Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata
Socio-economic trends in the Serbian forestry sector: analysis of the market of forest products and its dynamic elements

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Marčeta, Milica
Keča, LjiljanaDelić, Sabina
Zlatić, Miodrag
Jelić, Sreten
Molnar, Dejan
Doctoral thesis (Published version)
Show full item recordAbstract
Tržište šumskih proizvoda odlikuje dinamička komponenta, koja usmerava odnose i tokove u ovoj sferi, pod uticajem velikog broja faktora, poput klimatskih, demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i brojnih drugih. Dinamički karakter tržišta otvara različite pristupe u sagledavanju i izučavanju njegovih determinanti, pre svega ponude i tražnje, kao i faktora koji se na direktan ili indirektan način dovode u vezu sa funkcionisanjem tržišnog mehanizma. Specifičnosti tržišta drvnih proizvoda, za razliku od ostalih konvencionalnih, ogleda se u sporom reagovanju i prilagođavanju promenama. U tom smislu, istraživanje ima višedimenzionalni karakter, u prvom redu jer se bavi tržištem drvnih proizvoda, dok u drugom redu analizira oblast nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Ovakvim pristupom, nastojao se pružiti širi kontekst u analizi tržišnih kretanja, posebno u oblasti komercijalno značajnih kategorija šumskih proizvoda (drvnih i nedrvnih). Sa druge strane, istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri nivoa, i to makr...o, mezo i mikro. Naime, na ukupnom (makro) nivou u razmatranje je uzeto područje Centralne Srbije (bez pokrajina Vojvodine i Kosova i Metohije). U okviru ovog, prvog, dela istraživanja, analizirana su ukupna tržišna kretanja u šumarstvu, kroz trendove seče, izrade i prodaje drvnih sortimenata u državnoj svojini. U drugom delu (mezo nivo) analizirano je područje poslovanja JP „Srbijašume“, i 17 gazdinstava, koja čine delove preduzeća.Treći deo istraživanja (mikro nivo) obuhvatio je preduzeća za primarnu preradu drveta, kao i preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćeni su primarni i sekundarni podaci, a za treći deo istraživanja, kreiran je poseban upitnik namenjen preduzećima iz domena primarne prerade drveta i drugi upitnik namenjen preduzećima, koja se bave NDŠP. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren na višestepenu analizu tržišta šumskih proizvoda, kod drvnih na makro, mezo i mikro nivou, dok je kod NDŠP obuhvaćen mikro nivo. Svrha istraživanja, u prvom i drugom delu, odnosila se na identifikovanje generalnih kretanja na tržištu drvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i NDŠP u Centralnoj Srbiji, odnosno u okviru šumskih gazdinstava JP „Srbijašume“. To je vršeno, pored analize opštih trendova, i kroz ispitivanje zavisnosti između obima prodaje i cene drveta, broja stanovnika sa područja opština u kojima se nalaze analizirana gazdinstva, kao i njihovih prosečnih neto zarada. U trećem delu, istraživanje je imalo za svrhu da ukaže na način i oblike organizovanja marketing miksa (proizvod, cena, promocija i distribucija) u preduzećima koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja, pored tržišta šumskih proizvoda u Srbiji, su i varijable socio-ekonomskog karaktera, koje na direktan ili indirektan način učestvuju u kreiranju tržišnih prilika u sektoru šumarstva.U radu su primenjene opšte i posebne naučne metode, kao i klasične metode zaključivanja. Kroz rezultate istraživanja data je sveobuhvatna slika tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih determinanti u kontekstu dinamičkih promena, koje se dešavaju u uslovima delovanja različitih socio–ekonomskih faktora. Na osnovu sagledavanja tržišta drvnih proizvoda, kroz ovo istraživanje, može se istaći da je bazična determinanta, koja opredeljuje dinamiku tržišnih kretanja, proizvodni potencijal šuma, odnosno mogućnosti koje šuma, kao sirovinski resurs, u datom momentu može da pruži, što ga u velikoj meri razlikuje od klasičnih oblika proizvodnje. Imajući u vidu rezultate istraživanja, treba ukazati na komplementarnost u odnosima prihoda, prodaje i prinosa, zbog čega se može reći da su oni dobra platforma za objektivnu projekciju i prognozu daljeg poslovanja i poslovne politike JP „Srbijašume“ i šumarstva uopšte. U oblasti NDŠP, prepoznata su mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) kao nosilac razvoja ovog sektora, posebno u kontekstu razvoja ruralnog preduzetništva. Ono što čini ograničavajući faktor je nedovoljno znanje i informisanost stanovništva o komercijalnom značaju NDŠP, načinima njihovog sakupljanja i plasmana. Sa druge strane, uočen je nedostatak preradnih kapaciteta, koji će odgovoriti narastajućim zahtevima tržišta za proizvodima prirodnog porekla. Takođe, formiranje različitih oblika udruživanja između proizvođača, ali i bolja povezanost između sakupljača i prerađivača, omogućila bi kreiranje efikasnijeg i efektivnijeg lanca stvaranja vrednosti. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju da su kretanja na tržištu šumskih proizvoda u velikoj meri pod uticajem globalnih kretanja u okvirima ekonomskog, društvenog i tehnološkog okruženja. Šumarstvo, kao specifična privredna oblast predstavlja izazov u istraživačkom smislu, posebno što u velikoj meri odstupa od klasičnih ekonomskih zakona i principa, zbog čega su neophodni različiti pristupi, kako bi se što bolje razumela i analizirala problematika u oblasti šumarstva, kao i tržišta šumskih proizvoda.
