author = "Bobinac, Martin and Andrašev, Siniša and Perović, Marko and Bauer-Živković, Andrijana and Jorgić, Đura",
year = "2015",
abstract = "U radu je opisana strana vrsta Alnus cordata/Loisel./Desf. (italijanska jova, korzikanska jova, srcolika jova), (Betulaceae /Loisel./ Duby), koja do sada nije navedena u dendroflori Srbije. Stabla italijanske jove u oglednom zasadu na području Erdevika, u starosti 11 godina, imaju dobru vitalnost i karakteristike brzog rasta, a od 10. godine plodonose. Visina stabala bila je u rasponu 10,4-16,2m, a prsni prečnik 14,6-34,9cm. Morfološke karakteristike listova, plodonosnih organa ('šišarica') i muških resa nalaze se u granicama koje su prikazane za vrstu u literaturi, ali pokazuju veliku varijabilnost. Od momenta osnivanja zasada konstatovana je apsolutna minimalna temperatura vazduha na obližnjoj meteorološkoj stanici Sremska Mitrovica od -26,50C, pa se može pretpostaviti da vrsta dobro podnosi niske temperature. Na osnovu proučenih osobina, vrsta bi mogla da se gaji u Srbiji, kao dekorativna, u urbanim područjima i, kao brzorastuća, u šumskim plantažama za proizvodnju biomase., The foreign tree species, Alnus cordata/Loisel./ Desf. (Italian alder), (Betulaceae/ Loisel./ Duby), not previously recorded in the dendroflora of Serbia, is described in this paper. Italian alder trees in an experimental plot in the area of Erdevik, aged 11 years, show good vitality and fast growth, and bear fruits since their 10th year. Tree heights are in range from 10.4 to 16.2 m, and diameters at the breast height range from14.6 to 34.9 cm. The morphological properties of leaves, fruiting organs ('cones') and male catkins are in concordance with the values in literature sources, although they show great variability. Since the time of plantation establishment, the absolute minimum air temperature in the nearby meteorological station of Sremska Mitrovica was -26.50C, so it can be assumed that the species is frost hardy. On the basis of the researched properties of Italian alder, it can be concluded that this species can be cultivated in Serbia as an ornamental in urban areas and as a fast growing species in forest plantations for biomass production.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Italijanska jova (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ desf.) - nova vrsta za alohtonu dendrofloru Srbije, Italian alder (Alnus cordata/Loisel./ desf.): New species for allochtonous dendroflora of Serbia",
pages = "36-21",
number = "111",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1511021B",
url = "conv_422"