Banković, Staniša

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  • Banković, Staniša (15)

Author's Bibliography

Dendrometrijske, fitopatološke i entomološke karakteristike stabla planinskog bresta na Goču

Medarević, Milan; Banković, Staniša; Karadžić, Dragan; Mihajlović, Ljubodrag; Pantić, Damjan; Obradović, Snežana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Karadžić, Dragan
AU  - Mihajlović, Ljubodrag
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Obradović, Snežana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Plemeniti lišćari, među kojima i planinski brest, pripadaju kategoriji retkih vrsta drveća u šumskom fondu Srbije. U cilju očuvanja raznovrsnosti naših šuma i genetičkog potencijala ovih vrsta drveća nužna su njihova multidisciplinarna proučavanja. U tom smislu pristupilo se dendrometrijskoj i zdravstvenoj analizi stabla planinskog bresta na Goču, koje i po svojim dimenzijama predstavlja retkost, ne samo u lokalnim, već i u regionalnim okvirima. Starost stabla iznosila je 266 godina, prsni prečnik 2,09 m, visina 42,1 m, a zapremina (d gt 3 cm) 56,35 m3. Tekući visinski prirast je rano kulminirao (u 20-30. god. sa vrednošću od 0,5 m), a tekući debljinski prirast u 40-50. godini, sa vrednošću od 14,4 mm. Navedeni podaci ukazuju na visoku proizvodnost ovog stabla bresta i na povoljne stanišne i sastojinske prilike u kojima se ono razvijalo. Sa druge strane, vrednosti tekućeg prirasta prečnika i visine u poslednjem periodu (1,7 mm, odnosno 0,03 m) upućuju na zaključak da se stablo nalazilo u fazi fiziološkog odumiranja. Na stablu je konstatovano 10 vrsta gljiva (fakultativni paraziti ili saprofiti), pri čemu najveći značaj imaju Armillaria mellea i Aurantioporus fissilis, koje su prouzrokovale centralnu trulež srčike. Ostale gljive razvijale su se saprofitski u mrtvom delu debla ili na suvim granama. Registrovano je i 8 vrsta insekata (sekundarne i tercijarne štetočine), uključujući i dva najopasnija sipca potkornjaka (Scolytus scolytus i S. multistriatus). Zajedno sa vrstama Saperda punctata i Cerambyx scopolii oni su ubrzali proces sušenja pojedinih tanjih i debljih grana, kao i celog stabla. Sipac drvenar Xyleborus monographus naselio je osušene deblje grane i deblo i pričinio manju tehničku štetu na drvetu. Vrste Dorcus paralelopipedus, Oryctes nasicornis i Valgus hemipterus pomogle su truležnicama da brže napreduju i tako doprinele fiziološkom slabljenju bresta i skraćivanju njegovog životnog veka.
AB  - Valuable broadleaves, including also wych elms, belong to the category of rare tree species in the growing stock of Serbia. The conservation of Serbian forest diversity and the genetic potential of these tree species require a multidisciplinary study. In this respect, we undertook a dendrometric and health analysis of a wych elm tree on Goč, as it is a rarity by its dimensions, not only from the local, but also from the regional aspects. The tree is 266 years old, its diameter at breast height is 2.09 m, height 42.1 m, and volume (d gt 3 cm) 56.35 m3. Current height increment culminated early, at the age of 20-30 years, attaining 0.5 m, and current diameter increment at the age of 40-50 years when its value was 14.4 mm. The above data point to a high productivity of this elm tree and to favourable site and stand conditions of its development. On the other hand, its current diameter increment and height over the last period (1.7 mm, and 0.03 m respectively) indicate that the tree was in the phase of physiological dying. 10 species of fungi were identified on the tree (facultative parasites or saprophytes), the most significant being Armillaria mellea and Aurantioporus fissilis, which caused central heartwood decay. Other fungi developed saprophytically in the dead part of the stem or in dead branches. Eight insect species (secondary and tertiary pests) were identified, including the two most dangerous elm beetles (Scolytus scolytus and S. multistriatus). Together with the species Saperda punctata and Cerambyx scopolii, they accelerated the dying process of twigs and branches, as well as of the whole tree. Ambrosia beetle Xyleborus monographus infested the stem and the large dead branches and caused minor technical damage in wood. The species Dorcus paralelopipedus, Oryctes nasicornis and Valgus hemipterus supported the faster progress of wood-rotting fungi and thus contributed to physiological weakening and shortened the life cycle of the study elm tree.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Dendrometrijske, fitopatološke i entomološke karakteristike stabla planinskog bresta na Goču
T1  - Dendrometric, phytopathological and entomological characteristics of a wych elm tree on mt. Goč
EP  - 142
IS  - 104
SP  - 125
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1104125B
UR  - conv_351
ER  - 
author = "Medarević, Milan and Banković, Staniša and Karadžić, Dragan and Mihajlović, Ljubodrag and Pantić, Damjan and Obradović, Snežana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Plemeniti lišćari, među kojima i planinski brest, pripadaju kategoriji retkih vrsta drveća u šumskom fondu Srbije. U cilju očuvanja raznovrsnosti naših šuma i genetičkog potencijala ovih vrsta drveća nužna su njihova multidisciplinarna proučavanja. U tom smislu pristupilo se dendrometrijskoj i zdravstvenoj analizi stabla planinskog bresta na Goču, koje i po svojim dimenzijama predstavlja retkost, ne samo u lokalnim, već i u regionalnim okvirima. Starost stabla iznosila je 266 godina, prsni prečnik 2,09 m, visina 42,1 m, a zapremina (d gt 3 cm) 56,35 m3. Tekući visinski prirast je rano kulminirao (u 20-30. god. sa vrednošću od 0,5 m), a tekući debljinski prirast u 40-50. godini, sa vrednošću od 14,4 mm. Navedeni podaci ukazuju na visoku proizvodnost ovog stabla bresta i na povoljne stanišne i sastojinske prilike u kojima se ono razvijalo. Sa druge strane, vrednosti tekućeg prirasta prečnika i visine u poslednjem periodu (1,7 mm, odnosno 0,03 m) upućuju na zaključak da se stablo nalazilo u fazi fiziološkog odumiranja. Na stablu je konstatovano 10 vrsta gljiva (fakultativni paraziti ili saprofiti), pri čemu najveći značaj imaju Armillaria mellea i Aurantioporus fissilis, koje su prouzrokovale centralnu trulež srčike. Ostale gljive razvijale su se saprofitski u mrtvom delu debla ili na suvim granama. Registrovano je i 8 vrsta insekata (sekundarne i tercijarne štetočine), uključujući i dva najopasnija sipca potkornjaka (Scolytus scolytus i S. multistriatus). Zajedno sa vrstama Saperda punctata i Cerambyx scopolii oni su ubrzali proces sušenja pojedinih tanjih i debljih grana, kao i celog stabla. Sipac drvenar Xyleborus monographus naselio je osušene deblje grane i deblo i pričinio manju tehničku štetu na drvetu. Vrste Dorcus paralelopipedus, Oryctes nasicornis i Valgus hemipterus pomogle su truležnicama da brže napreduju i tako doprinele fiziološkom slabljenju bresta i skraćivanju njegovog životnog veka., Valuable broadleaves, including also wych elms, belong to the category of rare tree species in the growing stock of Serbia. The conservation of Serbian forest diversity and the genetic potential of these tree species require a multidisciplinary study. In this respect, we undertook a dendrometric and health analysis of a wych elm tree on Goč, as it is a rarity by its dimensions, not only from the local, but also from the regional aspects. The tree is 266 years old, its diameter at breast height is 2.09 m, height 42.1 m, and volume (d gt 3 cm) 56.35 m3. Current height increment culminated early, at the age of 20-30 years, attaining 0.5 m, and current diameter increment at the age of 40-50 years when its value was 14.4 mm. The above data point to a high productivity of this elm tree and to favourable site and stand conditions of its development. On the other hand, its current diameter increment and height over the last period (1.7 mm, and 0.03 m respectively) indicate that the tree was in the phase of physiological dying. 10 species of fungi were identified on the tree (facultative parasites or saprophytes), the most significant being Armillaria mellea and Aurantioporus fissilis, which caused central heartwood decay. Other fungi developed saprophytically in the dead part of the stem or in dead branches. Eight insect species (secondary and tertiary pests) were identified, including the two most dangerous elm beetles (Scolytus scolytus and S. multistriatus). Together with the species Saperda punctata and Cerambyx scopolii, they accelerated the dying process of twigs and branches, as well as of the whole tree. Ambrosia beetle Xyleborus monographus infested the stem and the large dead branches and caused minor technical damage in wood. The species Dorcus paralelopipedus, Oryctes nasicornis and Valgus hemipterus supported the faster progress of wood-rotting fungi and thus contributed to physiological weakening and shortened the life cycle of the study elm tree.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Dendrometrijske, fitopatološke i entomološke karakteristike stabla planinskog bresta na Goču, Dendrometric, phytopathological and entomological characteristics of a wych elm tree on mt. Goč",
pages = "142-125",
number = "104",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1104125B",
url = "conv_351"
Medarević, M., Banković, S., Karadžić, D., Mihajlović, L., Pantić, D.,& Obradović, S.. (2011). Dendrometrijske, fitopatološke i entomološke karakteristike stabla planinskog bresta na Goču. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(104), 125-142.
Medarević M, Banković S, Karadžić D, Mihajlović L, Pantić D, Obradović S. Dendrometrijske, fitopatološke i entomološke karakteristike stabla planinskog bresta na Goču. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2011;(104):125-142.
conv_351 .
Medarević, Milan, Banković, Staniša, Karadžić, Dragan, Mihajlović, Ljubodrag, Pantić, Damjan, Obradović, Snežana, "Dendrometrijske, fitopatološke i entomološke karakteristike stabla planinskog bresta na Goču" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 104 (2011):125-142, .,
conv_351 .