The forest products market is characterized by a dynamic component, which directs relations and flows in this sphere, under the influence of a large number of factors, such as climate, demographic, socio-economic factors and many others. The dynamic character of the market opens up different approaches in considering and studying its determinants, primarily supply and demand, as well as factors that are directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the market mechanism. The specifics of the wood products market, unlike in the case of other conventional ones, are reflected in a slow response and adaptation to changes. Therefore, this research has a multidimensional character, primarily because it deals with the market of wood products, while it also analyzes the field of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). This approach sought to provide a broader context in the analysis of market trends, especially in the field of commercially significant categories of (wood and non-wood) forest p...roducts. On the other hand, the research covered three levels, namely the macro, meso and micro levels. More precisely, the area of Central Serbia (excluding the provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) was taken into consideration at the overall (macro) level. Within this, first part of the research, the overall market trends in forestry were analyzed, through trends in logging, production and sales of state-owned wood assortments. The second part (meso level) analyzed the business area of PE "Srbijašume", and 17 forest holdings, which constitute parts of that company. The third part of the research (micro level) included primary wood processing companies, as well as companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. For the purposes of this research, primary and secondary data were used, and for the third part of the research, a special questionnaire was created for companies in the field of primary wood processing and another one for companies dealing with NWFPs. The aim of this research is focused on a multi-stage analysis of the forest products market, at the macro, meso and micro levels for wood products, and at the micro level in the case of NWFPs. The purpose of this research, in the first and second parts, is related to the identification of general trends in the wood forest products market, as well as NWFPs in Central Serbia, i.e. within forest holdings of PE "Srbijašume". This was done, in addition to the analysis of general trends, and through the examination of the dependence between the volume of sales and the price of wood, the population in the area of municipalities in which the analyzed holdings are located, as well as their average net salaries. In the third part, the research was aimed at indicating the manner and forms of organizing the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution) in companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. The subject of this research, in addition to the forest products market in Serbia, are also variables of socio-economic character, which participate in creating market opportunities in the forestry sector in a direct or indirect way. In this paper, general and special scientific methods were applied, as well as classical methods of deduction. The results of this research provide a comprehensive picture of the market of forest products and its determinants in the context of dynamic changes, which occur under the conditions of action of various socio-economic factors. Based on the analysis of the wood products market, through this research, it can be pointed out that the basic determinant, which defines the dynamics of market trends, is the production potential of forests, i.e. the opportunities that forests, as a raw material resource, can provide at a given moment, which greatly distinguishes it from classical forms of production. Bearing in mind the results of this research, complementarity should be pointed out in the relationships between revenues, sales