Marić, Nenad

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Marić, Nenad (1)
  • Marić, Nenad M. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Lipid Biomarkers in Urban Soils of the Alluvial Area near Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia

Dević, Gordana; Bulatović, Sandra; Avdalović, Jelena; Marić, Nenad; Milić, Jelena; Ilić, Mila; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana


AU  - Dević, Gordana
AU  - Bulatović, Sandra
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Marić, Nenad
AU  - Milić, Jelena
AU  - Ilić, Mila
AU  - Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana
PY  - 2025
UR  -
AB  - This study focused on the investigation of soil samples from the alluvial zone of the Sava River, located near the heating plant in New Belgrade, Serbia. Using gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID), a broad range of alkanes, including linear n-alkanes (C10 to C33) and isoprenoids, was analyzed in all samples. The obtained datasets were effectively made simpler by applying multivariate statistical analysis. Various geochemical indices (CPI, ACL, AI, TAR, etc.) and ratios (S/L, Paq, Pwax, etc.) were calculated and used to distinguish between biogenic and anthropogenic contributions. This approach added a higher level of precision to the source identification of hydrocarbons and provided a detailed geochemical characterization of the investigated soil. The results showed that the topsoil had a high content of TPH (average value, 90.65 mg kg−1), potentially related to an accidental oil spill that occurred repeatedly over extended periods. The uncommon n-alkane profiles reported for the investigated soil samples are probably the result of inputs related to anthropogenic sources, emphasizing that petroleum was the main source of the short-chain n-alkanes. The methodology developed in this study was proven to be efficient for the assessment of the environmental quality of the soil in an urban part of New Belgrade, but it can also be a useful tool for soil monitoring and for a pollution assessment in other (sub)urban areas.
T2  - Molecules
T1  - Lipid Biomarkers in Urban Soils of the Alluvial Area near Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia
IS  - 1
SP  - 154
VL  - 30
DO  - 10.3390/molecules30010154
ER  - 
author = "Dević, Gordana and Bulatović, Sandra and Avdalović, Jelena and Marić, Nenad and Milić, Jelena and Ilić, Mila and Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana",
year = "2025",
abstract = "This study focused on the investigation of soil samples from the alluvial zone of the Sava River, located near the heating plant in New Belgrade, Serbia. Using gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID), a broad range of alkanes, including linear n-alkanes (C10 to C33) and isoprenoids, was analyzed in all samples. The obtained datasets were effectively made simpler by applying multivariate statistical analysis. Various geochemical indices (CPI, ACL, AI, TAR, etc.) and ratios (S/L, Paq, Pwax, etc.) were calculated and used to distinguish between biogenic and anthropogenic contributions. This approach added a higher level of precision to the source identification of hydrocarbons and provided a detailed geochemical characterization of the investigated soil. The results showed that the topsoil had a high content of TPH (average value, 90.65 mg kg−1), potentially related to an accidental oil spill that occurred repeatedly over extended periods. The uncommon n-alkane profiles reported for the investigated soil samples are probably the result of inputs related to anthropogenic sources, emphasizing that petroleum was the main source of the short-chain n-alkanes. The methodology developed in this study was proven to be efficient for the assessment of the environmental quality of the soil in an urban part of New Belgrade, but it can also be a useful tool for soil monitoring and for a pollution assessment in other (sub)urban areas.",
journal = "Molecules",
title = "Lipid Biomarkers in Urban Soils of the Alluvial Area near Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia",
number = "1",
pages = "154",
volume = "30",
doi = "10.3390/molecules30010154"
Dević, G., Bulatović, S., Avdalović, J., Marić, N., Milić, J., Ilić, M.,& Šolević Knudsen, T.. (2025). Lipid Biomarkers in Urban Soils of the Alluvial Area near Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia. in Molecules, 30(1), 154.
Dević G, Bulatović S, Avdalović J, Marić N, Milić J, Ilić M, Šolević Knudsen T. Lipid Biomarkers in Urban Soils of the Alluvial Area near Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia. in Molecules. 2025;30(1):154.
doi:10.3390/molecules30010154 .
Dević, Gordana, Bulatović, Sandra, Avdalović, Jelena, Marić, Nenad, Milić, Jelena, Ilić, Mila, Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana, "Lipid Biomarkers in Urban Soils of the Alluvial Area near Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia" in Molecules, 30, no. 1 (2025):154, . .

Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima

Marić, Nenad M.

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Marić, Nenad M.
PY  - 2016
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Disertacija se konceptualno sastoji iz dva dela kojima je obuhvaćen pasivan (prirodno prečišćavanje) i aktivan remedijacioni pristup (stimulisana bioremedijacija) kod podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima. U prvom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati osmatranja procesa prirodnog prečišćavanja u podzemnim vodama na lokaciji istorijskog zagađenja kerozinom. Tragovi zagađenja naftnim ugljovodonicima pronađeni su 20 godina nakon prosipanja kerozina. Ovo je stvorilo osnovu za proučavanje efekata dugotrajne izloženosti podzemnih voda procesima biodegradacije u terenskim uslovima. Uočeno je da se snižene koncentracije elektron akceptora (O2, NO3 -, SO4 2-) i povišene koncentracije metaboličkih produkata biodegradacije (Mn, Fe) poklapaju sa najvišim vrednostima parametara organskog zagađenja u podzemnim vodama (Total Organic Carbon - TOC, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - TPH). Utvrđen je uticaj aerobne respiracije, redukcije nitrata, redukcije mangana (IV), redukcije gvožđa (III) i redukcije sulfata na hemijski sastav podzemnih voda. Uticaj metanogeneze je utvrđen na osnovu promena u izotopskom sastavu podzemnih voda, koncentracije δ13CDIC su za oko 12 ‰ više u zoni pod uticajem biodegradacije u odnosu na ostatak područja istraživanja. Registrovano zagađenje podzemnih voda ne potiče od aromatičnih jedinjenja (benzena, toluena, etilbenzena, ksilena - BTEX i stirena), već od zasićenih ugljovodonika. Redukcija sulfata kao pojedinačni mehanizam poseduje najveći pojedinačni kapacitet za biodegradaciju komponenti BTEX. Najvišim koncentracijama TOC odgovaraju višestruko povišene koncentracije Al i SiO2 u zoni povišene kiselosti pod uticajem biodegradacije naftnih ugljovodonika. Pretpostavljeno je da je dugotrajna izloženost intenzivnim procesima biodegradacije ubrzala rastvaranje silikatnih minerala u vodonosnoj sredini...
AB  - This dissertation consists of two parts, a passive (natural attenuation) and an active remediation approach (enhanced bioremediation) for groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. In the first part of this dissertation, results of the monitoring of natural attenuation processes at a site of historical contamination by kerosene are presented. Traces of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination were found 20 years after the kerosene spill. This provided a basis for the monitoring of long term groundwater exposure to biodegradation processes in field conditions. It was observed that decreased electron acceptor concentrations (O2, NO3 -, SO4 2-) and increased concentrations of metabolic biodegradation products (Mn, Fe) corresponded to the highest values of the organic contamination parameters (Total Organic Carbon - TOC, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - TPH) in groundwater. The impact of aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, reduction of manganese (IV), reduction of iron (III) and sulphate reduction on the chemical composition of groundwater was determined. Methanogenesis impact was determined on the basis of the changes in groundwater isotopic composition. δ13CDIC values were 12 ‰ higher in the biodegradation affected zone in comparison to the rest of the study area. The observed contamination of groundwater did not originate from aromatics (benzene, ethylbenzene, xylene, toluene - BTEX and styrene), but from saturated hydrocarbons. Sulfate reduction had the largest single capacity for the biodegradation of BTEX compounds. The highest TOC concentrations corresponded to several times increased concentrations of Al and SiO2 in the zone of elevated acidity affected by biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. It was assumed that long-term exposure to intense biodegradation processes has enhanced the dissolution of silicate minerals from the aquifer...;
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet
T1  - Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima
T1  - Natural attenuation and enhanced bioremediation of groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons
UR  -
UR  - t-2516