Some characteristics of the stagnation stage in the development of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) trees in selection forests in Serbia

Pantić, Damjan; Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Obradović, Snežana


AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Obradović, Snežana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - A period of stagnation in silver fir development has been recorded in all felled trees in selection forests of Serbia (233 trees on Mt. Goc and 451 trees on Mt. Tara). In the selection forests on Mt. Goc the stagnation stage ranges between 40 and 330 years, but on Mt. Tara, it ranges from 15 to 185 years. It was concluded that the duration was caused not by the ecological and productivity potential (site class) of the soil for fir development, but primarily by the growth space, resulting from the application of single-tree selection or group selection systems. It was also found that the duration of latent state and tree sizes attained over that phase (except for height, and that was to a lesser extent) did not affect the silver fir tree development in the post-stagnation period.
T2  - Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
T1  - Some characteristics of the stagnation stage in the development of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) trees in selection forests in Serbia
EP  - 378
IS  - 4
SP  - 367
VL  - 35
DO  - 10.3906/tar-1002-654
UR  - conv_978
ER  - 
author = "Pantić, Damjan and Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Obradović, Snežana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "A period of stagnation in silver fir development has been recorded in all felled trees in selection forests of Serbia (233 trees on Mt. Goc and 451 trees on Mt. Tara). In the selection forests on Mt. Goc the stagnation stage ranges between 40 and 330 years, but on Mt. Tara, it ranges from 15 to 185 years. It was concluded that the duration was caused not by the ecological and productivity potential (site class) of the soil for fir development, but primarily by the growth space, resulting from the application of single-tree selection or group selection systems. It was also found that the duration of latent state and tree sizes attained over that phase (except for height, and that was to a lesser extent) did not affect the silver fir tree development in the post-stagnation period.",
journal = "Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry",
title = "Some characteristics of the stagnation stage in the development of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) trees in selection forests in Serbia",
pages = "378-367",
number = "4",
volume = "35",
doi = "10.3906/tar-1002-654",
url = "conv_978"
Pantić, D., Banković, S., Medarević, M.,& Obradović, S.. (2011). Some characteristics of the stagnation stage in the development of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) trees in selection forests in Serbia. in Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 35(4), 367-378.
Pantić D, Banković S, Medarević M, Obradović S. Some characteristics of the stagnation stage in the development of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) trees in selection forests in Serbia. in Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 2011;35(4):367-378.
conv_978 .
Pantić, Damjan, Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Obradović, Snežana, "Some characteristics of the stagnation stage in the development of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) trees in selection forests in Serbia" in Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 35, no. 4 (2011):367-378, .,
conv_978 .

Strukturne, proizvodne i dinamičke karakteristike strogog šumskog rezervata 'Račanska šljivovica' na Tari

Pantić, Damjan; Medarević, Milan; Banković, Staniša; Obradović, Snežana; Šljukić, Biljana; Pešić, Biljana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Obradović, Snežana
AU  - Šljukić, Biljana
AU  - Pešić, Biljana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Mešovite šume lišćara i četinara zbog visoke proizvodnosti i izraženog biodiverziteta predstavljaju najvredniji deo šumskog fonda Srbije. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se analizom mešovitih šuma jele, smrče i bukve prašumskog porekla u rezervatu 'Račanska Šljivovica' uoče zakonitosti koje bi potom imale primenu u gazdovanju šumama Tare. Osnov istraživanja čine podaci šest periodičnih potpunih (totalnih) premera koji su podvrgnuti klasičnoj dendrometrijskoj i statističkoj obradi. Struktura šuma bliska je tipičnoj prebirnoj strukturi. Dinamika urastanja (osim bukve) relativno je povoljna, sa odnosom prema odumrlim stablima od 1,72. Broj stabala i zapremina kontinuirano rastu, dostižu iznos 422,2 kom·ha-1, odnosno 800,3 m3·ha-1, a zapreminski prirast je i pored blagog pada visok - preko 12 m3·ha-1. Jela je nosilac prebirne strukture i proizvodnosti, nužno je stimulisati opstanak i razvoj bukve na konkretnom staništu, preispitati uravnoteženi broja stabala i zapreminu i istražiti vezu između broja uraslih stabala i zapremine sastojine.
AB  - Mixed forests of broadleaves and conifers, thanks to their high productivity and high biodiversity, are the most valuable part of the growing stock in Serbia. The aim of this research was to analyze the mixed old-growth forests of fir, spruce and beech in the reserve 'Račanska Šljivovica' so as to define the laws which could be applied in the future forest management on Mt. Tara. The research was based on the data of six periodic complete inventories followed by standard dendrometric and statistical processing. Forest structure was similar to the typical selection structure. The recruitment dynamics (except beech) was relatively favourable, with the ratio to dead trees amounting to 1.72. The number of trees and the volume increased constantly, attaining 422.2 trees·ha-1, i.e. 800.3 m3·ha-1, and the volume increment was above 12 m3·ha-1, despite a slight drop. Silver fir was the protagonist of the selection structure and productivity. It is necessary to stimulate the survival and development of beech at the concrete site, to examine the balanced number of trees and volume, and to investigate the relationship between the number of recruited trees and the stand volume.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Strukturne, proizvodne i dinamičke karakteristike strogog šumskog rezervata 'Račanska šljivovica' na Tari
T1  - Structural, production and dynamic characteristics of the strict forest reserve 'Račanska šljivovica' on Mt. Tara
EP  - 114
IS  - 103
SP  - 93
DO  - 10.2298/GSF1103093P
UR  - conv_336
ER  - 
author = "Pantić, Damjan and Medarević, Milan and Banković, Staniša and Obradović, Snežana and Šljukić, Biljana and Pešić, Biljana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Mešovite šume lišćara i četinara zbog visoke proizvodnosti i izraženog biodiverziteta predstavljaju najvredniji deo šumskog fonda Srbije. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se analizom mešovitih šuma jele, smrče i bukve prašumskog porekla u rezervatu 'Račanska Šljivovica' uoče zakonitosti koje bi potom imale primenu u gazdovanju šumama Tare. Osnov istraživanja čine podaci šest periodičnih potpunih (totalnih) premera koji su podvrgnuti klasičnoj dendrometrijskoj i statističkoj obradi. Struktura šuma bliska je tipičnoj prebirnoj strukturi. Dinamika urastanja (osim bukve) relativno je povoljna, sa odnosom prema odumrlim stablima od 1,72. Broj stabala i zapremina kontinuirano rastu, dostižu iznos 422,2 kom·ha-1, odnosno 800,3 m3·ha-1, a zapreminski prirast je i pored blagog pada visok - preko 12 m3·ha-1. Jela je nosilac prebirne strukture i proizvodnosti, nužno je stimulisati opstanak i razvoj bukve na konkretnom staništu, preispitati uravnoteženi broja stabala i zapreminu i istražiti vezu između broja uraslih stabala i zapremine sastojine., Mixed forests of broadleaves and conifers, thanks to their high productivity and high biodiversity, are the most valuable part of the growing stock in Serbia. The aim of this research was to analyze the mixed old-growth forests of fir, spruce and beech in the reserve 'Račanska Šljivovica' so as to define the laws which could be applied in the future forest management on Mt. Tara. The research was based on the data of six periodic complete inventories followed by standard dendrometric and statistical processing. Forest structure was similar to the typical selection structure. The recruitment dynamics (except beech) was relatively favourable, with the ratio to dead trees amounting to 1.72. The number of trees and the volume increased constantly, attaining 422.2 trees·ha-1, i.e. 800.3 m3·ha-1, and the volume increment was above 12 m3·ha-1, despite a slight drop. Silver fir was the protagonist of the selection structure and productivity. It is necessary to stimulate the survival and development of beech at the concrete site, to examine the balanced number of trees and volume, and to investigate the relationship between the number of recruited trees and the stand volume.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Strukturne, proizvodne i dinamičke karakteristike strogog šumskog rezervata 'Račanska šljivovica' na Tari, Structural, production and dynamic characteristics of the strict forest reserve 'Račanska šljivovica' on Mt. Tara",
pages = "114-93",
number = "103",
doi = "10.2298/GSF1103093P",
url = "conv_336"
Pantić, D., Medarević, M., Banković, S., Obradović, S., Šljukić, B.,& Pešić, B.. (2011). Strukturne, proizvodne i dinamičke karakteristike strogog šumskog rezervata 'Račanska šljivovica' na Tari. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(103), 93-114.
Pantić D, Medarević M, Banković S, Obradović S, Šljukić B, Pešić B. Strukturne, proizvodne i dinamičke karakteristike strogog šumskog rezervata 'Račanska šljivovica' na Tari. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2011;(103):93-114.
conv_336 .
Pantić, Damjan, Medarević, Milan, Banković, Staniša, Obradović, Snežana, Šljukić, Biljana, Pešić, Biljana, "Strukturne, proizvodne i dinamičke karakteristike strogog šumskog rezervata 'Račanska šljivovica' na Tari" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 103 (2011):93-114, .,
conv_336 .