and yields, which is why it can be said that they are a good platform for objective projection and forecast of further business practice and policy of PE "Srbijašume" and forestry in general. In the field of NWFPs, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized as the bearer of development of this sector, especially in the context of rural entrepreneurship development. The limiting factor is insufficient knowledge and information of the population about the commercial significance of NWFPs, the ways of their collection and placement. On the other hand, a lack of processing capacities was observed, which will respond to the growing market demands for products of natural origin. In addition, the formation of different forms of association between producers, as well as a better connection between collectors and processors, would allow for the creation of a more efficient and effective value creation chain. The findings of this research suggest that developments in the forest products market are largely influenced by global developments within the economic, social and technological environments. Forestry, as a specific economic area, represents a challenge in terms of research, especially as it deviates greatly from the classical economic laws and principles, which is why different approaches are necessary, in order to better understand and analyze the issues in the field of forestry, as well as the markets of forest products.
- Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet
Šumarski fakultetTY - THES AU - Marčeta, Milica PY - 2023 UR - UR - UR - UR - UR - AB - Tržište šumskih proizvoda odlikuje dinamička komponenta, koja usmerava odnose i tokove u ovoj sferi, pod uticajem velikog broja faktora, poput klimatskih, demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i brojnih drugih. Dinamički karakter tržišta otvara različite pristupe u sagledavanju i izučavanju njegovih determinanti, pre svega ponude i tražnje, kao i faktora koji se na direktan ili indirektan način dovode u vezu sa funkcionisanjem tržišnog mehanizma. Specifičnosti tržišta drvnih proizvoda, za razliku od ostalih konvencionalnih, ogleda se u sporom reagovanju i prilagođavanju promenama. U tom smislu, istraživanje ima višedimenzionalni karakter, u prvom redu jer se bavi tržištem drvnih proizvoda, dok u drugom redu analizira oblast nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Ovakvim pristupom, nastojao se pružiti širi kontekst u analizi tržišnih kretanja, posebno u oblasti komercijalno značajnih kategorija šumskih proizvoda (drvnih i nedrvnih). Sa druge strane, istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri nivoa, i to makro, mezo i mikro. Naime, na ukupnom (makro) nivou u razmatranje je uzeto područje Centralne Srbije (bez pokrajina Vojvodine i Kosova i Metohije). U okviru ovog, prvog, dela istraživanja, analizirana su ukupna tržišna kretanja u šumarstvu, kroz trendove seče, izrade i prodaje drvnih sortimenata u državnoj svojini. U drugom delu (mezo nivo) analizirano je područje poslovanja JP „Srbijašume“, i 17 gazdinstava, koja čine delove preduzeća.Treći deo istraživanja (mikro nivo) obuhvatio je preduzeća za primarnu preradu drveta, kao i preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćeni su primarni i sekundarni podaci, a za treći deo istraživanja, kreiran je poseban upitnik namenjen preduzećima iz domena primarne prerade drveta i drugi upitnik namenjen preduzećima, koja se bave NDŠP. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren na višestepenu analizu tržišta šumskih proizvoda, kod drvnih na makro, mezo i mikro nivou, dok je kod NDŠP obuhvaćen mikro nivo. Svrha istraživanja, u prvom i drugom delu, odnosila se na identifikovanje generalnih kretanja na tržištu drvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i NDŠP u Centralnoj Srbiji, odnosno u okviru šumskih gazdinstava JP „Srbijašume“. To je vršeno, pored analize opštih trendova, i kroz ispitivanje zavisnosti između obima prodaje i cene drveta, broja stanovnika sa područja opština u kojima se nalaze analizirana gazdinstva, kao i njihovih prosečnih neto zarada. U trećem delu, istraživanje je imalo za svrhu da ukaže na način i oblike organizovanja marketing miksa (proizvod, cena, promocija i distribucija) u preduzećima koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja, pored tržišta šumskih proizvoda u Srbiji, su i varijable socio-ekonomskog karaktera, koje na direktan ili indirektan način učestvuju u kreiranju tržišnih prilika u sektoru šumarstva.U radu su primenjene opšte i posebne naučne metode, kao i klasične metode zaključivanja. Kroz rezultate istraživanja data je sveobuhvatna slika tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih determinanti