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Nenad M.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Disertacija se konceptualno sastoji iz dva dela kojima je obuhvaćen pasivan (prirodno prečišćavanje) i aktivan remedijacioni pristup (stimulisana bioremedijacija) kod podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima. U prvom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati osmatranja procesa prirodnog prečišćavanja u podzemnim vodama na lokaciji istorijskog zagađenja kerozinom. Tragovi zagađenja naftnim ugljovodonicima pronađeni su 20 godina nakon prosipanja kerozina. Ovo je stvorilo osnovu za proučavanje efekata dugotrajne izloženosti podzemnih voda procesima biodegradacije u terenskim uslovima. Uočeno je da se snižene koncentracije elektron akceptora (O2, NO3 -, SO4 2-) i povišene koncentracije metaboličkih produkata biodegradacije (Mn, Fe) poklapaju sa najvišim vrednostima parametara organskog zagađenja u podzemnim vodama (Total Organic Carbon - TOC, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - TPH). Utvrđen je uticaj aerobne respiracije, redukcije nitrata, redukcije mangana (IV), redukcije gvožđa (III) i redukcije sulfata na hemijski sastav podzemnih voda. Uticaj metanogeneze je utvrđen na osnovu promena u izotopskom sastavu podzemnih voda, koncentracije δ13CDIC su za oko 12 ‰ više u zoni pod uticajem biodegradacije u odnosu na ostatak područja istraživanja. Registrovano zagađenje podzemnih voda ne potiče od aromatičnih jedinjenja (benzena, toluena, etilbenzena, ksilena - BTEX i stirena), već od zasićenih ugljovodonika. Redukcija sulfata kao pojedinačni mehanizam poseduje najveći pojedinačni kapacitet za biodegradaciju komponenti BTEX. Najvišim koncentracijama TOC odgovaraju višestruko povišene koncentracije Al i SiO2 u zoni povišene kiselosti pod uticajem biodegradacije naftnih ugljovodonika. Pretpostavljeno je da je dugotrajna izloženost intenzivnim procesima biodegradacije ubrzala rastvaranje silikatnih minerala u vodonosnoj sredini..., This dissertation consists of two parts, a passive (natural attenuation) and an active remediation approach (enhanced bioremediation) for groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. In the first part of this dissertation, results of the monitoring of natural attenuation processes at a site of historical contamination by kerosene are presented. Traces of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination were found 20 years after the kerosene spill. This provided a basis for the monitoring of long term groundwater exposure to biodegradation processes in field conditions. It was observed that decreased electron acceptor concentrations (O2, NO3 -, SO4 2-) and increased concentrations of metabolic biodegradation products (Mn, Fe) corresponded to the highest values of the organic contamination parameters (Total Organic Carbon - TOC, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - TPH) in groundwater. The impact of aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, reduction of manganese (IV), reduction of iron (III) and sulphate reduction on the chemical composition of groundwater was determined. Methanogenesis impact was determined on the basis of the changes in groundwater isotopic composition. δ13CDIC values were 12 ‰ higher in the biodegradation affected zone in comparison to the rest of the study area. The observed contamination of groundwater did not originate from aromatics (benzene, ethylbenzene, xylene, toluene - BTEX and styrene), but from saturated hydrocarbons. Sulfate reduction had the largest single capacity for the biodegradation of BTEX compounds. The highest TOC concentrations corresponded to several times increased concentrations of Al and SiO2 in the zone of elevated acidity affected by biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. It was assumed that long-term exposure to intense biodegradation processes has enhanced the dissolution of silicate minerals from the aquifer...;",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet",
title = "Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima, Natural attenuation and enhanced bioremediation of groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons",
url = ", t-2516"
Marić, N. M.. (2016). Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet..
Marić NM. Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima. 2016;. .
Marić, Nenad M., "Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima" (2016), .