Effects of the control method (Goc variety) in selection forest management in western Serbia

Medarević, Milan; Banković, Staniša; Pantić, Damjan; Obradović, Snežana

(Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr., 2010)

AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Obradović, Snežana
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - The control method, one of the most reliable methods of selection forest management, has been applied in selection forests of western Serbia in a somewhat modified form (God variety) for fifty years. This paper analyzes the effects of the control method, i.e. its Go variety, in the period from 1960/70 - 2000. It is based on the data of five successive complete inventories of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) "Tara", whose high selection forest of spruce, fir and beech (Piceo-Abieti-Fagettum subass. typicum) trees on diluvium, brown and illimerised soil on limestone, and on limestone in formation with hornfels, are the best quality and the most spacious forests in the Management Class MC 491/1. The effects were monitored through the changes in the distribution of the number of trees and volume per diameter classes, separately for fir as the protagonist of the selection structure, and collectively at the level of a compartment, a typical representative of MC 491/1. Also, the analysis included the changes in the number of trees, volume, current volume increment, yield, and number of recruited trees per unit area (1 ha) by tree species in MC 491/1, occupying an area of 2,648.78 ha. The study results show that in the study period the average volume in MC 491/1 increased by 18.8%, the percentage of conifers increased from 66.0% to 78.5%, and the bearer of the changes was fir. The volume of the mean fir tree increased by 35.9% and it attained 1.086 m(3). The volume increment increased by 15.7%. The selection structure of conifers was satisfactory, but there were problems with beech regeneration, in its stable presence and in its achievement of the targeted structure. The number of trees per unit area (1 ha) decreased, which in the long run could have detrimental consequences, but the sustainability in general was satisfactory. The levels of regeneration and recruitment were satisfactory. The health of the trees was improved; the stands were healthy, vital, and biologically and functionally stable. The study results point not only to a series of positive effects of the several-decades' long implementation of the Goc variety of the control method, but also to some problems, the understanding of which will have a corrective role in the future management of selection forests in western Serbia.
PB  - Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.
T2  - Archives of Biological Sciences
T1  - Effects of the control method (Goc variety) in selection forest management in western Serbia
EP  - 418
IS  - 2
SP  - 407
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.2298/ABS1002407M
UR  - conv_938
ER  - 
author = "Medarević, Milan and Banković, Staniša and Pantić, Damjan and Obradović, Snežana",
year = "2010",
abstract = "The control method, one of the most reliable methods of selection forest management, has been applied in selection forests of western Serbia in a somewhat modified form (God variety) for fifty years. This paper analyzes the effects of the control method, i.e. its Go variety, in the period from 1960/70 - 2000. It is based on the data of five successive complete inventories of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) "Tara", whose high selection forest of spruce, fir and beech (Piceo-Abieti-Fagettum subass. typicum) trees on diluvium, brown and illimerised soil on limestone, and on limestone in formation with hornfels, are the best quality and the most spacious forests in the Management Class MC 491/1. The effects were monitored through the changes in the distribution of the number of trees and volume per diameter classes, separately for fir as the protagonist of the selection structure, and collectively at the level of a compartment, a typical representative of MC 491/1. Also, the analysis included the changes in the number of trees, volume, current volume increment, yield, and number of recruited trees per unit area (1 ha) by tree species in MC 491/1, occupying an area of 2,648.78 ha. The study results show that in the study period the average volume in MC 491/1 increased by 18.8%, the percentage of conifers increased from 66.0% to 78.5%, and the bearer of the changes was fir. The volume of the mean fir tree increased by 35.9% and it attained 1.086 m(3). The volume increment increased by 15.7%. The selection structure of conifers was satisfactory, but there were problems with beech regeneration, in its stable presence and in its achievement of the targeted structure. The number of trees per unit area (1 ha) decreased, which in the long run could have detrimental consequences, but the sustainability in general was satisfactory. The levels of regeneration and recruitment were satisfactory. The health of the trees was improved; the stands were healthy, vital, and biologically and functionally stable. The study results point not only to a series of positive effects of the several-decades' long implementation of the Goc variety of the control method, but also to some problems, the understanding of which will have a corrective role in the future management of selection forests in western Serbia.",
publisher = "Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.",
journal = "Archives of Biological Sciences",
title = "Effects of the control method (Goc variety) in selection forest management in western Serbia",
pages = "418-407",
number = "2",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.2298/ABS1002407M",
url = "conv_938"
Medarević, M., Banković, S., Pantić, D.,& Obradović, S.. (2010). Effects of the control method (Goc variety) in selection forest management in western Serbia. in Archives of Biological Sciences
Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.., 62(2), 407-418.
Medarević M, Banković S, Pantić D, Obradović S. Effects of the control method (Goc variety) in selection forest management in western Serbia. in Archives of Biological Sciences. 2010;62(2):407-418.
conv_938 .
Medarević, Milan, Banković, Staniša, Pantić, Damjan, Obradović, Snežana, "Effects of the control method (Goc variety) in selection forest management in western Serbia" in Archives of Biological Sciences, 62, no. 2 (2010):407-418, .,
conv_938 .