u kontekstu dinamičkih promena, koje se dešavaju u uslovima delovanja različitih socio–ekonomskih faktora. Na osnovu sagledavanja tržišta drvnih proizvoda, kroz ovo istraživanje, može se istaći da je bazična determinanta, koja opredeljuje dinamiku tržišnih kretanja, proizvodni potencijal šuma, odnosno mogućnosti koje šuma, kao sirovinski resurs, u datom momentu može da pruži, što ga u velikoj meri razlikuje od klasičnih oblika proizvodnje. Imajući u vidu rezultate istraživanja, treba ukazati na komplementarnost u odnosima prihoda, prodaje i prinosa, zbog čega se može reći da su oni dobra platforma za objektivnu projekciju i prognozu daljeg poslovanja i poslovne politike JP „Srbijašume“ i šumarstva uopšte. U oblasti NDŠP, prepoznata su mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) kao nosilac razvoja ovog sektora, posebno u kontekstu razvoja ruralnog preduzetništva. Ono što čini ograničavajući faktor je nedovoljno znanje i informisanost stanovništva o komercijalnom značaju NDŠP, načinima njihovog sakupljanja i plasmana. Sa druge strane, uočen je nedostatak preradnih kapaciteta, koji će odgovoriti narastajućim zahtevima tržišta za proizvodima prirodnog porekla. Takođe, formiranje različitih oblika udruživanja između proizvođača, ali i bolja povezanost između sakupljača i prerađivača, omogućila bi kreiranje efikasnijeg i efektivnijeg lanca stvaranja vrednosti. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju da su kretanja na tržištu šumskih proizvoda u velikoj meri pod uticajem globalnih kretanja u okvirima ekonomskog, društvenog i tehnološkog okruženja. Šumarstvo, kao specifična privredna oblast predstavlja izazov u istraživačkom smislu, posebno što u velikoj meri odstupa od klasičnih ekonomskih zakona i principa, zbog čega su neophodni različiti pristupi, kako bi se što bolje razumela i analizirala problematika u oblasti šumarstva, kao i tržišta šumskih proizvoda. AB - The forest products market is characterized by a dynamic component, which directs relations and flows in this sphere, under the influence of a large number of factors, such as climate, demographic, socio-economic factors and many others. The dynamic character of the market opens up different approaches in considering and studying its determinants, primarily supply and demand, as well as factors that are directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the market mechanism. The specifics of the wood products market, unlike in the case of other conventional ones, are reflected in a slow response and adaptation to changes. Therefore, this research has a multidimensional character, primarily because it deals with the market of wood products, while it also analyzes the field of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). This approach sought to provide a broader context in the analysis of market trends, especially in the field of commercially significant categories of (wood and non-wood) forest products. On the other hand, the research covered three levels, namely the macro, meso and micro levels. More precisely, the area of Central Serbia (excluding the provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) was taken into consideration at the overall (macro) level. Within this, first part of the research, the overall market trends in forestry were analyzed, through trends in logging, production and sales of state-owned wood assortments. The second part (meso level) analyzed the business area of PE "Srbijašume", and 17 forest holdings, which constitute parts of that company. The third part of the research (micro level) included primary wood processing companies, as well as companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. For the purposes of this research, primary and secondary data were used, and for the third part of the research, a special questionnaire was created for companies in the field of primary wood processing and another one for companies dealing with NWFPs. The aim of this research is focused on a multi-stage analysis of the forest products market, at the macro, meso and micro levels for wood products, and at the micro level in the case of NWFPs. The purpose of this research, in the first and second parts, is related to the identification of general trends in the wood forest products market, as well as NWFPs in Central Serbia, i.e. within forest holdings of PE "Srbijašume". This was done, in addition to the analysis of general trends, and through the examination of the dependence between the volume of sales and the price of wood, the population in the area of municipalities in which the analyzed holdings are located, as well as their average net salaries. In the third part, the research was aimed at indicating the manner and