematics. We describe how such students are introduced to MSE experiments by scientists from the Faculty of Technology of the University of Novi Sad. Subsequently, students share their experiences with their peers. Application of our approach accomplishes at least two objectives. First, students see Applied Mathematics via demonstrated connections between Mathematics and MSE. Second, MSE appears on their radar when they reach the stage of choosing their major at the college level and thus their future professions. This is important since most high school students do not get in contact with exhibitions of the Materials Research Society or with other MSE related activities of professional societies.
T2  - Journal of Materials Education
T1  - Materials science experiments as a tool for learning and applying high school mathematics
EP  - 84
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 59
VL  - 37
UR  - conv_1161
ER  - 
author = "Budinski, Natalija and Takaci, Đurđica and Jovičić, Mirjana and Pavličević, Jelena and Ristić, Ivan and Vukić, Nevena and Teofilović, Vesna and Popović, Mlađan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "We discuss a new educational approach for teaching Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). MSE can be introduced to high school students via classes of Mathematics. We describe how such students are introduced to MSE experiments by scientists from the Faculty of Technology of the University of Novi Sad. Subsequently, students share their experiences with their peers. Application of our approach accomplishes at least two objectives. First, students see Applied Mathematics via demonstrated connections between Mathematics and MSE. Second, MSE appears on their radar when they reach the stage of choosing their major at the college level and thus their future professions. This is important since most high school students do not get in contact with exhibitions of the Materials Research Society or with other MSE related activities of professional societies.",
journal = "Journal of Materials Education",
title = "Materials science experiments as a tool for learning and applying high school mathematics",
pages = "84-59",
number = "1-2",
volume = "37",
url = "conv_1161"
Budinski, N., Takaci, Đ., Jovičić, M., Pavličević, J., Ristić, I., Vukić, N., Teofilović, V.,& Popović, M.. (2015). Materials science experiments as a tool for learning and applying high school mathematics. in Journal of Materials Education, 37(1-2), 59-84.
Budinski N, Takaci Đ, Jovičić M, Pavličević J, Ristić I, Vukić N, Teofilović V, Popović M. Materials science experiments as a tool for learning and applying high school mathematics. in Journal of Materials Education. 2015;37(1-2):59-84.
conv_1161 .
Budinski, Natalija, Takaci, Đurđica, Jovičić, Mirjana, Pavličević, Jelena, Ristić, Ivan, Vukić, Nevena, Teofilović, Vesna, Popović, Mlađan, "Materials science experiments as a tool for learning and applying high school mathematics" in Journal of Materials Education, 37, no. 1-2 (2015):59-84,
conv_1161 .

Izučavanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva primenom metode izokonverzije

Popović, Mlađan; Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava; Jovičić, Mirjana; Mursics, Joszef; Điporović-Momčilović, Milanka; Pavličević, Jelena; Ristić, Ivan

(Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Popović, Mlađan
AU  - Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava
AU  - Jovičić, Mirjana
AU  - Mursics, Joszef
AU  - Điporović-Momčilović, Milanka
AU  - Pavličević, Jelena
AU  - Ristić, Ivan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Metoda diferencijalne skanirajuće kalorimetrije (DSC) upotrebljena je za određivanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva sa različitim molskim odnosom formaldehida i uree (F/U). Merenja su obavljena u dinamičkom režimu pri brzinama zagrevanja od 5, 10, 15 i 20°C·min-1. Na osnovu vrednosti temperature maksimuma na egzotermnom piku DSC krive vidi se da adheziv UF1 umrežava na nižim temperaturama (adheziv sa višim molskim odnosom F/U), što odgovara nižoj izračunatoj vrednosti energije aktivacije, Ea, za isti adheziv koja iznosi 73,4 kJ·mol-1 u poređenju sa 77,7 kJ·mol-1 za adheziv UF2. Dobijeni podaci takođe su analizirani pomoću modela izokonverzije OFW (Ozawa-Flynn-Wall) i KAS (Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose). Oba primenjena modela ukazuju na uticaj stepena umrežavanja na energiju aktivacije, pri čemu je KAS kinetički model pokazao nešto niže vrednosti energije aktivacije. Zanimljivo je uočiti različito ponašanje ispitivanih adheziva tokom njihovog umrežavanja. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju rast energije aktivacije sa porastom stepena konverzije kod adheziva UF1, dok je konstantno smanjenje Ea tokom reakcije umrežavanja karakteristično za adheziv UF2. Pored navedenog, obavljena su DSC merenja pri različitom dodatku amonijum-hlorida kao katalizatora i pri brzini zagrevanja od 10°C·min-1. Rezultati merenja ukazali su da povećanje dodatka katalizatora od 0,2 do 1,0% utiče na povećanje entalpije reakcije kod adheziva UF2, dok isti uticaj nije zabeležen kod adheziva UF1.
AB  - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the curing kinetics of two commercial urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesives having different formaldehyde to urea (F/U) ratio of 1.112 (UF1) and 1.086 (UF2). DSC measurements were done in dynamic scanning regime with heating rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20°C/min in order to determine the activation energy for each adhesive. Obtained data were analyzed using isoconversional methods with application of Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose kinetic models. In addition, different catalyst levels were tested at the heating rate of 10°C/min. The results showed that the adhesive with higher F/U ratio achieved higher activation energy, while having lower peak temperature of curing reaction. It was also noticed that the increase of catalyst level influenced the increase of reaction enthalpy of the adhesive with lower F/U ratio.
PB  - Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Izučavanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva primenom metode izokonverzije
T1  - Curing kinetics of two commercial urea-formaldehyde adhesives studied by isoconversional method
EP  - 726
IS  - 6
SP  - 717
VL  - 65
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND110912088P
UR  - conv_627
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Mlađan and Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava and Jovičić, Mirjana and Mursics, Joszef and Điporović-Momčilović, Milanka and Pavličević, Jelena and Ristić, Ivan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Metoda diferencijalne skanirajuće kalorimetrije (DSC) upotrebljena je za određivanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva sa različitim molskim odnosom formaldehida i uree (F/U). Merenja su obavljena u dinamičkom režimu pri brzinama zagrevanja od 5, 10, 15 i 20°C·min-1. Na osnovu vrednosti temperature maksimuma na egzotermnom piku DSC krive vidi se da adheziv UF1 umrežava na nižim temperaturama (adheziv sa višim molskim odnosom F/U), što odgovara nižoj izračunatoj vrednosti energije aktivacije, Ea, za isti adheziv koja iznosi 73,4 kJ·mol-1 u poređenju sa 77,7 kJ·mol-1 za adheziv UF2. Dobijeni podaci takođe su analizirani pomoću modela izokonverzije OFW (Ozawa-Flynn-Wall) i KAS (Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose). Oba primenjena modela ukazuju na uticaj stepena umrežavanja na energiju aktivacije, pri čemu je KAS kinetički model pokazao nešto niže vrednosti energije aktivacije. Zanimljivo je uočiti različito ponašanje ispitivanih adheziva tokom njihovog umrežavanja. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju rast energije aktivacije sa porastom stepena konverzije kod adheziva UF1, dok je konstantno smanjenje Ea tokom reakcije umrežavanja karakteristično za adheziv UF2. Pored navedenog, obavljena su DSC merenja pri različitom dodatku amonijum-hlorida kao katalizatora i pri brzini zagrevanja od 10°C·min-1. Rezultati merenja ukazali su da povećanje dodatka katalizatora od 0,2 do 1,0% utiče na povećanje entalpije reakcije kod adheziva UF2, dok isti uticaj nije zabeležen kod adheziva UF1., Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the curing kinetics of two commercial urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesives having different formaldehyde to urea (F/U) ratio of 1.112 (UF1) and 1.086 (UF2). DSC measurements were done in dynamic scanning regime with heating rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20°C/min in order to determine the activation energy for each adhesive. Obtained data were analyzed using isoconversional methods with application of Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose kinetic models. In addition, different catalyst levels were tested at the heating rate of 10°C/min. The results showed that the adhesive with higher F/U ratio achieved higher activation energy, while having lower peak temperature of curing reaction. It was also noticed that the increase of catalyst level influenced the increase of reaction enthalpy of the adhesive with lower F/U ratio.",
publisher = "Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Izučavanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva primenom metode izokonverzije, Curing kinetics of two commercial urea-formaldehyde adhesives studied by isoconversional method",
pages = "726-717",
number = "6",
volume = "65",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND110912088P",
url = "conv_627"
Popović, M., Budinski-Simendić, J., Jovičić, M., Mursics, J., Điporović-Momčilović, M., Pavličević, J.,& Ristić, I.. (2011). Izučavanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva primenom metode izokonverzije. in Hemijska industrija
Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd., 65(6), 717-726.
Popović M, Budinski-Simendić J, Jovičić M, Mursics J, Điporović-Momčilović M, Pavličević J, Ristić I. Izučavanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva primenom metode izokonverzije. in Hemijska industrija. 2011;65(6):717-726.
conv_627 .
Popović, Mlađan, Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava, Jovičić, Mirjana, Mursics, Joszef, Điporović-Momčilović, Milanka, Pavličević, Jelena, Ristić, Ivan, "Izučavanje kinetike umrežavanja dva komercijalna urea-formaldehidna adheziva primenom metode izokonverzije" in Hemijska industrija, 65, no. 6 (2011):717-726, .,
conv_627 .