Characteristics of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) development in selection forests at different sites - study of Mt. Goc forests (central Serbia)

Banković, Staniša; Madarević, Milan J.; Pantić, Damjan; Obradović, Snežana; Petrović, Nenad


AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Madarević, Milan J.
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Obradović, Snežana
AU  - Petrović, Nenad
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - The laws and dynamics of individual silver fir tree development in selection forests were studied. The specificities of fir development are: stage of stagnation, rather significant correlation between tree development (especially height) in the post-stagnation period and the dimensions reached at the end of the stagnation stage, two culminations in current diameter and height increment, and a great proximity in the culminations times at different sites. The length of silver fir stagnation and its development and increment over the long post-stagnation period (60 to 70 years in concrete conditions) are affected predominantly by the growing space. After this period, site conditions have the prevailing effect on tree development. The high and long-lasting effect of growing space enables forestry experts to influence the selection forest processes by regulating the light regime. They can accelerate or slow down the processes, but the limiting factor must be the conservation of the selection structure.
T2  - Austrian Journal of Forest Science
T1  - Characteristics of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) development in selection forests at different sites - study of Mt. Goc forests (central Serbia)
EP  - 214
IS  - 4
SP  - 197
VL  - 126
UR  - conv_2238
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Madarević, Milan J. and Pantić, Damjan and Obradović, Snežana and Petrović, Nenad",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The laws and dynamics of individual silver fir tree development in selection forests were studied. The specificities of fir development are: stage of stagnation, rather significant correlation between tree development (especially height) in the post-stagnation period and the dimensions reached at the end of the stagnation stage, two culminations in current diameter and height increment, and a great proximity in the culminations times at different sites. The length of silver fir stagnation and its development and increment over the long post-stagnation period (60 to 70 years in concrete conditions) are affected predominantly by the growing space. After this period, site conditions have the prevailing effect on tree development. The high and long-lasting effect of growing space enables forestry experts to influence the selection forest processes by regulating the light regime. They can accelerate or slow down the processes, but the limiting factor must be the conservation of the selection structure.",
journal = "Austrian Journal of Forest Science",
title = "Characteristics of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) development in selection forests at different sites - study of Mt. Goc forests (central Serbia)",
pages = "214-197",
number = "4",
volume = "126",
url = "conv_2238"
Banković, S., Madarević, M. J., Pantić, D., Obradović, S.,& Petrović, N.. (2009). Characteristics of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) development in selection forests at different sites - study of Mt. Goc forests (central Serbia). in Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 126(4), 197-214.
Banković S, Madarević MJ, Pantić D, Obradović S, Petrović N. Characteristics of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) development in selection forests at different sites - study of Mt. Goc forests (central Serbia). in Austrian Journal of Forest Science. 2009;126(4):197-214.
conv_2238 .
Banković, Staniša, Madarević, Milan J., Pantić, Damjan, Obradović, Snežana, Petrović, Nenad, "Characteristics of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) development in selection forests at different sites - study of Mt. Goc forests (central Serbia)" in Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 126, no. 4 (2009):197-214,
conv_2238 .

Šumski fond Republike Srbije - stanje i problemi

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan; Petrović, Nenad; Šljukić, Biljana; Obradović, Snežana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Petrović, Nenad
AU  - Šljukić, Biljana
AU  - Obradović, Snežana
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Na bazi podataka nacionalne inventure šuma u ovom radu prikazano je i analizirano stanje šumskog fonda Srbije po različitim kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim pokazateljima. U pitanju su sledeći pokazatelji: način korišćenja zemljišta, vlasništvo nad šumom, poreklo, prirodnost, očuvanost, mešovitost i strukturni oblik šuma, zastupljenost pojedinih vrsta drveća, sastojinska pripadnost, distribucija zapremine po debljinskim klasama, kao i količina suvog (mrtvog) drveta i rezerve ugljenika u šumama Srbije. Analiza ovako prezentovanog stanja omogućila je definisanje nekih od strateških problemi koji pojedinačno i u sadejstvu opterećuju naše šumske ekosisteme, a čija će detaljna razrada, mere i sredstva za prevazilaženje puni izraz dobiti u najvišem planskom dokumentu -Nacionalnom šumarskom programu. U vidu posebnog poglavlja i bez analitike prikazani su i osnovni podaci o šumskom fondu autonomne pokrajine Kosovo i Metohije, preuzeti iz izveštaja Norveške šumarske grupe.
AB  - Based on the data of the National Forest Inventory, this paper presents the basic characteristics of forest ecosystems in Serbia by different qualitative and quantitative parameters. The following parameters were dealt with: land use, forest ownership, origin, naturalness, preservation status, mixture and structural form of forests, percentage of tree species, stand category, volume distribution by diameter degrees, as well as the quantity of dead wood and carbon stock in the forests of Ser­bia. The analysis of the presented state enables the definition of some of strategic problems which individually and acting together burden our forest ecosystems, and whose detailed elaboration, measures and methods of enhancement will be fully expressed in the highest planning document - National Forest Programme. A special section, but without being sufficiently analytical, presents the main data on the growing stock of the Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija taken from the Report of the Norwegian Forestry Group.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Šumski fond Republike Srbije - stanje i problemi
T1  - The growing stock of the Republic of Serbia: State and problems
EP  - 29
IS  - 100
SP  - 7
DO  - 10.2298/GSF0900007B
UR  - conv_290
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan and Petrović, Nenad and Šljukić, Biljana and Obradović, Snežana",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Na bazi podataka nacionalne inventure šuma u ovom radu prikazano je i analizirano stanje šumskog fonda Srbije po različitim kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim pokazateljima. U pitanju su sledeći pokazatelji: način korišćenja zemljišta, vlasništvo nad šumom, poreklo, prirodnost, očuvanost, mešovitost i strukturni oblik šuma, zastupljenost pojedinih vrsta drveća, sastojinska pripadnost, distribucija zapremine po debljinskim klasama, kao i količina suvog (mrtvog) drveta i rezerve ugljenika u šumama Srbije. Analiza ovako prezentovanog stanja omogućila je definisanje nekih od strateških problemi koji pojedinačno i u sadejstvu opterećuju naše šumske ekosisteme, a čija će detaljna razrada, mere i sredstva za prevazilaženje puni izraz dobiti u najvišem planskom dokumentu -Nacionalnom šumarskom programu. U vidu posebnog poglavlja i bez analitike prikazani su i osnovni podaci o šumskom fondu autonomne pokrajine Kosovo i Metohije, preuzeti iz izveštaja Norveške šumarske grupe., Based on the data of the National Forest Inventory, this paper presents the basic characteristics of forest ecosystems in Serbia by different qualitative and quantitative parameters. The following parameters were dealt with: land use, forest ownership, origin, naturalness, preservation status, mixture and structural form of forests, percentage of tree species, stand category, volume distribution by diameter degrees, as well as the quantity of dead wood and carbon stock in the forests of Ser­bia. The analysis of the presented state enables the definition of some of strategic problems which individually and acting together burden our forest ecosystems, and whose detailed elaboration, measures and methods of enhancement will be fully expressed in the highest planning document - National Forest Programme. A special section, but without being sufficiently analytical, presents the main data on the growing stock of the Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija taken from the Report of the Norwegian Forestry Group.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Šumski fond Republike Srbije - stanje i problemi, The growing stock of the Republic of Serbia: State and problems",
pages = "29-7",
number = "100",
doi = "10.2298/GSF0900007B",
url = "conv_290"
Banković, S., Medarević, M., Pantić, D., Petrović, N., Šljukić, B.,& Obradović, S.. (2009). Šumski fond Republike Srbije - stanje i problemi. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(100), 7-29.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D, Petrović N, Šljukić B, Obradović S. Šumski fond Republike Srbije - stanje i problemi. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2009;(100):7-29.
conv_290 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, Petrović, Nenad, Šljukić, Biljana, Obradović, Snežana, "Šumski fond Republike Srbije - stanje i problemi" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 100 (2009):7-29, .,
conv_290 .