forms of organizing the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution) in companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. The subject of this research, in addition to the forest products market in Serbia, are also variables of socio-economic character, which participate in creating market opportunities in the forestry sector in a direct or indirect way. In this paper, general and special scientific methods were applied, as well as classical methods of deduction. The results of this research provide a comprehensive picture of the market of forest products and its determinants in the context of dynamic changes, which occur under the conditions of action of various socio-economic factors. Based on the analysis of the wood products market, through this research, it can be pointed out that the basic determinant, which defines the dynamics of market trends, is the production potential of forests, i.e. the opportunities that forests, as a raw material resource, can provide at a given moment, which greatly distinguishes it from classical forms of production. Bearing in mind the results of this research, complementarity should be pointed out in the relationships between revenues, sales and yields, which is why it can be said that they are a good platform for objective projection and forecast of further business practice and policy of PE "Srbijašume" and forestry in general. In the field of NWFPs, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized as the bearer of development of this sector, especially in the context of rural entrepreneurship development. The limiting factor is insufficient knowledge and information of the population about the commercial significance of NWFPs, the ways of their collection and placement. On the other hand, a lack of processing capacities was observed, which will respond to the growing market demands for products of natural origin. In addition, the formation of different forms of association between producers, as well as a better connection between collectors and processors, would allow for the creation of a more efficient and effective value creation chain. The findings of this research suggest that developments in the forest products market are largely influenced by global developments within the economic, social and technological environments. Forestry, as a specific economic area, represents a challenge in terms of research, especially as it deviates greatly from the classical economic laws and principles, which is why different approaches are necessary, in order to better understand and analyze the issues in the field of forestry, as well as the markets of forest products. PB - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet T1 - Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata T1 - Socio-economic trends in the Serbian forestry sector: analysis of the market of forest products and its dynamic elements UR - UR - t-15148 ER -
@phdthesis{ author = "Marčeta, Milica", year = "2023", abstract = "Tržište šumskih proizvoda odlikuje dinamička komponenta, koja usmerava odnose i tokove u ovoj sferi, pod uticajem velikog broja faktora, poput klimatskih, demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i brojnih drugih. Dinamički karakter tržišta otvara različite pristupe u sagledavanju i izučavanju njegovih determinanti, pre svega ponude i tražnje, kao i faktora koji se na direktan ili indirektan način dovode u vezu sa funkcionisanjem tržišnog mehanizma. Specifičnosti tržišta drvnih proizvoda, za razliku od ostalih konvencionalnih, ogleda se u sporom reagovanju i prilagođavanju promenama. U tom smislu, istraživanje ima višedimenzionalni karakter, u prvom redu jer se bavi tržištem drvnih proizvoda, dok u drugom redu analizira oblast nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP). Ovakvim pristupom, nastojao se pružiti širi kontekst u analizi tržišnih kretanja, posebno u oblasti komercijalno značajnih kategorija šumskih proizvoda (drvnih i nedrvnih). Sa druge strane, istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri nivoa, i to makro, mezo i mikro. Naime, na ukupnom (makro) nivou u razmatranje je uzeto područje Centralne Srbije (bez pokrajina Vojvodine i Kosova i Metohije). U okviru ovog, prvog, dela istraživanja, analizirana su ukupna tržišna kretanja u šumarstvu, kroz trendove seče, izrade i prodaje drvnih sortimenata u državnoj svojini. U drugom delu (mezo nivo) analizirano je područje poslovanja JP „Srbijašume“, i 17 gazdinstava, koja čine delove preduzeća.Treći deo istraživanja (mikro nivo) obuhvatio je preduzeća za primarnu preradu drveta, kao i preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćeni su primarni i sekundarni podaci, a za treći deo istraživanja, kreiran je poseban upitnik namenjen preduzećima iz domena primarne prerade drveta i drugi upitnik namenjen preduzećima, koja se bave NDŠP. