author = "Glavonjić, Branko and Lazarević, Aleksandra and Čomić, Dragan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja uticaja izvoza na proizvodnju drvnih peleta kao i stanje na tržištu ovog drvnog goriva u Srbiji. Istraživanja su imala za cilj izvođenje naučno i stručno utemeljenih zaključaka i s tim u vezi odgovarajućih preporuka donosiocima odluka kako bi se stanje na tržištu drvnih peleta u Srbiji unapredilo i eleimisali postojeći problemi koji taj razvoj značajno opterećuju i usporavaju. Poseban cilj istraživanja predstavljao je sagledavanje doprinosa drvnih peleta ublažavanju klimatskih promena na primeru iz Srbije. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja su pokazali da su ekspanzija rasta potrošnje (potražnje) u zemljama Evropske unije u poslednjih petnaest godina i s tim u vezi rast izvoza iz Srbije najznačajniji faktori koji su uticali na razvoj proizvodnje drvnih peleta u Srbiji. Parametri ekonometrijskog modela uticaja izvoza na rast proizvodnje pokazuju da se sa povećanjem izvoza za 1% može očekivati rast proizvodnje od 1,17%. Zbog toga je i broj proizvođača drvnih peleta naglo rastao u poslednjih deset godina, sa 2 u 2006. do 52 aktivna proizvođača u 2016. godini. Porast broja proizvođača pratio je i rast instalisanih kapaciteta. Krajem 2015. godine ukupno instalisani kapaciteti za proizvodnju drvnih peleta u Srbiji dostigli su 550 hiljada tona, a ostavrena proizvodnja 229 hiljada tona ili 41,6% u odnosu na instalisani kapacitet. Potrošnja drvnih peleta u Srbiji je u poslednje četiri godine ostavrila značajan rast dostigavši nivo od 89 hiljada tona u 2015. godini. Međutim, kada je u pitanju segment potrošnje drvnih peleta u Srbiji stanje je još uvek nezadovoljavajuće i pored činjenice da potrošnja raste iz godine u godinu. Prosečna cena 1 kWh energije iz drvnih peleta koji je izvezen iz Srbije kretala se od 20-44 ¢$ što je od 2,1 do 3,2 puta manje u poređenju sa cenom 1 kWh energije iz prirodnog gasa koji je u posmatranom periodu uvožen u Srbiju., The paper presents the results of researching the impact of export on the production of wood pellets as well as the situation on the market for this wood fuel in Serbia. Objective of the research was to produce scientifically and professionally founded conclusions and the related adequate recommendations to the decision makers in order to improve the situation on wood pellets market in Serbia and eliminate the existing problems which significantly burden and slow down this development. Special objective of the research was to observe the contributions of wood pellets to the mitigation of climate changes using Serbia as the example. Results of the conducted research show that the expansion of the consumption (demand) increase in the European Union countries in the last fifteen years and the related increase of export from Serbia are the most significant factors which have influenced the development of wood pellets production in Serbia. Parameters of econometric model of the impact of export on the increase of production show that production increase of 1.17% can be expected with the increase of export of 1%. Thus, the number of wood pellet producers has rapidly increased in the last ten years, from 2 producers in 2006 to 52 active producers in 2016. Increase of the number of producers was also accompanied by the increase of the installed capacities. At the end of 2015, total installed capacities for wood pellet production in Serbia reached 550 thousand tons, and the realized production was 229 thousand tons, or 41.6% of the installed capacity. Consumption of wood pellets in Serbia in the last four years achieved significant increase and reached the level of 89 thousand tons in 2015. However, concerning the segment of wood pellets consumption in Serbia, the situation is still unsatisfactory despite the fact that the consumption has been increasing year after year. Average price of 1 kWh of energy from wood pellets exported from Serbia was in the range 20-44 ¢$, which is 2.1 to 3.2 times less than the price of 1 kWh of energy from the natural gas which was imported in Serbia in the observed period.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Uticaj izvoza drvnih peleta na razvoj njihove proizvodnje u Srbiji sa efektima supstitucije energije iz fosilnih goriva i smanjenja emisija ugljen-dioksida, Impact of wood pellets export on the development of their production in Serbia with the effects of substituting energy from fossil fuels and reduction of carbon dioxide emission",
pages = "74-55",
number = "114",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1614055G",
url = "conv_442"