Oblik stabala cera u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2007)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - Proučavanje oblika stabla-obličnih brojeva i koeficijenata oblika, kao i njihovih međusobnih veza i veza sa ostalim elementima zapremine, nužan je preduslov izradi zapreminskih tablica po indirektnim metodima, koji su danas sve više u upotrebi. Posle određivanja veličina pomenutih pokazatelja oblika stabla, u ovom radu pristupilo se istraživanju veze između pravih koeficijenata oblika i pravog obličnog broja, zatim veze između pravog obličnog broja i prečnika i visine stabla, kao i veze između nepravog i pravog obličnog broja.
AB  - The study of tree stem form-form factors and form quotients, and their dependence, and the relation with other volume elements is a necessary precondition for the construction of volume tables by indirect methods, which are increasingly applied. After determining the magnitudes of the above indicators of tree stem form, this paper studies the correlation between normal form quotients and normal form factor, then the correlation between normal form factor and tree diameter and height, as well as the correlation of normal and artificial form factor.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Oblik stabala cera u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore
T1  - Form of turkey oak tree stems in coppice forests of Fruška Gora
EP  - 33
IS  - 95
SP  - 23
DO  - 10.2298/GSF0795023B
UR  - conv_249
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Proučavanje oblika stabla-obličnih brojeva i koeficijenata oblika, kao i njihovih međusobnih veza i veza sa ostalim elementima zapremine, nužan je preduslov izradi zapreminskih tablica po indirektnim metodima, koji su danas sve više u upotrebi. Posle određivanja veličina pomenutih pokazatelja oblika stabla, u ovom radu pristupilo se istraživanju veze između pravih koeficijenata oblika i pravog obličnog broja, zatim veze između pravog obličnog broja i prečnika i visine stabla, kao i veze između nepravog i pravog obličnog broja., The study of tree stem form-form factors and form quotients, and their dependence, and the relation with other volume elements is a necessary precondition for the construction of volume tables by indirect methods, which are increasingly applied. After determining the magnitudes of the above indicators of tree stem form, this paper studies the correlation between normal form quotients and normal form factor, then the correlation between normal form factor and tree diameter and height, as well as the correlation of normal and artificial form factor.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Oblik stabala cera u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore, Form of turkey oak tree stems in coppice forests of Fruška Gora",
pages = "33-23",
number = "95",
doi = "10.2298/GSF0795023B",
url = "conv_249"
Banković, S., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2007). Oblik stabala cera u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(95), 23-33.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D. Oblik stabala cera u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2007;(95):23-33.
conv_249 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Oblik stabala cera u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 95 (2007):23-33, .,
conv_249 .

Oblik stabala bukve u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2004)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2004
UR  -
AB  - Proučavanje oblika stabala - obličnih brojeva i koeficijenata oblika, te njihovih međusobnih veza i veza sa ostalim elementima zapremine, nužan je preduslov izradi zapreminskih tablica po indirektnim metodima, koji su danas sve više u upotrebi. Posle određivanja veličina pomenutih pokazatelja oblika stabla, u ovom radu se pristupilo istraživanju veze između pravih koeficijenata oblika i pravog obličnog broja, zatim veze između pravog obličnog broja i prečnika i visine stabala, kao i veze između pravog i nepravog obličnog broja.
AB  - The study of tree form - form factors and form quotients and their interrelationship and the relation with other elements of volume is a necessary precondition for the construction of volume tables by the increasingly applied indirect methods. After the magnitudes of these parameters of tree form were defined, we studied the correlation between normal form quotients and normal form factor, between normal form factor and tree diameter and height, and between normal form factor and artificial form factor.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Oblik stabala bukve u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore
T1  - Form of beech trees in coppice forests of Fruška Gora
EP  - 63
IS  - 90
SP  - 53
DO  - 10.2298/GSF0490053B
UR  - conv_183
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2004",
abstract = "Proučavanje oblika stabala - obličnih brojeva i koeficijenata oblika, te njihovih međusobnih veza i veza sa ostalim elementima zapremine, nužan je preduslov izradi zapreminskih tablica po indirektnim metodima, koji su danas sve više u upotrebi. Posle određivanja veličina pomenutih pokazatelja oblika stabla, u ovom radu se pristupilo istraživanju veze između pravih koeficijenata oblika i pravog obličnog broja, zatim veze između pravog obličnog broja i prečnika i visine stabala, kao i veze između pravog i nepravog obličnog broja., The study of tree form - form factors and form quotients and their interrelationship and the relation with other elements of volume is a necessary precondition for the construction of volume tables by the increasingly applied indirect methods. After the magnitudes of these parameters of tree form were defined, we studied the correlation between normal form quotients and normal form factor, between normal form factor and tree diameter and height, and between normal form factor and artificial form factor.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Oblik stabala bukve u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore, Form of beech trees in coppice forests of Fruška Gora",
pages = "63-53",
number = "90",
doi = "10.2298/GSF0490053B",
url = "conv_183"
Banković, S., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2004). Oblik stabala bukve u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(90), 53-63.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D. Oblik stabala bukve u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2004;(90):53-63.
conv_183 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Oblik stabala bukve u izdanačkim šumama Fruške Gore" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 90 (2004):53-63, .,
conv_183 .

Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u najzastupljenijim sastojinama četinarskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2002)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2002
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta u sastojinama jele, smrče, crnog i belog bora u Srbiji, s jedne, i broja stabala po hektaru, prečnika srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku, visine srednjeg sastojinskgog stabla po preseku i učešća vrste drveća u smesi, s druge strane. Za svaku vrstu drveća testirana su po 4 regresiona modela, a na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja, te tačnosti tablica procenta zapreminskog prirasta, izvršen je definitivni izbor modela za određivanje procenta zapremninskog prirasta za pomenute vrste drveća u Srbiji. Na ovaj način praktična upotreba metoda procenta prirasta za određivanje tekućeg zapreminskog prirasta sastojine u mnogome je olakšana i učinjena još ekonomičnijom u odnosu na druge metode.
AB  - Considering the great significance of volume increment in forestry, it is understandable that there are numerous methods of its assessment. However, all these methods have some disadvantages, either the accuracy of the obtained results, too large scope of works of forest inventory (economicity), or the restriction only to stands of certain silvicultural type. To make the method of stand volume increment more economic and simplified, we defined regression models for volume increment percentage assessment in fir, spruce, Austrian pine and Scots pine stands in Serbia. Empirical data were fitted by four regression models for each tree species. The criteria for the final selection of models for the determination of volume increment percentage were the relevant statistic parameters of regression and correlation analysis, and the degree of concordance of "real" and fitted ("table") values of volume increment percentage. The selected models for the above tree species are Fir Spruce Austrian pine Scots pine In the practical work of the assessment of current volume increment in the stand, in regular forest inventories, the method of volume increment percentage should be implemented with correction factors for the fitting of "table" (obtained by this method) values of volume increment and "real" values (obtained by the method of diameter increment), on at least 10 % of the stands of the same or similar stand class (same or similar tree species and stand form). In this way, the costs of forest inventory would be reduced, and the obtained results would range within the limits of the required accuracy.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u najzastupljenijim sastojinama četinarskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji
T1  - Regression models of volume increment percentage in the Most represented stands of coniferous tree species in Serbia
EP  - 35
IS  - 85
SP  - 25
DO  - 10.2298/GSF0285025B
UR  - conv_116
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2002",
abstract = "U ovom radu istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta u sastojinama jele, smrče, crnog i belog bora u Srbiji, s jedne, i broja stabala po hektaru, prečnika srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku, visine srednjeg sastojinskgog stabla po preseku i učešća vrste drveća u smesi, s druge strane. Za svaku vrstu drveća testirana su po 4 regresiona modela, a na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja, te tačnosti tablica procenta zapreminskog prirasta, izvršen je definitivni izbor modela za određivanje procenta zapremninskog prirasta za pomenute vrste drveća u Srbiji. Na ovaj način praktična upotreba metoda procenta prirasta za određivanje tekućeg zapreminskog prirasta sastojine u mnogome je olakšana i učinjena još ekonomičnijom u odnosu na druge metode., Considering the great significance of volume increment in forestry, it is understandable that there are numerous methods of its assessment. However, all these methods have some disadvantages, either the accuracy of the obtained results, too large scope of works of forest inventory (economicity), or the restriction only to stands of certain silvicultural type. To make the method of stand volume increment more economic and simplified, we defined regression models for volume increment percentage assessment in fir, spruce, Austrian pine and Scots pine stands in Serbia. Empirical data were fitted by four regression models for each tree species. The criteria for the final selection of models for the determination of volume increment percentage were the relevant statistic parameters of regression and correlation analysis, and the degree of concordance of "real" and fitted ("table") values of volume increment percentage. The selected models for the above tree species are Fir Spruce Austrian pine Scots pine In the practical work of the assessment of current volume increment in the stand, in regular forest inventories, the method of volume increment percentage should be implemented with correction factors for the fitting of "table" (obtained by this method) values of volume increment and "real" values (obtained by the method of diameter increment), on at least 10 % of the stands of the same or similar stand class (same or similar tree species and stand form). In this way, the costs of forest inventory would be reduced, and the obtained results would range within the limits of the required accuracy.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u najzastupljenijim sastojinama četinarskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji, Regression models of volume increment percentage in the Most represented stands of coniferous tree species in Serbia",
pages = "35-25",
number = "85",
doi = "10.2298/GSF0285025B",
url = "conv_116"
Banković, S., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2002). Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u najzastupljenijim sastojinama četinarskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(85), 25-35.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D. Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u najzastupljenijim sastojinama četinarskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2002;(85):25-35.
conv_116 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u najzastupljenijim sastojinama četinarskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 85 (2002):25-35, .,
conv_116 .

Pouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumama

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2002)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2002
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu analiziran je uticaj pouzdanosti informacija koje se odnose na površinu šumskog fonda i visinu drvnog inventara na planove gazdovanja šumama, a pre svega na plan iskorišćavanja šuma. Konstatovano je da svaka improvizacija prilikom praktičnih radova na uređivanju šuma za posledicu ima stvaranje nepouzdanog informacionog osnova iz kojeg proizilaze nerealni i stanju šuma neprimereni planovi gazdovanja. U takvim situacijama, bez obzira na finansijske izdatke, mora se pristupiti reviziji planskih dokumenata. U suprotnom, realizacija planova zasnovanih na nekorektno utvrđenom stanju šuma ostavlja za sobom znatno kompleksnije posledice, za čije je saniranje, ukoliko je to u opšte moguće, u toku dugog vremenskog perioda potrebno angažovati znatno veći stručni i finansijski potencijal.
AB  - The reliability of information on the growing stock state is the basic prerequisite of real forest management plans. In this sense, practical works on forest management, including data processing, which creates the information base in forestry, should be carried out in the most correct way, disregarding the numerous problems (subjective and objective) which result from the conditions in which the works are performed. Improvisations in any phase of the works, as illustrated by the example presented in this paper, create a wrong idea on the forest state, which further results in unreal and inadequate forest management plans. In all situations in which the data in plan documents do not agree with the real forest state, disregarding the increased financial expenditures, the works on forest management should be revised and plan documents should be made. In this way, we eliminate the potential consequences which would result from the realisation of the planed works based on unreal forest state, which would be reflected both in the economic and in the ecological senses, without the possibility to remove the consequences in a short time period.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Pouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumama
T1  - Reliability of information on the growing stock as the base of real forest management planning
EP  - 79
IS  - 86
SP  - 67
DO  - 10.2298/GSF0286067B
UR  - conv_125
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2002",
abstract = "U ovom radu analiziran je uticaj pouzdanosti informacija koje se odnose na površinu šumskog fonda i visinu drvnog inventara na planove gazdovanja šumama, a pre svega na plan iskorišćavanja šuma. Konstatovano je da svaka improvizacija prilikom praktičnih radova na uređivanju šuma za posledicu ima stvaranje nepouzdanog informacionog osnova iz kojeg proizilaze nerealni i stanju šuma neprimereni planovi gazdovanja. U takvim situacijama, bez obzira na finansijske izdatke, mora se pristupiti reviziji planskih dokumenata. U suprotnom, realizacija planova zasnovanih na nekorektno utvrđenom stanju šuma ostavlja za sobom znatno kompleksnije posledice, za čije je saniranje, ukoliko je to u opšte moguće, u toku dugog vremenskog perioda potrebno angažovati znatno veći stručni i finansijski potencijal., The reliability of information on the growing stock state is the basic prerequisite of real forest management plans. In this sense, practical works on forest management, including data processing, which creates the information base in forestry, should be carried out in the most correct way, disregarding the numerous problems (subjective and objective) which result from the conditions in which the works are performed. Improvisations in any phase of the works, as illustrated by the example presented in this paper, create a wrong idea on the forest state, which further results in unreal and inadequate forest management plans. In all situations in which the data in plan documents do not agree with the real forest state, disregarding the increased financial expenditures, the works on forest management should be revised and plan documents should be made. In this way, we eliminate the potential consequences which would result from the realisation of the planed works based on unreal forest state, which would be reflected both in the economic and in the ecological senses, without the possibility to remove the consequences in a short time period.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Pouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumama, Reliability of information on the growing stock as the base of real forest management planning",
pages = "79-67",
number = "86",
doi = "10.2298/GSF0286067B",
url = "conv_125"
Banković, S., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2002). Pouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumama. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(86), 67-79.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D. Pouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumama. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2002;(86):67-79.
conv_125 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Pouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumama" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 86 (2002):67-79, .,
conv_125 .

Stanje šuma u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije

Medarević, Milan; Banković, Staniša; Pantić, Damjan

(Zavod za zaštitu prirode, Beograd, 2001)

AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2001
UR  -
AB  - Jedna od osnovnih prirodnih vrednosti nacionalnih parkova u Srbiji su očuvani šumski ekosistemi. Državne šume u nacionalnim parkovima pokrivaju 103 955 ha (8,5% od ukupne površine državnih šuma). U celini gledano šume u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije čine reprezent vertikalnog rasprostranjenja šumskih zajednica, od pojasa aluvijalno higrofilnih tipova šuma na Dunavu (nacionalni park Fruška gora) do pojasa subalpijskih žbunastih četinara - bor krivulj na Šar planini. U nacionalnim parkovima Srbije su sačuvane mnoge retke, reliktne i endemične vrste drveća: mečija leska (Corylus colurna), tisa (Taxus baccata), koprivić (Celtis australis), maklen (Acer monspesulanum), jorgovan (Siringa vulgaris), makedonski hrast (Quercus trojana), omorika (Picea omoricae), opax (Juglans regia), munika (Pinus heldreichi), molika (Pinus peuce), krivulj (Pinus mugo) i zelenika (Ilex aqufolium).
AB  - One of the main natural potential on the national parks in Serbia are preserved forests ecosystems. The public forest in the national parks covered 103 955ha (8,5 % of whole public forest area). Forests, in the national parks in Serbia, are represent of vertical diffusion of forest association, from the strip of alluvial - hygrophyl forests type along the Danube bank (national park Fruska gora) to the sub - alpine coniferous bushy vegetation of mugho pine on Šar - planina Mt. Rare, relict and endemic tree species such as Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna), Commom yew (Taxus baccata), Southern celtis (Celtis australis), Montpelier maple (Acer intermedium, Pancic), Lilac (Siringa vulgaris), Macedonian oak (Quercus trojana), Serbian spruce (Picea omoricae), walnut tree (Juglans regia), White bark pine (Pinus heldreichi), Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce), Mugho pine (Pinus mugo) and English holly (Ilex aqufolium) are protected within the forest vegetation in the national parks. .
PB  - Zavod za zaštitu prirode, Beograd
T2  - Zaštita prirode
T1  - Stanje šuma u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije
T1  - The condition of forests in the Serbian national parks
EP  - 19
IS  - 1
SP  - 5
VL  - 53
UR  - conv_636
ER  - 
author = "Medarević, Milan and Banković, Staniša and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2001",
abstract = "Jedna od osnovnih prirodnih vrednosti nacionalnih parkova u Srbiji su očuvani šumski ekosistemi. Državne šume u nacionalnim parkovima pokrivaju 103 955 ha (8,5% od ukupne površine državnih šuma). U celini gledano šume u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije čine reprezent vertikalnog rasprostranjenja šumskih zajednica, od pojasa aluvijalno higrofilnih tipova šuma na Dunavu (nacionalni park Fruška gora) do pojasa subalpijskih žbunastih četinara - bor krivulj na Šar planini. U nacionalnim parkovima Srbije su sačuvane mnoge retke, reliktne i endemične vrste drveća: mečija leska (Corylus colurna), tisa (Taxus baccata), koprivić (Celtis australis), maklen (Acer monspesulanum), jorgovan (Siringa vulgaris), makedonski hrast (Quercus trojana), omorika (Picea omoricae), opax (Juglans regia), munika (Pinus heldreichi), molika (Pinus peuce), krivulj (Pinus mugo) i zelenika (Ilex aqufolium)., One of the main natural potential on the national parks in Serbia are preserved forests ecosystems. The public forest in the national parks covered 103 955ha (8,5 % of whole public forest area). Forests, in the national parks in Serbia, are represent of vertical diffusion of forest association, from the strip of alluvial - hygrophyl forests type along the Danube bank (national park Fruska gora) to the sub - alpine coniferous bushy vegetation of mugho pine on Šar - planina Mt. Rare, relict and endemic tree species such as Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna), Commom yew (Taxus baccata), Southern celtis (Celtis australis), Montpelier maple (Acer intermedium, Pancic), Lilac (Siringa vulgaris), Macedonian oak (Quercus trojana), Serbian spruce (Picea omoricae), walnut tree (Juglans regia), White bark pine (Pinus heldreichi), Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce), Mugho pine (Pinus mugo) and English holly (Ilex aqufolium) are protected within the forest vegetation in the national parks. .",
publisher = "Zavod za zaštitu prirode, Beograd",
journal = "Zaštita prirode",
title = "Stanje šuma u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije, The condition of forests in the Serbian national parks",
pages = "19-5",
number = "1",
volume = "53",
url = "conv_636"
Medarević, M., Banković, S.,& Pantić, D.. (2001). Stanje šuma u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije. in Zaštita prirode
Zavod za zaštitu prirode, Beograd., 53(1), 5-19.
Medarević M, Banković S, Pantić D. Stanje šuma u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije. in Zaštita prirode. 2001;53(1):5-19.
conv_636 .
Medarević, Milan, Banković, Staniša, Pantić, Damjan, "Stanje šuma u nacionalnim parkovima Srbije" in Zaštita prirode, 53, no. 1 (2001):5-19,
conv_636 .

Razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike sastojine platana na staništu lužnjaka i jasena u Sremu

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan; Sofrenić, Vladimir

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2001)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
AU  - Sofrenić, Vladimir
PY  - 2001
UR  -
AB  - Analizom strukturnih i razvojno proizvodnih karakteristika veštački podignute sastojine platana (Platanus orientalis L.) i poređenjem sa proizvodnošću visokih prirodnih sastojina autohtonih vrsta drveća na istom tipu šume, uzimajući pri tome u obzir biološku stabilnost sastojina različitog porekla, ali i činjenicu da je platan veoma retka, a time i vredna vrsta drveća u našem šumskom fondu, sagledana je dalja gazdinska perspektiva ove veštački podignute sastojine na prirodnim staništima lužnjaka i poljskog jasena u Sremu.
AB  - The structural and development-productivity characteristics of the artificially established plane-tree stand was analyzed and compared to the productivity of high natural stands of autochthonous tree species at the same forest type, taking into account the biological stability of fluids of different origin, and also the fact that plane tree is a very rare and thus a valuable tree species in our growing stock. In this way, we considered the further management prospect of this artificially established stand at the natural sites of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash in Srem.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike sastojine platana na staništu lužnjaka i jasena u Sremu
T1  - Development and productivity characteristics of an artificially established plane-tree stand at the site of pedunculate oak and ash in Srem
EP  - 15
IS  - 84
SP  - 7
UR  - conv_108
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan and Sofrenić, Vladimir",
year = "2001",
abstract = "Analizom strukturnih i razvojno proizvodnih karakteristika veštački podignute sastojine platana (Platanus orientalis L.) i poređenjem sa proizvodnošću visokih prirodnih sastojina autohtonih vrsta drveća na istom tipu šume, uzimajući pri tome u obzir biološku stabilnost sastojina različitog porekla, ali i činjenicu da je platan veoma retka, a time i vredna vrsta drveća u našem šumskom fondu, sagledana je dalja gazdinska perspektiva ove veštački podignute sastojine na prirodnim staništima lužnjaka i poljskog jasena u Sremu., The structural and development-productivity characteristics of the artificially established plane-tree stand was analyzed and compared to the productivity of high natural stands of autochthonous tree species at the same forest type, taking into account the biological stability of fluids of different origin, and also the fact that plane tree is a very rare and thus a valuable tree species in our growing stock. In this way, we considered the further management prospect of this artificially established stand at the natural sites of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash in Srem.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike sastojine platana na staništu lužnjaka i jasena u Sremu, Development and productivity characteristics of an artificially established plane-tree stand at the site of pedunculate oak and ash in Srem",
pages = "15-7",
number = "84",
url = "conv_108"
Banković, S., Medarević, M., Pantić, D.,& Sofrenić, V.. (2001). Razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike sastojine platana na staništu lužnjaka i jasena u Sremu. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(84), 7-15.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D, Sofrenić V. Razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike sastojine platana na staništu lužnjaka i jasena u Sremu. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2001;(84):7-15.
conv_108 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, Sofrenić, Vladimir, "Razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike sastojine platana na staništu lužnjaka i jasena u Sremu" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 84 (2001):7-15,
conv_108 .

Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji

Banković, Staniša; Jović, Dušan; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2000)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Jović, Dušan
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2000
UR  -
AB  - Statističkim metodama (regresiona i korelaciona analiza) istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji s jedne, i broja stabala po hektaru, prečnika srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku, visine srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku i učešća u smesi, s druge strane. Za svaku vrstu drveća testirana su po četiri regresiona modela, a na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja, ocene stepena komplikovanosti modela, kao i stepena slaganja između tabličnih i 'stvarnih' vrednosti procenta zapreminskog prirasta, izvršen je definitivni izbor regresionog modela za određivanje procenta zapreminskog prirasta za bukvu i kitnjak u Srbiji.. Na ovaj način primena metoda procenta prirasta za određivanje zapreminskog prirasta sastojine u mnogome je olakšana i učinjena još ekonomičnijom u odnosu na druge metode.
AB  - Statistic methods (regression and correlation analysis) were applied in the study of dependence between the percentage of volume increment in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbia on the one hand, and the number of trees per hectare, diameter of mean stand tree per cross section, height of mean stand tree per cross section and the percentage in the mixture, on the other hand. Four regression models were tested for each tree species. Based on the relevant statistic parameters, assessment of the degree of model complication, as well as the degree of agreement between the tabular and 'actual' values of volume increment percentage, the definite regression model was selected for the assessment of volume increment percentage for beech and sessile oak in Serbia. In this way, the application of the method of increment percentage for the determination of stand volume increment has been made much easier and more economic, compared to other methods.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji
T1  - Regression models for the assessment of volume increment percentage in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbia
EP  - 31
IS  - 83
SP  - 21
UR  - conv_94
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Jović, Dušan and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2000",
abstract = "Statističkim metodama (regresiona i korelaciona analiza) istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji s jedne, i broja stabala po hektaru, prečnika srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku, visine srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku i učešća u smesi, s druge strane. Za svaku vrstu drveća testirana su po četiri regresiona modela, a na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja, ocene stepena komplikovanosti modela, kao i stepena slaganja između tabličnih i 'stvarnih' vrednosti procenta zapreminskog prirasta, izvršen je definitivni izbor regresionog modela za određivanje procenta zapreminskog prirasta za bukvu i kitnjak u Srbiji.. Na ovaj način primena metoda procenta prirasta za određivanje zapreminskog prirasta sastojine u mnogome je olakšana i učinjena još ekonomičnijom u odnosu na druge metode., Statistic methods (regression and correlation analysis) were applied in the study of dependence between the percentage of volume increment in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbia on the one hand, and the number of trees per hectare, diameter of mean stand tree per cross section, height of mean stand tree per cross section and the percentage in the mixture, on the other hand. Four regression models were tested for each tree species. Based on the relevant statistic parameters, assessment of the degree of model complication, as well as the degree of agreement between the tabular and 'actual' values of volume increment percentage, the definite regression model was selected for the assessment of volume increment percentage for beech and sessile oak in Serbia. In this way, the application of the method of increment percentage for the determination of stand volume increment has been made much easier and more economic, compared to other methods.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji, Regression models for the assessment of volume increment percentage in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbia",
pages = "31-21",
number = "83",
url = "conv_94"
Banković, S., Jović, D., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2000). Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(83), 21-31.
Banković S, Jović D, Medarević M, Pantić D. Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2000;(83):21-31.
conv_94 .
Banković, Staniša, Jović, Dušan, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Regresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 83 (2000):21-31,
conv_94 .