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren na višestepenu analizu tržišta šumskih proizvoda, kod drvnih na makro, mezo i mikro nivou, dok je kod NDŠP obuhvaćen mikro nivo. Svrha istraživanja, u prvom i drugom delu, odnosila se na identifikovanje generalnih kretanja na tržištu drvnih šumskih proizvoda, kao i NDŠP u Centralnoj Srbiji, odnosno u okviru šumskih gazdinstava JP „Srbijašume“. To je vršeno, pored analize opštih trendova, i kroz ispitivanje zavisnosti između obima prodaje i cene drveta, broja stanovnika sa područja opština u kojima se nalaze analizirana gazdinstva, kao i njihovih prosečnih neto zarada. U trećem delu, istraživanje je imalo za svrhu da ukaže na način i oblike organizovanja marketing miksa (proizvod, cena, promocija i distribucija) u preduzećima koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP na području Centralne Srbije. Predmet istraživanja, pored tržišta šumskih proizvoda u Srbiji, su i varijable socio-ekonomskog karaktera, koje na direktan ili indirektan način učestvuju u kreiranju tržišnih prilika u sektoru šumarstva.U radu su primenjene opšte i posebne naučne metode, kao i klasične metode zaključivanja. Kroz rezultate istraživanja data je sveobuhvatna slika tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih determinanti u kontekstu dinamičkih promena, koje se dešavaju u uslovima delovanja različitih socio–ekonomskih faktora. Na osnovu sagledavanja tržišta drvnih proizvoda, kroz ovo istraživanje, može se istaći da je bazična determinanta, koja opredeljuje dinamiku tržišnih kretanja, proizvodni potencijal šuma, odnosno mogućnosti koje šuma, kao sirovinski resurs, u datom momentu može da pruži, što ga u velikoj meri razlikuje od klasičnih oblika proizvodnje. Imajući u vidu rezultate istraživanja, treba ukazati na komplementarnost u odnosima prihoda, prodaje i prinosa, zbog čega se može reći da su oni dobra platforma za objektivnu projekciju i prognozu daljeg poslovanja i poslovne politike JP „Srbijašume“ i šumarstva uopšte. U oblasti NDŠP, prepoznata su mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) kao nosilac razvoja ovog sektora, posebno u kontekstu razvoja ruralnog preduzetništva. Ono što čini ograničavajući faktor je nedovoljno znanje i informisanost stanovništva o komercijalnom značaju NDŠP, načinima njihovog sakupljanja i plasmana. Sa druge strane, uočen je nedostatak preradnih kapaciteta, koji će odgovoriti narastajućim zahtevima tržišta za proizvodima prirodnog porekla. Takođe, formiranje različitih oblika udruživanja između proizvođača, ali i bolja povezanost između sakupljača i prerađivača, omogućila bi kreiranje efikasnijeg i efektivnijeg lanca stvaranja vrednosti. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju da su kretanja na tržištu šumskih proizvoda u velikoj meri pod uticajem globalnih kretanja u okvirima ekonomskog, društvenog i tehnološkog okruženja. Šumarstvo, kao specifična privredna oblast predstavlja izazov u istraživačkom smislu, posebno što u velikoj meri odstupa od klasičnih ekonomskih zakona i principa, zbog čega su neophodni različiti pristupi, kako bi se što bolje razumela i analizirala problematika u oblasti šumarstva, kao i tržišta šumskih proizvoda., The forest products market is characterized by a dynamic component, which directs relations and flows in this sphere, under the influence of a large number of factors, such as climate, demographic, socio-economic factors and many others. The dynamic character of the market opens up different approaches in considering and studying its determinants, primarily supply and demand, as well as factors that are directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the market mechanism. The specifics of the wood products market, unlike in the case of other conventional ones, are reflected in a slow response and adaptation to changes. Therefore, this research has a multidimensional character, primarily because it deals with the market of wood products, while it also analyzes the field of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). This approach sought to provide a broader context in the analysis of market trends, especially in the field of commercially significant categories of (wood and non-wood) forest products. On the other hand, the research covered three levels, namely the macro, meso and micro levels. More precisely, the area of Central Serbia (excluding the provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija) was taken into consideration at the overall (macro) level. Within this, first part of the research, the overall market trends in forestry