Analiza uticaja pandemije korona virusa na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije
The analysis of the impact if the COVID-19 pandemic on business operations of wood industry companies in Serbia
Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja analiza uticaja pandemije izazvane korona virusom na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Republike Srbije. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrđivanje uticaja pandemije izazvane korona virusom na odvijanje proizvodnog procesa, obima proizvodnje, ekonomske rezultate poslovanja i poslovne planove preduzeća. Vremenski period istraživanja obuhvatio je period od sredine marta do kraja septembra 2020. godine, u kome je pandemija ovog virusa bila najizraženija. Preduzeća su klasifikovana prema veličini po kriterijumu broja zaposlenih. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja pokazuju da je negativan uticaj pandemije izazvane korona virusom bio izraženiji kod mikro i malih preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije, odnosno da je 43,75% preduzeća iz ove grupe obustavljalo proizvodni proces za vreme pandemije, dok je taj procenat kod srednjih i velikih preduzeća iznosio 18,75%. Osnovni problem sa kojim su se suočavala mikro i mala preduzeća za vreme pandemije je problem naplate robe, dok je najveći problem za srednja i velika preduzeća predstavljala nabavka potrebnih sirovina i materijala za proizvodnju.
This research subject of this paper is wood industry companies in the Republic of Serbia and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business operations. The research was aimed to determine the effects of the OVID-19 pandemic on the production process, production volume, business results, and business plans. The study comprised the time from mid-March to early October 2020 or the time of the pandemic crisis. The companies were classified by size. The criterion was the number of employees. Research results indicate that COVID-19 greatly affected micro and small companies in the wood industry of Serbia. During the pandemic, the production was brought to a halt in 43.75% of the companies belonging to this group. The percentage of middle and large companies that halted production was 18.75 [%]. The essential problem of micro and small companies during the COVID-19 pandemic was to collect payments for delivered goods. On the other hand, middle and large companies were mainly faced with... the disruption in the supply of necessary raw and production materials.
Кључне речи:
uticaj / problemi / preduzeća / pandemija / industrija / problems / pandemic / influence / industry / companiesИзвор:
Šumarstvo, 2020, 72, 3-4, 195-209Издавач:
- Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
Šumarski fakultetTY - JOUR AU - Kalem, Miljan AU - Lazarević, Aleksandra PY - 2020 UR - AB - Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja analiza uticaja pandemije izazvane korona virusom na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Republike Srbije. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrđivanje uticaja pandemije izazvane korona virusom na odvijanje proizvodnog procesa, obima proizvodnje, ekonomske rezultate poslovanja i poslovne planove preduzeća. Vremenski period istraživanja obuhvatio je period od sredine marta do kraja septembra 2020. godine, u kome je pandemija ovog virusa bila najizraženija. Preduzeća su klasifikovana prema veličini po kriterijumu broja zaposlenih. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja pokazuju da je negativan uticaj pandemije izazvane korona virusom bio izraženiji kod mikro i malih preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije, odnosno da je 43,75% preduzeća iz ove grupe obustavljalo proizvodni proces za vreme pandemije, dok je taj procenat kod srednjih i velikih preduzeća iznosio 18,75%. Osnovni problem sa kojim su se suočavala mikro i mala preduzeća za vreme pandemije predstavljao je problem naplate robe, dok je najveći problem za srednja i velika preduzeća predstavljala nabavka potrebnih sirovina i materijala za proizvodnju. AB - This research subject of this paper is wood industry companies in the Republic of Serbia and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business operations. The research was aimed to determine the effects of the OVID-19 pandemic on the production process, production volume, business results, and business plans. The study comprised the time from mid-March to early October 2020 or the time of the pandemic crisis. The companies were classified by size. The criterion was the number of employees. Research results indicate that COVID-19 greatly affected micro and small companies in the wood industry of Serbia. During the pandemic, the production was brought to a halt in 43.75% of the companies belonging to this group. The percentage of middle and large companies that halted production was 18.75 [%]. The essential problem of micro and small companies during the COVID-19 pandemic was to collect payments for delivered goods. On the other hand, middle and large companies were mainly faced with the disruption in the supply of necessary raw and production materials. PB - Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd T2 - Šumarstvo T1 - Analiza uticaja pandemije korona virusa na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije T1 - The analysis of the impact if the COVID-19 pandemic on business operations of wood industry companies in Serbia EP - 209 IS - 3-4 SP - 195 VL - 72 UR - conv_38 ER -
@article{ author = "Kalem, Miljan and Lazarević, Aleksandra", year = "2020", abstract = "Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja analiza uticaja pandemije izazvane korona virusom na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Republike Srbije. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrđivanje uticaja pandemije izazvane korona virusom na odvijanje proizvodnog procesa, obima proizvodnje, ekonomske rezultate poslovanja i poslovne planove preduzeća. Vremenski period istraživanja obuhvatio je period od sredine marta do kraja septembra 2020. godine, u kome je pandemija ovog virusa bila najizraženija. Preduzeća su klasifikovana prema veličini po kriterijumu broja zaposlenih. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja pokazuju da je negativan uticaj pandemije izazvane korona virusom bio izraženiji kod mikro i malih preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije, odnosno da je 43,75% preduzeća iz ove grupe obustavljalo proizvodni proces za vreme pandemije, dok je taj procenat kod srednjih i velikih preduzeća iznosio 18,75%. Osnovni problem sa kojim su se suočavala mikro i mala preduzeća za vreme pandemije predstavljao je problem naplate robe, dok je najveći problem za srednja i velika preduzeća predstavljala nabavka potrebnih sirovina i materijala za proizvodnju., This research subject of this paper is wood industry companies in the Republic of Serbia and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business operations. The research was aimed to determine the effects of the OVID-19 pandemic on the production process, production volume, business results, and business plans. The study comprised the time from mid-March to early October 2020 or the time of the pandemic crisis. The companies were classified by size. The criterion was the number of employees. Research results indicate that COVID-19 greatly affected micro and small companies in the wood industry of Serbia. During the pandemic, the production was brought to a halt in 43.75% of the companies belonging to this group. The percentage of middle and large companies that halted production was 18.75 [%]. The essential problem of micro and small companies during the COVID-19 pandemic was to collect payments for delivered goods. On the other hand, middle and large companies were mainly faced with the disruption in the supply of necessary raw and production materials.", publisher = "Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd", journal = "Šumarstvo", title = "Analiza uticaja pandemije korona virusa na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije, The analysis of the impact if the COVID-19 pandemic on business operations of wood industry companies in Serbia", pages = "209-195", number = "3-4", volume = "72", url = "conv_38" }
Kalem, M.,& Lazarević, A.. (2020). Analiza uticaja pandemije korona virusa na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije. in Šumarstvo Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd., 72(3-4), 195-209. conv_38
Kalem M, Lazarević A. Analiza uticaja pandemije korona virusa na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije. in Šumarstvo. 2020;72(3-4):195-209. conv_38 .
Kalem, Miljan, Lazarević, Aleksandra, "Analiza uticaja pandemije korona virusa na poslovanje preduzeća drvne industrije Srbije" in Šumarstvo, 72, no. 3-4 (2020):195-209, conv_38 .