Tablice procenta zapreminskog prirasta za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u šumama Ravnog Srema

Banković, Staniša; Jović, Dušan; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2000)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Jović, Dušan
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2000
UR  -
AB  - Primenom statističkih metoda (regresione i korelacione analize) istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta, s jedne strane, i broja stabala, srednjeg sastojinskog prečnika po preseku, srednje sastojinske visine po preseku i procentualnog učešća u smesi, s druge strane, za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u čistim i mešovitim šumama Ravnog Srema. Na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja izabrani model je predstavljao osnov za izradu Tablica procenta zapreminskog prirasta za navedene vrste drveća.
AB  - The dependence of volume increment percentage on the one hand, and tree number, mean stand diameter per cross section, mean stand height per cross section and the percentage in the mixture, on the other hand, for pedunculate oak, narrow-leaved ash, Turkey oak and hornbeam in pure and mixed forests of Ravni Srem. The applied statistic methods were regression and correlation analysis. Based on the relevant statistic parameters, the selected model was the base for the construction of Tables of volume increment percentage for the above tree species.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Tablice procenta zapreminskog prirasta za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u šumama Ravnog Srema
T1  - Tables of volume increment percentage for pedunculate oak, narrow-leaved ash, Turkey oak and hornbeam in the forests of Ravni Srem
EP  - 39
IS  - 82
SP  - 25
UR  - conv_75
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Jović, Dušan and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2000",
abstract = "Primenom statističkih metoda (regresione i korelacione analize) istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta, s jedne strane, i broja stabala, srednjeg sastojinskog prečnika po preseku, srednje sastojinske visine po preseku i procentualnog učešća u smesi, s druge strane, za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u čistim i mešovitim šumama Ravnog Srema. Na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja izabrani model je predstavljao osnov za izradu Tablica procenta zapreminskog prirasta za navedene vrste drveća., The dependence of volume increment percentage on the one hand, and tree number, mean stand diameter per cross section, mean stand height per cross section and the percentage in the mixture, on the other hand, for pedunculate oak, narrow-leaved ash, Turkey oak and hornbeam in pure and mixed forests of Ravni Srem. The applied statistic methods were regression and correlation analysis. Based on the relevant statistic parameters, the selected model was the base for the construction of Tables of volume increment percentage for the above tree species.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Tablice procenta zapreminskog prirasta za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u šumama Ravnog Srema, Tables of volume increment percentage for pedunculate oak, narrow-leaved ash, Turkey oak and hornbeam in the forests of Ravni Srem",
pages = "39-25",
number = "82",
url = "conv_75"
Banković, S., Jović, D., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2000). Tablice procenta zapreminskog prirasta za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u šumama Ravnog Srema. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(82), 25-39.
Banković S, Jović D, Medarević M, Pantić D. Tablice procenta zapreminskog prirasta za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u šumama Ravnog Srema. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2000;(82):25-39.
conv_75 .
Banković, Staniša, Jović, Dušan, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Tablice procenta zapreminskog prirasta za hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen, cer i grab u šumama Ravnog Srema" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 82 (2000):25-39,
conv_75 .

Strukturne i proizvodne karakteristike veštački podignutih sastojina crnog oraha i potreba njihove restitucije na različitim tipovima šuma u Sremu

Banković, Staniša; Medarević, Milan; Pantić, Damjan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2000)

AU  - Banković, Staniša
AU  - Medarević, Milan
AU  - Pantić, Damjan
PY  - 2000
UR  -
AB  - Uporednom analizom proizvodnih efekata ostvarenih u kulturama crnog oraha i efekata postignutih u prirodnim sastojinama autohtonih vrsta drveća na istim tipovima šuma u Sremu, pri čemu je u obzir uzeta i ekološka stabilnost sastojina različitog porekla, nedvosmisleno se došlo do zaključka da veštački podignute sastojine crnog oraha treba restituisati sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka. Restituciji sastojina visoke proizvodnosti i dobre potencijalne sortimentne strukture treba pristupiti tek nakon isteka ophodnje, dok biološki i ekonomski momenti nalažu da se u sastojinama lošeg zdravstvenog stanja i niske proizvodnosti ova gazdinska mera sprovede što pre.
AB  - The comparative analysis of productive effects realized in black walnut plantations and the effects reached in natural stands of autochthonous tree species in the same forest types in Srem, taking into account also the ecological stability of stands of different origin, shows clearly that artificially established black walnut stands should be substituted by stands of pedunculate oak. The restitution of stands of high productivity and good potential assortment structure should be undertaken only after the end of the rotation. Biological and economic reasons indicate that this management treatment should be performed as soon as possible in the stands of poor health condition and low productivity.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
T1  - Strukturne i proizvodne karakteristike veštački podignutih sastojina crnog oraha i potreba njihove restitucije na različitim tipovima šuma u Sremu
T1  - Structures and production characteristics of artificially established black walnut stands and the need of their substitution in different forest types in Srem
EP  - 42
IS  - 83
SP  - 33
UR  - conv_95
ER  - 
author = "Banković, Staniša and Medarević, Milan and Pantić, Damjan",
year = "2000",
abstract = "Uporednom analizom proizvodnih efekata ostvarenih u kulturama crnog oraha i efekata postignutih u prirodnim sastojinama autohtonih vrsta drveća na istim tipovima šuma u Sremu, pri čemu je u obzir uzeta i ekološka stabilnost sastojina različitog porekla, nedvosmisleno se došlo do zaključka da veštački podignute sastojine crnog oraha treba restituisati sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka. Restituciji sastojina visoke proizvodnosti i dobre potencijalne sortimentne strukture treba pristupiti tek nakon isteka ophodnje, dok biološki i ekonomski momenti nalažu da se u sastojinama lošeg zdravstvenog stanja i niske proizvodnosti ova gazdinska mera sprovede što pre., The comparative analysis of productive effects realized in black walnut plantations and the effects reached in natural stands of autochthonous tree species in the same forest types in Srem, taking into account also the ecological stability of stands of different origin, shows clearly that artificially established black walnut stands should be substituted by stands of pedunculate oak. The restitution of stands of high productivity and good potential assortment structure should be undertaken only after the end of the rotation. Biological and economic reasons indicate that this management treatment should be performed as soon as possible in the stands of poor health condition and low productivity.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta",
title = "Strukturne i proizvodne karakteristike veštački podignutih sastojina crnog oraha i potreba njihove restitucije na različitim tipovima šuma u Sremu, Structures and production characteristics of artificially established black walnut stands and the need of their substitution in different forest types in Srem",
pages = "42-33",
number = "83",
url = "conv_95"
Banković, S., Medarević, M.,& Pantić, D.. (2000). Strukturne i proizvodne karakteristike veštački podignutih sastojina crnog oraha i potreba njihove restitucije na različitim tipovima šuma u Sremu. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(83), 33-42.
Banković S, Medarević M, Pantić D. Strukturne i proizvodne karakteristike veštački podignutih sastojina crnog oraha i potreba njihove restitucije na različitim tipovima šuma u Sremu. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2000;(83):33-42.
conv_95 .
Banković, Staniša, Medarević, Milan, Pantić, Damjan, "Strukturne i proizvodne karakteristike veštački podignutih sastojina crnog oraha i potreba njihove restitucije na različitim tipovima šuma u Sremu" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 83 (2000):33-42,
conv_95 .