were analyzed, through trends in logging, production and sales of state-owned wood assortments. The second part (meso level) analyzed the business area of PE "Srbijašume", and 17 forest holdings, which constitute parts of that company. The third part of the research (micro level) included primary wood processing companies, as well as companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. For the purposes of this research, primary and secondary data were used, and for the third part of the research, a special questionnaire was created for companies in the field of primary wood processing and another one for companies dealing with NWFPs. The aim of this research is focused on a multi-stage analysis of the forest products market, at the macro, meso and micro levels for wood products, and at the micro level in the case of NWFPs. The purpose of this research, in the first and second parts, is related to the identification of general trends in the wood forest products market, as well as NWFPs in Central Serbia, i.e. within forest holdings of PE "Srbijašume". This was done, in addition to the analysis of general trends, and through the examination of the dependence between the volume of sales and the price of wood, the population in the area of municipalities in which the analyzed holdings are located, as well as their average net salaries. In the third part, the research was aimed at indicating the manner and forms of organizing the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution) in companies engaged in the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in the territory of Central Serbia. The subject of this research, in addition to the forest products market in Serbia, are also variables of socio-economic character, which participate in creating market opportunities in the forestry sector in a direct or indirect way. In this paper, general and special scientific methods were applied, as well as classical methods of deduction. The results of this research provide a comprehensive picture of the market of forest products and its determinants in the context of dynamic changes, which occur under the conditions of action of various socio-economic factors. Based on the analysis of the wood products market, through this research, it can be pointed out that the basic determinant, which defines the dynamics of market trends, is the production potential of forests, i.e. the opportunities that forests, as a raw material resource, can provide at a given moment, which greatly distinguishes it from classical forms of production. Bearing in mind the results of this research, complementarity should be pointed out in the relationships between revenues, sales and yields, which is why it can be said that they are a good platform for objective projection and forecast of further business practice and policy of PE "Srbijašume" and forestry in general. In the field of NWFPs, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized as the bearer of development of this sector, especially in the context of rural entrepreneurship development. The limiting factor is insufficient knowledge and information of the population about the commercial significance of NWFPs, the ways of their collection and placement. On the other hand, a lack of processing capacities was observed, which will respond to the growing market demands for products of natural origin. In addition, the formation of different forms of association between producers, as well as a better connection between collectors and processors, would allow for the creation of a more efficient and effective value creation chain. The findings of this research suggest that developments in the forest products market are largely influenced by global developments within the economic, social and technological environments. Forestry, as a specific economic area, represents a challenge in terms of research, especially as it deviates greatly from the classical economic laws and principles, which is why different approaches are necessary, in order to better understand and analyze the issues in the field of forestry, as well as the markets of forest products.", publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet", title = "Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata, Socio-economic trends in the Serbian forestry sector: analysis of the market of forest products and its dynamic elements", url = ", t-15148" }
Marčeta, M.. (2023). Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet..
Marčeta M. Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata. 2023;. .
Marčeta, Milica, "Socio-ekonomska kretanja u sektoru šumarstva Srbije: analiza tržišta šumskih proizvoda i njegovih dinamičkih elemenata" (2023), .