Efikasnost rada harvestera u kulturama bora na području Deliblatske peščare
Efficiency of harvester in pine plantations in the territory of Deliblato Sands
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja efikasnosti rada harvestera John Deere 1470G, u kulturama belog bora (Pinus sylvestris) starosti 70 godina. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji GJ "Deliblatski pesak - Korn". Primenjena je studija vremena i rada. Vremena trajanja radnih operacija snimana su metodom fotohronometraže. Ukupno je posečeno 500 stabala, ukupne zapremine 436,40 m3 . Rezultati su pokazali da u ukupnom vremenu seče i izrade zastoji učestvuju sa 34%, dok je udeo efektivnog radnog vremena 66%. Faktor dodatnog vremena iznosi 1,60. Produktivnost harvestera najviše je zavisila od prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini i kretala se od 4,77 m3 /ha do 24,55 m3 /ha. Jedinični troškovi su se smanjivali sa povećanjem prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini. Vrednosti jediničnih troškova kretali su se od 3,26 €/m3 do 16,78 €/m3 .
This paper presents the results of the research of efficiency of work of John Deere 1470G harvester in 70-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) plantations. The research was carried out in the territory of FMU Deliblato Sands - Korn, implementing the work time study. The chronometric method was applied to record the duration of every single harvester operation. The total number of cut trees was 500 and the total volume amounted to 436.40 m3 . The results showed that the share of downtimes in the total time of tree cutting and processing of wood assortments was 34%, while the effective working time was 66%. The allowance time coefficient was 1.60. The productivity of the harvester was most affected by DBH and ranged from 4.77 m3 /ha to 24.55 m3 /ha. Increasing DBH would reduce unit costs. Unit costs ranged from 3.26 €/m3 to 16.78 €/m3 .
produktivnost / kulture bora / John Deere 1470G / harvester / Deliblatska peščara / pine plantations / John Deere 1470G / harvester / efficiency / Deliblato SandsSource:
Šumarstvo, 2021, 73, 3-4, 53-63Publisher:
- Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
Šumarski fakultetTY - JOUR AU - Danilović, Milorad AU - Ćirović, Vladimir AU - Stojnić, Dušan AU - Antonić, Slavica PY - 2021 UR - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1268 AB - U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja efikasnosti rada harvestera John Deere 1470G, u kulturama belog bora (Pinus sylvestris) starosti 70 godina. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji GJ "Deliblatski pesak - Korn". Primenjena je studija vremena i rada. Vremena trajanja radnih operacija snimana su metodom fotohronometraže. Ukupno je posečeno 500 stabala, ukupne zapremine 436,40 m3 . Rezultati su pokazali da u ukupnom vremenu seče i izrade zastoji učestvuju sa 34%, dok je udeo efektivnog radnog vremena 66%. Faktor dodatnog vremena iznosi 1,60. Produktivnost harvestera najviše je zavisila od prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini i kretala se od 4,77 m3 /ha do 24,55 m3 /ha. Jedinični troškovi su se smanjivali sa povećanjem prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini. Vrednosti jediničnih troškova kretali su se od 3,26 €/m3 do 16,78 €/m3 . AB - This paper presents the results of the research of efficiency of work of John Deere 1470G harvester in 70-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) plantations. The research was carried out in the territory of FMU Deliblato Sands - Korn, implementing the work time study. The chronometric method was applied to record the duration of every single harvester operation. The total number of cut trees was 500 and the total volume amounted to 436.40 m3 . The results showed that the share of downtimes in the total time of tree cutting and processing of wood assortments was 34%, while the effective working time was 66%. The allowance time coefficient was 1.60. The productivity of the harvester was most affected by DBH and ranged from 4.77 m3 /ha to 24.55 m3 /ha. Increasing DBH would reduce unit costs. Unit costs ranged from 3.26 €/m3 to 16.78 €/m3 . PB - Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd T2 - Šumarstvo T1 - Efikasnost rada harvestera u kulturama bora na području Deliblatske peščare T1 - Efficiency of harvester in pine plantations in the territory of Deliblato Sands EP - 63 IS - 3-4 SP - 53 VL - 73 UR - conv_47 ER -
@article{ author = "Danilović, Milorad and Ćirović, Vladimir and Stojnić, Dušan and Antonić, Slavica", year = "2021", abstract = "U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja efikasnosti rada harvestera John Deere 1470G, u kulturama belog bora (Pinus sylvestris) starosti 70 godina. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji GJ "Deliblatski pesak - Korn". Primenjena je studija vremena i rada. Vremena trajanja radnih operacija snimana su metodom fotohronometraže. Ukupno je posečeno 500 stabala, ukupne zapremine 436,40 m3 . Rezultati su pokazali da u ukupnom vremenu seče i izrade zastoji učestvuju sa 34%, dok je udeo efektivnog radnog vremena 66%. Faktor dodatnog vremena iznosi 1,60. Produktivnost harvestera najviše je zavisila od prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini i kretala se od 4,77 m3 /ha do 24,55 m3 /ha. Jedinični troškovi su se smanjivali sa povećanjem prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini. Vrednosti jediničnih troškova kretali su se od 3,26 €/m3 do 16,78 €/m3 ., This paper presents the results of the research of efficiency of work of John Deere 1470G harvester in 70-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) plantations. The research was carried out in the territory of FMU Deliblato Sands - Korn, implementing the work time study. The chronometric method was applied to record the duration of every single harvester operation. The total number of cut trees was 500 and the total volume amounted to 436.40 m3 . The results showed that the share of downtimes in the total time of tree cutting and processing of wood assortments was 34%, while the effective working time was 66%. The allowance time coefficient was 1.60. The productivity of the harvester was most affected by DBH and ranged from 4.77 m3 /ha to 24.55 m3 /ha. Increasing DBH would reduce unit costs. Unit costs ranged from 3.26 €/m3 to 16.78 €/m3 .", publisher = "Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd", journal = "Šumarstvo", title = "Efikasnost rada harvestera u kulturama bora na području Deliblatske peščare, Efficiency of harvester in pine plantations in the territory of Deliblato Sands", pages = "63-53", number = "3-4", volume = "73", url = "conv_47" }
Danilović, M., Ćirović, V., Stojnić, D.,& Antonić, S.. (2021). Efikasnost rada harvestera u kulturama bora na području Deliblatske peščare. in Šumarstvo Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 73(3-4), 53-63. conv_47
Danilović M, Ćirović V, Stojnić D, Antonić S. Efikasnost rada harvestera u kulturama bora na području Deliblatske peščare. in Šumarstvo. 2021;73(3-4):53-63. conv_47 .
Danilović, Milorad, Ćirović, Vladimir, Stojnić, Dušan, Antonić, Slavica, "Efikasnost rada harvestera u kulturama bora na području Deliblatske peščare" in Šumarstvo, 73, no. 3-4 (2021):53-63, conv_47 .